Beispiel #1
TStr TNodeJsFPath::GetCanonicalPath(const TStr& FPath) {
    // Get absolute path
    TStr AbsFPath = TStr::GetNrAbsFPath(FPath);
    // Remove any redundancies
    TStrV CanonV; AbsFPath.SplitOnAllCh('/', CanonV);
    TSStack<TStr> CanonS; TStr CurrStr;
    for (int ElN = 0; ElN < CanonV.Len(); ++ElN) {
        CurrStr = CanonV.GetVal(ElN);
        if (CurrStr == "..") {
            EAssertR(!CanonS.Empty(), "Stack empty");
        } else if (CurrStr != ".") {
    // Assemble the canonical path (from left to right
    EAssertR(!CanonS.Empty(), "Stack empty");
    // We start with drive letter (Windows) or slash (Unix)
    TChA CanonFPath = AbsFPath.LeftOf('/'); CanonFPath += '/';
    // Get the rest of the path
    for (int CanonN = CanonS.Len() - 1; CanonN >= 0; CanonN--) {
        CanonFPath += CanonS[CanonN];
    // Done
    return CanonFPath;
Beispiel #2
TEST(TStr, LeftOfRightOf) {
	TStr Str = "abcdef";
	TStr Empty = "";
	EXPECT_EQ(Str.LeftOf('d'), "abc");
	EXPECT_EQ(Str.RightOf('c'), "def");	
	EXPECT_EQ(Str.LeftOf('a'), "");
	EXPECT_EQ(Empty.RightOf('c'), "");
	// edge cases
	EXPECT_EQ(Str.RightOf('f'), "");
	EXPECT_EQ(Empty.LeftOf('d'), "");

	TStr Str2 = "abcdefabcdef";
	EXPECT_EQ(Str2.LeftOfLast('d'), "abcdefabc");
	EXPECT_EQ(Str2.RightOfLast('c'), "def");
	EXPECT_EQ(Empty.LeftOfLast('d'), "");
	EXPECT_EQ(Empty.RightOfLast('c'), "");
	// edge cases
	Str2 = "xabcdefabcdef";
	EXPECT_EQ(Str2.LeftOfLast('x'), "");
	EXPECT_EQ(Str2.RightOfLast('f'), "");