Beispiel #1
QString UnitSystem::displayAmount( double amount, Unit* units, int precision, Unit::unitScale scale )
   // If the precision is not specified, we take the default one
   if( precision < 0)
      precision = this->precision;

   // Special cases. Make sure the unit isn't null and that we're
   // dealing with volume.
   if( units == 0 || units->getUnitType() != _type)
      return QString("%L1").arg(amount, fieldWidth, format, precision);

   // We really shouldn't ever reference something that could be null until
   // after we have verified it isn't.
   double SIAmount    = units->toSI( amount );
   double absSIAmount = qAbs(SIAmount);
   Unit* last = 0;

   // Don't loop if the 'without' key is defined
   if ( scaleToUnit().contains(Unit::scaleWithout) )
      scale = Unit::scaleWithout;

   // If a specific scale is provided, just use that and don't loop.
   if ( scaleToUnit().contains(scale) )
      Unit* bob = scaleToUnit().value(scale);
      return QString("%L1 %2").arg(bob->fromSI(SIAmount), fieldWidth, format, precision).arg(bob->getUnitName());

   // scaleToUnit() is a QMap which means we loop in the  order in which the
   // items were inserted. Order counts, and this map has to be
   // created from smallest to largest scale (e.g., mg, g, kg).
   QMap<Unit::unitScale, Unit*>::const_iterator it;
   for( it = scaleToUnit().begin(); it != scaleToUnit().end(); ++it)
      Unit* bob = it.value();
      double boundary = bob->boundary();

      // This is a nice bit of work, if I may say so myself. If we've been
      // through the loop at least once already, and the boundary condition is
      // met, use the Unit* from the last loop.
      if ( last && absSIAmount < bob->toSI(boundary) )
         return QString("%L1 %2").arg(last->fromSI(SIAmount), fieldWidth, format, precision).arg(last->getUnitName());

      // If we get all the way through the map, this will be the largest unit
      // available
      last = bob;

   // If we get here, use the largest unit available
   if( last )
      return QString("%L1 %2").arg(last->fromSI(SIAmount), fieldWidth, format, precision).arg(last->getUnitName());
      return QString("nounit"); // Should never happen, so be obvious if it does

Beispiel #2
double UnitSystem::amountDisplay( double amount, Unit* units, Unit::unitScale scale )
   // Special cases. Make sure the unit isn't null and that we're
   // dealing with volume.
   if( units == 0 || units->getUnitType() != _type)
      return amount;

   double SIAmount = units->toSI( amount );
   double absSIAmount = qAbs(SIAmount);
   Unit* last = 0;

   // Short circuit if the 'without' key is defined
   if ( scaleToUnit().contains(Unit::scaleWithout) )
      scale = Unit::scaleWithout;

   if ( scaleToUnit().contains(scale) )
      Unit* bob = scaleToUnit().value(scale);
      return bob->fromSI(SIAmount);

   QMap<Unit::unitScale, Unit*>::const_iterator it;
   for( it = scaleToUnit().begin(); it != scaleToUnit().end(); ++it)
      Unit* bob = it.value();
      double boundary = bob->boundary();

      if ( last && absSIAmount < bob->toSI(boundary) )
         return last->fromSI(SIAmount);

      last = bob;
   // If we get here, use the largest unit available
   if( last )
      return last->fromSI(SIAmount);
      return -42.42; // Should never happen, so be obvious if it does
