Beispiel #1
	 * @brief	Self covariance matrix between the training data, K(X, X) or its partial derivative
	 * @note		It calls the protected general member function, 
	 *				CovMaterniso::K(const Hyp, const MatrixConstPtr, const int)
	 *				which only depends on pair-wise absolute distances.\n\n
	 *				Only this function returns partial derivatives
	 *				since they are used for learning hyperparameters with training data.
	 * @param	[in] logHyp 			The log hyperparameters
	 *											- logHyp(0) = \f$\log(l)\f$
	 *											- logHyp(1) = \f$\log(\sigma_f)\f$
	 * @param	[in] trainingData 	The training data
	 * @param	[in] pdHypIndex		(Optional) Hyperparameter index for partial derivatives
	 * 										- pdHypIndex = -1: return \f$\mathbf{K}(\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{X})\f$ (default)
	 *											- pdHypIndex =  0: return \f$\frac{\partial \mathbf{K}}{\partial \log(l)}\f$
	 *											- pdHypIndex =  1: return \f$\frac{\partial \mathbf{K}}{\partial \log(\sigma_f)}\f$
	 * @return	An NxN matrix pointer\n
	 * 			N: The number of training data
	static MatrixPtr K(const Hyp					&logHyp, 
							 TrainingData<Scalar>	&trainingData, 
							 const int					pdHypIndex = -1) 
		// Assertions only in the begining of the public static member functions which can be accessed outside.
		// The hyparparameter index should be less than the number of hyperparameters
		assert(pdHypIndex < logHyp.size());

		// K(r)
		return K(logHyp, trainingData.pAbsDistXX(), pdHypIndex);