AffineTransform SVGGraphicsElement::animatedLocalTransform() const
    AffineTransform matrix;
    RenderStyle* style = renderer() ? &renderer()->style() : nullptr;

    // If CSS property was set, use that, otherwise fallback to attribute (if set).
    if (style && style->hasTransform()) {
        // Note: objectBoundingBox is an emptyRect for elements like pattern or clipPath.
        // See the "Object bounding box units" section of
        TransformationMatrix transform;
        style->applyTransform(transform, renderer()->objectBoundingBox());

        // Flatten any 3D transform.
        matrix = transform.toAffineTransform();
        // CSS bakes the zoom factor into lengths, including translation components.
        // In order to align CSS & SVG transforms, we need to invert this operation.
        float zoom = style->effectiveZoom();
        if (zoom != 1) {
            matrix.setE(matrix.e() / zoom);
            matrix.setF(matrix.f() / zoom);

    } else

    if (m_supplementalTransform)
        return *m_supplementalTransform * matrix;
    return matrix;
Beispiel #2
AffineTransform SVGGraphicsElement::calculateAnimatedLocalTransform() const
    AffineTransform matrix;
    RenderStyle* style = renderer() ? renderer()->style() : 0;

    // If CSS property was set, use that, otherwise fallback to attribute (if set).
    if (style && style->hasTransform()) {
        TransformationMatrix transform;
        float zoom = style->effectiveZoom();

        // SVGTextElements need special handling for the text positioning code.
        if (isSVGTextElement(this)) {
            // Do not take into account SVG's zoom rules, transform-origin, or percentage values.
            style->applyTransform(transform, IntSize(0, 0), RenderStyle::ExcludeTransformOrigin);
        } else {
            // CSS transforms operate with pre-scaled lengths. To make this work with SVG
            // (which applies the zoom factor globally, at the root level) we
            //   * pre-scale the bounding box (to bring it into the same space as the other CSS values)
            //   * invert the zoom factor (to effectively compute the CSS transform under a 1.0 zoom)
            // Note: objectBoundingBox is an emptyRect for elements like pattern or clipPath.
            // See the "Object bounding box units" section of
            if (zoom != 1) {
                FloatRect scaledBBox = renderer()->objectBoundingBox();
                transform.scale(1 / zoom);
                style->applyTransform(transform, scaledBBox);
            } else {
                style->applyTransform(transform, renderer()->objectBoundingBox());

        // Flatten any 3D transform.
        matrix = transform.toAffineTransform();
    } else {

    if (hasSVGRareData())
        return *svgRareData()->animateMotionTransform() * matrix;
    return matrix;
bool AnimationBase::computeTransformedExtentViaMatrix(const FloatRect& rendererBox, const RenderStyle& style, LayoutRect& bounds) const
    TransformationMatrix transform;
    style.applyTransform(transform, rendererBox, RenderStyle::IncludeTransformOrigin);
    if (!transform.isAffine())
        return false;

    TransformationMatrix::Decomposed2Type fromDecomp;
    // Any rotation prevents us from using a simple start/end rect union.
    if (fromDecomp.angle)
        return false;

    bounds = LayoutRect(transform.mapRect(bounds));
    return true;

AffineTransform SVGStyledTransformableElement::animatedLocalTransform() const
    AffineTransform matrix;
    RenderStyle* style = renderer() ? renderer()->style() : 0;

    // if CSS property was set, use that, otherwise fallback to attribute (if set)
    if (style && style->hasTransform()) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        // For now, the transform-origin is not taken into account
        // Also, any percentage values will not be taken into account
        style->applyTransform(t, IntSize(0, 0), RenderStyle::ExcludeTransformOrigin);
        // Flatten any 3D transform
        matrix = t.toAffineTransform();
    } else

    if (m_supplementalTransform)
        return *m_supplementalTransform * matrix;
    return matrix;
AffineTransform SVGGraphicsElement::animatedLocalTransform() const
    AffineTransform matrix;
    RenderStyle* style = renderer() ? &renderer()->style() : nullptr;

    // If CSS property was set, use that, otherwise fallback to attribute (if set).
    if (style && style->hasTransform()) {
        // Note: objectBoundingBox is an emptyRect for elements like pattern or clipPath.
        // See the "Object bounding box units" section of
        TransformationMatrix transform;
        style->applyTransform(transform, renderer()->objectBoundingBox());

        // Flatten any 3D transform.
        matrix = transform.toAffineTransform();
    } else

    if (m_supplementalTransform)
        return *m_supplementalTransform * matrix;
    return matrix;
Beispiel #6
// We override SVGGraphics::animatedLocalTransform() so that the transform-origin
// is not taken into account.
AffineTransform SVGTextElement::animatedLocalTransform() const
    AffineTransform matrix;
    RenderStyle* style = renderer() ? &renderer()->style() : nullptr;

    // if CSS property was set, use that, otherwise fallback to attribute (if set)
    if (style && style->hasTransform()) {
        TransformationMatrix t;
        // For now, the transform-origin is not taken into account
        // Also, any percentage values will not be taken into account
        style->applyTransform(t, FloatRect(0, 0, 0, 0), RenderStyle::ExcludeTransformOrigin);
        // Flatten any 3D transform
        matrix = t.toAffineTransform();
    } else

    const AffineTransform* transform = const_cast<SVGTextElement*>(this)->supplementalTransform();
    if (transform)
        return *transform * matrix;
    return matrix;