bool PCZFrustum::isVisible( const Sphere & bound) const
        // Check originplane if told to
        if (mUseOriginPlane)
            Plane::Side side = mOriginPlane.getSide(bound.getCenter());
            if (side == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE)
				Real dist = mOriginPlane.getDistance(bound.getCenter());
				if (dist > bound.getRadius())
					return false;

        // For each extra active culling plane, see if the entire sphere is on the negative side
        // If so, object is not visible
        PCPlaneList::const_iterator pit = mActiveCullingPlanes.begin();
        while ( pit != mActiveCullingPlanes.end() )
            PCPlane * plane = *pit;
            Plane::Side xside = plane->getSide(bound.getCenter());
            if (xside == Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE)
				Real dist = plane->getDistance(bound.getCenter());
				if (dist > bound.getRadius())
					return false;
		return true;
Beispiel #2
		static T find( const Sphere< T > &sphere, 
					   const Ray< 3, T > &ray, 
					   T lowerBound = Numeric< T >::ZERO_TOLERANCE, 
					   T upperBound = std::numeric_limits< T >::max() )
			Vector< 3, T > centerDiff( ray.getOrigin() - sphere.getCenter() );
			T a = ray.getDirection().getSquaredMagnitude();
			T b = 2 * ( centerDiff * ray.getDirection() );
			T c = centerDiff.getSquaredMagnitude() - ( sphere.getRadius() * sphere.getRadius() );

	        T t0, t1;
			if ( Root::compute( a, b, c, t0, t1 ) == 0 ) {
				return -1;

			if ( t0 < upperBound && t0 > lowerBound ) {
				return t0;

			if ( t1 < upperBound && t1 > lowerBound ) {
				return t1;

			return -1;
	/* special function that returns true only when sphere fully fits inside the frustum. */
	bool PCZFrustum::isFullyVisible(const Sphere& bound) const
		// Check originplane if told to
		if (mUseOriginPlane)
			if (mOriginPlane.getDistance(bound.getCenter()) <= bound.getRadius() ||
				mOriginPlane.getSide(bound.getCenter()) != Plane::POSITIVE_SIDE)
				return false;

		// For each extra active culling plane,
		// see if the sphere is not on the positive side
		// If so, object is not fully visible
		PCPlaneList::const_iterator pit = mActiveCullingPlanes.begin();
		while ( pit != mActiveCullingPlanes.end() )
			PCPlane* plane = *pit;

			if (plane->getDistance(bound.getCenter()) <= bound.getRadius() ||
				plane->getSide(bound.getCenter()) != Plane::POSITIVE_SIDE)
				return false;

		return true;
bool TestSpherePoly ( Sphere const & A, VertexList const & verts, Plane3d const & P )
	if(!TestSpherePlane(A,P)) return false;

	float dist2 = Distance3d::Distance2PointPoly(A.getCenter(),verts);

	return dist2 < (A.getRadius() * A.getRadius());
ContainmentResult	TestPointSphere	( Vector const & V,
									  Sphere const & S )
	real radiusSquared = S.getRadius() * S.getRadius();

	real distanceSquared = (V-S.getCenter()).magnitudeSquared();

	return Containment1d::TestFloatLess(distanceSquared,radiusSquared);
static void View(Camera* camera, const AxisAlignedBox& aabb, const Sphere& sphere)
	float nearClip = (sphere.getRadius() > 1)? 1 : 0.05;
	float farClip = sphere.getRadius()*10000.0f;


	// tan (fov/2.0) = r/d => d = r/tan(fov/2.0)
	float distance = sphere.getRadius()/Math::Tan(camera->getFOVy()/2.0f);

	camera->setPosition(sphere.getCenter() - (camera->getDirection().normalisedCopy()*distance));
Beispiel #7
Sphere Sphere::getCompoundShape(const Sphere& b) const
	const Sphere& a = *this;

	/// TODO test this
	Vec3 centerDiff = -;
	F32 radiusDiff = b.radius - a.radius;
	Vec3 radiusDiffSqr = radiusDiff * radiusDiff;
	F32 lenSqr = centerDiff.getLengthSquared();

	if(radiusDiffSqrt >= 0.0)
		if(radiusDiff >= 0.0)
			return b;
			return a;
		F32 l = sqrt(lenSqr);
		F32 t = (l + b.radius - a.radius) / (2.0 * l);
		return Sphere( + t * centerDiff, (l + a.radius + b.radius) /

	Vec4 c = b.getCenter() - a.getCenter(); // Vector from one center to the
	                                        // other
	F32 cLen = c.getLength();

	if(cLen + b.getRadius() < a.getRadius())
		return a;
	else if(cLen + a.getRadius() < b.getRadius())
		return b;

	Vec4 bnorm = c / cLen;

	Vec4 ca = (-bnorm) * a.getRadius() + a.getCenter();
	Vec4 cb = (bnorm) * b.getRadius() + b.getCenter();

	return Sphere((ca + cb) / 2.0, (ca - cb).getLength() / 2.0);
Beispiel #8
//* This only mostly works
float Camera::getScreenRadius( const Sphere &sphere, float screenWidth, float screenHeight ) const
	Vec2f screenCenter( worldToScreen( sphere.getCenter(), screenWidth, screenHeight ) );	
	Vec3f orthog = mViewDirection.getOrthogonal().normalized();
	Vec2f screenPerimeter = worldToScreen( sphere.getCenter() + sphere.getRadius() * orthog, screenWidth, screenHeight );
	return screenPerimeter.distance( screenCenter );
Beispiel #9
    bool Frustum::isVisible(const Sphere& sphere, FrustumPlane* culledBy) const
        // Make any pending updates to the calculated frustum planes

        // For each plane, see if sphere is on negative side
        // If so, object is not visible
        for (int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane)
            // Skip far plane if infinite view frustum
            if (plane == FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR && mFarDist == 0)

            // If the distance from sphere center to plane is negative, and 'more negative' 
            // than the radius of the sphere, sphere is outside frustum
            if (mFrustumPlanes[plane].getDistance(sphere.getCenter()) < -sphere.getRadius())
                // ALL corners on negative side therefore out of view
                if (culledBy)
                    *culledBy = (FrustumPlane)plane;
                return false;


        return true;
Beispiel #10
    bool Math::intersects(const Sphere& sphere, const AxisAlignedBox& box)
        if (box.isNull()) return false;
        if (box.isInfinite()) return true;

        // Use splitting planes
        const Vector3& center = sphere.getCenter();
        Real radius = sphere.getRadius();
        const Vector3& min = box.getMinimum();
        const Vector3& max = box.getMaximum();

        // Arvo's algorithm
        Real s, d = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            if (center.ptr()[i] < min.ptr()[i])
                s = center.ptr()[i] - min.ptr()[i];
                d += s * s; 
            else if(center.ptr()[i] > max.ptr()[i])
                s = center.ptr()[i] - max.ptr()[i];
                d += s * s; 
        return d <= radius * radius;

Beispiel #11
//* This only mostly works
float Camera::getScreenRadius( const Sphere &sphere, float screenWidth, float screenHeight ) const
	vec2 screenCenter( worldToScreen( sphere.getCenter(), screenWidth, screenHeight ) );	
	vec3 orthog = normalize( orthogonal( mViewDirection ) );
	vec2 screenPerimeter = worldToScreen( sphere.getCenter() + sphere.getRadius() * orthog, screenWidth, screenHeight );
	return distance( screenPerimeter, screenCenter );
Beispiel #12
std::pair<bool, float> Math::intersects(
												const Ray& ray
											,	const Sphere& sphere
											,	bool discardInside
    const Vector3& raydir = ray.getDirection();
    const Vector3& rayorig = ray.getOrigin() - sphere.getCenter();
    float radius = sphere.getRadius();

    if (rayorig.squaredLength() <= radius*radius && discardInside)
        return std::pair<bool, float>(true, 0.0f);

    float a = raydir.dotProduct(raydir);
    float b = 2 * rayorig.dotProduct(raydir);
    float c = rayorig.dotProduct(rayorig) - radius*radius;

    float d = (b*b) - (4 * a * c);
    if (d < 0.0f)
        return std::pair<bool, float>(false, 0.0f);
        float t = ( -b - Math::Sqrt(d) ) / (2 * a);
        if (t < 0.0f)
            t = ( -b + Math::Sqrt(d) ) / (2 * a);
        return std::pair<bool, float>(true, t);
JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_be_kuleuven_mech_rsg_jni_RsgJNI_getSphereRadius
  (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong spherePtr) {

	Sphere* sphere = reinterpret_cast<Sphere*>(spherePtr);
	assert(sphere != 0);
	return sphere->getRadius();
Beispiel #14
void TerrainApp::drawTerrain()
	mRd.getHeightsTexture().bind( 0 );
	mRd.getNormalsTexture().bind( 1 );
	mGradientTex.bind( 2 );
	mSandNormalTex.bind( 3 );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "heightsTex", 0 );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "normalsTex", 1 );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "gradientTex", 2 );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "sandNormalTex", 3 );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "mvpMatrix", mSpringCam.mMvpMatrix );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "terrainScale", mTerrainScale );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "roomDims", mRoom.getDims() );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "zoomMulti", mZoomMulti );//lerp( mZoomMulti, 1.0f, mRoom.getPower() ) );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "power", mRoom.getPower() );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "eyePos", mSpringCam.getEye() );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "lightPos", mLightPos );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "fogColor", mFogColor );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "sandColor", mSandColor );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "mousePosNorm", -( mMousePosNorm - Vec2f( 0.5f, 0.5f ) ) * getElapsedSeconds() * 2.0f );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "spherePos", mSphere.getCenter() );
	mTerrainShader.uniform( "sphereRadius", mSphere.getRadius() );
Beispiel #15
void SphereForce::evalRepulsiveForce(Cell & c1, const Sphere & s)
    float overlap=fmax(((c1.getCoord().distanceTo(s.getCentroid())+c1.getRadius())-s.getRadius()),0.0f);
    CVector cv;
    if(overlap==0.0f) {
    cv = cv/sqrt(pow(cv.getX(),2)+pow(cv.getY(),2)+pow(cv.getZ(),2));
    //cv=cv*(overlap/(c1.getCoord().distanceTo(s.getCentroid())+c1.getRadius())); // utiliser fraction de la distance pour scaler

    	std::cout<<c1.getID().c_str()<<"overlap :"<<overlap<<"--"<<c1.getCoord().distanceTo(s.getCentroid())<<"\n fact : "<<(overlap/(c1.getCoord().distanceTo(s.getCentroid())+c1.getRadius()))<<"\nVecteur : "<<std::endl;
    if(cv.getX()>0.0f) c1.setWl(true);
    if(cv.getX()<0.0f) c1.setWr(true);
    if(cv.getY()>0.0f) c1.setHl(true);
    if(cv.getY()<0.0f) c1.setHr(true);
    if(cv.getZ()>0.0f) c1.setDl(true);
    if(cv.getZ()<0.0f) c1.setDr(true);
Beispiel #16
void TerrainApp::drawSphere()
	Vec3f spherePos = mSphere.getCenter();
	Vec3f roomDims	= mRoom.getDims();
	float x = ( spherePos.x + roomDims.x ) / ( roomDims.x * 2.0f );
	float y = ( spherePos.z + roomDims.z ) / ( roomDims.z * 2.0f );;
	Vec2f texCoord = Vec2f( x, y );
	mRd.getHeightsTexture().bind( 1 );
	mRd.getNormalsTexture().bind( 2 );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "cubeMap", 0 );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "heightsTex", 1 );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "normalsTex", 2 );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "mvpMatrix", mSpringCam.mMvpMatrix );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "terrainScale", mTerrainScale );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "eyePos", mSpringCam.getEye() );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "fogColor", mFogColor );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "sandColor", mSandColor );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "power", mRoom.getPower() );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "roomDims", mRoom.getDims() );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "texCoord", texCoord );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "sphereRadius", mSphere.getRadius() * 0.45f );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "zoomMulti", mZoomMulti );
	mSphereShader.uniform( "timePer", mRoom.getTimePer() * 1.5f + 0.5f );
	gl::draw( mSphere, 128 );
Beispiel #17
void Scene::addSphere(geovalue *pos, geovalue rad, Material *mat) {
  Vector3D p1(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
  for (int i=0; i<objects.size(); ++i) {
    Sphere * s;
    if ((s = dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(objects[i]))) {
        Vector3D distvec = s->getPosition() - p1;
        float dist = distvec.length();
        float minDist = rad + s->getRadius();
        if (dist < minDist) {
            rad = (minDist - s->getRadius())/2.0;
            pos[1] = -1.0 + rad; 
  objects.push_back(new Sphere(pos, mat, rad, this));
Beispiel #18
void ArcballTestApp::keyDown( KeyEvent event )
	if( event.getChar() == 'f' ) {
		mCam.setPerspective( randFloat( 5, 140 ), getWindowAspectRatio(), 1.0f, 10.0f );
	else if( event.getChar() == 'd' ) {
		mUsingCameraUi = ! mUsingCameraUi;
		if( mUsingCameraUi )
			mDebugCam = mCam;
	else if ( event.getChar() == 'c' ) {
		if( mArcball.isUsingConstraint() )
			mArcball.setConstraintAxis( normalize( vec3( randFloat(), randFloat(), randFloat() ) ) );
	else if( event.getChar() == 'z' ) {
		mZLookAt /= 10;
		mCam.lookAt( vec3( 0, 0, 5 ), vec3( mZLookAt ) );
	else if( event.getChar() == 'r' ) {
		mEarthSphere.setCenter( vec3( randFloat(2), randFloat(1), randFloat( -4, 0 ) ) );
		mEarth = gl::Batch::create( geom::Sphere( Sphere( vec3(0), mEarthSphere.getRadius() ) ).subdivisions( 50 ), gl::getStockShader( gl::ShaderDef().texture() ) );
		mArcball.setSphere( mEarthSphere );
Beispiel #19
	bool Frustum::isVisible(const Sphere& sphere, FrustumPlane* culledBy) const


		// 遍历视锥体的每个平面,对每个平面, 见如果所有的点都在反面
		// 如果这样,对象不可见
		for (int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane)
			// 如果视锥体空间无限,跳过
			if (plane == FRUSTUM_PLANE_FAR && mFarDist == 0)

			// 如果球体中心到平面的距离为负,并且大于球体半径,那么球在视锥体之外
			if (mFrustumPlanes[plane].getDistance(sphere.getCenter()) < -sphere.getRadius())
				// 所有的角在反面,那么不在视野
				if (culledBy)
					*culledBy = (FrustumPlane)plane;
				return false;


		return true;
/** Checks how the box intersects with the sphere.
Intersection intersect( const Sphere &one, const AxisAlignedBox &two )
    // Null box?
    if (two.isNull()) return OUTSIDE;
    if (two.isInfinite()) return INTERSECT;

    float sradius = one.getRadius();

    sradius *= sradius;

    Vector3 scenter = one.getCenter();

    const Vector3& twoMin = two.getMinimum();
    const Vector3& twoMax = two.getMaximum();

    float s, d = 0;

    Vector3 mndistance = ( twoMin - scenter );
    Vector3 mxdistance = ( twoMax - scenter );

    if ( mndistance.squaredLength() < sradius &&
            mxdistance.squaredLength() < sradius )
        return INSIDE;

    //find the square of the distance
    //from the sphere to the box
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
        if ( scenter[ i ] < twoMin[ i ] )
            s = scenter[ i ] - twoMin[ i ];
            d += s * s;

        else if ( scenter[ i ] > twoMax[ i ] )
            s = scenter[ i ] - twoMax[ i ];
            d += s * s;


    bool partial = ( d <= sradius );

    if ( !partial )
        return OUTSIDE;

        return INTERSECT;

Beispiel #21
void BoundingBox::set(const Sphere& sphere)
    Vector3 center = sphere.getCenter();
    float radius = sphere.getRadius();
    min = center + Vector3(-radius, -radius, -radius);
    max = center + Vector3(radius, radius, radius);
float DistancePointSphere ( Vector const & V, Sphere const & S )
	float dist = DistancePointPoint(V,S.getCenter()) - S.getRadius();

	if(dist < 0.0f) dist = 0.0f;

	return dist;
Range ProjectAxis ( Line3d const & L, Sphere const & S )
	real d = S.getRadius() / L.getNormal().magnitude();

	real c = ProjectAxis( L, S.getCenter() );

	return Range( c - d, c + d );
real DistanceSphereCylinder ( Sphere const & S, Cylinder const & C )
	float dist = DistancePointCylinder(S.getCenter(),C);

	dist -= S.getRadius();

	return dist;
Beispiel #25
bool Math::intersected(const Sphere& sphere01, const Sphere& sphere02)
   Vector3 cen01 = sphere01.getCenter();
   Vector3 cen02 = sphere02.getCenter();

   Real d = Sqrt(cen01 * cen02);

   if(d < sphere01.getRadius() + sphere02.getRadius())
      return true;
      return false;

Beispiel #26
bool Sphere::isOtherInside(const Sphere& other) const
    vec3 axis(other.m_Position - m_Position);
    if (lengthSqr(axis) < sqr(m_Radius - other.getRadius()))
        return true;

    return false;
ContainmentResult TestSphereOCylinder   ( Sphere const & A, OrientedCylinder const & B )
	Vector localCenter = B.transformToLocal(A.getCenter());

	Sphere localSphere(localCenter,A.getRadius());

	return Test( localSphere, B.getLocalShape() );
Beispiel #28
void Collide::pointSphereCollide(const Body * point_, const Body * sphere_)
	Point *point = (Point*)point_;
	Sphere *sphere = (Sphere*)sphere_;

	float distance = 0.0f;
	distance = (point->getPoint() - sphere->getCenter()).Length();

	setCollide(distance < sphere->getRadius());
	setDistance(distance - sphere->getRadius());

	// compute the response vectors
	Vector3 responseObject1 = point_->getCenter() - sphere_->getCenter();
	Vector3 responseObject2 = sphere_->getCenter() - point_->getCenter();
Beispiel #29
void ArcballTestApp::draw()
	CameraPersp &cam = ( mUsingCameraUi ) ? mDebugCam : mCam;
	gl::clear( Color( 0, 0.0f, 0.15f ) );
	gl::setMatrices( cam );

	// draw the earth
	gl::translate( mEarthSphere.getCenter() );
	gl::rotate( mArcball.getQuat() );

	// draw constraint axis
	if( mArcball.isUsingConstraint() ) {
		gl::setMatrices( cam );
		gl::color( 1, 1, 0 );
		gl::translate( mEarthSphere.getCenter() );
		gl::rotate( glm::rotation( vec3( 0, 1, 0 ), mArcball.getConstraintAxis() ) );


	// draw from vector marker
	gl::setMatrices( cam );
	gl::color( 0, 1, 0.25f );
	gl::translate( mEarthSphere.getCenter() + mArcball.getFromVector() * mEarthSphere.getRadius() );

	// draw to vector marker
	gl::setMatrices( cam );
	gl::color( 1, 0.5f, 0.25f );
	gl::translate( mEarthSphere.getCenter() + mArcball.getToVector() * mEarthSphere.getRadius() );

	// draw the elliptical axes
	gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowSize() );
	gl::color( 1, 0, 0 );
	vec2 center, axisA, axisB;
	mCam.calcScreenProjection( mEarthSphere, getWindowSize(), &center, &axisA, &axisB );
	gl::drawLine( center - axisA, center + axisA );
	gl::drawLine( center - axisB, center + axisB );
AxialBox EncloseABox ( Sphere const & sphere )
	float r = sphere.getRadius();
	Vector c = sphere.getCenter();

	Vector d(r,r,r);

	return AxialBox( c + d, c - d );