Beispiel #1
NetworkMessage *MessageConnection::StartNewMessage(unsigned long id, size_t numBytes)
    NetworkMessage *msg = AllocateNewMessage();
    if (!msg)
        LOG(LogError, "MessageConnection::SendMessage: StartNewMessage failed! Discarding message send.");
        return 0; // Failed to allocate a new message. This is caused only by memory allocation issues.

    msg->id = id;
    msg->reliable = false;
    msg->contentID = 0;
    msg->obsolete = false;

    // Give the new message the lowest priority by default.
    msg->priority = 0;

    // By default, the message is not fragmented. Later when admitting the message into the send queue, the need for
    // fragmentation is examined and this field will be updated if needed.
    msg->transfer = 0;

    msg->profilerName = "";


    return msg;
Beispiel #2
void MessageConnection::HandleInboundMessage(packet_id_t packetID, const char *data, size_t numBytes)

    if (!socket)
        return; // Ignore all messages from connections that have already died.

    assert(data && numBytes > 0);

    // Read the message ID.
    DataDeserializer reader(data, numBytes);
    message_id_t messageID = reader.ReadVLE<VLE8_16_32>(); ///\todo Check that there actually is enough space to read.
    if (messageID == DataDeserializer::VLEReadError)
        LOG(LogError, "Error parsing messageID of a message in socket %s. Data size: %d bytes.", socket->ToString().c_str(), (int)numBytes);
        throw NetException("MessageConnection::HandleInboundMessage: Network error occurred when deserializing message ID VLE field!");
    LOG(LogData, "Received message with ID %d and size %d from peer %s.", (int)packetID, (int)numBytes, socket->ToString().c_str());

    char str[256];
    sprintf(str, "messageIn.%u", (unsigned int)messageID);
    ADDEVENT(str, (float)reader.BytesLeft(), "bytes");

    // Pass the message to TCP/UDP -specific message handler.
    bool childHandledMessage = HandleMessage(packetID, messageID, data + reader.BytePos(), reader.BytesLeft());
    if (childHandledMessage)
        return; // If the derived class handled the message, no need to propagate it further.

    case MsgIdPingRequest:
        HandlePingRequestMessage(data + reader.BytePos(), reader.BytesLeft());
    case MsgIdPingReply:
        HandlePingReplyMessage(data + reader.BytePos(), reader.BytesLeft());
        NetworkMessage *msg = AllocateNewMessage();
        assert(reader.BitPos() == 0);
        memcpy(msg->data, data + reader.BytePos(), reader.BytesLeft());
        msg->dataSize = reader.BytesLeft();
        msg->id = messageID;
        msg->contentID = 0;
        msg->receivedPacketID = packetID;
        bool success = inboundMessageQueue.Insert(msg);
        if (!success)
            LOG(LogError, "Failed to add a new message of ID %d and size %dB to inbound queue! Queue was full.",
                (int)messageID, (int)msg->dataSize);