Beispiel #1
void ExampleAIModule::updateTrainSCV(){

	for(Unitset::iterator cmd = commandCenters.begin(); cmd != commandCenters.end(); ++cmd){	
		Unitset mineralsAround = Broodwar->getUnitsInRadius(cmd->getPosition(), BASE_RADIUS, Filter::IsMineralField);
		Unitset scvAround = Broodwar->getUnitsInRadius(cmd->getPosition(), BASE_RADIUS, Filter::IsWorker && Filter::IsOwned);

		trainSCVIncentives[*cmd] = max(0.0f, 1.0f - (scvAround.size() / (2.5f * mineralsAround.size())));
		/* from medic-branch
		if(scvMap.size() < 110){
			trainSCVIncentives[*cmd] = max(0.0f, 1.0f - (scvAround.size() / (2.5f * mineralsAround.size())));
			trainSCVIncentives[*cmd] = 0.0f;

Beispiel #2
bool Bases::needsAssimilator()
	Unitset us;
	for (auto br : bRec)
		if (br.AssimilatorID == -1)
			us = Broodwar->getUnitsInRadius(Broodwar->getUnit(br.NexusID)->getPosition(), 480, Filter::IsWorker);
			if (us.size() > 10)
				return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #3
MapArea StarCraftMap::GetSpecialBuildingPosition(EntityClassType p_buildingType) const
    if (!m_isOnline)

    MapArea candidatePosition = MapArea::Null();

    // Get the player base tile position
    MapArea colony = g_Game->Self()->GetColonyMapArea();
    Vector2 colonyTile = colony.Pos();

    // Get the unit type object
    UnitType type;
    TID unitTypeId;
    string typeName;
    unitTypeId = g_Database.EntityMapping.GetBySecond(p_buildingType);
    typeName = g_Database.EntityIdentMapping.GetByFirst(unitTypeId);
    type = BWAPI::UnitType::getType(typeName);

    if (type.isRefinery())
        int bestDistance = INT_MAX;
        Unitset geysers = Broodwar->getGeysers();
        Unit currentGeyser;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < geysers.size(); ++i)
            currentGeyser = geysers[i];
            Vector2 currentPosition = Vector2(
            int currentDistance = colonyTile.Distance(currentPosition);

            if (currentDistance <= bestDistance)
                bestDistance = currentDistance;
                candidatePosition = MapArea(
        _ASSERTE(CanBuildHere(candidatePosition.Pos(), p_buildingType));

    return candidatePosition;
Beispiel #4
  * Create new Tasks for each enemy units not covered by attack tasks
  * Cleans up attack tasks whose targets are not in position anymore
  * AttackTasks are added at onUnitDiscover()
void ExampleAIModule::updateAttack(){
	//traverse the task list to check if positions are visible and still have enemies
	vector<Task>* preserved = new vector<Task>(); //stores the tasks that should not be removed
	UnitType marineType = UnitTypes::Terran_Marine;

	//Broodwar->drawTextScreen(200,120,"marine seek: %d // sight: %d", marineType.seekRange(), marineType.sightRange());
	for(auto task = allTasks[Attack]->begin(); task != allTasks[Attack]->end(); task++){

		if(Broodwar->isVisible(task->getPosition().x / TILE_SIZE , task->getPosition().y / TILE_SIZE)){
			Unitset inRange = Broodwar->getUnitsInRadius(task->getPosition(),  marineType.groundWeapon().maxRange(), Filter::IsEnemy);
			//Broodwar->sendText("%d in range of attack task.", inRange.size());
			// Check if the unit can be reached by the marines
			// Sometimes cloacked or burrowed units can be marked as enemy but it cannot be attacked
			bool onlyCloackedUnits = true;
			for(auto u = inRange.begin(); u != inRange.end(); ++u) {
				if(!u->isCloaked() && !u->isBurrowed() & !u->isInvincible()){
					onlyCloackedUnits = false;
			if (inRange.size() == 0 || onlyCloackedUnits) {
				Broodwar->sendText("Attack task removed");
			else {

		else { //keeps invisible attack targets, so that they can be investigated

	//brings preserved tasks to the main task vector
	delete preserved; //hope this doesn't invalidates tasks...
	//in this point, tasks whose targets are not visible were removed

	// --- Now, adds new tasks for enemy units not covered by existent attack tasks ---

	//obtains a list with all enemies from all players
	Playerset foes = Broodwar->enemies();
	Unitset enemyUnits;

	for(auto foe = foes.begin(); foe != foes.end(); ++foe){
		enemyUnits += foe->getUnits();

	//Broodwar->drawTextScreen(250,45, "#foes: %d", enemyUnits.size());

	//adds a task with a position for every enemy unit in the task list
	for(auto foeUnit = enemyUnits.begin(); foeUnit != enemyUnits.end(); ++foeUnit) {
		bool inRange = false;

		//tests if unit is already included in the area of another 'attack' task
		for(auto task = allTasks[Attack]->begin(); task != allTasks[Attack]->end(); task++){
			//PositionTask* atk = static_cast<PositionTask* >( &(*task)) ; 
			if(foeUnit->getDistance(task->getPosition()) < marineType.groundWeapon().maxRange()){
				inRange = true;

		// Hector : extra validation to ignore unreachable targets
		//TODO: test is reachable 
		Position foePos = foeUnit->getPosition();
		if(! inRange && !foeUnit->isCloaked() && !foeUnit->isBurrowed() && !foeUnit->isInvincible() && Broodwar->isWalkable(foePos.x / 8, foePos.y / 8)){
			Task* atk = new Task(Attack, .8f, foeUnit->getPosition());
			//Broodwar->sendText("Attack task added, pos=%d,%d // %d,%d ", unit->getPosition().x, unit->getPosition().y, atk->getPosition().x, atk->getPosition().y);

	//if unit is enemy, adds it to 'attack' task list, if it isn't in range of an attack task
	//it seems that it works only for buildings... must check for mobile enemy units
	if(unit->getPlayer() != Broodwar->self() && unit->getPlayer() != Broodwar->neutral()){ 
		bool inRange = false;

		//tests if unit is already included in the area of another 'attack' task
		for(auto task = allTasks[Attack]->begin(); task != allTasks[Attack]->end(); task++){

			//PositionTask* atk = static_cast<PositionTask* >( &(*task)) ; 
			if(unit->getDistance(task->getPosition()) < 6*TILE_SIZE){
				inRange = true;

		if(! inRange){
			Task* atk = new Task(Attack, .8f, unit->getPosition());
			Broodwar->sendText("Attack task added, pos=%d,%d // %d,%d ", unit->getPosition().x, unit->getPosition().y, atk->getPosition().x, atk->getPosition().y);

			for(auto task = allTasks[Attack]->begin(); task != allTasks[Attack]->end(); task++){
				//PositionTask* atk = static_cast<PositionTask* >( &(*task)) ; 
				Broodwar->sendText("pos=%d,%d", task->getPosition().x, task->getPosition().y);
