 * Construct an "empty" output workspace in virtual-lambda for summation in Q.
 * The workspace will have the same x values as the input workspace but the y
 * values will all be zero.
 * @return : a 1D workspace where y values are all zero
ReflectometryReductionOne2::constructIvsLamWS(MatrixWorkspace_sptr detectorWS) {

  // There is one output spectrum for each detector group
  const size_t numGroups = detectorGroups().size();
  // Calculate the number of bins based on the min/max wavelength, using
  // the same bin width as the input workspace
  const double binWidth = (detectorWS->x(0).back() - detectorWS->x(0).front()) /
  const int numBins = static_cast<int>(
      std::ceil((wavelengthMax() - wavelengthMin()) / binWidth));
  // Construct the histogram with these X values. Y and E values are zero.
  const BinEdges xValues(numBins, LinearGenerator(wavelengthMin(), binWidth));
  // Create the output workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
      detectorWS, numGroups, numBins, numBins - 1);

  // Loop through each detector group in the input
  for (size_t groupIdx = 0; groupIdx < numGroups; ++groupIdx) {
    // Get the detectors in this group
    auto &detectors = detectorGroups()[groupIdx];
    // Set the x values for this spectrum
    outputWS->setBinEdges(groupIdx, xValues);
    // Set the detector ID from the twoThetaR detector.
    const size_t twoThetaRIdx = twoThetaRDetectorIdx(detectors);
    auto &outSpec = outputWS->getSpectrum(groupIdx);
    const detid_t twoThetaRDetID =
    // Set the spectrum number from the twoThetaR detector
    SpectrumNumber specNum =
    auto indexInf = outputWS->indexInfo();
    indexInf.setSpectrumNumbers(specNum, specNum);

  return outputWS;
Beispiel #2
/** Execute the algorithm.
void EditInstrumentGeometry::exec() {
  // Lots of things have to do with the input workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr workspace = getProperty("Workspace");
  Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr originstrument = workspace->getInstrument();

  // Get and check the primary flight path
  double l1 = this->getProperty("PrimaryFlightPath");
  if (isEmpty(l1)) {
    // Use the original L1
    if (!originstrument) {
      std::string errmsg(
          "It is not supported that L1 is not given, ",
          "while there is no instrument associated to input workspace.");
      throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
    Geometry::IComponent_const_sptr source = originstrument->getSource();
    Geometry::IComponent_const_sptr sample = originstrument->getSample();
    l1 = source->getDistance(*sample);
    g_log.information() << "Retrieve L1 from input data workspace. \n";
  g_log.information() << "Using L1 = " << l1 << "\n";

  // Get spectra number in case they are in a funny order
  std::vector<int32_t> specids = this->getProperty("SpectrumIDs");
  if (specids.empty()) // they are using the order of the input workspace
    size_t numHist = workspace->getNumberHistograms();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numHist; ++i) {
      g_log.information() << "Add spectrum "
                          << workspace->getSpectrum(i).getSpectrumNo() << ".\n";

  // Get the detector ids - empsy means ignore it
  const vector<int> vec_detids = getProperty("DetectorIDs");
  const bool renameDetID(!vec_detids.empty());

  // Get individual detector geometries ordered by input spectrum Numbers
  const std::vector<double> l2s = this->getProperty("L2");
  const std::vector<double> tths = this->getProperty("Polar");
  std::vector<double> phis = this->getProperty("Azimuthal");

  // empty list of L2 and 2-theta is not allowed
  if (l2s.empty()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("User must specify L2 for all spectra. ");
  if (tths.empty()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("User must specify 2theta for all spectra.");

  // empty list of phi means that they are all zero
  if (phis.empty()) {
    phis.assign(l2s.size(), 0.);

  // Validate
  for (size_t ib = 0; ib < l2s.size(); ib++) {
    g_log.information() << "Detector " << specids[ib] << "  L2 = " << l2s[ib]
                        << "  2Theta = " << tths[ib] << '\n';
    if (specids[ib] < 0) {
      // Invalid spectrum Number : less than 0.
      stringstream errmsgss;
      errmsgss << "Detector ID = " << specids[ib] << " cannot be less than 0.";
      throw std::invalid_argument(errmsgss.str());
    if (l2s[ib] <= 0.0) {
      throw std::invalid_argument("L2 cannot be less or equal to 0");

  // Keep original instrument and set the new instrument, if necessary
  const auto spec2indexmap = workspace->getSpectrumToWorkspaceIndexMap();

  // ??? Condition: spectrum has 1 and only 1 detector
  size_t nspec = workspace->getNumberHistograms();

  // Initialize another set of L2/2-theta/Phi/DetectorIDs vector ordered by
  // workspace index
  std::vector<double> storL2s(nspec, 0.);
  std::vector<double> stor2Thetas(nspec, 0.);
  std::vector<double> storPhis(nspec, 0.);
  vector<int> storDetIDs(nspec, 0);

  // Map the properties from spectrum Number to workspace index
  for (size_t i = 0; i < specids.size(); i++) {
    // Find spectrum's workspace index
    auto it = spec2indexmap.find(specids[i]);
    if (it == spec2indexmap.end()) {
      stringstream errss;
      errss << "Spectrum Number " << specids[i] << " is not found. "
            << "Instrument won't be edited for this spectrum. \n";
      throw std::runtime_error(errss.str());

    // Store and set value
    size_t workspaceindex = it->second;

    storL2s[workspaceindex] = l2s[i];
    stor2Thetas[workspaceindex] = tths[i];
    storPhis[workspaceindex] = phis[i];
    if (renameDetID)
      storDetIDs[workspaceindex] = vec_detids[i];

    g_log.debug() << "workspace index = " << workspaceindex
                  << " is for Spectrum " << specids[i] << '\n';

  // Generate a new instrument
  // Name of the new instrument
  std::string name = std::string(getProperty("InstrumentName"));
  if (name.empty()) {
    // Use the original L1
    if (!originstrument) {
      std::string errmsg(
          "It is not supported that InstrumentName is not given, ",
          "while there is no instrument associated to input workspace.");
      throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
    name = originstrument->getName();

  // Create a new instrument from scratch any way.
  auto instrument = boost::make_shared<Geometry::Instrument>(name);
  if (!bool(instrument)) {
    stringstream errss;
    errss << "Trying to use a Parametrized Instrument as an Instrument.";
    throw std::runtime_error(errss.str());

  // Set up source and sample information
  Geometry::ObjComponent *samplepos =
      new Geometry::ObjComponent("Sample", instrument.get());
  samplepos->setPos(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

  Geometry::ObjComponent *source =
      new Geometry::ObjComponent("Source", instrument.get());
  source->setPos(0.0, 0.0, -1.0 * l1);

  // Add/copy detector information
  auto indexInfo = workspace->indexInfo();
  std::vector<detid_t> detIDs;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < workspace->getNumberHistograms(); i++) {
    // Create a new detector.
    //    (Instrument will take ownership of pointer so no need to delete.)
    detid_t newdetid;
    if (renameDetID)
      newdetid = storDetIDs[i];
      newdetid = detid_t(i) + 100;
    Geometry::Detector *detector =
        new Geometry::Detector("det", newdetid, samplepos);

    // Set up new detector parameters related to new instrument
    double l2 = storL2s[i];
    double tth = stor2Thetas[i];
    double phi = storPhis[i];

    Kernel::V3D pos;
    pos.spherical(l2, tth, phi);

    // Add new detector to spectrum and instrument
    // Good and do some debug output
    g_log.debug() << "Orignal spectrum " << indexInfo.spectrumNumber(i)
                  << "has " << indexInfo.detectorIDs(i).size()
                  << " detectors. \n";


  } // ENDFOR workspace index

  // Add the new instrument
Beispiel #3
/// Execute the algorithm in case of a histogrammed data.
void ExtractSpectra::execHistogram() {
  // Retrieve and validate the input properties

  // Create the output workspace
  MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWorkspace = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(
      m_inputWorkspace, m_workspaceIndexList.size(), m_maxX - m_minX,
      m_maxX - m_minX - m_histogram);
      Indexing::extract(m_inputWorkspace->indexInfo(), m_workspaceIndexList));

  // If this is a Workspace2D, get the spectra axes for copying in the spectraNo
  // later
  Axis *inAxis1(nullptr);
  TextAxis *outTxtAxis(nullptr);
  NumericAxis *outNumAxis(nullptr);
  if (m_inputWorkspace->axes() > 1) {
    inAxis1 = m_inputWorkspace->getAxis(1);
    auto outAxis1 = outputWorkspace->getAxis(1);
    outTxtAxis = dynamic_cast<TextAxis *>(outAxis1);
    if (!outTxtAxis)
      outNumAxis = dynamic_cast<NumericAxis *>(outAxis1);

  cow_ptr<HistogramData::HistogramX> newX(nullptr);
  if (m_commonBoundaries) {
    auto &oldX = m_inputWorkspace->x(m_workspaceIndexList.front());
    newX = make_cow<HistogramData::HistogramX>(oldX.begin() + m_minX,
                                               oldX.begin() + m_maxX);

  bool doCrop = ((m_minX != 0) || (m_maxX != m_inputWorkspace->x(0).size()));

  Progress prog(this, 0.0, 1.0, (m_workspaceIndexList.size()));
  // Loop over the required workspace indices, copying in the desired bins
  for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(m_workspaceIndexList.size()); ++j) {
    auto i = m_workspaceIndexList[j];

    bool hasDx = m_inputWorkspace->hasDx(i);

    // Preserve/restore sharing if X vectors are the same
    if (m_commonBoundaries) {
      outputWorkspace->setSharedX(j, newX);
      if (hasDx) {
        auto &oldDx = m_inputWorkspace->dx(i);
                oldDx.begin() + m_minX, oldDx.begin() + m_maxX - m_histogram));
    } else {
      // Safe to just copy whole vector 'cos can't be cropping in X if not
      // common
      outputWorkspace->setSharedX(j, m_inputWorkspace->sharedX(i));
      outputWorkspace->setSharedDx(j, m_inputWorkspace->sharedDx(i));

    if (doCrop) {
      auto &oldY = m_inputWorkspace->y(i);
          .assign(oldY.begin() + m_minX, oldY.begin() + (m_maxX - m_histogram));
      auto &oldE = m_inputWorkspace->e(i);
          .assign(oldE.begin() + m_minX, oldE.begin() + (m_maxX - m_histogram));
    } else {
      outputWorkspace->setSharedY(j, m_inputWorkspace->sharedY(i));
      outputWorkspace->setSharedE(j, m_inputWorkspace->sharedE(i));

    // copy over the axis entry for each spectrum, regardless of the type of
    // axes present
    if (inAxis1) {
      if (outTxtAxis) {
        outTxtAxis->setLabel(j, inAxis1->label(i));
      } else if (outNumAxis) {
        outNumAxis->setValue(j, inAxis1->operator()(i));
      // spectra axis is implicit in workspace creation

    if (!m_commonBoundaries)
      this->cropRagged(outputWorkspace, static_cast<int>(i), j);

    // Propagate bin masking if there is any
    if (m_inputWorkspace->hasMaskedBins(i)) {
      const MatrixWorkspace::MaskList &inputMasks =
      MatrixWorkspace::MaskList::const_iterator it;
      for (it = inputMasks.begin(); it != inputMasks.end(); ++it) {
        const size_t maskIndex = (*it).first;
        if (maskIndex >= m_minX && maskIndex < m_maxX - m_histogram)
          outputWorkspace->flagMasked(j, maskIndex - m_minX, (*it).second);

  setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWorkspace);