Beispiel #1
void Resume::ReadVlcResumeFile()

	Sleep(100); //wait for VLC to write file (TODO: make threaded)

	//get username
	TCHAR username[UNLEN + 1];
	DWORD username_len = UNLEN + 1;
	GetUserName(username, &username_len);

	RString strTemp;
	RString strVlcFile;

	//build path to vlc info file
	RString strFilePath = _T("C:\\Users\\");
	strFilePath += username;
	strFilePath += _T("\\AppData\\Roaming\\vlc\\vlc-qt-interface.ini");

	//read VLC resume file into str
	if (!FileToString(strFilePath, strVlcFile))

	if (GetFirstMatch(strVlcFile, _T("list=([^$]*?$)"), &strTemp))
		strTemp.Replace(_T(" "), _T(""));
		RArray<const TCHAR*> moviesTemp = SplitString(strTemp, _T(","), true);
		size = moviesTemp.GetSize();
		if (size > MAX_SIZE) size = MAX_SIZE;

		for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
			//remove % codes and turn + to space
			RString strTempMovie = URLDecode(moviesTemp[i]);

			//remove file:/// or file://
			if (strTempMovie.Left(8) == _T("file:///"))
				strTempMovie = strTempMovie.Right(strTempMovie.GetLength() - 8);
				strTempMovie = strTempMovie.Right(strTempMovie.GetLength() - 5);

			strTempMovie.Replace(_T("/"), _T("\\\\"));
			movies[i] = strTempMovie;

	if (GetFirstMatch(strVlcFile, _T("times=([^$]*?$)"), &strTemp))
		strTemp.Replace(_T(" "), _T(""));
		RArray<const TCHAR*> strTimes = SplitString(strTemp, _T(","), true);
		for(int i=0; i<strTimes.GetSize(); i++)
			times[i] = StringToNumber(strTimes[i])/1000;  //milliseconds to seconds
