Beispiel #1
static JSString *
ValueToShortSource(JSContext *cx, const Value &v)
    JSString *str;

    /* Avoid toSource bloat and fallibility for object types. */
    if (!v.isObject())
        return js_ValueToSource(cx, v);

    JSObject *obj = &v.toObject();
    AutoCompartment ac(cx, obj);
    if (!ac.enter())
        return NULL;

    if (obj->isFunction()) {
         * XXX Avoid function decompilation bloat for now.
        str = JS_GetFunctionId(obj->getFunctionPrivate());
        if (!str && !(str = js_ValueToSource(cx, v))) {
             * Continue to soldier on if the function couldn't be
             * converted into a string.
            str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, "[unknown function]");
    } else {
         * XXX Avoid toString on objects, it takes too long and uses too much
         * memory, for too many classes (see Mozilla bug 166743).
        char buf[100];
        JS_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "[object %s]", obj->getClass()->name);
        str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, buf);


    if (!str || !cx->compartment->wrap(cx, &str))
        return NULL;
    return str;
stubs::Eval(VMFrame &f, uint32 argc)
    Value *vp = f.regs.sp - (argc + 2);

    JSObject *callee;
    JSFunction *fun;

    if (!IsFunctionObject(*vp, &callee) ||
        !IsBuiltinEvalFunction((fun = callee->getFunctionPrivate())))
        if (!Invoke(, InvokeArgsAlreadyOnTheStack(vp, argc), 0))

    JS_ASSERT(f.regs.fp ==>fp());
    if (!DirectEval(, fun, argc, vp))
DefineGlobals(JSContext *cx, GlobalScope &globalScope, JSScript *script)
    JSObject *globalObj = globalScope.globalObj;

    /* Define and update global properties. */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < globalScope.defs.length(); i++) {
        GlobalScope::GlobalDef &def = globalScope.defs[i];

        /* Names that could be resolved ahead of time can be skipped. */
        if (!def.atom)

        jsid id = ATOM_TO_JSID(def.atom);
        Value rval;

        if (def.funbox) {
            JSFunction *fun = def.funbox->function();

             * No need to check for redeclarations or anything, global
             * optimizations only take place if the property is not defined.
            types::AddTypePropertyId(cx, globalObj, id, rval);
        } else {

         * Don't update the type information when defining the property for the
         * global object, per the consistency rules for type properties. If the
         * property is only undefined before it is ever written, we can check
         * the global directly during compilation and avoid having to emit type
         * checks every time it is accessed in the script.
        const Shape *shape =
            DefineNativeProperty(cx, globalObj, id, rval, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub,
                                 JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT, 0, 0, DNP_SKIP_TYPE);
        if (!shape)
            return false;
        def.knownSlot = shape->slot;

    Vector<JSScript *, 16> worklist(cx);
    if (!worklist.append(script))
        return false;

     * Recursively walk through all scripts we just compiled. For each script,
     * go through all global uses. Each global use indexes into globalScope->defs.
     * Use this information to repoint each use to the correct slot in the global
     * object.
    while (worklist.length()) {
        JSScript *outer = worklist.back();

        if (JSScript::isValidOffset(outer->objectsOffset)) {
            JSObjectArray *arr = outer->objects();

             * If this is an eval script, don't treat the saved caller function
             * stored in the first object slot as an inner function.
            size_t start = outer->savedCallerFun ? 1 : 0;

            for (size_t i = start; i < arr->length; i++) {
                JSObject *obj = arr->vector[i];
                if (!obj->isFunction())
                JSFunction *fun = obj->getFunctionPrivate();
                JSScript *inner = fun->script();
                if (outer->isHeavyweightFunction) {
                    outer->isOuterFunction = true;
                    inner->isInnerFunction = true;
                if (!JSScript::isValidOffset(inner->globalsOffset) &&
                    !JSScript::isValidOffset(inner->objectsOffset)) {
                if (!worklist.append(inner))
                    return false;

        if (!JSScript::isValidOffset(outer->globalsOffset))

        GlobalSlotArray *globalUses = outer->globals();
        uint32 nGlobalUses = globalUses->length;
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < nGlobalUses; i++) {
            uint32 index = globalUses->vector[i].slot;
            JS_ASSERT(index < globalScope.defs.length());
            globalUses->vector[i].slot = globalScope.defs[index].knownSlot;

    return true;
mjit::Compiler::inlineNativeFunction(uint32 argc, bool callingNew)
    if (!cx->typeInferenceEnabled())
        return Compile_InlineAbort;

    if (applyTricks == LazyArgsObj)
        return Compile_InlineAbort;

    FrameEntry *origCallee = frame.peek(-((int)argc + 2));
    FrameEntry *thisValue = frame.peek(-((int)argc + 1));
    types::TypeSet *thisTypes = analysis->poppedTypes(PC, argc);

    if (!origCallee->isConstant() || !origCallee->isType(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT))
        return Compile_InlineAbort;

    JSObject *callee = &origCallee->getValue().toObject();
    if (!callee->isFunction())
        return Compile_InlineAbort;

     * The callee must have the same parent as the script's global, otherwise
     * inference may not have accounted for any side effects correctly.
    if (!globalObj || globalObj != callee->getGlobal())
        return Compile_InlineAbort;

    JSFunction *fun = callee->getFunctionPrivate();
    Native native = fun->maybeNative();

    if (!native)
        return Compile_InlineAbort;

    JSValueType type = knownPushedType(0);
    JSValueType thisType = thisValue->isTypeKnown()
                           ? thisValue->getKnownType()
                           : JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;

     * Note: when adding new natives which operate on properties, add relevant
     * constraint generation to the behavior of TypeConstraintCall.

    /* Handle natives that can be called either with or without 'new'. */

    if (native == js_Array && type == JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT && globalObj) {
        if (argc == 0 || argc == 1)
            return compileArrayWithLength(argc);
        return compileArrayWithArgs(argc);

    /* Remaining natives must not be called with 'new'. */
    if (callingNew)
        return Compile_InlineAbort;

    if (argc == 0) {
        if (native == js::array_pop && thisType == JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT) {
             * Only inline pop() on dense arrays which have never been used in
             * an iterator --- when popping elements we don't account for
             * suppressing deleted properties in active iterators.
             * Constraints propagating properties directly into the result
             * type set are generated by TypeConstraintCall during inference.
            if (!thisTypes->hasObjectFlags(cx, types::OBJECT_FLAG_NON_DENSE_ARRAY |
                                           types::OBJECT_FLAG_ITERATED) &&
                !arrayPrototypeHasIndexedProperty()) {
                bool packed = !thisTypes->hasObjectFlags(cx, types::OBJECT_FLAG_NON_PACKED_ARRAY);
                return compileArrayPop(thisValue, packed);
    } else if (argc == 1) {
        FrameEntry *arg = frame.peek(-1);
        JSValueType argType = arg->isTypeKnown() ? arg->getKnownType() : JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;

        if (native == js_math_abs) {
            if (argType == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32 && type == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32)
                return compileMathAbsInt(arg);

            if (argType == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE && type == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE)
                return compileMathAbsDouble(arg);
        if (native == js_math_floor && argType == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE &&
            type == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32) {
            return compileRound(arg, Floor);
        if (native == js_math_round && argType == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE &&
            type == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32) {
            return compileRound(arg, Round);
        if (native == js_math_sqrt && type == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE &&
            (argType == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32 || argType == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
            return compileMathSqrt(arg);
        if (native == js_str_charCodeAt && argType == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32 &&
            thisType == JSVAL_TYPE_STRING && type == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32) {
            return compileGetChar(thisValue, arg, GetCharCode);
        if (native == js_str_charAt && argType == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32 &&
            thisType == JSVAL_TYPE_STRING && type == JSVAL_TYPE_STRING) {
            return compileGetChar(thisValue, arg, GetChar);
        if (native == js::array_push &&
            thisType == JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT && type == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32) {
             * Constraints propagating properties into the 'this' object are
             * generated by TypeConstraintCall during inference.
            if (!thisTypes->hasObjectFlags(cx, types::OBJECT_FLAG_NON_DENSE_ARRAY) &&
                !arrayPrototypeHasIndexedProperty()) {
                return compileArrayPush(thisValue, arg);
    } else if (argc == 2) {
        FrameEntry *arg1 = frame.peek(-2);
        FrameEntry *arg2 = frame.peek(-1);

        JSValueType arg1Type = arg1->isTypeKnown() ? arg1->getKnownType() : JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
        JSValueType arg2Type = arg2->isTypeKnown() ? arg2->getKnownType() : JSVAL_TYPE_UNKNOWN;

        if (native == js_math_pow && type == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE &&
            (arg1Type == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE || arg1Type == JSVAL_TYPE_INT32) &&
            arg2Type == JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE && arg2->isConstant())
            Value arg2Value = arg2->getValue();
            if (arg2Value.toDouble() == -0.5 || arg2Value.toDouble() == 0.5)
                return compileMathPowSimple(arg1, arg2);
    return Compile_InlineAbort;