Beispiel #1
void TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt(dt_t **pdt)
    //printf("TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt() '%s'\n", toChars());
    if (global.params.is64bit)
        verifyStructSize(Type::typeinfostruct, 17 * Target::ptrsize);
        verifyStructSize(Type::typeinfostruct, 15 * Target::ptrsize);

    dtxoff(pdt, Type::typeinfostruct->toVtblSymbol(), 0); // vtbl for TypeInfo_Struct
    dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // monitor

    assert(tinfo->ty == Tstruct);

    TypeStruct *tc = (TypeStruct *)tinfo;
    StructDeclaration *sd = tc->sym;

    if (!sd->members)

    /* Put out:
     *  char[] name;
     *  void[] init;
     *  hash_t function(in void*) xtoHash;
     *  bool function(in void*, in void*) xopEquals;
     *  int function(in void*, in void*) xopCmp;
     *  string function(const(void)*) xtoString;
     *  StructFlags m_flags;
     *  //xgetMembers;
     *  xdtor;
     *  xpostblit;
     *  uint m_align;
     *  version (X86_64)
     *      TypeInfo m_arg1;
     *      TypeInfo m_arg2;
     *  xgetRTInfo

    const char *name = sd->toPrettyChars();
    size_t namelen = strlen(name);
    dtsize_t(pdt, namelen);
    dtabytes(pdt, 0, namelen + 1, name);

    // void[] init;
    dtsize_t(pdt, sd->structsize);       // init.length
    if (sd->zeroInit)
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                // NULL for 0 initialization
        dtxoff(pdt, sd->toInitializer(), 0);    // init.ptr

    if (FuncDeclaration *fd = search_toHash(sd))
        dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0);
        TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)fd->type;
        assert(tf->ty == Tfunction);
        /* I'm a little unsure this is the right way to do it. Perhaps a better
         * way would to automatically add these attributes to any struct member
         * function with the name "toHash".
         * So I'm leaving this here as an experiment for the moment.
        if (!tf->isnothrow || tf->trust == TRUSTsystem /*|| tf->purity == PUREimpure*/)
            warning(fd->loc, "toHash() must be declared as extern (D) size_t toHash() const nothrow @safe, not %s", tf->toChars());
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    if (sd->xeq)
        dtxoff(pdt, sd->xeq->toSymbol(), 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    if (sd->xcmp)
        dtxoff(pdt, sd->xcmp->toSymbol(), 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    if (FuncDeclaration *fd = search_toString(sd))
        dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    // StructFlags m_flags;
    StructFlags::Type m_flags = 0;
    if (tc->hasPointers()) m_flags |= StructFlags::hasPointers;
    dtsize_t(pdt, m_flags);

#if DMDV2
#if 0
    // xgetMembers
    FuncDeclaration *sgetmembers = sd->findGetMembers();
    if (sgetmembers)
        dtxoff(pdt, sgetmembers->toSymbol(), 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xgetMembers

    // xdtor
    FuncDeclaration *sdtor = sd->dtor;
    if (sdtor)
        dtxoff(pdt, sdtor->toSymbol(), 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xdtor

    // xpostblit
    FuncDeclaration *spostblit = sd->postblit;
    if (spostblit && !(spostblit->storage_class & STCdisable))
        dtxoff(pdt, spostblit->toSymbol(), 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xpostblit

    // uint m_align;
    dtsize_t(pdt, tc->alignsize());

    if (global.params.is64bit)
        Type *t = sd->arg1type;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            // m_argi
            if (t)
                dtxoff(pdt, t->vtinfo->toSymbol(), 0);
                dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

            t = sd->arg2type;

    // xgetRTInfo
    if (sd->getRTInfo)
    else if (m_flags & StructFlags::hasPointers)
        dtsize_t(pdt, 1);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);
Beispiel #2
void TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt(dt_t **pdt)
    //printf("TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt() '%s'\n", toChars());
    if (global.params.is64bit)
        verifyStructSize(Type::typeinfostruct, 17 * PTRSIZE);
        verifyStructSize(Type::typeinfostruct, 15 * PTRSIZE);

    dtxoff(pdt, Type::typeinfostruct->toVtblSymbol(), 0, TYnptr); // vtbl for TypeInfo_Struct
    dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // monitor

    assert(tinfo->ty == Tstruct);

    TypeStruct *tc = (TypeStruct *)tinfo;
    StructDeclaration *sd = tc->sym;

    /* Put out:
     *  char[] name;
     *  void[] init;
     *  hash_t function(in void*) xtoHash;
     *  bool function(in void*, in void*) xopEquals;
     *  int function(in void*, in void*) xopCmp;
     *  string function(const(void)*) xtoString;
     *  uint m_flags;
     *  //xgetMembers;
     *  xdtor;
     *  xpostblit;
     *  uint m_align;
     *  version (X86_64)
     *      TypeInfo m_arg1;
     *      TypeInfo m_arg2;
     *  xgetRTInfo

    const char *name = sd->toPrettyChars();
    size_t namelen = strlen(name);
    dtsize_t(pdt, namelen);
    dtabytes(pdt, TYnptr, 0, namelen + 1, name);

    // void[] init;
    dtsize_t(pdt, sd->structsize);       // init.length
    if (sd->zeroInit)
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                // NULL for 0 initialization
        dtxoff(pdt, sd->toInitializer(), 0, TYnptr);    // init.ptr

    FuncDeclaration *fd;
    FuncDeclaration *fdx;
    Dsymbol *s;

    static TypeFunction *tftohash;
    static TypeFunction *tftostring;

    if (!tftohash)
        Scope sc;

        /* const hash_t toHash();
        tftohash = new TypeFunction(NULL, Type::thash_t, 0, LINKd);
        tftohash->mod = MODconst;
        tftohash = (TypeFunction *)tftohash->semantic(0, &sc);

        tftostring = new TypeFunction(NULL, Type::tchar->invariantOf()->arrayOf(), 0, LINKd);
        tftostring = (TypeFunction *)tftostring->semantic(0, &sc);

    TypeFunction *tfcmpptr;
        Scope sc;

        /* const int opCmp(ref const KeyType s);
        Parameters *arguments = new Parameters;
        // arg type is ref const T
        Parameter *arg = new Parameter(STCref, tc->constOf(), NULL, NULL);
        // arg type is const T*
        Parameter *arg = new Parameter(STCin, tc->pointerTo(), NULL, NULL);

        tfcmpptr = new TypeFunction(arguments, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
        tfcmpptr->mod = MODconst;
        tfcmpptr = (TypeFunction *)tfcmpptr->semantic(0, &sc);

    s = search_function(sd, Id::tohash);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    if (fdx)
    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tftohash);
        if (fd)
            dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
            TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)fd->type;
            assert(tf->ty == Tfunction);
            /* I'm a little unsure this is the right way to do it. Perhaps a better
             * way would to automatically add these attributes to any struct member
             * function with the name "toHash".
             * So I'm leaving this here as an experiment for the moment.
            if (!tf->isnothrow || tf->trust == TRUSTsystem /*|| tf->purity == PUREimpure*/)
                warning(fd->loc, "toHash() must be declared as extern (D) size_t toHash() const nothrow @safe, not %s", tf->toChars());
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) uint toHash()");
            dtsize_t(pdt, 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    if (sd->xeq)
        dtxoff(pdt, sd->xeq->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    s = search_function(sd, Id::cmp);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    if (fdx)
        //printf("test1 %s, %s, %s\n", fdx->toChars(), fdx->type->toChars(), tfeqptr->toChars());
        fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tfcmpptr);
        if (fd)
        {   dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) int %s(%s*)", fdx->toChars(), sd->toChars());
            dtsize_t(pdt, 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    s = search_function(sd, Id::tostring);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    if (fdx)
    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tftostring);
        if (fd)
            dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) char[] toString()");
            dtsize_t(pdt, 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    // uint m_flags;
    size_t m_flags = tc->hasPointers();
    dtsize_t(pdt, m_flags);

#if DMDV2
#if 0
    // xgetMembers
    FuncDeclaration *sgetmembers = sd->findGetMembers();
    if (sgetmembers)
        dtxoff(pdt, sgetmembers->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xgetMembers

    // xdtor
    FuncDeclaration *sdtor = sd->dtor;
    if (sdtor)
        dtxoff(pdt, sdtor->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xdtor

    // xpostblit
    FuncDeclaration *spostblit = sd->postblit;
    if (spostblit && !(spostblit->storage_class & STCdisable))
        dtxoff(pdt, spostblit->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xpostblit

    // uint m_align;
    dtsize_t(pdt, tc->alignsize());

    if (global.params.is64bit)
        Type *t = sd->arg1type;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            // m_argi
            if (t)
                dtxoff(pdt, t->vtinfo->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
                dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

            t = sd->arg2type;

    // xgetRTInfo
    if (sd->getRTInfo)
    else if (m_flags)
        dtsize_t(pdt, 1);       // has pointers
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);       // no pointers
Beispiel #3
void TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt(dt_t **pdt)
    //printf("TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt() '%s'\n", toChars());

    unsigned offset = Type::typeinfostruct->structsize;

    dtxoff(pdt, Type::typeinfostruct->toVtblSymbol(), 0, TYnptr); // vtbl for TypeInfo_Struct
    dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // monitor

    assert(tinfo->ty == Tstruct);

    TypeStruct *tc = (TypeStruct *)tinfo;
    StructDeclaration *sd = tc->sym;

    /* Put out:
     *  char[] name;
     *  void[] init;
     *  hash_t function(in void*) xtoHash;
     *  bool function(in void*, in void*) xopEquals;
     *  int function(in void*, in void*) xopCmp;
     *  string function(const(void)*) xtoString;
     *  uint m_flags;
     *  xgetMembers;
     *  xdtor;
     *  xpostblit;
     *  uint m_align;
     *  version (X86_64)
     *      TypeInfo m_arg1;
     *      TypeInfo m_arg2;
     *  name[]

    const char *name = sd->toPrettyChars();
    size_t namelen = strlen(name);
    dtsize_t(pdt, namelen);
    //dtabytes(pdt, TYnptr, 0, namelen + 1, name);
    dtxoff(pdt, toSymbol(), offset, TYnptr);
    offset += namelen + 1;

    // void[] init;
    dtsize_t(pdt, sd->structsize);       // init.length
    if (sd->zeroInit)
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                // NULL for 0 initialization
        dtxoff(pdt, sd->toInitializer(), 0, TYnptr);    // init.ptr

    FuncDeclaration *fd;
    FuncDeclaration *fdx;
    TypeFunction *tf;
    Type *ta;
    Dsymbol *s;

    static TypeFunction *tftohash;
    static TypeFunction *tftostring;

    if (!tftohash)
        Scope sc;

        tftohash = new TypeFunction(NULL, Type::thash_t, 0, LINKd);
        tftohash->mod = MODconst;
        tftohash = (TypeFunction *)tftohash->semantic(0, &sc);

        tftostring = new TypeFunction(NULL, Type::tchar->invariantOf()->arrayOf(), 0, LINKd);
        tftostring = (TypeFunction *)tftostring->semantic(0, &sc);

    TypeFunction *tfcmpptr;
        Scope sc;
        Parameters *arguments = new Parameters;
        // arg type is ref const T
        Parameter *arg = new Parameter(STCref, tc->constOf(), NULL, NULL);
        // arg type is const T*
        Parameter *arg = new Parameter(STCin, tc->pointerTo(), NULL, NULL);

        tfcmpptr = new TypeFunction(arguments, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
        tfcmpptr->mod = MODconst;
        tfcmpptr = (TypeFunction *)tfcmpptr->semantic(0, &sc);

    s = search_function(sd, Id::tohash);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    if (fdx)
    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tftohash);
        if (fd)
            dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) uint toHash()");
            dtsize_t(pdt, 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    if (sd->eq)
        dtxoff(pdt, sd->eq->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    s = search_function(sd, Id::cmp);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    if (fdx)
        //printf("test1 %s, %s, %s\n", fdx->toChars(), fdx->type->toChars(), tfeqptr->toChars());
        fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tfcmpptr);
        if (fd)
        {   dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) int %s(%s*)", fdx->toChars(), sd->toChars());
            dtsize_t(pdt, 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    s = search_function(sd, Id::tostring);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    if (fdx)
    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tftostring);
        if (fd)
            dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) char[] toString()");
            dtsize_t(pdt, 0);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);

    // uint m_flags;
    dtsize_t(pdt, tc->hasPointers());

#if DMDV2
    // xgetMembers
    FuncDeclaration *sgetmembers = sd->findGetMembers();
    if (sgetmembers)
        dtxoff(pdt, sgetmembers->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xgetMembers

    // xdtor
    FuncDeclaration *sdtor = sd->dtor;
    if (sdtor)
        dtxoff(pdt, sdtor->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xdtor

    // xpostblit
    FuncDeclaration *spostblit = sd->postblit;
    if (spostblit && !(spostblit->storage_class & STCdisable))
        dtxoff(pdt, spostblit->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                        // xpostblit

    // uint m_align;
    dtsize_t(pdt, tc->alignsize());

    if (global.params.is64bit)
        TypeTuple *tup = tc->toArgTypes();
        assert(tup->arguments->dim <= 2);
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
            if (i < tup->arguments->dim)
                Type *targ = (tup->arguments->tdata()[i])->type;
                targ = targ->merge();
                dtxoff(pdt, targ->vtinfo->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);       // m_argi
                dtsize_t(pdt, 0);                    // m_argi

    // name[]
    dtnbytes(pdt, namelen + 1, name);
Beispiel #4
void TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt(dt_t **pdt)
    //printf("TypeInfoStructDeclaration::toDt() '%s'\n", toChars());

    unsigned offset = Type::typeinfostruct->structsize;

    dtxoff(pdt, Type::typeinfostruct->toVtblSymbol(), 0, TYnptr); // vtbl for TypeInfo_Struct
    dtdword(pdt, 0);                        // monitor

    assert(tinfo->ty == Tstruct);

    TypeStruct *tc = (TypeStruct *)tinfo;
    StructDeclaration *sd = tc->sym;

    /* Put out:
     *  char[] name;
     *  void[] init;
     *  hash_t function(void*) xtoHash;
     *  int function(void*,void*) xopEquals;
     *  int function(void*,void*) xopCmp;
     *  char[] function(void*) xtoString;
     *  uint m_flags;
     *  name[]

    const char *name = sd->toPrettyChars();
    size_t namelen = strlen(name);
    dtdword(pdt, namelen);
    //dtabytes(pdt, TYnptr, 0, namelen + 1, name);
    dtxoff(pdt, toSymbol(), offset, TYnptr);
    offset += namelen + 1;

    // void[] init;
    dtdword(pdt, sd->structsize);       // init.length
    if (sd->zeroInit)
        dtdword(pdt, 0);                // NULL for 0 initialization
        dtxoff(pdt, sd->toInitializer(), 0, TYnptr);    // init.ptr

    FuncDeclaration *fd;
    FuncDeclaration *fdx;
    TypeFunction *tf;
    Type *ta;
    Dsymbol *s;

    static TypeFunction *tftohash;
    static TypeFunction *tftostring;

    if (!tftohash)
        Scope sc;

        tftohash = new TypeFunction(NULL, Type::thash_t, 0, LINKd);
        tftohash = (TypeFunction *)tftohash->semantic(0, &sc);

        tftostring = new TypeFunction(NULL, Type::tchar->arrayOf(), 0, LINKd);
        tftostring = (TypeFunction *)tftostring->semantic(0, &sc);

    TypeFunction *tfeqptr;
        Scope sc;
        Parameters *arguments = new Parameters;
        // arg type is ref const T
        Parameter *arg = new Parameter(STCref, tc->constOf(), NULL, NULL);
        // arg type is const T*
        Parameter *arg = new Parameter(STCin, tc->pointerTo(), NULL, NULL);

        tfeqptr = new TypeFunction(arguments, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
        tfeqptr = (TypeFunction *)tfeqptr->semantic(0, &sc);

#if 0
    TypeFunction *tfeq;
        Scope sc;
        Array *arguments = new Array;
        Parameter *arg = new Parameter(In, tc, NULL, NULL);

        tfeq = new TypeFunction(arguments, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd);
        tfeq = (TypeFunction *)tfeq->semantic(0, &sc);

    s = search_function(sd, Id::tohash);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    if (fdx)
    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tftohash);
        if (fd)
            dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) uint toHash()");
            dtdword(pdt, 0);
        dtdword(pdt, 0);

    s = search_function(sd, Id::eq);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        if (fdx)
        {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tfeqptr);
            if (fd)
                dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
                //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) int %s(%s*)", fdx->toChars(), sd->toChars());
                dtdword(pdt, 0);
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) int %s(%s*)", fdx->toChars(), sd->toChars());
            dtdword(pdt, 0);

        s = search_function(sd, Id::cmp);
        fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;

    s = search_function(sd, Id::tostring);
    fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL;
    if (fdx)
    {   fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tftostring);
        if (fd)
            dtxoff(pdt, fd->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
            //fdx->error("must be declared as extern (D) char[] toString()");
            dtdword(pdt, 0);
        dtdword(pdt, 0);

    // uint m_flags;
    dtdword(pdt, tc->hasPointers());

#if DMDV2
    // xgetMembers
    FuncDeclaration *sgetmembers = sd->findGetMembers();
    if (sgetmembers)
        dtxoff(pdt, sgetmembers->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtdword(pdt, 0);                        // xgetMembers

    // xdtor
    FuncDeclaration *sdtor = sd->dtor;
    if (sdtor)
        dtxoff(pdt, sdtor->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtdword(pdt, 0);                        // xdtor

    // xpostblit
    FuncDeclaration *spostblit = sd->postblit;
    if (spostblit)
        dtxoff(pdt, spostblit->toSymbol(), 0, TYnptr);
        dtdword(pdt, 0);                        // xpostblit
    // name[]
    dtnbytes(pdt, namelen + 1, name);