Beispiel #1
void FoundPublicGames::OnCommand( const char *command )
	if( V_strcmp( command, "CreateGame" ) == 0 )
		if ( !CanCreateGame() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_INVALID );

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
			" network LIVE "
			" access friends "
			" } "
			" game { "
			" mode = "
			" campaign = "
			" mission = "
			" } "
			" options { "
			" action create "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		char const *szGameMode = "campaign";
		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szGameMode );
		pSettings->SetString( "game/campaign", "jacob" );
		pSettings->SetString( "game/mission", "asi-jac1-landingbay_01" );

		if ( !CUIGameData::Get()->SignedInToLive() )
			pSettings->SetString( "system/network", "lan" );
			pSettings->SetString( "system/access", "public" );

		if ( StringHasPrefix( szGameMode, "team" ) )
			pSettings->SetString( "system/netflag", "teamlobby" );
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( "custommatch", m_pDataSettings->GetString( "options/action", "" ) ) )
			pSettings->SetString( "system/access", "public" );

		// TCR: We need to respect the default difficulty
		pSettings->SetString( "game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( szGameMode ) );

		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_ACCEPT );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GAMESETTINGS, NULL, true, pSettings );
	else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "StartCustomMatchSearch" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() ||
			CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotSignedInToLive( this ) )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_DENY );

		KeyValues *pSettings = NULL;
		bool bDefaultSettings = true;
		if ( FoundGameListItem* gameListItem = static_cast<FoundGameListItem*>( m_GplGames->GetSelectedPanelItem() ) )
			pSettings = gameListItem->GetFullInfo().mpGameDetails;

		if ( !pSettings )
			pSettings = new KeyValues( "settings" );
			pSettings = pSettings->MakeCopy();
			bDefaultSettings = false;

		// Take ownership of allocated/copied keyvalues
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );
		char const *szGameMode = m_pDataSettings->GetString( "game/mode", "campaign" );

		pSettings->SetString( "system/network", "LIVE" );
		pSettings->SetString( "system/access", "public" );
		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szGameMode );
		pSettings->SetString( "options/action", "custommatch" );

		// TCR: We need to respect the default difficulty
		if ( bDefaultSettings && GameModeHasDifficulty( szGameMode ) )
			pSettings->SetString( "game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( szGameMode ) );

		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_ACCEPT );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GAMESETTINGS, NULL, true, pSettings );
	else if ( char const *filterDifficulty = StringAfterPrefix( command, "filter_difficulty_" ) )
		ui_public_lobby_filter_difficulty2.SetValue( filterDifficulty );
	else if ( char const *filterOnslaught = StringAfterPrefix( command, "filter_onslaught_" ) )
		ui_public_lobby_filter_onslaught.SetValue( filterOnslaught );
	else if ( char const *filterCampaign = StringAfterPrefix( command, "filter_campaign_" ) )
		ui_public_lobby_filter_campaign.SetValue( filterCampaign );
	else if ( char const *filterGamestatus = StringAfterPrefix( command, "filter_status_" ) )
		ui_public_lobby_filter_status.SetValue( filterGamestatus );
	else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "InstallSupport" ) )
		// install the add-on support package
		// App ID for the legacy addon data is 564
		ShellExecute ( 0, "open", "steam://install/564", NULL, 0, SW_SHOW );
		BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
// Purpose: Checks to see if any text has changed
void BuildModeDialog::OnTextChanged( Panel *panel )
	if (panel == m_pFileSelectionCombo)
		// reload file if it's changed
		char newFile[512];
		m_pFileSelectionCombo->GetText(newFile, sizeof(newFile));

		if (stricmp(newFile, m_pBuildGroup->GetResourceName()) != 0)
			// file has changed, reload

	if (panel == m_pAddNewControlCombo)
		char buf[40];
		m_pAddNewControlCombo->GetText(buf, 40);
		if (stricmp(buf, "None") != 0)
			// reset box back to None
			m_pAddNewControlCombo->ActivateItemByRow( 0 );

	if ( panel == m_pEditableChildren )
		KeyValues *kv = m_pEditableChildren->GetActiveItemUserData();
		if ( kv )
			EditablePanel *ep = reinterpret_cast< EditablePanel * >( kv->GetPtr( "ptr" ) );
			if ( ep )

	if ( panel == m_pEditableParents )
		KeyValues *kv = m_pEditableParents->GetActiveItemUserData();
		if ( kv )
			EditablePanel *ep = reinterpret_cast< EditablePanel * >( kv->GetPtr( "ptr" ) );
			if ( ep )

	if (m_pCurrentPanel && m_pCurrentPanel->IsBuildModeEditable())
	if (_autoUpdate) 
// Purpose: Applies the current settings to the build controls
void BuildModeDialog::ApplyDataToControls()
	// don't apply if the panel is not editable
	if ( !m_pCurrentPanel->IsBuildModeEditable())
		UpdateControlData( m_pCurrentPanel );
		return; // return success, since we are behaving as expected.

	char fieldName[512];
	if (m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[0].m_EditPanel)
		m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[0].m_EditPanel->GetText(fieldName, sizeof(fieldName));
		m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[0].m_EditButton->GetText(fieldName, sizeof(fieldName));

	// check to see if any buildgroup panels have this name
	Panel *panel = m_pBuildGroup->FieldNameTaken(fieldName);
	if (panel)
		if (panel != m_pCurrentPanel)// make sure name is taken by some other panel not this one
			char messageString[255];
			Q_snprintf(messageString, sizeof( messageString ), "Fieldname is not unique: %s\nRename it and try again.", fieldName);
			MessageBox *errorBox = new MessageBox("Cannot Apply", messageString);

	// create a section to store settings
	// m_pPanelList->m_pResourceData->getSection( m_pCurrentPanel->GetName(), true );
	KeyValues *dat = new KeyValues( m_pCurrentPanel->GetName() );

	// loop through the textedit filling in settings
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList->m_PanelList.Count(); i++ )
		const char *name = m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_szName;
		char buf[512];
		if (m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditPanel)
			m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditPanel->GetText(buf, sizeof(buf));
			m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_EditButton->GetText(buf, sizeof(buf));

		switch (m_pPanelList->m_PanelList[i].m_iType)
			// the integer value is assumed to be the first part of the string for these items
			dat->SetInt(name, atoi(buf));

			dat->SetString(name, buf);

	// dat is built, hand it back to the control
	m_pCurrentPanel->ApplySettings( dat );

	if ( m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel() )

Beispiel #4
bool CHalfLife2::ShowVGUIMenu(int client, const char *name, KeyValues *data, bool show)
	KeyValues *SubKey = NULL;
	int count = 0;
	cell_t players[] = {client};

	CUserMsg_VGUIMenu *pMsg;
	if ((pMsg = (CUserMsg_VGUIMenu *)g_UserMsgs.StartProtobufMessage(m_VGUIMenu, players, 1, USERMSG_RELIABLE)) == NULL)
		return false;
	CCSUsrMsg_VGUIMenu *pMsg;
	if ((pMsg = (CCSUsrMsg_VGUIMenu *)g_UserMsgs.StartProtobufMessage(m_VGUIMenu, players, 1, USERMSG_RELIABLE)) == NULL)
		return false;
	bf_write *pBitBuf = NULL;
	if ((pBitBuf = g_UserMsgs.StartBitBufMessage(m_VGUIMenu, players, 1, USERMSG_RELIABLE)) == NULL)
		return false;

	if (data)
		SubKey = data->GetFirstSubKey();
		while (SubKey)
			SubKey = SubKey->GetNextKey();
		SubKey = data->GetFirstSubKey();


	while (SubKey)
		CUserMsg_VGUIMenu_Keys *key = pMsg->add_keys();
		SubKey = SubKey->GetNextKey();

	while (SubKey)
		CCSUsrMsg_VGUIMenu_Subkey *key = pMsg->add_subkeys();
		SubKey = SubKey->GetNextKey();
	pBitBuf->WriteByte((show) ? 1 : 0);
	while (SubKey)
		SubKey = SubKey->GetNextKey();


	return true;
Beispiel #5
void CLeaderboardsStats::OnPlayerStats(KeyValues* kv)
    KeyValues *pData = kv->FindKey("data");
    KeyValues *pErr = kv->FindKey("error");
    if (pData)
        // int mtotal = -1; // MOM_TODO

        // int grank = -1; // MOM_TODO
        // int gtotal = -1; // MOM_TODO

        KeyValues *pMapRank = pData->FindKey("mapRank");
        if (pMapRank)
            int iMapRank = pMapRank->GetInt("rank", -1);
            if (iMapRank == -1)
                pMapRank->SetWString("mRank", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_NotApplicable"));
                pMapRank->SetInt("mRank", iMapRank);

            const auto iRankXP = pMapRank->GetInt("rankXP", -1);
            if (iRankXP == -1)
                pMapRank->SetWString("rankXP", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_NotApplicable"));
                pMapRank->SetInt("rankXP", iRankXP);

            pMapRank->SetWString("time", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_NotApplicable"));
            KeyValues *pRun = pMapRank->FindKey("run");
            if (pRun)
                float seconds = pRun->GetFloat("time");
                if (seconds > 0.0f)
                    char sPersonalBestTime[BUFSIZETIME];
                    MomUtil::FormatTime(seconds, sPersonalBestTime);
                    pMapRank->SetString("time", sPersonalBestTime);

        KeyValues *pUserStats = pData->FindKey("stats");
        if (pUserStats)
            // MOM_TODO: fill in these
            // grank = static_cast<int>(pExperience->GetFloat("rank"));
            // gtotal = static_cast<int>(pExperience->GetFloat("total"));

            m_pPlayerLevel->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_Level"), pUserStats));
            m_pPlayerCosXP->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_CosXP"), pUserStats));
            m_pMapsCompleted->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_MapsCompleted"), pUserStats));
            m_pRunsSubmitted->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_RunsSubmitted"), pUserStats));
            m_pTotalJumps->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_TotalJumps"), pUserStats));
            m_pTotalStrafes->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_TotalStrafes"), pUserStats));

        m_pPlayerMapRank->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_MapRank"), pMapRank));
        m_pPlayerRankXP->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_RankXP"), pMapRank));
        m_pPlayerPersonalBest->SetText(CConstructLocalizedString(g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("MOM_PersonalBestTime"), pMapRank));

        /*if (grank > -1 && gtotal > -1)
            char p_sGlobalRank[BUFSIZELOCL];
            char p_sLocalized[BUFSIZELOCL];
            LOCALIZE_TOKEN(p_wcGlobalRank, "MOM_GlobalRank", p_sGlobalRank);
            Q_snprintf(p_sLocalized, BUFSIZELOCL, "%s: %i/%i", p_sGlobalRank, grank, gtotal);
    else if (pErr)
        // MOM_TODO: Handle errors
void CustomCampaigns::OnItemSelected( const char* panelName )
	CustomCampaignListItem *pSelectedItem = static_cast< CustomCampaignListItem * >( m_GplCustomCampaigns->GetSelectedPanelItem() );
	if ( !pSelectedItem )

	KeyValues *pAllMissions = g_pMatchExtSwarm->GetAllMissions();
	if ( !pAllMissions )

	char const *szGameMode = m_pDataSettings->GetString( "game/mode", "campaign" );

	KeyValues *pMission = pAllMissions->FindKey( pSelectedItem->GetCampaignContext() );
	KeyValues *pFirstChapter = pAllMissions->FindKey( CFmtStr( "%s/modes/%s/1", pSelectedItem->GetCampaignContext(), szGameMode ) );
	if ( !pFirstChapter || !pMission )

	const char *missionImage = pFirstChapter->GetString( "image" );
	const char *missionDesc = pMission->GetString( "description" );
	const char *campaignAuthor = pMission->GetString( "author" );
	const char *campaignWebsite = pMission->GetString( "website" );

	wchar_t finalString[MAX_PATH] = L"";
	wchar_t convertedString[MAX_PATH] = L"";

	if( m_lblAuthor )
		if ( campaignAuthor )
			const wchar_t * authorFormat = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_CustomCampaign_Author" );
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( campaignAuthor, convertedString, sizeof( convertedString ) );
			if ( authorFormat )
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( finalString, sizeof( finalString ), authorFormat, 1, convertedString );
				m_lblAuthor->SetText( finalString );
			m_lblAuthor->SetVisible( true );
			m_lblAuthor->SetVisible( false );

	if( m_lblWebsite )
		if ( campaignWebsite )
			const wchar_t * websiteFormat = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#L4D360UI_CustomCampaign_Website" );
			g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( campaignWebsite, convertedString, sizeof( convertedString ) );
			if ( websiteFormat )
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( finalString, sizeof( finalString ), websiteFormat, 1, convertedString );
				m_lblWebsite->SetText( finalString );
			m_lblWebsite->SetVisible( true );
			m_lblWebsite->SetVisible( false );

	if( m_lblDescription )
		if ( missionDesc )
			m_lblDescription->SetText( missionDesc );
			m_lblDescription->SetVisible( true );
			m_lblDescription->SetVisible( false );

	if ( m_imgLevelImage )
		m_imgLevelImage->SetVisible( true );
		if( missionImage )
			m_imgLevelImage->SetImage( missionImage );
			m_imgLevelImage->SetImage( "swarm/MissionPics/addonMissionPic" );
Beispiel #7
void FileWeaponInfo_t::Parse( KeyValues *pKeyValuesData, const char *szWeaponName )
	// Okay, we tried at least once to look this up...
	bParsedScript = true;

	// Classname
	Q_strncpy( szClassName, szWeaponName, MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	// Printable name
	Q_strncpy( szPrintName, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "printname", WEAPON_PRINTNAME_MISSING ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	// View model & world model
	Q_strncpy( szViewModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "viewmodel" ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	Q_strncpy( szWorldModel, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "playermodel" ), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	Q_strncpy( szAnimationPrefix, pKeyValuesData->GetString( "anim_prefix" ), MAX_WEAPON_PREFIX );
	Q_strncpy( szWeaponType, pKeyValuesData->GetString("weapon_type"), MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
	iSlot = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket", 0 );
	iPosition = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket_position", 0 );
	// Use the console (X360) buckets if hud_fastswitch is set to 2.
	if ( hud_fastswitch.GetInt() == 2 )
	if ( IsX360() )
		iSlot = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket_360", iSlot );
		iPosition = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "bucket_position_360", iPosition );
	iMaxClip1 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "clip_size", WEAPON_NOCLIP );					// Max primary clips gun can hold (assume they don't use clips by default)
	iMaxClip2 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "clip2_size", WEAPON_NOCLIP );					// Max secondary clips gun can hold (assume they don't use clips by default)
	iDefaultClip1 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "default_clip", iMaxClip1 );		// amount of primary ammo placed in the primary clip when it's picked up
	iDefaultClip2 = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "default_clip2", iMaxClip2 );		// amount of secondary ammo placed in the secondary clip when it's picked up
	iWeight = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "weight", 0 );

	iRumbleEffect = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "rumble", -1 );
	// LAME old way to specify item flags.
	// Weapon scripts should use the flag names.
	iFlags = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "item_flags", ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD );

	for ( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_ItemFlags ); i++ )
		int iVal = pKeyValuesData->GetInt( g_ItemFlags[i].m_pFlagName, -1 );
		if ( iVal == 0 )
			iFlags &= ~g_ItemFlags[i].m_iFlagValue;
		else if ( iVal == 1 )
			iFlags |= g_ItemFlags[i].m_iFlagValue;

	bShowUsageHint = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "showusagehint", 0 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	bAutoSwitchTo = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "autoswitchto", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	bAutoSwitchFrom = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "autoswitchfrom", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bBuiltRightHanded = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "BuiltRightHanded", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bAllowFlipping = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "AllowFlipping", 1 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bMeleeWeapon = ( pKeyValuesData->GetInt( "MeleeWeapon", 0 ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
	m_bUseMagStyleReloads = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("MagazineStyledReloads", 0) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bUseMuzzleSmoke = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("UseMuzzleSmoke", 0) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bUseIronsight = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("useironsights", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bLowerWeapon = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("LowerWeapon", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
	m_bUseIronsightCrosshair = (pKeyValuesData->GetInt("useironsightcrosshair", 1) != 0) ? true : false;

#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(HL2_CLIENT_DLL)
	// make sure two weapons aren't in the same slot & position
	if ( iSlot >= MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS ||
		Warning( "Invalid weapon slot or position [slot %d/%d max], pos[%d/%d max]\n",
			iSlot, MAX_WEAPON_SLOTS - 1, iPosition, MAX_WEAPON_POSITIONS - 1 );
		if (g_bUsedWeaponSlots[iSlot][iPosition])
			Warning( "Duplicately assigned weapon slots in selection hud:  %s (%d, %d)\n", szPrintName, iSlot, iPosition );
		g_bUsedWeaponSlots[iSlot][iPosition] = true;

	// Primary ammo used 
	cAmmoType = pKeyValuesData->GetString("primary_ammo", "None");
	if (strcmp("None", cAmmoType) == 0)
		Q_strncpy( szAmmo1, "", sizeof( szAmmo1 ) );
		Q_strncpy(szAmmo1, cAmmoType, sizeof(szAmmo1));
	iAmmoType = GetAmmoDef()->Index( szAmmo1 );
	// Secondary ammo used
	cAmmo2Type = pKeyValuesData->GetString("secondary_ammo", "None");
	if (strcmp("None", cAmmo2Type) == 0)
		Q_strncpy( szAmmo2, "", sizeof( szAmmo2 ) );
		Q_strncpy(szAmmo2, cAmmo2Type, sizeof(szAmmo2));
	iAmmo2Type = GetAmmoDef()->Index( szAmmo2 );

	KeyValues *pSights = pKeyValuesData->FindKey("IronSight");
	if (pSights)
		vecIronsightPosOffset.x = pSights->GetFloat("forward", 0.0f);
		vecIronsightPosOffset.y = pSights->GetFloat("right", 0.0f);
		vecIronsightPosOffset.z = pSights->GetFloat("up", 0.0f);

		angIronsightAngOffset[PITCH] = pSights->GetFloat("pitch", 0.0f);
		angIronsightAngOffset[YAW] = pSights->GetFloat("yaw", 0.0f);
		angIronsightAngOffset[ROLL] = pSights->GetFloat("roll", 0.0f);

		flIronsightFOVOffset = pSights->GetFloat("fov", 0.0f);
		//m_bUseIronsight = false;
		vecIronsightPosOffset = vec3_origin;

	KeyValues *pAdjust = pKeyValuesData->FindKey("Adjust");
	if (pAdjust)
		vecAdjustPosOffset.x = pAdjust->GetFloat("forward", 0.0f);
		vecAdjustPosOffset.y = pAdjust->GetFloat("right", 0.0f);
		vecAdjustPosOffset.z = pAdjust->GetFloat("up", 0.0f);

		angAdjustAngOffset[PITCH] = pAdjust->GetFloat("pitch", 0.0f);
		angAdjustAngOffset[YAW] = pAdjust->GetFloat("yaw", 0.0f);
		angAdjustAngOffset[ROLL] = pAdjust->GetFloat("roll", 0.0f);
		vecAdjustPosOffset = vec3_origin;

	KeyValues *pWeaponSpec = pKeyValuesData->FindKey("WeaponSpec");
	if (pWeaponSpec)
		KeyValues *pWeaponOptions = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("WeaponOptions");
		if (pWeaponOptions)
			m_sWeaponOptions = true;
			m_sCanReloadSingly = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("CanReloadSingly", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sDualWeapons = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("DualWeapons", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sCustomMelee = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("IsMelee", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sCustomMeleeSecondary = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("SecondaryCanMelee", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sWeaponOptions = false;

		KeyValues *pPrimaryFire = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("PrimaryFire");
		if (pPrimaryFire)
			m_sHasPrimaryFire = true;
			m_sPrimaryFireRate = pPrimaryFire->GetFloat("FireRate", 1.0f);
			m_sPrimaryIronsightFireRate = pPrimaryFire->GetFloat("IronsightFireRate", m_sPrimaryFireRate);
			m_sPrimaryZoomFireRate = pPrimaryFire->GetFloat("ZoomFireRate", m_sPrimaryFireRate);
			m_sPrimaryInfiniteAmmoEnabled = (pPrimaryFire->GetInt("InfiniteAmmo", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sPrimaryMinRange = pPrimaryFire->GetInt("MinRange", 0);
			m_sPrimaryMinRange = pPrimaryFire->GetInt("MaxRange", 0);
			m_sCanPrimaryFireUnderwater = (pPrimaryFire->GetInt("CanFireUnderwater", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sFireBothOnPrimary = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("FireBothGuns", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			KeyValues *pBullet1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("Bullet");
			if (pBullet1)
				m_sPrimaryBulletEnabled = true;
				m_sPrimaryDamage = pBullet1->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
				m_sPrimaryShotCount = pBullet1->GetInt("ShotCount", 0);

				KeyValues *pSpread1 = pBullet1->FindKey("Spread");
				if (pSpread1)
					m_vPrimarySpread.x = sin((pSpread1->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimarySpread.y = sin((pSpread1->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimarySpread.z = sin((pSpread1->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimarySpread.x = 0.0f;
					m_vPrimarySpread.y = 0.0f;
					m_vPrimarySpread.z = 0.0f;

				KeyValues *pIronsightSpread1 = pBullet1->FindKey("IronsightSpread");
				if (pIronsightSpread1)
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.x = sin((pIronsightSpread1->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.y = sin((pIronsightSpread1->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.z = sin((pIronsightSpread1->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.x = m_vPrimarySpread.x;
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.y = m_vPrimarySpread.y;
					m_vPrimaryIronsightSpread.z = m_vPrimarySpread.z;

				KeyValues *pZoomSpread1 = pBullet1->FindKey("ZoomSpread");
				if (pZoomSpread1)
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.x = sin((pZoomSpread1->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.y = sin((pZoomSpread1->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.z = sin((pZoomSpread1->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.x = m_vPrimarySpread.x;
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.y = m_vPrimarySpread.y;
					m_vPrimaryZoomSpread.z = m_vPrimarySpread.z;
				m_sPrimaryDamage = 0.0f;
				m_sPrimaryShotCount = 0;
				m_sPrimaryBulletEnabled = false;

			KeyValues *pMissle1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("Missle");
			if (pMissle1) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sPrimaryMissleEnabled = true;
				m_sPrimaryHasRecoilRPGMissle = (pMissle1->GetInt("UseRecoil", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
				m_sPrimaryMissleEnabled = false;

			KeyValues *pSMGGrenade1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("SMGGrenade");
			if (pSMGGrenade1) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sPrimarySMGGrenadeEnabled = true;
				m_sSMGGrenadePrimaryDamage = pSMGGrenade1->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
				m_sPrimaryHasRecoilSMGGrenade = (pSMGGrenade1->GetInt("UseRecoil", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
				m_sPrimarySMGGrenadeEnabled = false;
				m_sSMGGrenadePrimaryDamage = 0.0;

			KeyValues *pAR2EnergyBall1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("AR2EnergyBall");
			if (pAR2EnergyBall1) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sPrimaryAR2EnergyBallEnabled = true;
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallRadius = pAR2EnergyBall1->GetFloat("Radius", 0);
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallMass = pAR2EnergyBall1->GetFloat("Mass", 0);
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallDuration = pAR2EnergyBall1->GetFloat("Duration", 0);
				m_sPrimaryAR2EnergyBallEnabled = false;
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallRadius = 0.0;
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallMass = 0.0;
				m_sPrimaryCombineBallDuration = 0.0;

			KeyValues *pRecoil1 = pPrimaryFire->FindKey("Recoil");
			if (pRecoil1) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sPrimaryRecoilEasyDampen = pRecoil1->GetFloat("EasyDampen", 0);
				m_sPrimaryRecoilDegrees = pRecoil1->GetFloat("Degrees", 0);
				m_sPrimaryRecoilSeconds = pRecoil1->GetFloat("Seconds", 0);
				m_sPrimaryRecoilEasyDampen = 0.0;
				m_sPrimaryRecoilDegrees = 0.0;
				m_sPrimaryRecoilSeconds = 0.0;
			m_sHasPrimaryFire = false;

		KeyValues *pSecondaryFire = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("SecondaryFire");
		if (pSecondaryFire)
			m_sHasSecondaryFire = true;
			m_sSecondaryFireRate = pSecondaryFire->GetFloat("FireRate", 1.0f);
			m_sSecondaryIronsightFireRate = pSecondaryFire->GetFloat("IronsightFireRate", m_sSecondaryFireRate);
			m_sSecondaryZoomFireRate = pSecondaryFire->GetFloat("ZoomFireRate", m_sSecondaryFireRate);
			m_sUsePrimaryAmmo = (pSecondaryFire->GetInt("UsePrimaryAmmo", 0) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sSecondaryInfiniteAmmoEnabled = (pSecondaryFire->GetInt("InfiniteAmmo", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sSecondaryMinRange = pSecondaryFire->GetInt("MinRange", 0);
			m_sSecondaryMinRange = pSecondaryFire->GetInt("MaxRange", 0);
			m_sCanSecondaryFireUnderwater = (pSecondaryFire->GetInt("CanFireUnderwater", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sFireBothOnSecondary = (pWeaponOptions->GetInt("FireBothGuns", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			KeyValues *pBullet2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("Bullet");
			if (pBullet2)
				m_sSecondaryBulletEnabled = true;
				m_sSecondaryDamage = pBullet2->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
				m_sSecondaryShotCount = pBullet2->GetInt("ShotCount", 0);

				KeyValues *pSpread2 = pBullet2->FindKey("Spread");
				if (pSpread2)
					m_vSecondarySpread.x = sin(pSpread2->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f);
					m_vSecondarySpread.y = sin(pSpread2->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f);
					m_vSecondarySpread.z = sin(pSpread2->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f);
					m_vSecondarySpread.x = 0.0f;
					m_vSecondarySpread.y = 0.0f;
					m_vSecondarySpread.z = 0.0f;

				KeyValues *pIronsightSpread2 = pBullet2->FindKey("IronsightSpread");
				if (pIronsightSpread2)
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.x = sin((pIronsightSpread2->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.y = sin((pIronsightSpread2->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.z = sin((pIronsightSpread2->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.x = m_vSecondarySpread.x;
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.y = m_vSecondarySpread.y;
					m_vSecondaryIronsightSpread.z = m_vSecondarySpread.z;

				KeyValues *pZoomSpread2 = pBullet2->FindKey("ZoomSpread");
				if (pZoomSpread2)
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.x = sin((pZoomSpread2->GetFloat("x", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.y = sin((pZoomSpread2->GetFloat("y", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.z = sin((pZoomSpread2->GetFloat("z", 0.0f) / 2.0f));
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.x = m_vSecondarySpread.x;
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.y = m_vSecondarySpread.y;
					m_vSecondaryZoomSpread.z = m_vSecondarySpread.z;
				m_sSecondaryDamage = 0.0f;
				m_sSecondaryShotCount = 0;
				m_sSecondaryBulletEnabled = false;
			KeyValues *pMissle2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("Missle");
			if (pMissle2) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sSecondaryMissleEnabled = true;
				m_sSecondaryHasRecoilRPGMissle = (pMissle2->GetInt("UseRecoil", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
				m_sSecondaryMissleEnabled = false;

			KeyValues *pSMGGrenade2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("SMGGrenade");
			if (pSMGGrenade2) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sSecondarySMGGrenadeEnabled = true;
				m_sSMGGrenadeSecondaryDamage = pSMGGrenade2->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
				m_sSecondaryHasRecoilSMGGrenade = (pSMGGrenade2->GetInt("UseRecoil", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
				m_sSecondarySMGGrenadeEnabled = false;
				m_sSMGGrenadeSecondaryDamage = 0.0;

			KeyValues *pAR2EnergyBall2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("AR2EnergyBall");
			if (pAR2EnergyBall2) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sSecondaryAR2EnergyBallEnabled = true;
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallRadius = pAR2EnergyBall2->GetFloat("Radius", 0);
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallMass = pAR2EnergyBall2->GetFloat("Mass", 0);
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallDuration = pAR2EnergyBall2->GetFloat("Duration", 0);
				m_sSecondaryAR2EnergyBallEnabled = false;
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallRadius = 0.0;
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallMass = 0.0;
				m_sSecondaryCombineBallDuration = 0.0;

			KeyValues *pRecoil2 = pSecondaryFire->FindKey("Recoil");
			if (pRecoil2) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sSecondaryRecoilEasyDampen = pRecoil2->GetFloat("EasyDampen", 0);
				m_sSecondaryRecoilDegrees = pRecoil2->GetFloat("Degrees", 0);
				m_sSecondaryRecoilSeconds = pRecoil2->GetFloat("Seconds", 0);
				m_sSecondaryRecoilEasyDampen = 0.0;
				m_sSecondaryRecoilDegrees = 0.0;
				m_sSecondaryRecoilSeconds = 0.0;
			m_sHasSecondaryFire = false;

		KeyValues *pMeleeOptions = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Melee");
		if (pMeleeOptions)
			m_sHasMeleeOptions = true;
			m_sMeleeDamage = pMeleeOptions->GetFloat("Damage", 0);
			m_sMeleeRange = pMeleeOptions->GetFloat("Range", 0);

			KeyValues *pRecoilM = pMeleeOptions->FindKey("Kick");
			if (pRecoilM) //No params yet, but setting this will enable missles
				m_sMeleeKickEasyDampen = pRecoilM->GetFloat("EasyDampen", 0);
				m_sMeleeKickDegrees = pRecoilM->GetFloat("Degrees", 0);
				m_sMeleeKickSeconds = pRecoilM->GetFloat("Seconds", 0);
				m_sMeleeKickEasyDampen = 0.0;
				m_sMeleeKickDegrees = 0.0;
				m_sMeleeKickSeconds = 0.0;
			m_sHasMeleeOptions = false;

		KeyValues *pZoom = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Zoom");
		if (pZoom)
			m_sUsesZoom = true;
			m_sUseZoomOnPrimaryFire = (pZoom->GetInt("UseOnPrimaryFire", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sUsesZoomSound = (pZoom->GetInt("UsesSound", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			m_sUsesZoomColor = (pZoom->GetInt("UsesColor", 1) != 0) ? true : false;
			KeyValues *pZoomColor = pZoom->FindKey("ZoomColor");
				if (pZoomColor)
					m_sZoomColorRed = pZoomColor->GetInt("Red", 0);
					m_sZoomColorGreen = pZoomColor->GetInt("Green", 0);
					m_sZoomColorBlue = pZoomColor->GetInt("Blue", 0);
					m_sZoomColorAlpha = pZoomColor->GetInt("Alpha", 0);
			m_sUsesZoom = false;

		KeyValues *pCustomization = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Customization");
		if (pCustomization)
			m_sUsesCustomization = true;
			m_sWeaponSkin = pCustomization->GetInt("Skin", 0);
			KeyValues *pBodygroup1 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup1");
				if (pBodygroup1)
					m_sBodygroup1 = pBodygroup1->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup1 = pBodygroup1->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup2 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup2");
				if (pBodygroup2)
					m_sBodygroup2 = pBodygroup2->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup2 = pBodygroup2->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup3 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup3");
				if (pBodygroup3)
					m_sBodygroup3 = pBodygroup3->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup3 = pBodygroup3->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup4 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup4");
				if (pBodygroup4)
					m_sBodygroup4 = pBodygroup4->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup4 = pBodygroup4->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup5 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup5");
				if (pBodygroup5)
					m_sBodygroup5 = pBodygroup5->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup5 = pBodygroup5->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);

			KeyValues *pBodygroup6 = pWeaponSpec->FindKey("Bodygroup6");
				if (pBodygroup6)
					m_sBodygroup6 = pBodygroup6->GetInt("Bodygroup", 0);
					m_sSubgroup6 = pBodygroup6->GetInt("Subgroup", 0);
			m_sUsesCustomization = false;

	// Now read the weapon sounds
	memset( aShootSounds, 0, sizeof( aShootSounds ) );
	KeyValues *pSoundData = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "SoundData" );
	if ( pSoundData )
		for ( int i = EMPTY; i < NUM_SHOOT_SOUND_TYPES; i++ )
			const char *soundname = pSoundData->GetString( pWeaponSoundCategories[i] );
			if ( soundname && soundname[0] )
				Q_strncpy( aShootSounds[i], soundname, MAX_WEAPON_STRING );
Beispiel #8
bool CEngineSprite::Init( const char *pName )
	m_width = m_height = m_numFrames = 1;

	const char *pExt = Q_GetFileExtension( pName );
	bool bIsAVI = pExt && !Q_stricmp( pExt, "avi" );
#if !defined( _X360 ) || defined( BINK_ENABLED_FOR_X360 )
	bool bIsBIK = pExt && !Q_stricmp( pExt, "bik" );
	if ( bIsAVI && IsPC() )
		m_hAVIMaterial = avi->CreateAVIMaterial( pName, pName, "GAME" );
		if ( m_hAVIMaterial == AVIMATERIAL_INVALID )
			return false;

		IMaterial *pMaterial = avi->GetMaterial( m_hAVIMaterial );
		avi->GetFrameSize( m_hAVIMaterial, &m_width, &m_height );
		m_numFrames = avi->GetFrameCount( m_hAVIMaterial );
		for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
			m_material[i] = pMaterial;
#if !defined( _X360 ) || defined( BINK_ENABLED_FOR_X360 )
	else if ( bIsBIK )
		m_hBIKMaterial = bik->CreateMaterial( pName, pName, "GAME" );
		if ( m_hBIKMaterial == BIKMATERIAL_INVALID )
			return false;

		IMaterial *pMaterial = bik->GetMaterial( m_hBIKMaterial );
		bik->GetFrameSize( m_hBIKMaterial, &m_width, &m_height );
		m_numFrames = bik->GetFrameCount( m_hBIKMaterial );
		for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
			m_material[i] = pMaterial;
		char pTemp[MAX_PATH];
		char pMaterialName[MAX_PATH];
		char pMaterialPath[MAX_PATH];
		Q_StripExtension( pName, pTemp, sizeof(pTemp) );
		Q_strlower( pTemp );
		Q_FixSlashes( pTemp, '/' );

		// Check to see if this is a UNC-specified material name
		bool bIsUNC = pTemp[0] == '/' && pTemp[1] == '/' && pTemp[2] != '/';
		if ( !bIsUNC )
			Q_strncpy( pMaterialName, "materials/", sizeof(pMaterialName) );
			Q_strncat( pMaterialName, pTemp, sizeof(pMaterialName), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
			Q_strncpy( pMaterialName, pTemp, sizeof(pMaterialName) );
		Q_strncpy( pMaterialPath, pMaterialName, sizeof(pMaterialPath) );
		Q_SetExtension( pMaterialPath, ".vmt", sizeof(pMaterialPath) );

		for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
			m_material[i] = NULL;

		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "vmt" );
		if ( !kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pMaterialPath, "GAME" ) )
			Warning( "Unable to load sprite material %s!\n", pMaterialPath );
			return false;

		for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
			if ( i == kRenderNone || i == kRenderEnvironmental )

			// strip possible materials/
			Q_snprintf( pMaterialPath, sizeof(pMaterialPath), "%s_rendermode_%d", pMaterialName + ( bIsUNC ? 0 : 10 ), i );
			KeyValues *pMaterialKV = kv->MakeCopy();
			pMaterialKV->SetInt( "$spriteRenderMode", i );
			m_material[i] = g_pMaterialSystem->FindProceduralMaterial( pMaterialPath, TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, pMaterialKV );


		m_width = m_material[0]->GetMappingWidth();
		m_height = m_material[0]->GetMappingHeight();
		m_numFrames = m_material[0]->GetNumAnimationFrames();

	for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
		if ( i == kRenderNone || i == kRenderEnvironmental )

		if ( !m_material[i] )
			return false;

	IMaterialVar *orientationVar = m_material[0]->FindVarFast( "$spriteorientation", &spriteOrientationCache );
	m_orientation = orientationVar ? orientationVar->GetIntValue() : C_SpriteRenderer::SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT;

	IMaterialVar *originVar = m_material[0]->FindVarFast( "$spriteorigin", &spriteOriginCache );
	Vector origin, originVarValue;
	if( !originVar || ( originVar->GetType() != MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_VECTOR ) )
		origin[0] = -m_width * 0.5f;
		origin[1] = m_height * 0.5f;
		originVar->GetVecValue( &originVarValue[0], 3 );
		origin[0] = -m_width * originVarValue[0];
		origin[1] = m_height * originVarValue[1];

	up = origin[1];
	down = origin[1] - m_height;
	left = origin[0];
	right = m_width + origin[0];

	return true;
Beispiel #9
bool CMapLayout::SaveMapLayout( const char *filename )
	KeyValues *pLayoutKeys = new KeyValues( "Layout" );

	if ( m_pGenerationOptions )
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( m_pGenerationOptions->MakeCopy() );

	KeyValues *pMiscKeys = new KeyValues( "mapmisc" );
	pMiscKeys->SetInt( "PlayerStartX", m_iPlayerStartTileX );
	pMiscKeys->SetInt( "PlayerStartY", m_iPlayerStartTileY );
	pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pMiscKeys );
	// save out each room
	int iRooms = m_PlacedRooms.Count();
	for (int i=0;i<iRooms;i++)
		CRoom *pRoom = m_PlacedRooms[i];
		if (!pRoom)

		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pRoom->GetKeyValuesCopy() );
	// save out logical rooms
	iRooms = m_LogicalRooms.Count();
	for (int i=0;i<iRooms;i++)
		KeyValues *pRoomKeys = new KeyValues( "logical_room" );
		if ( m_LogicalRooms[i]->m_pLevelTheme )
			pRoomKeys->SetString( "theme", m_LogicalRooms[i]->m_pLevelTheme->m_szName );
		pRoomKeys->SetString( "template", m_LogicalRooms[i]->GetFullName() );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pRoomKeys );

	for ( int i = 0; i < m_InstanceSpawns.Count(); ++ i )
		KeyValues *pNewInstanceSpawn = new KeyValues( "instance_spawn" );
		m_InstanceSpawns[i].SaveToKeyValues( pNewInstanceSpawn );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pNewInstanceSpawn );
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Encounters.Count(); ++ i )
		KeyValues *pEncounterKeys = new KeyValues( "npc_encounter" );
		m_Encounters[i]->SaveToKeyValues( pEncounterKeys );
		pLayoutKeys->AddSubKey( pEncounterKeys );

	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	for ( KeyValues *pKey = pLayoutKeys->GetFirstSubKey(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextKey() )
		pKey->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );			
	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( filename, "GAME", buf ) )
		Log_Warning( LOG_TilegenLayoutSystem, "Failed to SaveToFile %s\n", filename );
		return false;

	return true;
Beispiel #10
void CASWMissionChooserNPCs::InitFixedSpawns( CLayoutSystem *pLayoutSystem, CMapLayout *pLayout )
	// init the spawn set for this mission
	KeyValues *pGenerationOptions = pLayout->GetGenerationOptions();
	if ( !pGenerationOptions )
		Warning( "Error placed fixed alien spawns, no generation options in this layout." );

	bool bChosenSpawnSet = false;
	const char *szNamedSpawnSet = pGenerationOptions->GetString( "AlienSpawnSet" );
	if ( szNamedSpawnSet && szNamedSpawnSet[0] )
		bChosenSpawnSet = SpawnSelection()->SetCurrentSpawnSet( szNamedSpawnSet );

	if ( !bChosenSpawnSet )
		SpawnSelection()->SetCurrentSpawnSet( pGenerationOptions->GetInt( "Difficulty", 5 ) );

	// if we have any rooms with the alien encounter tag, then just use those for fixed spawn locations
	bool bAlienEncounterTag = false;
	int iRooms = pLayout->m_PlacedRooms.Count();
	for ( int i = 0; i < iRooms; i++ )
		CRoom *pRoom = pLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i];
		if ( pRoom && pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate && pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->HasTag( "AlienEncounter" ) )
			bAlienEncounterTag = true;

			CASW_Encounter *pEncounter = new CASW_Encounter();

			// pick a random spot in this room
			Vector vecWorldMins, vecWorldMaxs;
			pRoom->GetWorldBounds( &vecWorldMins, &vecWorldMaxs );
			Vector vecPos = vecWorldMins + pLayoutSystem->GetRandomFloat( 0, 1 ) * ( vecWorldMaxs - vecWorldMins );
			vecPos.z = 0;
			pEncounter->SetEncounterPosition( vecPos );
			pEncounter->SetEncounterRadius( pLayoutSystem->GetRandomFloat( asw_encounter_radius_min.GetFloat(), asw_encounter_radius_max.GetFloat() ) );

			// add spawn defs
			// TODO: more spawns in bigger rooms? or rooms with higher weights?
			int iSpawnsPerEncounter = pLayoutSystem->GetRandomInt( CurrentSpawnSet()->GetMinSpawnsPerEncounter(), CurrentSpawnSet()->GetMaxSpawnsPerEncounter() );
			for ( int i = 0; i < iSpawnsPerEncounter; i++ )
				CASW_Spawn_Definition* pSpawnDef = CurrentSpawnSet()->GetSpawnDef( ASW_NPC_SPAWN_TYPE_FIXED );
				if ( !pSpawnDef )
				pEncounter->AddSpawnDef( pSpawnDef );

			pLayout->m_Encounters.AddToTail( pEncounter );

	if ( bAlienEncounterTag )

	// find area of the mission
	int iTotalArea = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < iRooms; i++ )
		CRoom *pRoom = pLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i];
		iTotalArea += ( pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesX() * ASW_TILE_SIZE ) * ( pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() * ASW_TILE_SIZE );

	// decide how many encounters we want
	int iEncounters = pLayoutSystem->GetRandomInt( CurrentSpawnSet()->GetMinEncounters(), CurrentSpawnSet()->GetMaxEncounters() );

	// distance between encounters
	//float flMinDistance = asw_encounters_distance_min.GetFloat();

	// randomly pick rooms for the encounters to be in, using the room weights
	CUtlVector<CRoom*> candidates;
	float flTotalWeight = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < iRooms; i++ )
		CRoom *pRoom = pLayout->m_PlacedRooms[i];
		if ( pRoom->GetSpawnWeight() > 0
				&& !pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->IsEscapeRoom() 
				&& !pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->IsStartRoom() 
				&& !pRoom->m_pRoomTemplate->IsBorderRoom() )
			flTotalWeight += pRoom->GetSpawnWeight();
			candidates.AddToTail( pRoom );

	for ( int e = 0; e < iEncounters; e++ )
		float flChosen = pLayoutSystem->GetRandomFloat( 0, flTotalWeight );
		CRoom *pChosenRoom = NULL;
		for ( int i = 0; i < candidates.Count(); i++ )
			CRoom *pRoom = candidates[i];
			flChosen -= pRoom->GetSpawnWeight();
			if ( flChosen <= 0 )
				pChosenRoom = pRoom;

		if ( !pChosenRoom )

		CASW_Encounter *pEncounter = new CASW_Encounter();

		// pick a random spot in this room
		Vector vecWorldMins, vecWorldMaxs;
		pChosenRoom->GetWorldBounds( &vecWorldMins, &vecWorldMaxs );
		//Vector vecPos = vecWorldMins + pLayoutSystem->GetRandomFloat( 0, 1 ) * ( vecWorldMaxs - vecWorldMins );
		Vector vecPos = ( vecWorldMins + vecWorldMaxs ) * 0.5f; // center of the room
		vecPos.z = 0;
		pEncounter->SetEncounterPosition( vecPos );
		pEncounter->SetEncounterRadius( pLayoutSystem->GetRandomFloat( asw_encounter_radius_min.GetFloat(), asw_encounter_radius_max.GetFloat() ) );

		// add spawn defs
		// TODO: more spawns in bigger rooms? or rooms with higher weights?
		int iSpawnsPerEncounter = pLayoutSystem->GetRandomInt( CurrentSpawnSet()->GetMinSpawnsPerEncounter(), CurrentSpawnSet()->GetMaxSpawnsPerEncounter() );
		for ( int i = 0; i < iSpawnsPerEncounter; i++ )
			CASW_Spawn_Definition* pSpawnDef = CurrentSpawnSet()->GetSpawnDef( ASW_NPC_SPAWN_TYPE_FIXED );
			if ( !pSpawnDef )
			pEncounter->AddSpawnDef( pSpawnDef );

		pLayout->m_Encounters.AddToTail( pEncounter );

	PushEncountersApart( pLayout );
// Purpose: Updates the player list
void CTFDeathMatchScoreBoardDialog::UpdatePlayerList()
	int iSelectedPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();

	// Save off which player we had selected
	SectionedListPanel *pList = GetSelectedPlayerList();

	if ( pList )
		int itemID = pList->GetSelectedItem();

		if ( itemID >= 0 )
			KeyValues *pInfo = pList->GetItemData( itemID );
			if ( pInfo )
				iSelectedPlayerIndex = pInfo->GetInt( "playerIndex" );


	C_TF_PlayerResource *tf_PR = dynamic_cast<C_TF_PlayerResource *>( g_PR );
	if ( !tf_PR )
	C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
	if ( !pLocalPlayer )

	int localteam = pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber();

	bool bMadeSelection = false;

	for( int playerIndex = 1 ; playerIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; playerIndex++ )
		if( g_PR->IsConnected( playerIndex ) )
			SectionedListPanel *pPlayerList = NULL;
			switch ( g_PR->GetTeam( playerIndex ) )
			case TF_TEAM_RED:
				pPlayerList = m_pPlayerListRed;
			if ( null == pPlayerList )

			const char *szName = tf_PR->GetPlayerName(playerIndex);
			int score = tf_PR->GetTotalScore(playerIndex);
			int kills = tf_PR->GetPlayerScore(playerIndex);
			int deaths = tf_PR->GetDeaths(playerIndex);
			int streak = tf_PR->GetKillstreak(playerIndex);

			KeyValues *pKeyValues = new KeyValues( "data" );

			pKeyValues->SetInt( "playerIndex", playerIndex );
			pKeyValues->SetString( "name", szName );
			pKeyValues->SetInt("score", score);
			pKeyValues->SetInt("kills", kills);
			pKeyValues->SetInt("deaths", deaths);
			pKeyValues->SetInt("streak", streak);

			// can only see class information if we're on the same team
			if ( !AreEnemyTeams( g_PR->GetTeam( playerIndex ), localteam ) && !( localteam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) )
				// class name
				if( g_PR->IsConnected( playerIndex ) )
					int iClass = tf_PR->GetPlayerClass( playerIndex );
					if ( GetLocalPlayerIndex() == playerIndex && !tf_PR->IsAlive( playerIndex ) ) 
						// If this is local player and he is dead, show desired class (which he will spawn as) rather than current class.
						C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
						int iDesiredClass = pPlayer->m_Shared.GetDesiredPlayerClassIndex();
						// use desired class unless it's random -- if random, his future class is not decided until moment of spawn
						if ( TF_CLASS_RANDOM != iDesiredClass )
							iClass = iDesiredClass;
						// for non-local players, show the current class
						iClass = tf_PR->GetPlayerClass( playerIndex );
				C_TFPlayer *pPlayerOther = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerIndex ) );

				if ( pPlayerOther && pPlayerOther->m_Shared.IsPlayerDominated( pLocalPlayer->entindex() ) )
					// if local player is dominated by this player, show a nemesis icon
					pKeyValues->SetInt( "nemesis", m_iImageNemesis );
				else if ( pLocalPlayer->m_Shared.IsPlayerDominated( playerIndex) )
					// if this player is dominated by the local player, show the domination icon
					pKeyValues->SetInt( "nemesis", m_iImageDominated );

			// display whether player is alive or dead (all players see this for all other players on both teams)
			pKeyValues->SetInt( "status", tf_PR->IsAlive( playerIndex ) ?  0 : m_iImageDead );

			if ( g_PR->GetPing( playerIndex ) < 1 )
				if ( g_PR->IsFakePlayer( playerIndex ) )
					pKeyValues->SetString( "ping", "#TF_Scoreboard_Bot" );
					pKeyValues->SetString( "ping", "" );
				pKeyValues->SetInt( "ping", g_PR->GetPing( playerIndex ) );

			UpdatePlayerAvatar( playerIndex, pKeyValues );
			int itemID = pPlayerList->AddItem( 0, pKeyValues );

			Color clr = tf_PR->GetPlayerColor(playerIndex);
			pPlayerList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, clr );

			if ( iSelectedPlayerIndex == playerIndex )
				bMadeSelection = true;
				pPlayerList->SetSelectedItem( itemID );


	// If we're on spectator, find a default selection
	if ( !bMadeSelection )
		if ( m_pPlayerListRed->GetItemCount() > 0 )
			m_pPlayerListRed->SetSelectedItem( 0 );

void CASW_EquipmentList::LoadEquipmentList()
	m_iNumRegular = 0;
	m_iNumExtra = 0;

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues("Equipment");
	// load equipment
	if (kv->LoadFromFile(filesystem, "resource/Equipment.res"))
		int iNumEquip = 0;
		KeyValues *pKeys = kv;
		while ( pKeys )
			for (KeyValues *details = pKeys->GetFirstSubKey(); details; details = details->GetNextKey())
				if ( FStrEq( details->GetName(), "Regular" ) )
					//Msg("adding regular equip %s\n", MAKE_STRING( details->GetString() ));
					CASW_EquipItem* equip = new CASW_EquipItem();
					equip->m_EquipClass = MAKE_STRING( details->GetString() );
					equip->m_iItemIndex = iNumEquip;
					equip->m_bSelectableInBriefing = true;
				else if ( FStrEq( details->GetName(), "Extra" ) )
					//Msg("adding extra equip %s\n", MAKE_STRING( details->GetString() ));
					CASW_EquipItem* equip = new CASW_EquipItem();
					equip->m_EquipClass = MAKE_STRING( details->GetString() );
					equip->m_iItemIndex = iNumEquip;
					equip->m_bSelectableInBriefing = true;
				// hidden equip
				else if ( FStrEq( details->GetName(), "RegularOther" ) )
					//Msg("adding regular equip %s\n", MAKE_STRING( details->GetString() ));
					CASW_EquipItem* equip = new CASW_EquipItem();
					equip->m_EquipClass = MAKE_STRING( details->GetString() );
					equip->m_iItemIndex = iNumEquip;
					equip->m_bSelectableInBriefing = true;
				else if ( FStrEq( details->GetName(), "ExtraOther" ) )
					//Msg("adding extra equip %s\n", MAKE_STRING( details->GetString() ));
					CASW_EquipItem* equip = new CASW_EquipItem();
					equip->m_EquipClass = MAKE_STRING( details->GetString() );
					equip->m_iItemIndex = iNumEquip;
					equip->m_bSelectableInBriefing = false;
			pKeys = pKeys->GetNextKey();
// Recording 
static inline void RecordBloodSprite( const Vector &start, const Vector &direction, 
	int r, int g, int b, int a, int nSprayModelIndex, int nDropModelIndex, int size )
	if ( !ToolsEnabled() )

	if ( clienttools->IsInRecordingMode() )
		Color clr( r, g, b, a );

		const model_t* pSprayModel = (nSprayModelIndex != 0) ? modelinfo->GetModel( nSprayModelIndex ) : NULL;
		const model_t* pDropModel = (nDropModelIndex != 0) ? modelinfo->GetModel( nDropModelIndex ) : NULL;
		const char *pSprayModelName = pSprayModel ? modelinfo->GetModelName( pSprayModel ) : "";
		const char *pDropModelName = pDropModel ? modelinfo->GetModelName( pDropModel ) : "";

		KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "TempEntity" );

 		msg->SetInt( "te", TE_BLOOD_SPRITE );
 		msg->SetString( "name", "TE_BloodSprite" );
		msg->SetFloat( "time", gpGlobals->curtime );
		msg->SetFloat( "originx", start.x );
		msg->SetFloat( "originy", start.y );
		msg->SetFloat( "originz", start.z );
		msg->SetFloat( "directionx", direction.x );
		msg->SetFloat( "directiony", direction.y );
		msg->SetFloat( "directionz", direction.z );
		msg->SetColor( "color", clr );
  		msg->SetString( "spraymodel", pSprayModelName );
 		msg->SetString( "dropmodel", pDropModelName );
		msg->SetInt( "size", size );

		ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE_INVALID, msg );
Beispiel #14
// Purpose: 
void CEditorSystem::DoSelect( CHL2WarsPlayer *pPlayer )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	// Sync from client
#endif // CLIENT_DLL

	Vector vPos = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition();
	const Vector &vMouseAim = pPlayer->GetMouseAim();
	const Vector &vCamOffset = pPlayer->GetCameraOffset();

	Vector vStartPos, vEndPos;
	vStartPos = vPos + vCamOffset;
	vEndPos = vStartPos + (vMouseAim *  MAX_TRACE_LENGTH);

	//NDebugOverlay::Line( vStartPos, vEndPos, 0, 255, 0, true, 4.0f );

	Ray_t pickerRay;
	pickerRay.Init( vStartPos, vEndPos );

	CWarsFlora *pBest = NULL;
	float fBestDistance = 0;

	for( CBaseEntity *pEntity = ClientEntityList().FirstBaseEntity(); pEntity; pEntity = ClientEntityList().NextBaseEntity( pEntity ) )
	for( CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FirstEnt(); pEntity != NULL; pEntity = gEntList.NextEnt( pEntity ) )
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
		CWarsFlora *pFlora = dynamic_cast<CWarsFlora *>( pEntity );
		if( pFlora )
			// Prefer testing against hitboxes
			// If no hitboxes available, use the bounding box
			trace_t trace;
			bool bTestedHitBoxes = pFlora->TestHitboxes( pickerRay, MASK_SOLID, trace );
			if( bTestedHitBoxes )
				if( trace.DidHit() )
					float fDistance = trace.endpos.DistTo( vStartPos );
					if( !pBest || fDistance < fBestDistance )
						pBest = pFlora;
						fBestDistance = fDistance;
				CBaseTrace trace2;
				if ( IntersectRayWithBox( pickerRay,
					pFlora->GetAbsOrigin() + pFlora->CollisionProp()->OBBMins(), pFlora->GetAbsOrigin() + pFlora->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs(),
					0.5f, &trace2 ) )
					float fDistance = trace2.endpos.DistTo( vStartPos );
					if( !pBest || fDistance < fBestDistance )
						pBest = pFlora;
						fBestDistance = fDistance;

	if( pBest )
		if( !IsSelected( pBest ) )
			Select( pBest );

			KeyValues *pOperation = new KeyValues( "data" );
			pOperation->SetString("operation", "select");
			KeyValues *pFloraKey = new KeyValues( "flora", "uuid", pBest->GetFloraUUID() );
			pFloraKey->SetBool(  "select", true );
			pOperation->AddSubKey( pFloraKey );
			warseditorstorage->QueueServerCommand( pOperation );
			Deselect( pBest );

			KeyValues *pOperation = new KeyValues( "data" );
			pOperation->SetString("operation", "select");
			KeyValues *pFloraKey = new KeyValues( "flora", "uuid", pBest->GetFloraUUID() );
			pFloraKey->SetBool(  "select", false );
			pOperation->AddSubKey( pFloraKey );
			warseditorstorage->QueueServerCommand( pOperation );
		//NDebugOverlay::Box( pBest->GetAbsOrigin(), -Vector(8, 8, 8), Vector(8, 8, 8), 0, 255, 0, 255, 5.0f);
Beispiel #15
// Purpose: This is called every time the DLL is loaded
void CHud::Init( void )
#if 1


	// Create all the Hud elements


	// Initialize all created elements
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_HudList.Size(); i++ )

	m_bHudTexturesLoaded = false;

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "layout" );
	if ( kv )
		if ( kv->LoadFromFile( filesystem, "scripts/HudLayout.res" ) )
			int numelements = m_HudList.Size();

			for ( int i = 0; i < numelements; i++ )
				CHudElement *element = m_HudList[i];

				vgui::Panel *pPanel = dynamic_cast<vgui::Panel*>(element);
				if ( !pPanel )
					Msg( "Non-vgui hud element %s\n", m_HudList[i]->GetName() );

				KeyValues *key = kv->FindKey( pPanel->GetName(), false );
				if ( !key )
					Msg( "Hud element '%s' doesn't have an entry '%s' in scripts/HudLayout.res\n", m_HudList[i]->GetName(), pPanel->GetName() );

				// Note:  When a panel is parented to the module root, it's "parent" is returned as NULL.
				if ( !element->IsParentedToClientDLLRootPanel() && 
					 !pPanel->GetParent() )
					DevMsg( "Hud element '%s'/'%s' doesn't have a parent\n", m_HudList[i]->GetName(), pPanel->GetName() );


	if ( m_bHudTexturesLoaded )

	m_bHudTexturesLoaded = true;
	CUtlDict< CHudTexture *, int >	textureList;

	// check to see if we have sprites for this res; if not, step down
	LoadHudTextures( textureList, "scripts/hud_textures", NULL );
	LoadHudTextures( textureList, "scripts/mod_textures", NULL );

	int c = textureList.Count();
	for ( int index = 0; index < c; index++ )
		CHudTexture* tex = textureList[ index ];
		AddSearchableHudIconToList( *tex );

	FreeHudTextureList( textureList );

Beispiel #16
bool CMapLayout::LoadMapLayout(const char *filename)
	// open our output layout file
	KeyValues *pLayoutKeys = new KeyValues( "LayoutKeys" );
	if ( !pLayoutKeys->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, filename, "GAME" ) )
		//Msg( "Failed to load map layout %s\n", filename );
		return false;

	while ( pLayoutKeys )
		if ( !Q_stricmp( pLayoutKeys->GetName(), "room" ) )
			if ( !CRoom::LoadRoomFromKeyValues( pLayoutKeys, this ) )
				return false;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( pLayoutKeys->GetName(), "logical_room" ) )
			LoadLogicalRoom( pLayoutKeys );
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( pLayoutKeys->GetName(), "mapmisc" ) )
			m_iPlayerStartTileX = pLayoutKeys->GetInt( "PlayerStartX" );
			m_iPlayerStartTileY = pLayoutKeys->GetInt( "PlayerStartY" );
		else if ( Q_stricmp( pLayoutKeys->GetName(), "mission_settings" ) == 0 )
			m_pGenerationOptions = pLayoutKeys->MakeCopy();
		else if ( Q_stricmp( pLayoutKeys->GetName(), "instance_spawn" ) == 0 )
			m_InstanceSpawns[m_InstanceSpawns.AddToTail()].LoadFromKeyValues( pLayoutKeys );
		else if ( Q_stricmp( pLayoutKeys->GetName(), "npc_encounter" ) == 0 )
			CASW_Encounter *pEncounter = new CASW_Encounter();
			pEncounter->LoadFromKeyValues( pLayoutKeys );
			m_Encounters.AddToTail( pEncounter );
		pLayoutKeys = pLayoutKeys->GetNextKey();




	return true;
Beispiel #17
void LoadHudTextures( CUtlDict< CHudTexture *, int >& list, const char *szFilenameWithoutExtension, const unsigned char *pICEKey )
	KeyValues *pTemp, *pTextureSection;

	KeyValues *pKeyValuesData = ReadEncryptedKVFile( filesystem, szFilenameWithoutExtension, pICEKey );
	if ( pKeyValuesData )
		CUtlVector<HudTextureFileRef> hudTextureFileRefs;

		// By default, add a default entry mapping "file" to no prefix. This will allow earlier-version files
		// to work with no modification.
		hudTextureFileRefs.AddToTail( HudTextureFileRef( "file", "" ) );

		// Read "*file"-to-prefix mapping.
		KeyValues *pTextureFileRefs = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "TextureFileRefs" );
		if ( pTextureFileRefs )
			pTemp = pTextureFileRefs->GetFirstSubKey();
			while ( pTemp )
				hudTextureFileRefs.AddToTail( HudTextureFileRef( pTemp->GetName(), pTemp->GetString( "prefix", "" ) ) );
				pTemp = pTemp->GetNextKey();

		// Read our individual HUD texture data blocks.
		pTextureSection = pKeyValuesData->FindKey( "TextureData" );
		if ( pTextureSection  )
			// Read the sprite data
			pTemp = pTextureSection->GetFirstSubKey();
			while ( pTemp )
				if ( pTemp->GetString( "font", NULL ) )
					CHudTexture *tex = new CHudTexture();

					// Key Name is the sprite name
					Q_strncpy( tex->szShortName, pTemp->GetName(), sizeof( tex->szShortName ) );

					// it's a font-based icon
					tex->bRenderUsingFont = true;
					tex->cCharacterInFont = *(pTemp->GetString("character", ""));
					Q_strncpy( tex->szTextureFile, pTemp->GetString( "font" ), sizeof( tex->szTextureFile ) );

					list.Insert( tex->szShortName, tex );
					int iTexLeft	= pTemp->GetInt( "x", 0 ),
						iTexTop		= pTemp->GetInt( "y", 0 ),
						iTexRight	= pTemp->GetInt( "width", 0 )	+ iTexLeft,
						iTexBottom	= pTemp->GetInt( "height", 0 )	+ iTexTop;

					for ( int i = 0; i < hudTextureFileRefs.Size(); i++ )
						const char *cszFilename = pTemp->GetString( hudTextureFileRefs[i].m_fileKeySymbol, NULL );
						if ( cszFilename )
							CHudTexture *tex = new CHudTexture();

							tex->bRenderUsingFont = false;
							tex->rc.left	= iTexLeft;
							tex->		= iTexTop;
							tex->rc.right	= iTexRight;
							tex->rc.bottom	= iTexBottom;

							Q_strncpy( tex->szShortName, hudTextureFileRefs[i].m_cszHudTexturePrefix, sizeof( tex->szShortName ) );
							Q_strncpy( tex->szShortName + hudTextureFileRefs[i].m_uiPrefixLength, pTemp->GetName(), sizeof( tex->szShortName ) - hudTextureFileRefs[i].m_uiPrefixLength );
							Q_strncpy( tex->szTextureFile, cszFilename, sizeof( tex->szTextureFile ) );

							list.Insert( tex->szShortName, tex );

				pTemp = pTemp->GetNextKey();

	// Failed for some reason. Delete the Key data and abort.
bool GenericPanelList::SelectPanelItem( unsigned short index, SEARCH_DIRECTION direction, bool scrollToItem, bool bAllowStealFocus )
	bool itemSelected = false;

	if( index < m_PanelItems.Count() )
		Panel* previousNav = m_CurrentSelectedItem;

		if( ( m_PanelItems[index] != 0 ) && ( m_PanelItems[index] != previousNav ) && ( m_PanelItems[index]->IsEnabled() ) )
			itemSelected = true;

			if ( m_CurrentSelectedItem ) 
				PostMessage( m_CurrentSelectedItem->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("PanelUnSelected") );

			m_CurrentSelectedItem = m_PanelItems[index];
			m_CurrentSelectedItem->SetVisible( true );

			//mouse input could have set any panel item as navigated to.
			for( int i = 0; i != m_PanelItems.Count(); ++i )
				if( i != index )

			CBaseModPanel::GetSingletonPtr()->SafeNavigateTo( previousNav, m_CurrentSelectedItem, bAllowStealFocus );

			if( scrollToItem )
				ScrollToPanelItem( index );

			int regionX, regionY, regionWide, regionTall;
			m_PnlItemRegion->GetBounds( regionX, regionY, regionWide, regionTall );

			int x, y, wide, tall;
			m_CurrentSelectedItem->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall );

			if ( regionTall > 0 )	// can get called here before our bounds are init
				if ( y < regionY  )
					m_ScrVerticalScroll->SetValue( index * ( tall + m_PanelItemBorder ) );
				else if ( ( y + tall ) > ( regionY + regionTall ) )
					// scroll to regionTall pixels above the bottom of the selected panel
					m_ScrVerticalScroll->SetValue( MAX( ( index + 1 ) * ( tall + m_PanelItemBorder ) - regionTall, 0 ) );

			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_FOCUS );

			PostMessage( m_CurrentSelectedItem->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues("PanelSelected") );

			KeyValues *pKv = new KeyValues( "OnItemSelected", "panelName", GetName() );
			pKv->SetInt( "index", index );
			CallParentFunction( pKv );

	return itemSelected;
Beispiel #19
KeyValues* ReadEncryptedKVFile( IFileSystem *filesystem, const char *szFilenameWithoutExtension, const unsigned char *pICEKey, bool bForceReadEncryptedFile /*= false*/ )
	Assert( strchr( szFilenameWithoutExtension, '.' ) == NULL );
	char szFullName[512];

	const char *pSearchPath = "MOD";

	if ( pICEKey == NULL )
		pSearchPath = "GAME";

	// Open the weapon data file, and abort if we can't
	KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "WeaponDatafile" );

	Q_snprintf(szFullName,sizeof(szFullName), "%s.txt", szFilenameWithoutExtension);

	if ( bForceReadEncryptedFile || !pKV->LoadFromFile( filesystem, szFullName, pSearchPath ) ) // try to load the normal .txt file first
#ifndef _XBOX
		if ( pICEKey )
			Q_snprintf(szFullName,sizeof(szFullName), "%s.ctx", szFilenameWithoutExtension); // fall back to the .ctx file

			FileHandle_t f = filesystem->Open( szFullName, "rb", pSearchPath );

			if (!f)
				return NULL;
			// load file into a null-terminated buffer
			int fileSize = filesystem->Size(f);
			char *buffer = (char*)MemAllocScratch(fileSize + 1);
			filesystem->Read(buffer, fileSize, f); // read into local buffer
			buffer[fileSize] = 0; // null terminate file as EOF
			filesystem->Close( f );	// close file after reading

			UTIL_DecodeICE( (unsigned char*)buffer, fileSize, pICEKey );

			bool retOK = pKV->LoadFromBuffer( szFullName, buffer, filesystem );


			if ( !retOK )
				return NULL;
			return NULL;
		return NULL;

	return pKV;
void CKeyBindingHelpDialog::PopulateList()

	int i, j;

	CUtlVector< ListInfo_t > maps;
	vgui2::Panel *pPanel = m_hPanel;
	while ( pPanel->IsKeyBindingChainToParentAllowed() )
		PanelKeyBindingMap *map = pPanel->GetKBMap();
		while ( map )
			int k;
			int c = maps.Count();
			for ( k = 0; k < c; ++k )
				if ( maps[k].m_pMap == map )
			if ( k == c )
				int mapIndex = maps.AddToTail( );
				maps[mapIndex].m_pMap = map;
				maps[mapIndex].m_pPanel = pPanel;
			map = map->baseMap;

		pPanel = pPanel->GetParent();
		if ( !pPanel )

	CUtlRBTree< KeyValues *, int >	sorted( 0, 0, BindingLessFunc );

	// add header item
	int c = maps.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		PanelKeyBindingMap *m = maps[ i ].m_pMap;
		Panel *pMapPanel = maps[i].m_pPanel;
		Assert( m );

		int bindings = m->boundkeys.Count();
		for ( j = 0; j < bindings; ++j )
			BoundKey_t *kbMap = &m->boundkeys[ j ];
			Assert( kbMap );

			// Create a new: blank item
			KeyValues *item = new KeyValues( "Item" );
			// Fill in data
			char loc[ 128 ];
			Q_snprintf( loc, sizeof( loc ), "#%s", kbMap->bindingname );

			char ansi[ 256 ];
			AnsiText( loc, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );

			item->SetString( "Action", ansi );
			item->SetWString( "Binding", Panel::KeyCodeModifiersToDisplayString( (KeyCode)kbMap->keycode, kbMap->modifiers ) );

			// Find the binding
			KeyBindingMap_t *bindingMap = pMapPanel->LookupBinding( kbMap->bindingname );
			if ( bindingMap && 
				 bindingMap->helpstring )
				AnsiText( bindingMap->helpstring, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );
				item->SetString( "Description", ansi );
			item->SetPtr( "Item", kbMap );			

			sorted.Insert( item );

		// Now try and find any "unbound" keys...
		int mappings = m->entries.Count();
		for ( j = 0; j < mappings; ++j )
			KeyBindingMap_t *kbMap = &m->entries[ j ];

			// See if it's bound
			CUtlVector< BoundKey_t * > list;
			pMapPanel->LookupBoundKeys( kbMap->bindingname, list );
			if ( list.Count() > 0 )

			// Not bound, add a placeholder entry
			// Create a new: blank item
			KeyValues *item = new KeyValues( "Item" );
			// fill in data
			char loc[ 128 ];
			Q_snprintf( loc, sizeof( loc ), "#%s", kbMap->bindingname );

			char ansi[ 256 ];
			AnsiText( loc, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );

			item->SetString( "Action", ansi );
			item->SetWString( "Binding", L"" );
			if ( kbMap->helpstring )
				AnsiText( kbMap->helpstring, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );
				item->SetString( "Description", ansi );

			item->SetPtr( "Unbound", kbMap );						

			sorted.Insert( item );

	for ( j = sorted.FirstInorder() ; j != sorted.InvalidIndex(); j = sorted.NextInorder( j ) )
		KeyValues *item = sorted[ j ];

		// Add to list
		m_pList->AddItem( item, 0, false, false );


Beispiel #21
static cell_t SQL_ConnectCustom(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
	KeyValues *kv;
	HandleError err;

	kv = g_SourceMod.ReadKeyValuesHandle(params[1], &err, false);
	if (kv == NULL)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Invalid KeyValues handle %x (error: %d)",

	DatabaseInfo info;
	info.database = kv->GetString("database", "");
	info.driver = kv->GetString("driver", "default"); = kv->GetString("host", "");
	info.maxTimeout = kv->GetInt("timeout", 0);
	info.pass = kv->GetString("pass", "");
	info.port = kv->GetInt("port", 0);
	info.user = kv->GetString("user", "");

	IDBDriver *driver;
	if (info.driver[0] == '\0' || strcmp(info.driver, "default") == 0)
		driver = g_DBMan.GetDefaultDriver();
		driver = g_DBMan.FindOrLoadDriver(info.driver);

	if (driver == NULL)
		char buffer[255];

		UTIL_Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Could not find driver \"%s\"", info.driver);
		pContext->StringToLocalUTF8(params[2], params[3], buffer, NULL);

		return BAD_HANDLE;

	char *buffer;
	IDatabase *db;

	pContext->LocalToString(params[2], &buffer);
	db = driver->Connect(&info, params[4] ? true : false, buffer, params[3]);
	if (db == NULL)
		return BAD_HANDLE;

	Handle_t hndl = g_DBMan.CreateHandle(DBHandle_Database, db, pContext->GetIdentity());
	if (!hndl)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Out of handles!");

	/* HACK! Add us to the dependency list */
	CExtension *pExt = g_Extensions.GetExtensionFromIdent(driver->GetIdentity());
	if (pExt)
		g_Extensions.BindChildPlugin(pExt, g_PluginSys.GetPluginByCtx(pContext->GetContext()));

	return hndl;
void UploadOgsData( IReplayMovie *pMovie, bool bEnded = false, const char *pEndReason = NULL )
	static int s_nUploadCounter = 0;

	KeyValues* pKVData = new KeyValues( "TF2ReplayUploads" );

	pKVData->SetInt( "UploadCounter", s_nUploadCounter++ );
	pKVData->SetInt( "ReplayHandle", (int)pMovie->GetReplayHandle() );

	const ReplayRenderSettings_t &RenderSettings = pMovie->GetRenderSettings();
	CFmtStr fmtResolution( "%ix%i", RenderSettings.m_nWidth, RenderSettings.m_nHeight );
	pKVData->SetString( "ResolutionID", fmtResolution.Access() );

	pKVData->SetString( "CodecID", ReplayVideo_GetCodec( ReplayVideo_FindCodecPresetFromCodec( RenderSettings.m_Codec ) ).m_pName );
	pKVData->SetInt( "MotionBlurQuality", RenderSettings.m_nMotionBlurQuality );
	pKVData->SetInt( "RenderQuality", RenderSettings.m_nEncodingQuality );
	pKVData->SetInt( "FPSUPF", RenderSettings.m_FPS.GetUnitsPerFrame() );
	pKVData->SetInt( "FPSUPS", RenderSettings.m_FPS.GetUnitsPerSecond() );

	if ( bEnded )
		pKVData->SetInt( "EndUploadTime", GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch() );
		pKVData->SetString( "EndUploadReasonID", pEndReason );
		pKVData->SetInt( "StartUploadTime", GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().GetTimeSinceEpoch() );

	GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader().AddStatsForUpload( pKVData );
// Purpose: 
void CHL2MPClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdatePlayerInfo()
	m_iSectionId = 0; // 0'th row is a header
	int selectedRow = -1;
	int i;

	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();

	if ( !pPlayer || !g_PR )

	// walk all the players and make sure they're in the scoreboard
	for ( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
		bool shouldShow = g_PR->IsConnected( i );
		if ( shouldShow )
			// add the player to the list
			KeyValues *playerData = new KeyValues("data");
			GetPlayerScoreInfo( i, playerData );
			int itemID = FindItemIDForPlayerIndex( i );
  			int sectionID = GetSectionFromTeamNumber( g_PR->GetTeam( i ) );
			if (itemID == -1)
				// add a new row
				itemID = m_pPlayerList->AddItem( sectionID, playerData );
				// modify the current row
				m_pPlayerList->ModifyItem( itemID, sectionID, playerData );

			if ( i == pPlayer->entindex() )
				selectedRow = itemID;	// this is the local player, hilight this row

			// set the row color based on the players team
			m_pPlayerList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, g_PR->GetTeamColor( g_PR->GetTeam( i ) ) );

			// remove the player
			int itemID = FindItemIDForPlayerIndex( i );
			if (itemID != -1)

	if ( selectedRow != -1 )

// Purpose: accessor to the filter save data
KeyValues *CServerBrowserDialog::GetFilterSaveData(const char *filterSet)
	KeyValues *filterList = m_pSavedData->FindKey("FilterList", true);
	return filterList->FindKey(filterSet, true);
void C_SlideshowDisplay::BuildSlideShowImagesList( void )
	FileFindHandle_t matHandle;
	char szDirectory[_MAX_PATH];
	char szMatFileName[_MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};
	char szFileBuffer[ SLIDESHOW_LIST_BUFFER_MAX ];
	char *pchCurrentLine = NULL;

	if ( IsX360() )
		Q_snprintf( szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), "materials/vgui/%s/slides.txt", m_szSlideshowDirectory );

		FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( szDirectory, "rt" );
		if ( !fh )
			DevWarning( "Couldn't read slideshow image file %s!", szDirectory );

		int iFileSize = MIN( g_pFullFileSystem->Size( fh ), SLIDESHOW_LIST_BUFFER_MAX );

		int iBytesRead = g_pFullFileSystem->Read( szFileBuffer, iFileSize, fh );
		g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fh );

		// Ensure we don't write outside of our buffer
		if ( iBytesRead > iFileSize )
			iBytesRead = iFileSize;
		szFileBuffer[ iBytesRead ] = '\0';

		pchCurrentLine = szFileBuffer;

		// Seek to end of first line
		char *pchNextLine = pchCurrentLine;
		while ( *pchNextLine != '\0' && *pchNextLine != '\n' && *pchNextLine != ' ' )

		if ( *pchNextLine != '\0' )
			// Mark end of string
			*pchNextLine = '\0';

			// Seek to start of next string
			while ( *pchNextLine != '\0' && ( *pchNextLine == '\n' || *pchNextLine == ' ' ) )

		Q_strncpy( szMatFileName, pchCurrentLine, sizeof(szMatFileName) );
		pchCurrentLine = pchNextLine;
		Q_snprintf( szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), "materials/vgui/%s/*.vmt", m_szSlideshowDirectory );
		const char *pMatFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( szDirectory, &matHandle );

		if ( pMatFileName )
			Q_strncpy( szMatFileName, pMatFileName, sizeof(szMatFileName) );

	int iSlideIndex = 0;

	while ( szMatFileName[ 0 ] )
		char szFileName[_MAX_PATH];
		Q_snprintf( szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "vgui/%s/%s", m_szSlideshowDirectory, szMatFileName );
		szFileName[ Q_strlen( szFileName ) - 4 ] = '\0';

		int iMatIndex = ::GetMaterialIndex( szFileName );

		// Get material keywords
		char szFullFileName[_MAX_PATH];
		Q_snprintf( szFullFileName, sizeof( szFullFileName ), "materials/vgui/%s/%s", m_szSlideshowDirectory, szMatFileName );

		KeyValues *pMaterialKeys = new KeyValues( "material" );
		bool bLoaded = pMaterialKeys->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFullFileName, NULL );

		if ( bLoaded )
			char szKeywords[ 256 ];
			Q_strcpy( szKeywords, pMaterialKeys->GetString( "%keywords", "" ) );

			char *pchKeyword = szKeywords;

			while ( pchKeyword[ 0 ] != '\0' )
				char *pNextKeyword = pchKeyword;

				// Skip commas and spaces
				while ( pNextKeyword[ 0 ] != '\0' && pNextKeyword[ 0 ] != ',' )

				if ( pNextKeyword[ 0 ] != '\0' )
					pNextKeyword[ 0 ] = '\0';

					while ( pNextKeyword[ 0 ] != '\0' && ( pNextKeyword[ 0 ] == ',' || pNextKeyword[ 0 ] == ' ' ) )

				// Find the list with the current keyword
				int iList;
				for ( iList = 0; iList < m_SlideMaterialLists.Count(); ++iList )
					if ( Q_strcmp( m_SlideMaterialLists[ iList ]->szSlideKeyword, pchKeyword ) == 0 )

				if ( iList >= m_SlideMaterialLists.Count() )
					// Couldn't find the list, so create it
					iList = m_SlideMaterialLists.AddToTail( new SlideMaterialList_t );
					Q_strcpy( m_SlideMaterialLists[ iList ]->szSlideKeyword, pchKeyword );

				// Add material index to this list
				m_SlideMaterialLists[ iList ]->iSlideMaterials.AddToTail( iMatIndex );
				m_SlideMaterialLists[ iList ]->iSlideIndex.AddToTail( iSlideIndex );

				pchKeyword = pNextKeyword;

		// Find the generic list
		int iList;
		for ( iList = 0; iList < m_SlideMaterialLists.Count(); ++iList )
			if ( Q_strcmp( m_SlideMaterialLists[ iList ]->szSlideKeyword, "" ) == 0 )

		if ( iList >= m_SlideMaterialLists.Count() )
			// Couldn't find the generic list, so create it
			iList = m_SlideMaterialLists.AddToHead( new SlideMaterialList_t );
			Q_strcpy( m_SlideMaterialLists[ iList ]->szSlideKeyword, "" );

		// Add material index to this list
		m_SlideMaterialLists[ iList ]->iSlideMaterials.AddToTail( iMatIndex );
		m_SlideMaterialLists[ iList ]->iSlideIndex.AddToTail( iSlideIndex );
		if ( IsX360() )
			// Seek to end of first line
			char *pchNextLine = pchCurrentLine;
			while ( *pchNextLine != '\0' && *pchNextLine != '\n' && *pchNextLine != ' ' )

			if ( *pchNextLine != '\0' )
				// Mark end of string
				*pchNextLine = '\0';

				// Seek to start of next string
				while ( *pchNextLine != '\0' && ( *pchNextLine == '\n' || *pchNextLine == ' ' ) )

			Q_strncpy( szMatFileName, pchCurrentLine, sizeof(szMatFileName) );
			pchCurrentLine = pchNextLine;
			const char *pMatFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( matHandle );

			if ( pMatFileName )
				Q_strncpy( szMatFileName, pMatFileName, sizeof(szMatFileName) );
				szMatFileName[ 0 ] = '\0';


	if ( !IsX360() )
		g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( matHandle );
	// Purpose: Shared script resource of voice menu commands and hud strings
	void CMultiplayRules::LoadVoiceCommandScript( void )
		KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "VoiceCommands" );

		if ( pKV->LoadFromFile( filesystem, "scripts/voicecommands.txt", "GAME" ) )
			for ( KeyValues *menu = pKV->GetFirstSubKey(); menu != NULL; menu = menu->GetNextKey() )
				int iMenuIndex = m_VoiceCommandMenus.AddToTail();

				int iNumItems = 0;

				// for each subkey of this menu, add a menu item
				for ( KeyValues *menuitem = menu->GetFirstSubKey(); menuitem != NULL; menuitem = menuitem->GetNextKey() )

					if ( iNumItems > 9 )
						Warning( "Trying to load more than 9 menu items in voicecommands.txt, extras ignored" );

					VoiceCommandMenuItem_t item;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
					int iConcept = GetMPConceptIndexFromString( menuitem->GetString( "concept", "" ) );
					if ( iConcept == MP_CONCEPT_NONE )
						Warning( "Voicecommand script attempting to use unknown concept. Need to define new concepts in code. ( %s )\n", menuitem->GetString( "concept", "" ) );
					item.m_iConcept = iConcept;

					item.m_bShowSubtitle = ( menuitem->GetInt( "show_subtitle", 0 ) > 0 );
					item.m_bDistanceBasedSubtitle = ( menuitem->GetInt( "distance_check_subtitle", 0 ) > 0 );

					Q_strncpy( item.m_szGestureActivity, menuitem->GetString( "activity", "" ), sizeof( item.m_szGestureActivity ) ); 
					Q_strncpy( item.m_szSubtitle, menuitem->GetString( "subtitle", "" ), MAX_VOICE_COMMAND_SUBTITLE );
					Q_strncpy( item.m_szMenuLabel, menuitem->GetString( "menu_label", "" ), MAX_VOICE_COMMAND_SUBTITLE );

					m_VoiceCommandMenus.Element( iMenuIndex ).AddToTail( item );

// Purpose: Creates the build mode editing controls
void BuildModeDialog::CreateControls()
	int i;
	m_pPanelList = new PanelList;
	m_pPanelList->m_pResourceData = new KeyValues( "BuildDialog" );
	m_pPanelList->m_pControls = new PanelListPanel(this, "BuildModeControls");

	// file to edit combo box is first
	m_pFileSelectionCombo = new ComboBox(this, "FileSelectionCombo", 10, false);
	for ( i = 0; i < m_pBuildGroup->GetRegisteredControlSettingsFileCount(); i++)
		m_pFileSelectionCombo->AddItem(m_pBuildGroup->GetRegisteredControlSettingsFileByIndex(i), NULL);
	if (m_pFileSelectionCombo->GetItemCount() < 2)

	int buttonH = 18;

	// status info at top of dialog
	m_pStatusLabel = new Label(this, "StatusLabel", "[nothing currently selected]");
	m_pStatusLabel->SetTall( buttonH );
	m_pDivider = new Divider(this, "Divider");
	// drop-down combo box for adding new controls
	m_pAddNewControlCombo = new ComboBox(this, NULL, 30, false);
	m_pAddNewControlCombo->SetSize(116, buttonH);

	m_pEditableParents = new CBuildModeNavCombo( this, NULL, 15, false, true, m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel() );
	m_pEditableParents->SetSize(116, buttonH);

	m_pEditableChildren = new CBuildModeNavCombo( this, NULL, 15, false, false, m_pBuildGroup->GetContextPanel() );
	m_pEditableChildren->SetSize(116, buttonH);

	m_pNextChild = new Button( this, "NextChild", "Next", this );
	m_pNextChild->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OnChangeChild", "direction", 1 ) );

	m_pPrevChild = new Button( this, "PrevChild", "Prev", this );
	m_pPrevChild->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OnChangeChild", "direction", -1 ) );

	// controls that can be added
	// this list comes from controls EditablePanel can create by name.
	int defaultItem = m_pAddNewControlCombo->AddItem("None", NULL);

	CUtlVector< char const * >	names;
	CBuildFactoryHelper::GetFactoryNames( names );
	// Sort the names
	CUtlRBTree< char const *, int > sorted( 0, 0, StringLessThan );

	for ( i = 0; i < names.Count(); ++i )
		sorted.Insert( names[ i ] );

	for ( i = sorted.FirstInorder(); i != sorted.InvalidIndex(); i = sorted.NextInorder( i ) )
		m_pAddNewControlCombo->AddItem( sorted[ i ], NULL );


	m_pExitButton = new Button(this, "ExitButton", "&Exit");
	m_pExitButton->SetSize(64, buttonH);

	m_pSaveButton = new Button(this, "SaveButton", "&Save");
	m_pSaveButton->SetSize(64, buttonH);
	m_pApplyButton = new Button(this, "ApplyButton", "&Apply");
	m_pApplyButton->SetSize(64, buttonH);

	m_pReloadLocalization = new Button( this, "Localization", "&Reload Localization" );
	m_pReloadLocalization->SetSize( 100, buttonH );

	m_pReloadLocalization->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "ReloadLocalization" ) );

	m_pDeleteButton = new Button(this, "DeletePanelButton", "Delete");
	m_pDeleteButton->SetSize(64, buttonH);

	m_pVarsButton = new MenuButton(this, "VarsButton", "Variables");
	m_pVarsButton->SetSize(72, buttonH);
	// iterate the vars
	KeyValues *vars = m_pBuildGroup->GetDialogVariables();
	if (vars && vars->GetFirstSubKey())
		// create the menu
		Menu *menu = new Menu(m_pVarsButton, "VarsMenu");

		// set all the variables to be copied to the clipboard when selected
		for (KeyValues *kv = vars->GetFirstSubKey(); kv != NULL; kv = kv->GetNextKey())
			char buf[32];
			_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%%%s%%", kv->GetName());
			menu->AddMenuItem(kv->GetName(), new KeyValues("SetClipboardText", "text", buf), this);

		// no variables


	m_pEditableParents->SetTabPosition( 8 );
	m_pEditableChildren->SetTabPosition( 9 );

	m_pPrevChild->SetTabPosition( 10 );
	m_pNextChild->SetTabPosition( 11 );

	m_pReloadLocalization->SetTabPosition( 12 );
bool CEngineSprite::Init( const char *pName )
	m_VideoMaterial = NULL;
	for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
		m_material[ i ] = NULL;

	m_width = m_height = m_numFrames = 1;

	Assert( g_pVideo != NULL );
	if ( g_pVideo != NULL && g_pVideo->LocateVideoSystemForPlayingFile( pName ) != VideoSystem::NONE ) 
		m_VideoMaterial = g_pVideo->CreateVideoMaterial( pName, pName, "GAME", VideoPlaybackFlags::DEFAULT_MATERIAL_OPTIONS, VideoSystem::DETERMINE_FROM_FILE_EXTENSION, false ); 
		if ( m_VideoMaterial == NULL )
			return false;

		IMaterial *pMaterial = m_VideoMaterial->GetMaterial();
		m_VideoMaterial->GetVideoImageSize( &m_width, &m_height );
		m_numFrames = m_VideoMaterial->GetFrameCount();
		for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
			m_material[i] = pMaterial;
		char pTemp[MAX_PATH];
		char pMaterialName[MAX_PATH];
		char pMaterialPath[MAX_PATH];
		Q_StripExtension( pName, pTemp, sizeof(pTemp) );
		Q_strlower( pTemp );
		Q_FixSlashes( pTemp, '/' );

		// Check to see if this is a UNC-specified material name
		bool bIsUNC = pTemp[0] == '/' && pTemp[1] == '/' && pTemp[2] != '/';
		if ( !bIsUNC )
			Q_strncpy( pMaterialName, "materials/", sizeof(pMaterialName) );
			Q_strncat( pMaterialName, pTemp, sizeof(pMaterialName), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
			Q_strncpy( pMaterialName, pTemp, sizeof(pMaterialName) );
		Q_strncpy( pMaterialPath, pMaterialName, sizeof(pMaterialPath) );
		Q_SetExtension( pMaterialPath, ".vmt", sizeof(pMaterialPath) );

		KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "vmt" );
		if ( !kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pMaterialPath, "GAME" ) )
			Warning( "Unable to load sprite material %s!\n", pMaterialPath );
			return false;

		for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
			if ( i == kRenderNone || i == kRenderEnvironmental )
				m_material[i] = NULL;

			Q_snprintf( pMaterialPath, sizeof(pMaterialPath), "%s_rendermode_%d", pMaterialName, i );
			KeyValues *pMaterialKV = kv->MakeCopy();
			pMaterialKV->SetInt( "$spriteRenderMode", i );
			m_material[i] = g_pMaterialSystem->FindProceduralMaterial( pMaterialPath, TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS, pMaterialKV );
			m_material[ i ]->IncrementReferenceCount();


		m_width = m_material[0]->GetMappingWidth();
		m_height = m_material[0]->GetMappingHeight();
		m_numFrames = m_material[0]->GetNumAnimationFrames();

	for ( int i = 0; i < kRenderModeCount; ++i )
		if ( i == kRenderNone || i == kRenderEnvironmental )

		if ( !m_material[i] )
			return false;

	IMaterialVar *orientationVar = m_material[0]->FindVarFast( "$spriteorientation", &spriteOrientationCache );
	m_orientation = orientationVar ? orientationVar->GetIntValue() : C_SpriteRenderer::SPR_VP_PARALLEL_UPRIGHT;

	IMaterialVar *originVar = m_material[0]->FindVarFast( "$spriteorigin", &spriteOriginCache );
	Vector origin, originVarValue;
	if( !originVar || ( originVar->GetType() != MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_VECTOR ) )
		origin[0] = -m_width * 0.5f;
		origin[1] = m_height * 0.5f;
		originVar->GetVecValue( &originVarValue[0], 3 );
		origin[0] = -m_width * originVarValue[0];
		origin[1] = m_height * originVarValue[1];

	up = origin[1];
	down = origin[1] - m_height;
	left = origin[0];
	right = m_width + origin[0];

	return true;
void InGameChapterSelect::OnCommand(const char *command)
	if ( const char* szMissionItem = StringAfterPrefix( command, "cmd_campaign_" ) )
		if ( !Q_stricmp( szMissionItem, m_chCampaign ) )
			return;	// Setting to same mission

		Q_strncpy( m_chCampaign, szMissionItem, ARRAYSIZE( m_chCampaign ) );

		// Determine current game settings
		KeyValues *pGameSettings = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchNetworkMsgController()->GetActiveServerGameDetails( NULL );
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_pGameSettings( pGameSettings );
		if ( !pGameSettings )

		DropDownMenu *pMissionDropDown = dynamic_cast< DropDownMenu* >( FindChildByName( "DrpMission" ) );
		if( pMissionDropDown ) //we should become a listener for events pertaining to the mission flyout
			FlyoutMenu* missionFlyout = pMissionDropDown->GetCurrentFlyout();
			if( missionFlyout )
				missionFlyout->SetListener( this );
				if ( vgui::Button *pAddonBtn = missionFlyout->FindChildButtonByCommand( "cmd_addoncampaign" ) )
					pAddonBtn->SetEnabled( false );

				// Disable all other campaigns that cannot be used for a vote
				for ( int k = 0, kNum = missionFlyout->GetChildCount(); k < kNum; ++ k )
					Panel *child = missionFlyout->GetChild( k );
					if ( BaseModHybridButton* button = dynamic_cast< BaseModHybridButton* >( child ) )
						if ( const char* commandValue = button->GetCommand()->GetString( "command", NULL ) )
							if ( char const *szMissionName = StringAfterPrefix( commandValue, "cmd_campaign_" ) )
								pGameSettings->SetString( "game/campaign", szMissionName );
								pGameSettings->SetInt( "game/chapter", 1 );
								if ( !g_pMatchExtSwarm->GetMapInfo( pGameSettings ) )
									button->SetEnabled( false );

	else if ( char const *szChapterSelected = StringAfterPrefix( command, "#L4D360UI_Chapter_" ) )
		m_nChapter = atoi( szChapterSelected );
		UpdateChapterImage( m_chCampaign, m_nChapter );
	else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "Select" ) )
		KeyValues *pGameSettings = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchNetworkMsgController()->GetActiveServerGameDetails( NULL );
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_pGameSettings( pGameSettings );

		if ( !GameModeIsSingleChapter( pGameSettings->GetString( "game/mode" ) ) )
			m_nChapter = 1;

		pGameSettings->SetString( "game/campaign", m_chCampaign );
		pGameSettings->SetInt( "game/chapter", m_nChapter );

		char const *szVoteCommand = "ChangeChapter";

		int iUser = GetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot();

		Panel *pDrpChapter = FindChildByName( "DrpChapter" );
		if ( !pDrpChapter || !pDrpChapter->IsEnabled() )
			szVoteCommand = "ChangeMission";
			m_nChapter = 1;

			engine->ClientCmd( CFmtStr( "callvote %s %s;", szVoteCommand, m_chCampaign ) );
		else if ( KeyValues *pInfoMap = g_pMatchExtSwarm->GetMapInfo( pGameSettings ) )
			engine->ClientCmd( CFmtStr( "callvote %s %s;", szVoteCommand, pInfoMap->GetString( "map" ) ) );

		engine->ClientCmd( "gameui_hide" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "Cancel" ) )
Beispiel #30
void FoundPublicGames::AddServersToList( void )
	if ( !m_pSearchManager )

	int numItems = m_pSearchManager->GetNumResults();
	for ( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++ i )
		IMatchSearchResult *item = m_pSearchManager->GetResultByIndex( i );
		KeyValues *pGameDetails = item->GetGameDetails();
		if ( !pGameDetails )
		if ( !ShouldShowPublicGame( pGameDetails ) )

		FoundGameListItem::Info fi;

		fi.mInfoType = FoundGameListItem::FGT_PUBLICGAME;
		char const *szGameMode = pGameDetails->GetString( "game/mode", "campaign" );
		bool bGameModeChapters = GameModeIsSingleChapter( szGameMode );
		const char *szDisplayName = pGameDetails->GetString( "game/missioninfo/displaytitle" );
		if ( !szDisplayName || !szDisplayName[0] )
			szDisplayName = "Unknown Mission";
		Q_strncpy( fi.Name, szDisplayName, sizeof( fi.Name ) );

		fi.mIsJoinable = item->IsJoinable();
		fi.mbInGame = true;

		fi.miPing = pGameDetails->GetInt( "server/ping", 0 );
		fi.mPing = fi.GP_HIGH;
		if ( !Q_stricmp( "lan", pGameDetails->GetString( "system/network", "" ) ) )
			fi.mPing = fi.GP_SYSTEMLINK;

		fi.mpGameDetails = pGameDetails->MakeCopy();
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete_fi_mpGameDetails( fi.mpGameDetails );

		// Force the chapter to 1 in case there is no chapter specified
		int iChapter = fi.mpGameDetails->GetInt( "game/chapter", 0 );
		if ( !iChapter )
			fi.mpGameDetails->SetInt( "game/chapter", 1 );
			fi.mpGameDetails->SetBool( "UI/nochapter", 1 );

		if ( IsX360() )
			// For X360 titles do not transmit campaign display title, so client needs to resolve locally
			KeyValues *pMissionInfo = NULL;
			KeyValues *pChapterInfo = NULL; //GetMapInfoRespectingAnyChapter( fi.mpGameDetails, &pMissionInfo );
			if ( pMissionInfo && pChapterInfo )
				if ( bGameModeChapters )
					Q_strncpy( fi.Name, pChapterInfo->GetString( "displayname", "#L4D360UI_LevelName_Unknown" ), sizeof( fi.Name ) );
					Q_strncpy( fi.Name, pMissionInfo->GetString( "displaytitle", "#L4D360UI_CampaignName_Unknown" ), sizeof( fi.Name ) );
				Q_strncpy( fi.Name, "#L4D360UI_CampaignName_Unknown", sizeof( fi.Name ) );
				fi.mbDLC = true;

		fi.mFriendXUID = item->GetOnlineId();

		// Check if this is actually a non-joinable game
		if ( fi.IsDLC() )
			fi.mIsJoinable = false;
		else if ( fi.IsDownloadable() )
			fi.mIsJoinable = false;
		else if ( fi.mbInGame )
			char const *szHint = fi.GetNonJoinableShortHint();
			if ( !*szHint )
				fi.mIsJoinable = true;
				fi.mpfnJoinGame = HandleJoinPublicGame;
				fi.mIsJoinable = false;

		AddGameFromDetails( fi );