Beispiel #1
	virtual void handleConnection(TCPConnectionPtr& tcp_conn)
		static const std::string HELLO_MESSAGE("Hello there!\x0D\x0A");
		tcp_conn->setLifecycle(TCPConnection::LIFECYCLE_CLOSE);	// make sure it will get closed
							  boost::bind(&TCPConnection::finish, tcp_conn));
Beispiel #2
	 * sends an HTTP response with content, but not content-length provided
	 * @param request the HTTP request to respond to
	 * @param tcp_conn the TCP connection to send the response over
	void sendResponseWithContentButNoLength(HTTPRequestPtr& request,
											TCPConnectionPtr& tcp_conn)
		// make sure it will get closed when finished
		// prepare the response headers
		HTTPResponse http_response(*request);
		// send the response headers
		boost::system::error_code error_code;
		http_response.send(*tcp_conn, error_code);
		BOOST_REQUIRE(! error_code);
		// send the content buffer
		tcp_conn->write(boost::asio::buffer(m_big_buf, BIG_BUF_SIZE), error_code);
		BOOST_REQUIRE(! error_code);
		// finish (and close) the connection
Beispiel #3
void HTTPServer::handleRequest(HTTPRequestPtr& http_request,
							   TCPConnectionPtr& tcp_conn)
	if (! http_request->isValid()) {
		// the request is invalid or an error occured
		PION_LOG_INFO(m_logger, "Received an invalid HTTP request");
		m_bad_request_handler(http_request, tcp_conn);
	PION_LOG_DEBUG(m_logger, "Received a valid HTTP request");

	// strip off trailing slash if the request has one
	std::string resource_requested(stripTrailingSlash(http_request->getResource()));

	// apply any redirection
	RedirectMap::const_iterator it = m_redirects.find(resource_requested);
	unsigned int num_redirects = 0;
	while (it != m_redirects.end()) {
		if (++num_redirects > MAX_REDIRECTS) {
			PION_LOG_ERROR(m_logger, "Maximum number of redirects (HTTPServer::MAX_REDIRECTS) exceeded for requested resource: " << http_request->getOriginalResource());
			m_server_error_handler(http_request, tcp_conn, "Maximum number of redirects (HTTPServer::MAX_REDIRECTS) exceeded for requested resource");
		resource_requested = it->second;
		it = m_redirects.find(resource_requested);

	// if authentication activated, check current request
	if (m_auth) {
		// try to verify authentication
		if (! m_auth->handleRequest(http_request, tcp_conn)) {
			// the HTTP 401 message has already been sent by the authentication object
			PION_LOG_DEBUG(m_logger, "Authentication required for HTTP resource: "
				<< resource_requested);
			if (http_request->getResource() != http_request->getOriginalResource()) {
				PION_LOG_DEBUG(m_logger, "Original resource requested was: " << http_request->getOriginalResource());
	// search for a handler matching the resource requested
	RequestHandler request_handler;
	if (findRequestHandler(resource_requested, request_handler)) {
		// try to handle the request
		try {
			request_handler(http_request, tcp_conn);
			PION_LOG_DEBUG(m_logger, "Found request handler for HTTP resource: "
						   << resource_requested);
			if (http_request->getResource() != http_request->getOriginalResource()) {
				PION_LOG_DEBUG(m_logger, "Original resource requested was: " << http_request->getOriginalResource());
		} catch (HTTPResponseWriter::LostConnectionException& e) {
			// the connection was lost while or before sending the response
			PION_LOG_WARN(m_logger, "HTTP request handler: " << e.what());
			tcp_conn->setLifecycle(TCPConnection::LIFECYCLE_CLOSE);	// make sure it will get closed
		} catch (std::bad_alloc&) {
			// propagate memory errors (FATAL)
		} catch (std::exception& e) {
			// recover gracefully from other exceptions thrown request handlers
			PION_LOG_ERROR(m_logger, "HTTP request handler: " << e.what());
			m_server_error_handler(http_request, tcp_conn, e.what());
	} else {
		// no web services found that could handle the request
		PION_LOG_INFO(m_logger, "No HTTP request handlers found for resource: "
					  << resource_requested);
		if (http_request->getResource() != http_request->getOriginalResource()) {
			PION_LOG_DEBUG(m_logger, "Original resource requested was: " << http_request->getOriginalResource());
		m_not_found_handler(http_request, tcp_conn);