Beispiel #1
  * @brief Add a list of kernel files to internal storage
  * Specialized inserter of images into exist container.
  * @param klist List to add to existing collection
 void Kernels::addKernels(const KernelList &klist) {
   copy(klist.begin(), klist.end(), back_inserter(_kernels));
// write stringified cl source wrapped in function that also builds it
void GenerateWrappers(const string& in_inFileName, const string& in_outFileName,
    const StringList& in_includePaths)
    // read the whole source file in as a single string
    ifstream inFile(in_inFileName.c_str());
    if (!inFile.is_open())
        string error("File not found: ");
        error += in_inFileName;
    string src((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(inFile)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());

    StringList sources; // list of source strings, the original and all #includes
    KernelList kernels; // kernels and their arguments

    // scan through source for kernels and #includes
    // recursively search all included files
    ProcessSource(src, in_includePaths, sources, kernels);

    string header = GetHeader(in_outFileName);
    string getProgramName = CLU_PREFIX "Get_" + header;

    ofstream outFile(in_outFileName.c_str());
    if (!outFile.is_open())
        string error("File could not be opened for writing: ");
        error += in_outFileName;

    // helpful comments
    if( g_generateCPP ) 
        outFile <<
            "/* CLU GENERATED */" << endl <<
            "/* All structures and functions generated by CLU start with " << CLU_PREFIX << " */" << endl <<
            "/*" << endl <<
            "Typical Usage:" << endl << 
            "    auto kernelFunctorName = clugCreate_MyKernelName();" << endl <<
            "    kernelFunctorName(" << endl <<
            "        cl::EnqueueArgs(cl::NDRange(numElements), cl::NDRange(numElements)), ...);" << endl << endl <<
            "Exports:" << endl;
        for_each(kernels.begin(), kernels.end(), WriteCPPExports(outFile));
        outFile <<
            "/* CLU GENERATED */" << endl <<
            "/* All structures and functions generated by CLU start with " << CLU_PREFIX << " */" << endl <<
            "/*" << endl <<
            "Typical Usage:" << endl << endl <<
            "    " CLU_PREFIX "MyKernelName s = " CLU_PREFIX_CREATE "MyKernelName(0);" << endl <<
            "    clu_enqueue_params params = CLU_DEFAULT_PARAMS;" << endl <<
            "    params.nd_range = CLU_ND1(bufferLength);" << endl <<
            "    status = " CLU_PREFIX_ENQUEUE "MyKernel(s, &params, ...);" << endl << endl <<
            "Exports:" << endl;
            for_each(kernels.begin(), kernels.end(), WriteExports(outFile));

    outFile <<
        "*/" << endl << endl;

    // #pragma once
    if( g_generateCPP ) 
        outFile <<
            "#include <CL/cl.hpp>" << endl <<
            "#include <functional>" << endl <<
            "#ifndef __" << header.c_str() << endl <<
            "#define __" << header.c_str() << endl << endl;

        // function to build program from stringified sources
        outFile <<
            "cl::Program " << getProgramName << "(const cl::Context &creationContext)" << endl <<
            "{" << endl <<
            "    static const char* src[" << sources.size() << "] = {";

        for_each(sources.begin(), sources.end(), WriteSourceString(outFile));

        outFile << endl <<
            "    };" << endl;
            // TODO: Expand to make this accept more than one source string

        outFile << "    cl::Program::Sources sourceList;" << endl;
        for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sources.size(); ++i ) {
            outFile << "    sourceList.push_back(" << endl <<
                "        std::pair<const char*, ::size_t>(src[" << i << "], strlen(src[" << i << "]))";
            if( i < (sources.size() - 1) ) {
                outFile << ", " << endl;
        outFile << ");" << endl;
        outFile <<
            "    cl::Program program = cl::Program(creationContext, sourceList);" << endl <<
            ";" << endl <<
            "    return program;" << endl <<
            "}" << endl << endl;

        for_each(kernels.begin(), kernels.end(), WriteCPPKernelWrapper(outFile, getProgramName));

        outFile << "#endif" << endl << endl;
        outFile <<
            "#include <clu.h>" << endl <<
            "#ifndef __" << header.c_str() << endl <<
            "#define __" << header.c_str() << endl << endl;

        // function to build program from stringified sources
        outFile <<
            "/* This function is shared by all " CLU_PREFIX_CREATE "* functions below */" << endl <<
            "CLU_INLINE cl_program " << getProgramName << "(cl_int* out_pStatus)" << endl <<
            "{" << endl <<
            "    static const char* src[" << sources.size() << "] = {";

        for_each(sources.begin(), sources.end(), WriteSourceString(outFile));

        outFile << endl <<
            "    };" << endl <<
            "    /* CLU will only build this program the first time */" << endl <<
            "    /* CLU will release this program upon shutdown (cluRelease) */" << endl <<
            // pass a flag to the build API so it will know to manage the lifetime of the resulting cl_program
            "    cl_program program = cluBuildSourceArray(" << sources.size() << ", src, 0, \"" << CLU_MAGIC_BUILD_FLAG << "\", out_pStatus);" << endl <<
            "    return program;" << endl <<
            "}" << endl << endl;

        for_each(kernels.begin(), kernels.end(), WriteKernelWrapper(outFile, getProgramName));

        outFile << "#endif" << endl << endl;


    if (g_verbose)
        cerr << "kernels found: ";
        for (KernelList::iterator i = kernels.begin(); i != kernels.end(); i++)
            if (i != kernels.begin()) cerr << ", ";
            cerr << i->m_kernelName;
        cerr << endl;