Beispiel #1
void TGraphCascade::GenGraph(const PJsonVal& Dag) {
    // Dag is an object, whose props are node names, whose values are arrays of parent node names
    int Keys = Dag->GetObjKeys();
    for (int KeyN = 0; KeyN < Keys; KeyN++) {
        TStr Key = Dag->GetObjKey(KeyN);
        if (!NodeNmIdH.IsKey(Key)) {
            NodeNmIdH.AddDat(Key, NodeNmIdH.Len());
            NodeIdNmH.AddDat(NodeIdNmH.Len(), Key);
        int DstId = NodeNmIdH.GetDat(Key);
        if (!Graph.IsNode(DstId)) {
        PJsonVal Val = Dag->GetObjKey(Key);
        int Parents = Val->GetArrVals();
        for (int NodeN = 0; NodeN < Parents; NodeN++) {
            TStr NodeNm = Val->GetArrVal(NodeN)->GetStr();
            if (!NodeNmIdH.IsKey(NodeNm)) {
                NodeNmIdH.AddDat(NodeNm, NodeNmIdH.Len());
                NodeIdNmH.AddDat(NodeIdNmH.Len(), NodeNm);
            int SrcId = NodeNmIdH.GetDat(NodeNm);
            if (!Graph.IsNode(SrcId)) {
            if (!Graph.IsEdge(SrcId, DstId)) {
                Graph.AddEdge(SrcId, DstId);
Beispiel #2
// extend/update the object with values from Val
// this and Val should be an Object and not an array or something else
void TJsonVal::MergeObj(const PJsonVal& Val) {
  EAssert(Val->IsObj() && IsObj());
  for (int N = 0; N < Val->GetObjKeys(); N++) {
    const TStr Key = Val->GetObjKey(N);
    AddToObj(Key, Val->GetObjKey(Key));
Beispiel #3
void TFolderBackup::ParseSettings(const PJsonVal& SettingsJson)
    // name of the file that holds all backups
    DestinationDirNm = SettingsJson->GetObjStr("destination");
    // load profiles for which we wish to make backups
    PJsonVal ProfilesJson = SettingsJson->GetObjKey("profiles");
    if (!ProfilesJson->IsObj()) {
        TNotify::StdNotify->OnStatus("'profiles' object is not an object");
    for (int N = 0; N < ProfilesJson->GetObjKeys(); N++) {
        const TStr ProfileName = ProfilesJson->GetObjKey(N);
        ProfileH.AddDat(ProfileName, TBackupProfile(ProfilesJson->GetObjKey(ProfileName), DestinationDirNm, ProfileName));
Beispiel #4
v8::Local<v8::Value> TNodeJsUtil::ParseJson(v8::Isolate* Isolate, const PJsonVal& JsonVal) {
    v8::EscapableHandleScope HandleScope(Isolate);
    if (!JsonVal->IsDef()) {
        return v8::Undefined(Isolate);
    else if (JsonVal->IsBool()) {
        return v8::Boolean::New(Isolate, JsonVal->GetBool());
    else if (JsonVal->IsNull()) {
        return v8::Null(Isolate);
    else if (JsonVal->IsNum()) {
        return HandleScope.Escape(v8::Number::New(Isolate, JsonVal->GetNum()));
    else if (JsonVal->IsStr()) {
        return HandleScope.Escape(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(Isolate, JsonVal->GetStr().CStr()));
    else if (JsonVal->IsArr()) {
        const uint Len = JsonVal->GetArrVals();

        v8::Local<v8::Array> ResArr = v8::Array::New(Isolate, Len);

        for (uint i = 0; i < Len; i++) {
            ResArr->Set(i, ParseJson(Isolate, JsonVal->GetArrVal(i)));

        return HandleScope.Escape(ResArr);
    else if (JsonVal->IsObj()) {
        v8::Local<v8::Object> ResObj = v8::Object::New(Isolate);

        const int NKeys = JsonVal->GetObjKeys();

        for (int i = 0; i < NKeys; i++) {
            TStr Key;    PJsonVal Val;
            JsonVal->GetObjKeyVal(i, Key, Val);

            ResObj->Set(v8::String::NewFromUtf8(Isolate, Key.CStr()), ParseJson(Isolate, Val));

        return HandleScope.Escape(ResObj);
    else {
        throw TExcept::New("Invalid JSON!", "TNodeJsUtil::ParseJson");
Beispiel #5
void TGraphCascade::ProcessModels(const PJsonVal& NodeModels) {
    int Keys = NodeModels->GetObjKeys();
    for (int KeyN = 0; KeyN < Keys; KeyN++) {
        TStr Key = NodeModels->GetObjKey(KeyN);
        if (!NodeNmIdH.IsKey(Key)) {
            // skip, we will not need this model
        PJsonVal Val = NodeModels->GetObjKey(Key);
        TFltV PMF;
        int NodeId = NodeNmIdH.GetDat(Key);
        TFltV NodeCDF(PMF.Len());
        int Len = NodeCDF.Len();
        if (Len > 0) {
            NodeCDF[0] = PMF[0];
            for (int ElN = 1; ElN < Len; ElN++) {
                NodeCDF[ElN] = NodeCDF[ElN - 1] + PMF[ElN];
        CDF.AddDat(NodeId, NodeCDF);