Beispiel #1
QRegion OSD::Draw(MythPainter* painter, QPaintDevice *device, QSize size,
                  QRegion &changed, int alignx, int aligny)
    bool redraw     = m_Refresh;
    QRegion visible = QRegion();
    QRegion dirty   = m_Refresh ? QRegion(QRect(QPoint(0,0), m_Rect.size())) :
    m_Refresh       = false;

    if (!painter || !device)
        return visible;

    QTime now = MythDate::current().time();

    // first update for alpha pulse and fade
    QMap<QString,MythScreenType*>::const_iterator it;
    for (it = m_Children.begin(); it != m_Children.end(); ++it)
        if ((*it)->IsVisible())
            QRect vis = (*it)->GetArea().toQRect();
            if (visible.isEmpty())
                visible = QRegion(vis);
                visible = visible.united(vis);

            if (m_Effects && m_ExpireTimes.contains((*it)))
                QTime expires = m_ExpireTimes.value((*it)).time();
                int left = now.msecsTo(expires);
                if (left < m_FadeTime)
                    (*it)->SetAlpha((255 * left) / m_FadeTime);

        if ((*it)->NeedsRedraw())
            QRegion area = (*it)->GetDirtyArea();
            dirty = dirty.united(area);
            redraw = true;

    MythNotificationCenter *nc = GetNotificationCenter();
    QList<MythScreenType*> notifications;
    QList<MythScreenType*>::iterator it2 = notifications.begin();
    while (it2 != notifications.end())
        if (!GetNotificationCenter()->ScreenCreated(*it2))
            if (!m_UIScaleOverride)
            if (!(*it2)->Create())
                it2 = notifications.erase(it2);
        if ((*it2)->IsVisible())
            if (!m_UIScaleOverride)

            QRect vis = (*it2)->GetArea().toQRect();
            if (visible.isEmpty())
                visible = QRegion(vis);
                visible = visible.united(vis);

            if (m_Effects)
                QTime expires = nc->ScreenExpiryTime(*it2).time();
                int left = now.msecsTo(expires);
                if (expires.isValid() && left < m_FadeTime)
                    (*it2)->SetAlpha((255 * left) / m_FadeTime);

        if ((*it2)->NeedsRedraw())
            QRegion area = (*it2)->GetDirtyArea();
            dirty = dirty.united(area);
            redraw = true;

    if (redraw)
        // clear the dirty area
        painter->Clear(device, dirty);

        // set redraw for any widgets that may now need a partial repaint
        for (it = m_Children.begin(); it != m_Children.end(); ++it)
            if ((*it)->IsVisible() && !(*it)->NeedsRedraw() &&

        for (it2 = notifications.begin(); it2 != notifications.end(); ++it2)
            if ((*it2)->IsVisible() && !(*it2)->NeedsRedraw() &&

        // and finally draw
        QRect cliprect = dirty.boundingRect();
        // TODO painting in reverse may be more efficient...
        for (it = m_Children.begin(); it != m_Children.end(); ++it)
            if ((*it)->NeedsRedraw())
                if ((*it)->IsVisible())
                    (*it)->Draw(painter, 0, 0, 255, cliprect);

        for (it2 = notifications.begin(); it2 != notifications.end(); ++it2)
            if ((*it2)->NeedsRedraw())
                if ((*it2)->IsVisible())
                    (*it2)->Draw(painter, 0, 0, 255, cliprect);


    changed = dirty;

    if (visible.isEmpty() || (!alignx && !aligny))
        return visible;

    // assist yuv blending with some friendly alignments
    QRegion aligned;
    QVector<QRect> rects = visible.rects();
    for (int i = 0; i < rects.size(); i++)
        QRect r   = rects[i];
        int left  = r.left() & ~(alignx - 1);
        int top   =  & ~(aligny - 1);
        int right = (r.left() + r.width());
        int bot   = ( + r.height());
        if (right & (alignx - 1))
            right += alignx - (right & (alignx - 1));
        if (bot % aligny)
            bot += aligny - (bot % aligny);
        aligned = aligned.united(QRegion(left, top, right - left, bot - top));

    return aligned.intersected(QRect(QPoint(0,0), size));
    /* Update our model of the wallet incrementally, to synchronize our model of the wallet
       with that of the core.

       Call with transaction that was added, removed or changed.
    void updateWallet(const uint256 &hash, int status)
        qDebug() << "TransactionTablePriv::updateWallet : " + QString::fromStdString(hash.ToString()) + " " + QString::number(status);
            LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);

            // Find transaction in wallet
            std::map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = wallet->mapWallet.find(hash);
            bool inWallet = mi != wallet->mapWallet.end();

            // Find bounds of this transaction in model
            QList<TransactionRecord>::iterator lower = qLowerBound(
                cachedWallet.begin(), cachedWallet.end(), hash, TxLessThan());
            QList<TransactionRecord>::iterator upper = qUpperBound(
                cachedWallet.begin(), cachedWallet.end(), hash, TxLessThan());
            int lowerIndex = (lower - cachedWallet.begin());
            int upperIndex = (upper - cachedWallet.begin());
            bool inModel = (lower != upper);

            // Determine whether to show transaction or not
            bool showTransaction = (inWallet && TransactionRecord::showTransaction(mi->second));

            if(status == CT_UPDATED)
                if(showTransaction && !inModel)
                    status = CT_NEW; /* Not in model, but want to show, treat as new */
                if(!showTransaction && inModel)
                    status = CT_DELETED; /* In model, but want to hide, treat as deleted */

            qDebug() << "   inWallet=" + QString::number(inWallet) + " inModel=" + QString::number(inModel) +
                        " Index=" + QString::number(lowerIndex) + "-" + QString::number(upperIndex) +
                        " showTransaction=" + QString::number(showTransaction) + " derivedStatus=" + QString::number(status);

            case CT_NEW:
                    qWarning() << "TransactionTablePriv::updateWallet : Warning: Got CT_NEW, but transaction is already in model";
                    qWarning() << "TransactionTablePriv::updateWallet : Warning: Got CT_NEW, but transaction is not in wallet";
                    // Added -- insert at the right position
                    QList<TransactionRecord> toInsert =
                            TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(wallet, mi->second);
                    if(!toInsert.isEmpty()) /* only if something to insert */
                        parent->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, lowerIndex+toInsert.size()-1);
                        int insert_idx = lowerIndex;
                        foreach(const TransactionRecord &rec, toInsert)
                            cachedWallet.insert(insert_idx, rec);
                            insert_idx += 1;
            case CT_DELETED:
                    qWarning() << "TransactionTablePriv::updateWallet : Warning: Got CT_DELETED, but transaction is not in model";
                // Removed -- remove entire transaction from table
                parent->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, upperIndex-1);
                cachedWallet.erase(lower, upper);
            case CT_UPDATED:
                // Miscellaneous updates -- nothing to do, status update will take care of this, and is only computed for
                // visible transactions.
Beispiel #3
QList<MCharsetMatch> MCharsetDetector::detectAll()
    // get list of matches from ICU:
    qint32 matchesFound;
    const UCharsetMatch **uCharsetMatch
        = ucsdet_detectAll(d->_uCharsetDetector, &matchesFound, &(d->_status));
    if(hasError()) {
        qWarning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << errorString();
        return QList<MCharsetMatch>();
    // sometimes the number of matches found by ucsdet_detectAll()
    // maybe 0 (matchesFound == 0) but d->_status has no error. Do not
    // return here with an error if this happens because the fine
    // tuning below may add more matches.  Better check whether no
    // matches were found at all *after* the fine tuning.

    // fill list of matches into a QList<MCharsetMatch>:
    QList<MCharsetMatch> mCharsetMatchList;
    for (qint32 i = 0; i < matchesFound; ++i) {
        MCharsetMatch mCharsetMatch;
            QString::fromLatin1(ucsdet_getName(uCharsetMatch[i], &(d->_status))));
        if(hasError()) {
            qWarning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << errorString();
            return QList<MCharsetMatch>();
            static_cast<qint32>(ucsdet_getConfidence (uCharsetMatch[i], &(d->_status))));
        if(hasError()) {
            qWarning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << errorString();
            return QList<MCharsetMatch>();
            QString::fromLatin1(ucsdet_getLanguage(uCharsetMatch[i], &(d->_status))));
        if(hasError()) {
            qWarning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << errorString();
            return QList<MCharsetMatch>();
        mCharsetMatchList << mCharsetMatch;
    // libicu sometimes does not detect single byte encodings at all
    // even if they can encode the input without error. This seems to
    // contradict the documentation on
    // which says:
    //     A confidence value of ten does have a general meaning - it is
    //     used for charsets that can represent the input data, but for
    //     which there is no other indication that suggests that the
    //     charset is the correct one. Pure 7 bit ASCII data, for example,
    //     is compatible with a great many charsets, most of which will
    //     appear as possible matches with a confidence of 10.
    // But if such a single byte encoding has been set as the declared
    // encoding, it should at least be tried, therefore add it here to
    // the list of matches with the confidence value of 10. If it
    // cannot encode the complete input, the iteration over the list
    // of matches will detect that and remove it again.
        && (d->_declaredEncoding.startsWith(QLatin1String("ISO-8859-"))
            || d->_declaredEncoding.startsWith(QLatin1String("windows-12"))
            || d->_declaredEncoding.startsWith(QLatin1String("KOI8"))))
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch(d->_declaredEncoding, "", 10);
    // Similar as for declaredEncoding, when declaredLocale is used
    // and it is a locale where the legacy encoding is a single byte
    // encoding, it should at least be tried, therefore add the legacy
    // single byte encoding for the declared locale here.  If it
    // cannot encode the complete input, it will be removed again
    // later.  Multibyte encodings like Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, Big5,
    // etc. ...  do not need to be added, contrary to the single byte
    // encodings I could find no case where the matches returned by
    // libicu did omit a multibyte encoding when it should have been
    // included.
    if(!d->_declaredLocale.isEmpty()) {
        QString language = d->_declaredLocale.left(2);
        if(language ==  QLatin1String("ru")) {
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("KOI8-R", language, 10);
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("windows-1251", language, 10);
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("ISO-8859-5", language, 10);
        else if(language ==  QLatin1String("uk")) {
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("KOI8-U", language, 10);
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("windows-1251", language, 10);
            // ISO 8859-5 encoding is missing the letter ґ needed for
            // Ukrainian, i.e. ISO 8859-5 should not occur for Ukrainian
        else if(language == QLatin1String("tr"))
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("ISO-8859-9", language, 10);
        else if(language == QLatin1String("el"))
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("ISO-8859-7", language, 10);
        else if(language == QLatin1String("en")
                || language == QLatin1String("da")
                || language == QLatin1String("de")
                || language == QLatin1String("es")
                || language == QLatin1String("fi")
                || language == QLatin1String("fr")
                || language == QLatin1String("it")
                || language == QLatin1String("nl")
                || language == QLatin1String("no")
                || language == QLatin1String("nn")
                || language == QLatin1String("nb")
                || language == QLatin1String("pt")
                || language == QLatin1String("sv"))
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("ISO-8859-1", language, 10);
        else if(language == QLatin1String("cs")
                || language == QLatin1String("hu")
                || language == QLatin1String("pl")
                || language == QLatin1String("ro"))
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("ISO-8859-1", language, 10);
        else if(language == QLatin1String("ar")
                || language == QLatin1String("fa")
                || language == QLatin1String("ur"))
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("ISO-8859-6", language, 10);
        else if(language == QLatin1String("he"))
            mCharsetMatchList << MCharsetMatch("ISO-8859-8", language, 10);
    // iterate over the detected matches and do some fine tuning:
    bool sortNeeded = false;
    qint32 koi8rConfidence = 0;
    qint32 koi8uConfidence = 0;
    qint32 iso88595Confidence = 0;
    qint32 windows1251Confidence = 0;
    QList<MCharsetMatch>::iterator it = mCharsetMatchList.begin();
    while(it != mCharsetMatchList.end()) {
        if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("KOI8-R"))
            koi8rConfidence += (*it).confidence();
        if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("KOI8-U"))
            koi8uConfidence += (*it).confidence();
        if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("ISO-8859-5"))
            iso88595Confidence += (*it).confidence();
        if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("windows-1251"))
            windows1251Confidence += (*it).confidence();
        if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("ISO-2022-JP")) {
            // non-Japanese text in ISO-2022-JP encoding is possible
            // but very unlikely:
        if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("UTF-8")
           && (*it).confidence() >= 80 && (*it).confidence() < 99) {
            // Actually libicu currently only returns confidence
            // values of 100, 80, 25, and 10 for UTF-8.  A value of 80
            // can mean two things:
            // 1)  (hasBOM && numValid > numInvalid*10)
            // 2)  (numValid > 0 && numInvalid == 0)
            // If it is case 1), the match will be removed anyway by
            // the check below which tests whether the complete input
            // can be encoded. I.e. we don’t need to care about this.
            // If it is case 2) *and* the check below whether the
            // complete input can be encoded does not remove it, we
            // have valid UTF-8 and it is very unlikely that it is
            // anything else, therefore I think the confidence of 80
            // is too low and should be increased.
            // With a confidence of only 80, a longer ASCII text with
            // less than 4 UTF-8 characters will detect as ISO-8859-1
            // which is most certainly wrong.
            sortNeeded = true;
           && (*it).name() == d->_declaredEncoding
           && (*it).confidence() == 10) {
            // A confidence value of 10 means the charset can
            // represent the input data, but there is no other
            // indication that suggests that the charset is the
            // correct one. But if the user has set this to be the
            // declared encoding, it should be preferred over the
            // other encodings which also got confidence 10 (there are
            // often many with confidence 10). Do not increase the
            // confidence too much though in order not to override
            // real evidence that the input does really use something
            // different than the declared encoding.
            sortNeeded = true;
           && d->_declaredLocale.startsWith((*it).language())
           && (*it).confidence() == 10) {
            // A confidence value of 10 means the charset can
            // represent the input data, but there is no other
            // indication that suggests that the charset is the
            // correct one. But if the detected language for this
            // charset matches the language declared by the user, this
            // charset should be preferred over the others which also
            // got confidence 10 (there are often many with confidence
            // 10). Do not increase the confidence too much though in
            // order not to override real evidence that the input does
            // really use something different than the declared
            // encoding.  Use a slightly lower value than for the
            // declared encoding. Setting the declared encoding
            // is more precise and should have somewhat higher priority
            if(d->_declaredLocale.startsWith("ru")) {
                // Treat the Russian setDeclaredLocale("ru") case a
                // bit different than the single byte encodings for
                // other languages: Only increase the weight of
                // Russian encodings if setDeclaredLocale("ru") has
                // been used if libicu has really detected the same
                // Russian encoding as well. libicu usually detects
                // these Russian encodings with very low confidences <
                // 10 for short input.  But if we are already pretty
                // sure that it is Russian because of
                // setDeclaredLocale("ru"), then these low confidences
                // detected by libicu seem to be useful to distinguish
                // between the different Russian legacy encodings.
                // If the setDeclareLocale("ru") has been used, the
                // accumulated confidence for the Russian single byte
                // encoding is 10 (because of setDeclaredLocale("ru"))
                // plus whatever libicu has detected. If libicu has
                // not detected anything, the accumulated confidence
                // is exactly 10 here and there is no way to
                // distinguish between the Russian legacy
                // encodings. Therefore, don’t increase the confidence
                // if the accumulated confidence is not > 10.
                // But if libicu has detected something with small
                // confidence, the accumulated confidence is 10 plus
                // something small. In that case, adding something
                // around 20 seems to work reasonably well.
                // I add 20 to the confidence for KOI8-R and
                // ISO-8859-5 but 21 to the confidence for
                // windows-1251 to prefer windows-1251 a little bit
                // over ISO-8859-5.
                if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("KOI8-R")
                   && koi8rConfidence > 10 && koi8rConfidence < 30)
                    (*it).setConfidence(20 + koi8rConfidence);
                else if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("ISO-8859-5")
                   && iso88595Confidence > 10 && iso88595Confidence < 30)
                    (*it).setConfidence(20 + iso88595Confidence);
                else if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("windows-1251")
                   && windows1251Confidence > 10 && windows1251Confidence < 30)
                    (*it).setConfidence(21 + windows1251Confidence);
            else if(d->_declaredLocale.startsWith("uk")) {
                // Treat the Ukrainian setDeclaredLocale("uk") case a
                // bit different than the single byte encodings for
                // Russian.
                // If the setDeclareLocale("uk") has been used, the
                // accumulated confidence for the Ukrainian single byte
                // encoding is 10 (because of setDeclaredLocale("uk"))
                // plus whatever libicu has detected. If libicu has
                // not detected anything, the accumulated confidence
                // is exactly 10 here and there is no way to
                // distinguish between the Ukrainian legacy
                // encodings. Therefore, don’t increase the confidence
                // if the accumulated confidence is not > 10.
                // But if libicu has detected something with small
                // confidence, the accumulated confidence is 10 plus
                // something small. In that case, adding something
                // around 20 seems to work reasonably well.
                // I add 20 to the confidence for KOI8-U but 25 to the
                // confidence for windows-1251 to prefer windows-1251
                // over KOI8-U.
                if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("KOI8-U")
                   && koi8uConfidence > 10 && koi8uConfidence < 30)
                    (*it).setConfidence(20 + koi8uConfidence);
                else if((*it).name() == QLatin1String("windows-1251")
                   && windows1251Confidence > 10 && windows1251Confidence < 30)
                    (*it).setConfidence(25 + windows1251Confidence);
            else if((d->_declaredLocale.contains("TW")
                || d->_declaredLocale.contains("HK")
                || d->_declaredLocale.contains("MO"))
               && (*it).name() == QLatin1String("Big5")) {
                 // Traditional Chinese, Big5 more likely
            else if((d->_declaredLocale.contains("CN")
                     || d->_declaredLocale.contains("SG")
                     || d->_declaredLocale == "zh")
                    && (*it).name() == QLatin1String("GB18030")) {
                // Simplified Chinese, GB18030/GB2312 more likely.
                // Simplified Chinese is also assumed if only “zh”
                // is set. If the variant is unknown, simplified
                // Chinese seems a bit more likely. On top of that,
                // the settings application sets only “zh” for
                // simplified Chinese and the translations for
                // simplified Chinese are also in files like
                // “foo_zh.qm” which makes simplified Chinese more
                // likely when only “zh” is set on the device (see
                // also NB#242154).
            else {
            sortNeeded = true;
        if(!d->_allDetectableCharsets.contains((*it).name())) {
            // remove matches for charsets not supported by QTextCodec
            // then it is probably some weird charset we cannot use anyway
            it = mCharsetMatchList.erase(it);
        else {
            // test whether the complete input text can be encoded
            // using this match, if not remove the match
            if(hasError()) {
                // qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
                //          << "removing match" << (*it).name()
                //          << "because it cannot encode the complete input"
                //          << errorString();
                it = mCharsetMatchList.erase(it);
    // sort the list of matches again if confidences have been changed:
        qSort(mCharsetMatchList.begin(), mCharsetMatchList.end(),
    if(mCharsetMatchList.isEmpty()) {
        // is there any better status to describe this case?
        d->_status = U_CE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR;
        qWarning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
                 << "number of matches found=0"
                 << errorString();
        return QList<MCharsetMatch>();
    return mCharsetMatchList;
Beispiel #4
bool OSD::DrawDirect(MythPainter* painter, QSize size, bool repaint)
    if (!painter)
        return false;

    bool visible = false;
    bool redraw  = m_Refresh;
    m_Refresh    = false;
    QTime now = MythDate::current().time();

    QMap<QString,MythScreenType*>::const_iterator it;
    for (it = m_Children.begin(); it != m_Children.end(); ++it)
        if ((*it)->IsVisible())
            visible = true;
            if (m_Effects && m_ExpireTimes.contains((*it)))
                QTime expires = m_ExpireTimes.value((*it)).time();
                int left = now.msecsTo(expires);
                if (left < m_FadeTime)
                    (*it)->SetAlpha((255 * left) / m_FadeTime);
            if ((*it)->NeedsRedraw())
                redraw = true;

    MythNotificationCenter *nc = GetNotificationCenter();
    QList<MythScreenType*> notifications;
    QList<MythScreenType*>::iterator it2 = notifications.begin();
    while (it2 != notifications.end())
        if (!nc->ScreenCreated(*it2))
            LOG(VB_GUI, LOG_DEBUG, LOC + "Creating OSD Notification");

            if (!m_UIScaleOverride)
            if (!(*it2)->Create())
                it2 = notifications.erase(it2);
        if ((*it2)->IsVisible())
            if (!m_UIScaleOverride)

            visible = true;
            if (m_Effects)
                QTime expires = nc->ScreenExpiryTime(*it2).time();
                int left = now.msecsTo(expires);
                if (expires.isValid() && left < m_FadeTime)
                    (*it2)->SetAlpha((255 * left) / m_FadeTime);
            if ((*it2)->NeedsRedraw())
                redraw = true;

    redraw |= repaint;

    if (redraw && visible)
        QRect cliprect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size);
        for (it = m_Children.begin(); it != m_Children.end(); ++it)
            if ((*it)->IsVisible())
                (*it)->Draw(painter, 0, 0, 255, cliprect);
        for (it2 = notifications.begin(); it2 != notifications.end(); ++it2)
            if ((*it2)->IsVisible())
                (*it2)->Draw(painter, 0, 0, 255, cliprect);

    return visible;
void QSyntaxHighlighterPrivate::applyFormatChanges()
    QTextLayout *layout = currentBlock.layout();

    QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange> ranges = layout->additionalFormats();

    const int preeditAreaStart = layout->preeditAreaPosition();
    const int preeditAreaLength = layout->preeditAreaText().length();

    QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange>::Iterator it = ranges.begin();
    while (it != ranges.end()) {
        if (it->start >= preeditAreaStart
            && it->start + it->length <= preeditAreaStart + preeditAreaLength)
            it = ranges.erase(it);

    QTextCharFormat emptyFormat;

    QTextLayout::FormatRange r;
    r.start = r.length = -1;

    int i = 0;
    while (i < formatChanges.count()) {

        while (i < formatChanges.count() && == emptyFormat)

        if (i >= formatChanges.count())

        r.start = i;
        r.format =;

        while (i < formatChanges.count() && == r.format)

        if (i >= formatChanges.count())

        r.length = i - r.start;

        if (r.start >= preeditAreaStart) {
            r.start += preeditAreaLength;
        } else if (r.start + r.length >= preeditAreaStart) {
            r.length += preeditAreaLength;

        ranges << r;
        r.start = r.length = -1;

    if (r.start != -1) {
        r.length = formatChanges.count() - r.start;

        if (r.start >= preeditAreaStart) {
            r.start += preeditAreaLength;
        } else if (r.start + r.length >= preeditAreaStart) {
            r.length += preeditAreaLength;

        ranges << r;

Beispiel #6
void ChainDataModel::getAccountImpl(QString accountIdentifier, Account* const * accountInContainer)
   try {
      ilog("Fetching account ${acct}", ("acct", accountIdentifier.toStdString()));
      auto result = m_db_api->get_full_accounts([this](const fc::variant& v) {
         vector<variant> updates =<vector<variant>>();
         for (const variant& update : updates) {
            if (update.is_object())
               elog("Handling object deletions is not yet implemented: ${update}", ("update", update));
         // TODO: replace true on the next line with a smarter decision as to whether we need status updates or not
      }, {accountIdentifier.toStdString()}, true);
      fc::optional<full_account> accountPackage;

      if (result.count(accountIdentifier.toStdString())) {
         accountPackage =;

         // Fetch all necessary assets
         QList<asset_id_type> assetsToFetch;
         QList<Asset* const *> assetPlaceholders;
         // Get list of asset IDs the account has a balance in
         std::transform(accountPackage->balances.begin(), accountPackage->balances.end(), std::back_inserter(assetsToFetch),
                        [](const account_balance_object& b) { return b.asset_type; });
         auto function = [this,&assetsToFetch,&assetPlaceholders] {
            auto itr = assetsToFetch.begin();
            const auto& assets_by_id = m_assets.get<by_id>();
            // Filter out assets I already have, create placeholders for the ones I don't.
            while (itr != assetsToFetch.end()) {
               if (assets_by_id.count(itr->instance))
                  itr = assetsToFetch.erase(itr);
               else {
                  assetPlaceholders.push_back(&*m_assets.insert(new Asset(itr->instance, QString(), 0, this)).first);
         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(parent(), "execute", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection,
                                   Q_ARG(const std::function<void()>&, function));
         assert(assetsToFetch.size() == assetPlaceholders.size());

         // Blocking call to fetch and complete initialization for all the assets
         for (int i = 0; i < assetsToFetch.size(); ++i)
            getAssetImpl(idToString(assetsToFetch[i]), assetPlaceholders[i]);

      // Run in main thread
      Q_EMIT queueExecute([this,accountPackage,accountInContainer](){
         ilog("Processing result ${r}", ("r", accountPackage));
         auto itr = m_accounts.iterator_to(*accountInContainer);

         if (!accountPackage.valid()) {
         } else {
            m_accounts.modify(itr, [this,&accountPackage](Account* a){
               a->setProperty("id", ObjectId(accountPackage->;

               // Set balances
               QList<Balance*> balances;
               std::transform(accountPackage->balances.begin(), accountPackage->balances.end(), std::back_inserter(balances),
                              [this](const account_balance_object& b) {
                  Balance* bal = new Balance;
                  bal->setProperty("amount", QVariant::fromValue(b.balance.value));
                  bal->setProperty("type", QVariant::fromValue(getAsset(ObjectId(b.asset_type.instance))));
                  return bal;
void AnnotationWorkstationExtensionPlugin::onLoadButtonPressed(const std::string& filePath) {
  QString fileName;
  if (filePath.empty()) {
    fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(NULL, tr("Load annotations"), _settings->value("lastOpenendPath", QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation)).toString(), tr("Annotation files(*.xml;*.ndpa)"));
  else {
    fileName = QString::fromStdString(filePath);
  if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
    if (!_annotationService->loadRepositoryFromFile(fileName.toStdString())) {
      int ret = QMessageBox::warning(NULL, tr("ASAP"),
        tr("The annotations could not be loaded."),
    // Check if it is an ImageScopeRepository, if so, offer the user the chance to reload with new closing distance
    std::shared_ptr<ImageScopeRepository> imscRepo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ImageScopeRepository>(_annotationService->getRepository());
    if (imscRepo) {
      bool ok = false;
      float newClosingDistance = QInputDialog::getDouble(_viewer, tr("Enter the annotation closing distance."), tr("Please provide the maximal distance for which annotations are automatically closed by ASAP if they remain open."), 30., 0, 1000, 1, &ok);
      float closingDistance = imscRepo->getClosingDistance();
      if (ok && newClosingDistance != closingDistance) {
    // Add loaded groups to treewidget
    QList<QtAnnotationGroup* > childGroups;
    std::map<std::shared_ptr<AnnotationGroup>, QTreeWidgetItem*> annotToWidget;
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AnnotationGroup> > grps = _annotationService->getList()->getGroups();
    for (std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AnnotationGroup> >::const_iterator it = grps.begin(); it != grps.end(); ++it) {
      QtAnnotationGroup *grp = new QtAnnotationGroup(*it, this);
      if ((*it)->getGroup() == NULL) {
        QTreeWidgetItem* newAnnotationGroup = new QTreeWidgetItem(_treeWidget);
        newAnnotationGroup->setText(1, QString::fromStdString((*it)->getName()));
        newAnnotationGroup->setText(2, "Group");
        newAnnotationGroup->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue<QtAnnotationGroup*>(grp));
        newAnnotationGroup->setFlags(newAnnotationGroup->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
        int cHeight = _treeWidget->visualItemRect(newAnnotationGroup).height();
        QPixmap iconPM(cHeight, cHeight);
        QIcon color(iconPM);
        newAnnotationGroup->setIcon(0, color);
        newAnnotationGroup->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QColor((*it)->getColor().c_str()));
        annotToWidget[grp->getAnnotationGroup()] = newAnnotationGroup;
      else {
    while (!childGroups.empty()) {
      for (QList<QtAnnotationGroup*>::iterator it = childGroups.begin(); it != childGroups.end();) {
        if (annotToWidget.find((*it)->getAnnotationGroup()->getGroup()) != annotToWidget.end()) {
          QTreeWidgetItem* newAnnotationGroup = new QTreeWidgetItem(annotToWidget[(*it)->getAnnotationGroup()->getGroup()]);
          newAnnotationGroup->setText(1, QString::fromStdString((*it)->getAnnotationGroup()->getName()));
          newAnnotationGroup->setText(2, "Group");
          newAnnotationGroup->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue<QtAnnotationGroup*>((*it)));
          newAnnotationGroup->setFlags(newAnnotationGroup->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
          int cHeight = _treeWidget->visualItemRect(newAnnotationGroup).height();
          QPixmap iconPM(cHeight, cHeight);
          QIcon color(iconPM);
          newAnnotationGroup->setIcon(0, color);
          newAnnotationGroup->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QColor((*it)->getAnnotationGroup()->getColor().c_str()));
          annotToWidget[(*it)->getAnnotationGroup()] = newAnnotationGroup;
          it = childGroups.erase(it);
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Annotation> > annots = _annotationService->getList()->getAnnotations();
    for (std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Annotation> >::const_iterator it = annots.begin(); it != annots.end(); ++it) {
      QTreeWidgetItem* prnt = _treeWidget->invisibleRootItem();
      if ((*it)->getGroup()) {
        prnt = annotToWidget[(*it)->getGroup()];
      std::string key = "Annotation " + QString::number(_annotationIndex).toStdString() + "_annotation";
      // Add QtAnnotation
      QtAnnotation* annot = NULL;
      if ((*it)->getType() == Annotation::Type::DOT) {
        annot = new DotQtAnnotation((*it), this, _viewer->getSceneScale());
      else if ((*it)->getType() == Annotation::Type::POLYGON) {
        annot = new PolyQtAnnotation((*it), this, _viewer->getSceneScale());
      else if ((*it)->getType() == Annotation::Type::SPLINE) {
        annot = new PolyQtAnnotation((*it), this, _viewer->getSceneScale());
      else if ((*it)->getType() == Annotation::Type::POINTSET) {
        annot = new PointSetQtAnnotation((*it), this, _viewer->getSceneScale());
      if (annot) {

        _annotationIndex += 1;
        QTreeWidgetItem* newAnnotation = new QTreeWidgetItem(prnt);
        newAnnotation->setText(1, QString::fromStdString((*it)->getName()));
        newAnnotation->setText(2, QString::fromStdString((*it)->getTypeAsString()));
        newAnnotation->setFlags(newAnnotation->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled);
        newAnnotation->setFlags(newAnnotation->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
        newAnnotation->setData(1, Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue<QtAnnotation*>(annot));
        int cHeight = _treeWidget->visualItemRect(newAnnotation).height();
        if (_treeWidget->topLevelItemCount() > 0) {
          cHeight = _treeWidget->visualItemRect(_treeWidget->topLevelItem(0)).height();
        QPixmap iconPM(cHeight, cHeight);
        QIcon color(iconPM);
        newAnnotation->setIcon(0, color);
        newAnnotation->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, QColor((*it)->getColor().c_str()));
        _annotToItem[annot] = newAnnotation;
        connect(annot, SIGNAL(coordinatesChanged(QtAnnotation*)), this, SLOT(updateAnnotationToolTip(QtAnnotation*)));
Beispiel #8
void ProgramData::FixProgramList(QList<ProgInfo*> &fixlist)
    qStableSort(fixlist.begin(), fixlist.end(), start_time_less_than);

    QList<ProgInfo*>::iterator it = fixlist.begin();
    while (1)
        QList<ProgInfo*>::iterator cur = it;

        // fill in miss stop times
        if ((*cur)->endts.isEmpty() || (*cur)->startts > (*cur)->endts)
            if (it != fixlist.end())
                (*cur)->endts   = (*it)->startts;
                (*cur)->endtime = (*it)->starttime;
                (*cur)->endtime = (*cur)->starttime;
                if ((*cur)->endtime < QDateTime(
                        (*cur)->, QTime(6, 0), Qt::UTC))
                    (*cur)->endtime = QDateTime(
                        (*cur)->, QTime(6, 0), Qt::UTC);
                    (*cur)->endtime = QDateTime(
                        QTime(0, 0), Qt::UTC);

                (*cur)->endts =
                    MythDate::toString((*cur)->endtime, MythDate::kFilename);

        if (it == fixlist.end())

        // remove overlapping programs
        if ((*cur)->HasTimeConflict(**it))
            QList<ProgInfo*>::iterator tokeep, todelete;

            if ((*cur)->endtime <= (*cur)->starttime)
                tokeep = it, todelete = cur;
            else if ((*it)->endtime <= (*it)->starttime)
                tokeep = cur, todelete = it;
            else if (!(*cur)->subtitle.isEmpty() &&
                tokeep = cur, todelete = it;
            else if (!(*it)->subtitle.isEmpty()  &&
                tokeep = it, todelete = cur;
            else if (!(*cur)->description.isEmpty() &&
                tokeep = cur, todelete = it;
                tokeep = it, todelete = cur;

            LOG(VB_XMLTV, LOG_INFO,
                QString("Removing conflicting program: %1 - %2 %3 %4")

            LOG(VB_XMLTV, LOG_INFO,
                QString("Conflicted with            : %1 - %2 %3 %4")

            bool step_back = todelete == it;
            it = fixlist.erase(todelete);
            if (step_back)
      void updateWallet(const uint256 &hash, int status)
        const QList<AdsModelRecord>::iterator lower = qLowerBound(
                cache.begin(), cache.end(), hash, TxLessThan());
        const bool inModel = (lower != cache.end() && (*lower).hash == hash);
        const int lowerIndex = (lower - cache.begin());
          case CT_NEW:
              CTransaction tx;
              uint256 hashBlock;
              if (!GetTransaction(hash, tx, hashBlock))

              const AdsModelRecord toInsert = AdsModelRecord::decomposeTransaction(tx);
              parent->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, lowerIndex);
              cache.insert(lowerIndex, toInsert);
          case CT_DELETED:
            // Removed -- remove entire transaction from table
            parent->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, lowerIndex);
          case CT_UPDATED:
            // Miscellaneous updates -- nothing to do, status update will take care of this, and is only computed for
            // visible transactions.
        if (cache.size() > MAX_ADS)
          // remove records, exceeding limit, beginning from oldest. 
          QList<AdsModelRecord>::iterator i = cache.begin(), iend = cache.end();
          QList<AdsModelRecord>::iterator imindate = iend;
          for(; i != iend; ++ i)
            if (imindate == cache.end() || (*i).time < (*imindate).time)
              imindate = i;
          if (imindate != iend)
            updateWallet((*imindate).hash, CT_DELETED);
Beispiel #10
void ProgramData::FixProgramList(QList<ProgInfo*> &fixlist)
    qStableSort(fixlist.begin(), fixlist.end(), start_time_less_than);

    QList<ProgInfo*>::iterator it = fixlist.begin();
    while (1)
        QList<ProgInfo*>::iterator cur = it;

        // fill in miss stop times
        if ((*cur)->endts.isEmpty() || (*cur)->startts > (*cur)->endts)
            if (it != fixlist.end())
                (*cur)->endts   = (*it)->startts;
                (*cur)->endtime = (*it)->starttime;
            /* if its the last programme in the file then leave its
               endtime as 0000-00-00 00:00:00 so we can find it easily in
               fix_end_times() */

        if (it == fixlist.end())

        // remove overlapping programs
        if ((*cur)->HasTimeConflict(**it))
            QList<ProgInfo*>::iterator tokeep, todelete;

            if ((*cur)->endtime <= (*cur)->starttime)
                tokeep = it, todelete = cur;
            else if ((*it)->endtime <= (*it)->starttime)
                tokeep = cur, todelete = it;
            else if (!(*cur)->subtitle.isEmpty() &&
                tokeep = cur, todelete = it;
            else if (!(*it)->subtitle.isEmpty()  &&
                tokeep = it, todelete = cur;
            else if (!(*cur)->description.isEmpty() &&
                tokeep = cur, todelete = it;
                tokeep = it, todelete = cur;

            LOG(VB_XMLTV, LOG_INFO,
                QString("Removing conflicting program: %1 - %2 %3 %4")

            LOG(VB_XMLTV, LOG_INFO,
                QString("Conflicted with            : %1 - %2 %3 %4")

            bool step_back = todelete == it;
            it = fixlist.erase(todelete);
            if (step_back)
Beispiel #11
void MainWindow::routeNetwork()
    // Storage class for the metadata required by Dijkstra
    struct MetaData {
        int         distance;
        EdgeItem*   edge;
        NodeItem*   previous;
        NodeItem*   owner;

            : distance(INT_MAX)
            , edge(nullptr)
            , previous(nullptr)
            , owner(nullptr)

        MetaData(NodeItem* owner_)
            : distance(INT_MAX)
            , edge(nullptr)
            , previous(nullptr)
            , owner(owner_)

    QMap<NodeItem*, MetaData>   metadata;
    QList<NodeItem*>            nodes;
    NodeItem*                   current;

    // Initialise data-structres
    postInfoMessage("Preparing to route...");
        QMapIterator<QString, NodeItem*> i(m_graphNodes);
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            auto item =;

            // Initialise the metadata
            MetaData md(item.value());
            if (item.value() == m_routeStart) {
                // Need minimal distance for the start node
                md.distance = 0;
            metadata[i.value()] = md;

            // Initialise the node list

    // Dijkstra's algorithm: calculate all the distances
    while (!nodes.isEmpty()) {
        // Find node with smallest distance
            int d = INT_MAX;
            auto elem = nodes.end();
            for (auto it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) {
                int thisDistance = metadata[*it].distance;
                if (thisDistance < d) {
                    d    = thisDistance;
                    elem = it;

            current = *elem;

            // If we hit the target, we can stop
            if (current == m_routeEnd) {
                postInfoMessage("Search complete; reached target node!");
            } else {
                // Emshrinken the list

        postInfoMessage(QString("Considering node %1...")

        // Visit the neighbours
        QListIterator<EdgeItem*> i(current->edges());
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            EdgeItem* edge      =;
            NodeItem* neighbour = edge->endNode();
            int       dist      = metadata[current].distance + edge->weight();

            if (dist < metadata[neighbour].distance) {
                metadata[neighbour].distance = dist;
                metadata[neighbour].edge     = edge;
                metadata[neighbour].previous = current;

    // Walk backwards from the target to the source, building the path
    postInfoMessage("Back-tracking to construct route...");
    for (current = m_routeEnd; current; current = metadata[current].previous) {
        EdgeItem* edge = metadata[current].edge;

        if (edge) {

    // All done!
    postSuccessMessage("Routing complete!");

    // Update the display
Beispiel #12
void PathFinder::findShortestPath()
    bool only = true;
    SharedNode start, finish;
    for (auto node1 : _nodes)
        if (node1->selectionState() == Node::Selection::First)
            for (auto node2 : _nodes)
                if (node2->selectionState() == Node::Selection::Second) {
                    if (!only) {
                    } else {
                        start = node1;
                        finish = node2;
                        only = false;
    if (only)

    QList<SharedNode> graph;
    graph = nodeBranch(start, graph);

    while (!graph.empty()) {
        auto iter = std::min_element(begin(graph), end(graph),
                                     [](const SharedNode& left, const SharedNode& right) {
                                         return left->distance() < right->distance();
        auto shortest = *iter;

        for (auto& link : shortest->childLinks()) {
            size_t alt_dist = shortest->distance() + link->distance();
            auto child = link->childNode().lock();
            if (alt_dist < child->distance()) {
                auto path = shortest->pathToNode();
    for (auto node : _nodes)
        if (node->distance() != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max())

    QList<Link*> highlitedLinks;
    for (auto iter = finish->pathToNode().begin(); iter != finish->pathToNode().end(); ++iter) {
        auto node1 = iter->lock();
        auto node2 = ((iter + 1) != finish->pathToNode().end()) ? (iter + 1)->lock() : nullptr;
        if (node2) {
            auto link = node1->getLinkTo(node2);
            if (link) {

    auto pathStart = finish->pathToNode().begin();
    auto pathFinish = (finish->pathToNode().end() - 1);
    if (pathStart != finish->pathToNode().end() && pathStart != pathFinish) {
    QString distance = finish->distance() != std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()
                                          ? QString::number(finish->distance())
                                          : "Недостижимо";

    QMessageBox{QMessageBox::Icon::NoIcon, "Графопостроитель",
               "Расстояние до конечной вершины: <b>" + distance + "</b>",
                QMessageBox::Button::Ok, this, Qt::WindowTitleHint}.exec();
    for (auto node : _nodes) {
    for (auto link : highlitedLinks)
    void updateMasternode(interfaces::Node& node, const COutPoint& outpoint, int status)
        qDebug() << "MasternodeTablePriv::updateMasternode" + QString::fromStdString(strprintf("%s-%d", outpoint.hash.ToString(), outpoint.n)) + " " + QString::number(status);

        // Find bounds of this masternode in model
        QString strOutpoint = QString::fromStdString(outpoint.ToStringShort());
        QList<MasternodeTableEntry>::iterator lower = qLowerBound(
            cachedMasternodeTable.begin(), cachedMasternodeTable.end(), strOutpoint, outpointEntryLessThan());
        QList<MasternodeTableEntry>::iterator upper = qUpperBound(
            cachedMasternodeTable.begin(), cachedMasternodeTable.end(), strOutpoint, outpointEntryLessThan());
        int lowerIndex = (lower - cachedMasternodeTable.begin());
        int upperIndex = (upper - cachedMasternodeTable.begin());
        bool inModel = (lower != upper);
        case CT_NEW:
                //must be our own one and we are just at a clean start -> try to update
                interfaces::Masternode masternode = node.getMasternode(outpoint);
                lower->txhash = QString::fromStdString(masternode.outpoint.hash.ToString());
                lower->n = masternode.outpoint.n;
                lower->alias = QString::fromStdString(masternode.alias);
                lower->address = QString::fromStdString(masternode.address);
                lower->protocol = masternode.protocol;
                lower->daemon = masternode.daemon;
                lower->sentinel = masternode.sentinel;
                lower->status = QString::fromStdString(masternode.status);
                lower->active =;
                lower->lastseen = masternode.last_seen;
                lower->payee = QString::fromStdString(masternode.payee);
                lower->banscore = masternode.banscore;
            // Find masternode on platform
            interfaces::Masternode masternode = node.getMasternode(outpoint);
            if(masternode.outpoint == COutPoint())
                qWarning() << "MasternodeTablePriv::updateMasternode: Warning: Got CT_NEW, but masternode is not on platform: " + QString::fromStdString(strprintf("%s-%d", outpoint.hash.ToString(), outpoint.n)) + " " + QString::number(status);
            // Added -- insert at the right position
            MasternodeTableEntry::Type addressType = translateMasternodeType(

            MasternodeTableEntry toInsert =

            parent->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, lowerIndex);
            cachedMasternodeTable.insert(lowerIndex, toInsert);
        case CT_DELETED:
                qWarning() << "MasternodeTablePriv::updateMasternode: Warning: Got CT_DELETED, but masternode is not in model: " + QString::fromStdString(strprintf("%s-%d", outpoint.hash.ToString(), outpoint.n)) + " " + QString::number(status);
            // Removed -- remove entire masternode from table
            parent->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, upperIndex-1);
            cachedMasternodeTable.erase(lower, upper);
        case CT_UPDATED:
                qWarning() << "MasternodeTablePriv::updateMasternode: Warning: Got CT_UPDATED, but entry is not in model: "+ QString::fromStdString(strprintf("%s-%d", outpoint.hash.ToString(), outpoint.n)) + " " + QString::number(status);
            // Find masternode on platform
            interfaces::Masternode masternode = node.getMasternode(outpoint);
            //don't remove our own nodes
            if(lower->alias == "" && masternode.outpoint == COutPoint())
                // did we receive a wrong signal? The node got highes priority, delete the entry
                qWarning() << "MasternodeTablePriv::updateMasternode: Warning: Got CT_UPDATED, but masternode is not on platform: " + QString::fromStdString(strprintf("%s-%d", outpoint.hash.ToString(), outpoint.n)) + " " + QString::number(status);
                parent->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, upperIndex-1);
                cachedMasternodeTable.erase(lower, upper);
            MasternodeTableEntry::Type addressType = translateMasternodeType(
            lower->type = addressType;
            lower->txhash = QString::fromStdString(masternode.outpoint.hash.ToString());
            lower->n = masternode.outpoint.n;
            lower->alias = QString::fromStdString(masternode.alias);
            lower->address = QString::fromStdString(masternode.address);
            lower->protocol = masternode.protocol;
            lower->daemon = masternode.daemon;
            lower->sentinel = masternode.sentinel;
            lower->status = QString::fromStdString(masternode.status);
            lower->active =;
            lower->lastseen = masternode.last_seen;
            lower->payee = QString::fromStdString(masternode.payee);
            lower->banscore = masternode.banscore;
Beispiel #14
QList<QRect> OpenCVFaceDetector::mergeFaces(const cv::Mat& inputImage, const QList< QList<QRect> >& combo) const

    QList<QRect> results;

    // Make one long vector of all faces
    foreach (const QList<QRect>& list, combo)
        results += list;

    // used only one cascade? No need to merge then
    int primaryCascades = 0;

    foreach (const Cascade& cascade, d->cascades)
        if (cascade.primaryCascade)

    if (primaryCascades <= 1)
        return results;

     *   Now, starting from the left, take a face and compare with rest. If distance is less than a threshold,
     *   consider them to be "overlapping" face frames and delete the "duplicate" from the vector.
     *   Remember that only faces to the RIGHT of the reference face will be deleted.
    QList<int> genuineness;
    int ctr = 0;

    QList<QRect>::iterator first, second;

    for (first = results.begin(); first != results.end(); )
        int duplicates = 0;

        for (second = first + 1; second != results.end(); )  // Compare with the faces to the right

            if (distanceOfCenters(*first, *second) < d->maxDistance)
                second = results.erase(second);

        if (duplicates < d->minDuplicates)    // Less duplicates, probably not genuine, kick it out
            first = results.erase(first);
            // Face passed both tests, will be in final results

    qCDebug(DIGIKAM_FACESENGINE_LOG) << "Faces parsed: " << ctr << " number of final faces: " << results.size();

    return results;
bool standardize::dofunc(const QString & func_name, const V3DPluginArgList & input, V3DPluginArgList & output, V3DPluginCallback2 & callback,  QWidget * parent)
	vector<char*> infiles, inparas, outfiles;
	if(input.size() >= 1) infiles = *((vector<char*> *);
	if(input.size() >= 2) inparas = *((vector<char*> *);
	if(output.size() >= 1) outfiles = *((vector<char*> *);

    if (func_name == tr("standardize"))
        cout<<"This is standardize_swc plugin"<<endl;
        if(infiles.size() <2)
            cerr<<"Need  both the reference swc file ( to seed the soma) and the input swc file."<<endl;
            cerr<<"You can use the input swc file as the reference swc file, if no particular soma location is required." <<endl;
            return false;

        QString  ref_swc_file =  infiles[0];
        QString  inputswc_file = infiles[1];
        if(inputswc_file.isEmpty() || ref_swc_file.isEmpty())
            cerr<<"please check both input swc files"<<endl;
            return false;

        if (inparas.size() <1)
            printf("Please specify two parameters - 1)the gap size for bridging during the sorting step; 2) the type to be assgined.\n");
            return false;

        double dis_th = atof(;

        int type = -1;//use the old type
        if (inparas.size() ==2)
           type =  atof(;

        double sort_th = dis_th ; //the parameter in sort_neuron_swc plugin, specifying the length threshold to bridge the gap

        QString  outswc_file =  outfiles[0];

        cout<<"ref_swc_file = "<<ref_swc_file.toStdString().c_str()<<endl;
        cout<<"inswc_file = "<<inputswc_file.toStdString().c_str()<<endl;
        cout<<"gap threshold = "<<dis_th<<endl;
        cout<<"outswc_file = "<<outswc_file.toStdString().c_str()<<endl;
        cout<<"new type code = "<<type<<endl;

        NeuronTree nt_input = readSWC_file(inputswc_file);
//        cout<<" Standardize: 1) resample"<<endl;
//        NeuronTree nt_input_rs = resample(nt_input, dis_th);

        NeuronTree nt_ref = readSWC_file(ref_swc_file);
        double soma_x, soma_y, soma_z, soma_r;
        for (V3DLONG i = 0; i < nt_ref.listNeuron.size(); i++)
                soma_x =;
                soma_y =;
                soma_z =;
                soma_r =;

        V3DLONG neuronNum = nt_input.listNeuron.size();
        QVector<QVector<V3DLONG> > children_list = QVector< QVector<V3DLONG> >(neuronNum, QVector<V3DLONG>() );

        for (V3DLONG i = 0; i < neuronNum; i++)
            V3DLONG parent = nt_input.listNeuron[i].pn;
            if (parent < 0)

        double Dist = INT_MAX;
        double Dist_inrange = INT_MAX;
        V3DLONG soma_ID = -1;
        V3DLONG dist_ID = -1;
        int child_num = 0;

        cout<<" standardize: 1) matching soma roots"<<endl;
       // set the distance threshold to searching for matching soma node

        QList<NeuronSWC> list_neurons = nt_input.listNeuron;
        double search_distance_th = soma_r * 5 ;// choose the bigger value between soma_r*5 and search_distance_th*5
        if (search_distance_th < sort_th *5)
             search_distance_th = sort_th *5;

        for (V3DLONG i=0;i<list_neurons.size();i++)
            NeuronSWC curr =;
            double nodedist = sqrt(pow2(curr.x - soma_x) + pow2(curr.y - soma_y) + pow2(curr.z - soma_z));
            if(nodedist <= search_distance_th && <0)
                soma_ID = curr.n;
                child_num = 1;

            if(nodedist <= search_distance_th  && children_list[i].size() > child_num)
                soma_ID = curr.n;
                child_num = children_list[i].size();
                Dist_inrange = nodedist;

            if(nodedist <= search_distance_th && children_list[i].size() == child_num && nodedist < Dist_inrange)
                soma_ID = curr.n;
                Dist_inrange = nodedist;

            if(nodedist < Dist)
                dist_ID = curr.n;
                Dist = nodedist;

        if(child_num < 1 || soma_ID == -1) soma_ID = dist_ID;

        cout<<" Standardize: 2) sort"<<endl;
        QList<NeuronSWC> result;
        if (!SortSWC(nt_input.listNeuron, result ,soma_ID, sort_th))
            v3d_msg("fail to call swc sorting function.",0);
            return false;

        cout<<" Standardize: 3) only keep the first tree(identified by the soma from the reference."<<endl;

        //skip the first root
        for (V3DLONG i = 1;i<result.size();i++)
            if (result[i].pn == -1)
            {//remove other trees, only keep the first one
                cout<< "remove "<<result.size()-i<<" nodes"<<endl;
                result.erase(result.begin()+i, result.end());


        cout<<" Standardize: 4) reset type for soma and neurites"<<endl;
        //4-apical dendrite

	else if (func_name == tr("help"))
        cout << "This super-plugin  is used to post-processing auto reconstructions for comparisons. "<<endl;
        cout << "It will identify the soma for each input reconstruction " <<endl;
        cout << "based on the reference SWC file, and sort SWC nodes based on the soma root while bridging" <<endl;
        cout << "all disconneted components when the gap is less then the specified gap_threshold. The search range "<<endl;
        cout << "for the matching soma  is  5*soma_radius." <<endl;
        cout << "Usage : <vaa3d> -x standardize -f standardize -i <reference_swc_file> <inswc_file> -o <outswc_file> -p <gap_threshold>  <new_neurite_type> "<<endl;
        return false;

	return true;