Beispiel #1
static LLPanel *childGetVisiblePanelWithHelp(LLView *parent)
	LLView *child;

	// look through immediate children first for an active panel with help
	for (child = parent->getFirstChild(); child; child = parent->findNextSibling(child))
		// do we have a panel with a help topic?
		LLPanel *panel = dynamic_cast<LLPanel *>(child);
		if (panel && panel->getVisible() && !panel->getHelpTopic().empty())
			return panel;

	// then try a bit harder and recurse through all children
	for (child = parent->getFirstChild(); child; child = parent->findNextSibling(child))
		if (child->getVisible())
			LLPanel* panel = ::childGetVisiblePanelWithHelp(child);
			if (panel)
				return panel;

	// couldn't find any active panels with a help topic string
	return NULL;
Beispiel #2
void LLSideTrayListener::getTabs(const LLSD& event) const
    LLSD reply;

    LLSideTray* tray = mGetter();
    LLSD::Integer ord(0);
    for (LLSideTray::child_list_const_iter_t chi(tray->beginChild()), chend(tray->endChild());
         chi != chend; ++chi, ++ord)
        LLView* child = *chi;
        // How much info is important? Toss in as much as seems reasonable for
        // each tab. But to me, at least for the moment, the most important
        // item is the tab name.
        LLSD info;
        // I like the idea of returning a map keyed by tab name. But as
        // compared to an array of maps, that loses sequence information.
        // Address that by indicating the original order in each map entry.
        info["ord"] = ord;
        info["visible"] = bool(child->getVisible());
        info["enabled"] = bool(child->getEnabled());
        info["available"] = child->isAvailable();
        reply[child->getName()] = info;

    sendReply(reply, event);
Beispiel #3
bool LLPanel::childIsVisible(const std::string& id) const
	LLView* child = findChild<LLView>(id);
	if (child)
		return (bool)child->getVisible();
	return false;
BOOL LLViewerTextEditor::handleToolTip(S32 x, S32 y, std::string& msg, LLRect* sticky_rect_screen)
	for (child_list_const_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->begin();
			child_iter != getChildList()->end(); ++child_iter)
		LLView *viewp = *child_iter;
		S32 local_x = x - viewp->getRect().mLeft;
		S32 local_y = y - viewp->getRect().mBottom;
		if( viewp->pointInView(local_x, local_y) 
			&& viewp->getVisible() 
			&& viewp->getEnabled()
			&& viewp->handleToolTip(local_x, local_y, msg, sticky_rect_screen ) )
			return TRUE;

	if( mSegments.empty() )
		return TRUE;

	const LLTextSegment* cur_segment = getSegmentAtLocalPos( x, y );
	if( cur_segment )
		BOOL has_tool_tip = FALSE;
		if( cur_segment->getStyle()->getIsEmbeddedItem() )
			LLWString wtip;
			has_tool_tip = getEmbeddedItemToolTipAtPos(cur_segment->getStart(), wtip);
			msg = wstring_to_utf8str(wtip);
			has_tool_tip = cur_segment->getToolTip( msg );
		if( has_tool_tip )
			// Just use a slop area around the cursor
			// Convert rect local to screen coordinates
			S32 SLOP = 8;
				x - SLOP, y - SLOP, 
				&(sticky_rect_screen->mLeft), &(sticky_rect_screen->mBottom) );
			sticky_rect_screen->mRight = sticky_rect_screen->mLeft + 2 * SLOP;
			sticky_rect_screen->mTop = sticky_rect_screen->mBottom + 2 * SLOP;
	return TRUE;
LLView*	LLAccordionCtrlTab::findContainerView()
	for(child_list_const_iter_t it = getChildList()->begin(); 
		getChildList()->end() != it; ++it)
		LLView* child = *it;
		if(DD_HEADER_NAME == child->getName())
		return child;
	return NULL;
Beispiel #6
static LLPanel *childGetVisibleTabWithHelp(LLView *parent)
	LLView *child;

	// look through immediate children first for an active tab with help
	for (child = parent->getFirstChild(); child; child = parent->findNextSibling(child))
		LLPanel *curTabPanel = NULL;

		// do we have a tab container?
		LLTabContainer *tab = dynamic_cast<LLTabContainer *>(child);
		if (tab && tab->getVisible())
			curTabPanel = tab->getCurrentPanel();

		// do we have an accordion tab?
		LLAccordionCtrlTab* accordion = dynamic_cast<LLAccordionCtrlTab *>(child);
		if (accordion && accordion->getDisplayChildren())
			curTabPanel = dynamic_cast<LLPanel *>(accordion->getAccordionView());

		// if we found a valid tab, does it have a help topic?
		if (curTabPanel && !curTabPanel->getHelpTopic().empty())
			return curTabPanel;

	// then try a bit harder and recurse through all children
	for (child = parent->getFirstChild(); child; child = parent->findNextSibling(child))
		if (child->getVisible())
			LLPanel* tab = ::childGetVisibleTabWithHelp(child);
			if (tab)
				return tab;

	// couldn't find any active tabs with a help topic string
	return NULL;
void	LLSideTray::updateSidetrayVisibility()
	// set visibility of parent container based on collapsed state
	LLView* parent = getParent();
	if (parent)
		bool old_visibility = parent->getVisible();
		bool new_visibility = !mCollapsed && !gAgentCamera.cameraMouselook();

		if (old_visibility != new_visibility)

			// Signal change of visible width.
			llinfos << "Visible: " << new_visibility << llendl;
			mVisibleWidthChangeSignal(this, new_visibility);
Beispiel #8
void LLPopupView::draw()
	S32 screen_x, screen_y;

	// remove dead popups
	for (popup_list_t::iterator popup_it = mPopups.begin();
		popup_it != mPopups.end();)
		if (!popup_it->get())

	// draw in reverse order (most recent is on top)
	for (popup_list_t::reverse_iterator popup_it = mPopups.rbegin();
		popup_it != mPopups.rend();)
		LLView* popup = popup_it->get();

		if (popup->getVisible())
			popup->localPointToScreen(0, 0, &screen_x, &screen_y);

				LLUI::translate( (F32) screen_x, (F32) screen_y, 0.f);

void LLContainerView::arrange(S32 width, S32 height, BOOL called_from_parent)
	// Determine the sizes and locations of all contained views
	S32 total_height = 0;
	S32 top, left, right, bottom;
	//LLView *childp;

	// These will be used for the children
	left = 4;
	top = getRect().getHeight() - 4;
	right = width - 2;
	bottom = top;
	// Leave some space for the top label/grab handle
	if (mShowLabel)
		total_height += 20;

	if (mDisplayChildren)
		// Determine total height
		U32 child_height = 0;
		for (child_list_const_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->begin();
			 child_iter != getChildList()->end(); ++child_iter)
			LLView *childp = *child_iter;
			if (!childp->getVisible())
				LL_WARNS() << "Incorrect visibility!" << LL_ENDL;
			LLRect child_rect = childp->getRequiredRect();
			child_height += child_rect.getHeight();
			child_height += 2;
		total_height += child_height;

	if (total_height < height)
		total_height = height;
	if (followsTop())
		// HACK: casting away const. Should use setRect or some helper function instead.
		const_cast<LLRect&>(getRect()).mBottom = getRect().mTop - total_height;
		// HACK: casting away const. Should use setRect or some helper function instead.
		const_cast<LLRect&>(getRect()).mTop = getRect().mBottom + total_height;
	// HACK: casting away const. Should use setRect or some helper function instead.
		const_cast<LLRect&>(getRect()).mRight = getRect().mLeft + width;

	top = total_height;
	if (mShowLabel)
			top -= 20;
	bottom = top;

	if (mDisplayChildren)
		// Iterate through all children, and put in container from top down.
		for (child_list_const_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->begin();
			 child_iter != getChildList()->end(); ++child_iter)
			LLView *childp = *child_iter;
			LLRect child_rect = childp->getRequiredRect();
			bottom -= child_rect.getHeight();
			LLRect r(left, bottom + child_rect.getHeight(), right, bottom);
			childp->reshape(right - left, top - bottom);
			top = bottom - 2;
			bottom = top;
	if (!called_from_parent)
		if (getParent())
			getParent()->reshape(getParent()->getRect().getWidth(), getParent()->getRect().getHeight(), FALSE);

void LLScrollContainer::draw()
	static LLUICachedControl<S32> scrollbar_size ("UIScrollbarSize", 0);
	if (mAutoScrolling)
		// add acceleration to autoscroll
		mAutoScrollRate = llmin(mAutoScrollRate + (LLFrameTimer::getFrameDeltaTimeF32() * AUTO_SCROLL_RATE_ACCEL), mMaxAutoScrollRate);
		// reset to minimum for next time
		mAutoScrollRate = mMinAutoScrollRate;
	// clear this flag to be set on next call to autoScroll
	mAutoScrolling = FALSE;

	// auto-focus when scrollbar active
	// this allows us to capture user intent (i.e. stop automatically scrolling the view/etc)
	if (!hasFocus() 
		&& (mScrollbar[VERTICAL]->hasMouseCapture() || mScrollbar[HORIZONTAL]->hasMouseCapture()))

	// Draw background
	if( mIsOpaque )
		gGL.color4fv( mBackgroundColor.get().mV );
		gl_rect_2d( mInnerRect );
	// Draw mScrolledViews and update scroll bars.
	// get a scissor region ready, and draw the scrolling view. The
	// scissor region ensures that we don't draw outside of the bounds
	// of the rectangle.
	if( mScrolledView )

		// Draw the scrolled area.
			S32 visible_width = 0;
			S32 visible_height = 0;
			BOOL show_v_scrollbar = FALSE;
			BOOL show_h_scrollbar = FALSE;
			calcVisibleSize( &visible_width, &visible_height, &show_h_scrollbar, &show_v_scrollbar );

			LLLocalClipRect clip(LLRect(mInnerRect.mLeft, 
					mInnerRect.mBottom + (show_h_scrollbar ? scrollbar_size : 0) + visible_height,
					mInnerRect.mRight - (show_v_scrollbar ? scrollbar_size: 0),
					mInnerRect.mBottom + (show_h_scrollbar ? scrollbar_size : 0)

	// Highlight border if a child of this container has keyboard focus
	if( mBorder->getVisible() )
		mBorder->setKeyboardFocusHighlight( gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this) );

	// Draw all children except mScrolledView
	// Note: scrollbars have been adjusted by above drawing code
	for (child_list_const_reverse_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->rbegin();
		 child_iter != getChildList()->rend(); ++child_iter)
		LLView *viewp = *child_iter;
		if( sDebugRects )
		if( (viewp != mScrolledView) && viewp->getVisible() )
		if( sDebugRects )
} // end draw
Beispiel #11
void LLAvatarListItem::updateChildren()
    LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << LL_ENDL;
    LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "Updating for: " << getAvatarName() << LL_ENDL;

    S32 name_new_width = getRect().getWidth();
    S32 ctrl_new_left = name_new_width;
    S32 name_new_left = sLeftPadding;

    // iterate through all children and set them into correct position depend on each child visibility
    // assume that child indexes are in back order: the first in Enum is the last (right) in the item
    // iterate & set child views starting from right to left
    for (S32 i = 0; i < ALIC_COUNT; ++i)
        // skip "name" textbox, it will be processed out of loop later
        if (ALIC_NAME == i) continue;

        LLView* control = getItemChildView((EAvatarListItemChildIndex)i);

        LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "Processing control: " << control->getName() << LL_ENDL;
        // skip invisible views
        if (!control->getVisible()) continue;

        S32 ctrl_width = sChildrenWidths[i]; // including space between current & left controls
        // This one changes, so we can't cache it.
            ctrl_width += mExtraInformation->getRect().getWidth();

        // decrease available for
        name_new_width -= ctrl_width;
        LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "width: " << ctrl_width << ", name_new_width: " << name_new_width << LL_ENDL;

        LLRect control_rect = control->getRect();
        LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "rect before: " << control_rect << LL_ENDL;

        if (ALIC_ICON == i)
            // assume that this is the last iteration,
            // so it is not necessary to save "ctrl_new_left" value calculated on previous iterations
            ctrl_new_left = sLeftPadding;
            name_new_left = ctrl_new_left + ctrl_width;
            ctrl_new_left -= ctrl_width;

        LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "ctrl_new_left: " << ctrl_new_left << LL_ENDL;


        LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "rect after: " << control_rect << LL_ENDL;

    // set size and position of the "name" child
    LLView* name_view = getItemChildView(ALIC_NAME);
    LLRect name_view_rect = name_view->getRect();
    LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "name rect before: " << name_view_rect << LL_ENDL;

    // apply paddings
    name_new_width -= sLeftPadding;
    name_new_width -= sNameRightPadding;



    LL_DEBUGS("AvatarItemReshape") << "name rect after: " << name_view_rect << LL_ENDL;
Beispiel #12
void LLOverlayBar::draw()
	// retrieve rounded rect image
	LLUUID image_id;
	LLViewerImage* imagep = gImageList.getImage(image_id, MIPMAP_FALSE, TRUE);

	if (imagep)
		LLGLSTexture texture_enabled;

		const S32 PAD = gSavedSettings.getS32("StatusBarPad");

		// draw rounded rect tabs behind all children
		LLRect r;
		// focus highlights
		LLColor4 color = gColors.getColor("FloaterFocusBorderColor");
			for (child_list_const_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->begin();
				child_iter != getChildList()->end(); ++child_iter)
				LLView *view = *child_iter;
				if(view->getEnabled() && view->getVisible())
					r = view->getRect();
					gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(r.mLeft - PAD/3 - 1, 
											r.mTop + 3, 
											r.mRight + PAD/3 + 1,

		// main tabs
		for (child_list_const_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->begin();
			child_iter != getChildList()->end(); ++child_iter)
			LLView *view = *child_iter;
			if(view->getEnabled() && view->getVisible())
				r = view->getRect();
				// draw a nice little pseudo-3D outline
				color = gColors.getColor("DefaultShadowDark");
				gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(r.mLeft - PAD/3 + 1, r.mTop + 2, r.mRight + PAD/3, r.mBottom, 
										 imagep->getWidth(), imagep->getHeight(), 16, ROUNDED_RECT_TOP);
				color = gColors.getColor("DefaultHighlightLight");
				gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(r.mLeft - PAD/3, r.mTop + 2, r.mRight + PAD/3 - 3, r.mBottom, 
										 imagep->getWidth(), imagep->getHeight(), 16, ROUNDED_RECT_TOP);
				// here's the main background.  Note that it overhangs on the bottom so as to hide the
				// focus highlight on the bottom panel, thus producing the illusion that the focus highlight
				// continues around the tabs
				color = gColors.getColor("FocusBackgroundColor");
				gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(r.mLeft - PAD/3 + 1, r.mTop + 1, r.mRight + PAD/3 - 1, r.mBottom - 1, 
										 imagep->getWidth(), imagep->getHeight(), 16, ROUNDED_RECT_TOP);

	// draw children on top