Beispiel #1
int GitStatus::GetDirStatus(const CString& gitdir, const CString& subpath, git_wc_status_kind* status, BOOL IsFul, BOOL IsRecursive, BOOL IsIgnore)
	if (!status)
		return 0;

	CString path = subpath;

	path.Replace(_T('\\'), _T('/'));
	if (!path.IsEmpty() && path[path.GetLength() - 1] != _T('/'))
		path += _T('/'); //Add trail / to show it is directory, not file name.

	g_IndexFileMap.CheckAndUpdate(gitdir, true);

	SHARED_INDEX_PTR indexptr = g_IndexFileMap.SafeGet(gitdir);

	if (!indexptr)
		*status = git_wc_status_unversioned;
		return 0;

	CString lowcasepath = path;

	int pos = SearchInSortVector(*indexptr, lowcasepath, lowcasepath.GetLength());

	// Not In Version Contorl
	if (pos < 0)
		if (!IsIgnore)
			*status = git_wc_status_unversioned;
			return 0;

		// Check ignore always.
		if (g_IgnoreList.CheckIgnoreChanged(gitdir, path, true))
			g_IgnoreList.LoadAllIgnoreFile(gitdir, path, true);

		if (g_IgnoreList.IsIgnore(path, gitdir, true))
			*status = git_wc_status_ignored;
			*status = git_wc_status_unversioned;


		SHARED_TREE_PTR treeptr = g_HeadFileMap.SafeGet(gitdir);
		// Check init repository
		if (treeptr->HeadIsEmpty() && path.IsEmpty())
			*status = git_wc_status_normal;
		// check if only one file in repository is deleted in index
		else if (path.IsEmpty() && !treeptr->empty())
			*status = git_wc_status_deleted;

		return 0;

	// In version control
	*status = git_wc_status_normal;

	int start = 0;
	int end = 0;

	GetRangeInSortVector(*indexptr, lowcasepath, lowcasepath.GetLength(), &start, &end, pos);

	// Check Conflict;
	for (auto it = indexptr->cbegin() + start, itlast = indexptr->cbegin() + end; indexptr->m_bHasConflicts && it <= itlast; ++it)
		if (((*it).m_Flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGEMASK) != 0)
			*status = git_wc_status_conflicted;

	if (IsFul && (*status != git_wc_status_conflicted))
		*status = git_wc_status_normal;


		// Check Add
			// Check if new init repository
			SHARED_TREE_PTR treeptr = g_HeadFileMap.SafeGet(gitdir);

			if (!treeptr->empty() || treeptr->HeadIsEmpty())
				for (auto it = indexptr->cbegin() + start, itlast = indexptr->cbegin() + end; it <= itlast; ++it)
					pos = SearchInSortVector(*treeptr, (*it).m_FileName, -1);

					if (pos < 0)
						*status = max(git_wc_status_added, *status); // added file found

					if (pos >= 0 && treeptr->at(pos).m_Hash != (*it).m_IndexHash)
						*status = max(git_wc_status_modified, *status); // modified file found

				// Check Delete
				if (*status == git_wc_status_normal)
					pos = SearchInSortVector(*treeptr, lowcasepath, lowcasepath.GetLength());
					if (pos < 0)
						*status = max(git_wc_status_added, *status); // added file found
						int hstart, hend;
						GetRangeInSortVector(*treeptr, lowcasepath, lowcasepath.GetLength(), &hstart, &hend, pos);
						for (auto hit = treeptr->cbegin() + hstart, lastElement = treeptr->cbegin() + hend; hit <= lastElement; ++hit)
							if (SearchInSortVector(*indexptr, (*hit).m_FileName, -1) < 0)
								*status = max(git_wc_status_deleted, *status); // deleted file found
		} /* End lock*/

	// When status == git_wc_status_conflicted, needn't check each file status
	// because git_wc_status_conflicted is highest.s
	if (*status == git_wc_status_conflicted)
		return 0;

	for (auto it = indexptr->cbegin() + start, itlast = indexptr->cbegin() + end; it <= itlast; ++it)
		//skip child directory
		if (!IsRecursive && (*it).m_FileName.Find(_T('/'), path.GetLength()) > 0)

		git_wc_status_kind filestatus = git_wc_status_none;
		bool assumeValid = false;
		bool skipWorktree = false;
		GetFileStatus(gitdir, (*it).m_FileName, &filestatus, IsFul, IsRecursive, IsIgnore, nullptr, nullptr, &assumeValid, &skipWorktree);
		switch (filestatus)
		case git_wc_status_added:
		case git_wc_status_modified:
		case git_wc_status_deleted:
		case git_wc_status_conflicted:
			*status = GetMoreImportant(filestatus, *status);

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int GitStatus::EnumDirStatus(const CString &gitdir, const CString &subpath, git_wc_status_kind * status,BOOL IsFul, BOOL IsRecursive, BOOL IsIgnore, FILL_STATUS_CALLBACK callback, void *pData)
	if (!status)
		return 0;

	CString path = subpath;

	path.Replace(_T('\\'), _T('/'));
	if (!path.IsEmpty() && path[path.GetLength() - 1] != _T('/'))
		path += _T('/'); // Add trail / to show it is directory, not file name.

	std::vector<CGitFileName> filelist;
	GetFileList(CombinePath(gitdir, subpath), filelist);



	SHARED_INDEX_PTR indexptr = g_IndexFileMap.SafeGet(gitdir);
	SHARED_TREE_PTR treeptr = g_HeadFileMap.SafeGet(gitdir);

	// new git working tree has no index file
	if (!indexptr.get())
		for (auto it = filelist.cbegin(); it != filelist.cend(); ++it)
			CString casepath = path;
			casepath += it->m_CaseFileName;

			bool bIsDir = false;
			if (!it->m_FileName.IsEmpty() && it->m_FileName[it->m_FileName.GetLength() - 1] == _T('/'))
				bIsDir = true;

			if (IsIgnore)
				if (g_IgnoreList.CheckIgnoreChanged(gitdir, casepath, bIsDir))
					g_IgnoreList.LoadAllIgnoreFile(gitdir, casepath, bIsDir);

				if (g_IgnoreList.IsIgnore(casepath, gitdir, bIsDir))
					*status = git_wc_status_ignored;
				else if (bIsDir)
					*status = git_wc_status_unversioned;
			else if (bIsDir)
				*status = git_wc_status_unversioned;

			if (callback)
				callback(CombinePath(gitdir, casepath), *status, bIsDir, pData, false, false);
		return 0;

	CString lowcasepath = path;

	for (auto it = filelist.cbegin(), itend = filelist.cend(); it != itend; ++it)
		CString onepath(lowcasepath);
		onepath += it->m_FileName;
		CString casepath(path);
		casepath += it->m_CaseFileName;

		bool bIsDir = false;
		if (!onepath.IsEmpty() && onepath[onepath.GetLength() - 1] == _T('/'))
			bIsDir = true;

		int matchLength = -1;
		if (bIsDir)
			matchLength = onepath.GetLength();
		int pos = SearchInSortVector(*indexptr, onepath, matchLength);
		int posintree = SearchInSortVector(*treeptr, onepath, matchLength);

		if (pos < 0 && posintree < 0)
			if (onepath.IsEmpty())

			if (!IsIgnore)
				*status = git_wc_status_unversioned;
				if (callback)
					callback(CombinePath(gitdir, casepath), *status, bIsDir, pData, false, false);

			if (g_IgnoreList.CheckIgnoreChanged(gitdir, casepath, bIsDir))
				g_IgnoreList.LoadAllIgnoreFile(gitdir, casepath, bIsDir);

			if (g_IgnoreList.IsIgnore(casepath, gitdir, bIsDir))
				*status = git_wc_status_ignored;
				*status = git_wc_status_unversioned;

			if (callback)
				callback(CombinePath(gitdir, casepath), *status, bIsDir, pData, false, false);
		else if (pos < 0 && posintree >= 0) /* check if file delete in index */
			*status = git_wc_status_deleted;
			if (callback)
				callback(CombinePath(gitdir, casepath), *status, bIsDir, pData, false, false);
		else if (pos >= 0 && posintree < 0) /* Check if file added */
			*status = git_wc_status_added;
			if (indexptr->at(pos).m_Flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_STAGEMASK)
				*status = git_wc_status_conflicted;
			if (callback)
				callback(CombinePath(gitdir, casepath), *status, bIsDir, pData, false, false);
			if (onepath.IsEmpty())

			if (bIsDir)
				*status = git_wc_status_normal;
				if (callback)
					callback(CombinePath(gitdir, casepath), *status, bIsDir, pData, false, false);
				bool assumeValid = false;
				bool skipWorktree = false;
				git_wc_status_kind filestatus;
				GetFileStatus(gitdir, casepath, &filestatus, IsFul, IsRecursive, IsIgnore, callback, pData, &assumeValid, &skipWorktree);
	}/*End of For*/

	/* Check deleted file in system */
	int start = 0, end = 0;
	int pos = SearchInSortVector(*indexptr, lowcasepath, lowcasepath.GetLength()); // match path prefix, (sub)folders end with slash
	std::map<CString, bool> skipWorktreeMap;

	if (GetRangeInSortVector(*indexptr, lowcasepath, lowcasepath.GetLength(), &start, &end, pos) == 0)
		CString oldstring;
		for (auto it = indexptr->cbegin() + start, itlast = indexptr->cbegin() + end; it <= itlast; ++it)
			int commonPrefixLength = lowcasepath.GetLength();
			int index = (*it).m_FileName.Find(_T('/'), commonPrefixLength);
			if (index < 0)
				index = (*it).m_FileName.GetLength();
				++index; // include slash at the end for subfolders, so that we do not match files by mistake

			CString filename = (*it).m_FileName.Mid(commonPrefixLength, index - commonPrefixLength);
			if (oldstring != filename)
				oldstring = filename;
				if (SearchInSortVector(filelist, filename, filename.GetLength()) < 0)
					bool skipWorktree = false;
					*status = git_wc_status_deleted;
					if (((*it).m_Flags & GIT_IDXENTRY_SKIP_WORKTREE) != 0)
						skipWorktreeMap[filename] = true;
						skipWorktree = true;
						*status = git_wc_status_normal;
					if (callback)
						callback(CombinePath(gitdir, (*it).m_FileName), *status, false, pData, false, skipWorktree);

	start = end = 0;
	pos = SearchInSortVector(*treeptr, lowcasepath, lowcasepath.GetLength()); // match path prefix, (sub)folders end with slash
	if (GetRangeInSortVector(*treeptr, lowcasepath, lowcasepath.GetLength(), &start, &end, pos) == 0)
		CString oldstring;
		for (auto it = treeptr->cbegin() + start, itlast = treeptr->cbegin() + end; it <= itlast; ++it)
			int commonPrefixLength = lowcasepath.GetLength();
			int index = (*it).m_FileName.Find(_T('/'), commonPrefixLength);
			if (index < 0)
				index = (*it).m_FileName.GetLength();
				++index; // include slash at the end for subfolders, so that we do not match files by mistake

			CString filename = (*it).m_FileName.Mid(commonPrefixLength, index - commonPrefixLength);
			if (oldstring != filename && skipWorktreeMap[filename] != true)
				oldstring = filename;
				if (SearchInSortVector(filelist, filename, filename.GetLength()) < 0)
					*status = git_wc_status_deleted;
					if (callback)
						callback(CombinePath(gitdir, (*it).m_FileName), *status, false, pData, false, false);
	return 0;