Beispiel #1
TEST(TestHttpParser, General)
  HttpParser a;
  std::string str = "POST /path/script.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\n"
                   "From: [email protected]\r\n"
                   "User-Agent: XBMC/snapshot (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT"
                     " 4.0)\r\n"
                   "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
                   "Content-Length: 35\r\n"
  std::string refstr, varstr;

  EXPECT_EQ(a.Done, a.addBytes(str.c_str(), str.length()));

  refstr = "POST";
  varstr = a.getMethod();
  EXPECT_STREQ(refstr.c_str(), varstr.c_str());

  refstr = "/path/script.cgi";
  varstr = a.getUri();
  EXPECT_STREQ(refstr.c_str(), varstr.c_str());

  refstr = "";
  varstr = a.getQueryString();
  EXPECT_STREQ(refstr.c_str(), varstr.c_str());

  refstr = "home=amejia&favorite+flavor=orange\r\n";
  varstr = a.getBody();
  EXPECT_STREQ(refstr.c_str(), varstr.c_str());

  refstr = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
  varstr = a.getValue("content-type");
  EXPECT_STREQ(refstr.c_str(), varstr.c_str());

  EXPECT_EQ((unsigned)35, a.getContentLength());
Beispiel #2
bool CWebSocketV8::Handshake(const char* data, size_t length, std::string &response)
    string strHeader(data, length);
    const char *value;
    HttpParser header;
    if (header.addBytes(data, length) != HttpParser::Done)
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "WebSocket [hybi-10]: incomplete handshake received");
        return false;

    // The request must be GET
    value = header.getMethod();
    if (value == NULL || strnicmp(value, WS_HTTP_METHOD, strlen(WS_HTTP_METHOD)) != 0)
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "WebSocket [hybi-10]: invalid HTTP method received (GET expected)");
        return false;

    // The request must be HTTP/1.1 or higher
    int pos;
    if ((pos = strHeader.find(WS_HTTP_TAG)) == string::npos)
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "WebSocket [hybi-10]: invalid handshake received");
        return false;

    pos += strlen(WS_HTTP_TAG);
    istringstream converter(strHeader.substr(pos, strHeader.find_first_of(" \r\n\t", pos) - pos));
    float fVersion;
    converter >> fVersion;

    if (fVersion < 1.1f)
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "WebSocket [hybi-10]: invalid HTTP version %f (1.1 or higher expected)", fVersion);
        return false;

    string websocketKey, websocketProtocol;
    // There must be a "Host" header
    value = header.getValue("host");
    if (value == NULL || strlen(value) == 0)
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "WebSocket [hybi-10]: \"Host\" header missing");
        return true;

    // There must be a base64 encoded 16 byte (=> 24 byte as base64) "Sec-WebSocket-Key" header
    value = header.getValue(WS_HEADER_KEY_LC);
    if (value == NULL || (websocketKey = value).size() != 24)
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "WebSocket [hybi-10]: invalid \"Sec-WebSocket-Key\" received");
        return true;

    // There might be a "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol" header
    value = header.getValue(WS_HEADER_PROTOCOL_LC);
    if (value && strlen(value) > 0)
        CStdStringArray protocols;
        StringUtils::SplitString(value, ",", protocols);
        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < protocols.size(); index++)
            if (
                websocketProtocol = WS_PROTOCOL_JSONRPC;

    CHttpResponse httpResponse(HTTP::Get, HTTP::SwitchingProtocols, HTTP::Version1_1);
    httpResponse.AddHeader(WS_HEADER_ACCEPT, calculateKey(websocketKey));
    if (!websocketProtocol.empty())
        httpResponse.AddHeader(WS_HEADER_PROTOCOL, websocketProtocol);

    char *responseBuffer;
    int responseLength = httpResponse.Create(responseBuffer);
    response = std::string(responseBuffer, responseLength);

    m_state = WebSocketStateConnected;

    return true;