Beispiel #1
Array<Vector<double> > vecMaker(int nVecs, int n,
  int nProc, int rank, const VectorType<double>& vecType)
  /* This VS will go out of scope when the function is exited, but
   * its vectors will remember it */
  VectorSpace<double> space 
    = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), n);

  Rand::setLocalSeed(space.comm(), 314159);

  Array<Vector<double> > rtn(nVecs);
  for (int i=0; i<rtn.size(); i++)
    rtn[i] = space.createMember();
  return rtn;

Array<Vector<double> > vecMaker(int nVecs,
  int nProc, int rank, const VectorType<double>& vecType)
  int n1 = 3;
  int n2 = 4;
  int n3 = 2;
  int n4 = 5;
  int n5 = 6;
  int n6 = 4;

  /* This VS will go out of scope when the function is exited, but
   * its vectors will remember it */
  VectorSpace<double> vs1 
    = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), n1);
  VectorSpace<double> vs2 
    = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), n2);
  VectorSpace<double> vs3 
    = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), n3);
  VectorSpace<double> vs4 
    = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), n4);
  VectorSpace<double> vs5 
    = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), n5);
  VectorSpace<double> vs6
    = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), n6);

  VectorSpace<double> vs 
    = blockSpace(vs1, blockSpace(vs2, blockSpace(vs3, vs4)), 
      blockSpace(vs5, vs6));

  Out::root() << "space = " << vs << endl;

  Rand::setLocalSeed(vs.comm(), 314159);

  Array<Vector<double> > rtn(nVecs);
  for (int i=0; i<rtn.size(); i++)
    rtn[i] = vs.createMember();
  return rtn;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  int stat = 0;
      GlobalMPISession session(&argc, &argv);
      /* create a distributed vector space for the multivector's vectors */
      VectorType<double> rowType = new EpetraVectorType();
      int nLocalRows = 2;
      VectorSpace<double> space 
        = rowType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), nLocalRows);
      /* create a replicated vector space for the small space of columns */
      int nVecs = 3;
      VectorType<double> colType = new SerialVectorType();
      VectorSpace<double> replSpace 
        = colType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), nVecs);

      /* create some random vectors */
      Teuchos::Array<Vector<double> > vecs(nVecs);
      for (int i=0; i<nVecs; i++)
        vecs[i] = space.createMember();

      /* Test multiplication by a multivector operator. We will compute
       * y1 by directly summing columns, and y2 by applying the operator */
      LinearOperator<double> A = multiVectorOperator<double>(vecs, replSpace);

      Vector<double> y1 = space.createMember();
      Vector<double> y2 = space.createMember();;; 

      /* Sum columns, putting the weights into x */
      Vector<double> x = replSpace.createMember();

      Out::os() << "A=" << A << std::endl;
      for (int j=0; j<replSpace.numLocalElements(); j++)
          x[j] = 2.0*(drand48()-0.5);
          y1 = y1 + x[j] * vecs[j];
          Out::os() << "x[" << j << "]=" << x[j] << std::endl;
          Out::os() << "vecs[j]=" << vecs[j] << std::endl;
      Out::os() << "y1=" << std::endl << y1 << std::endl;
      /* Apply the operator to the vector of weights */
      y2 = A * x;
      Out::os() << "y2=A*x=" << std::endl << y2 << std::endl;

      Vector<double> y12 = y1-y2;
      Vector<double> y21 = y2-y1;
      Out::os() << "y1-y2=" << std::endl << y12 << std::endl;
      Out::os() << "y2-y1=" << std::endl << y21 << std::endl;
      double errA = (y1-y2).norm2();

      Out::root() << "error in A*x = " << errA << std::endl;

      /* Now test z = A^T * y */
      LinearOperator<double> At = A.transpose();
      Vector<double> z1 = replSpace.createMember();;
      Vector<double> z2 = replSpace.createMember();;

      Vector<double> y = y1.copy();

      /* compute by vectorwise multiplication */
      for (int j=0; j<replSpace.numLocalElements(); j++)
        z1[j] = vecs[j].dot(y);
      /* compute with operator */
      z2 = At * y;

      double errAt = (z1-z2).normInf();
      Out::root() << "error in At*y = " << errA << std::endl;

      double tol = 1.0e-13;
      bool pass = errA + errAt < tol;
      pass = globalAnd(pass);
      if (pass)
          Out::root() << "multivector op test PASSED" << std::endl;
          stat = -1;
          Out::root() << "multivector op test FAILED" << std::endl;
  catch(std::exception& e)
      stat = -1;
      std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
  return stat;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  int stat = 0;
    GlobalMPISession session(&argc, &argv);

    Out::os() << "go!" << std::endl;
    VectorType<double> type = new EpetraVectorType();

    Array<int> domainBlockSizes = tuple(2,3,4);
    Array<int> rangeBlockSizes = tuple(2,2);

    Array<VectorSpace<double> > domainBlocks(domainBlockSizes.size());
    Array<VectorSpace<double> > rangeBlocks(rangeBlockSizes.size());

    for (int i=0; i<domainBlocks.size(); i++)
      domainBlocks[i] = type.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(),

    for (int i=0; i<rangeBlocks.size(); i++)
      rangeBlocks[i] = type.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(),
    VectorSpace<double> domain = blockSpace(domainBlocks);
    VectorSpace<double> range = blockSpace(rangeBlocks);

    double blockDensity = 0.75;
    double onProcDensity = 0.5;
    double offProcDensity = 0.1;
    RandomBlockMatrixBuilder<double> builder(domain, range, 

    LinearOperator<double> A = builder.getOp();

    Out::os() << "A num block rows = " << A.numBlockRows() << std::endl;
    Out::os() << "A num block cols = " << A.numBlockCols() << std::endl;

    Vector<double> x = domain.createMember();
    Out::os() << "randomizing trial vector" << std::endl;

    Array<Vector<double> > xBlock(domain.numBlocks());
    for (int i=0; i<xBlock.size(); i++)
      xBlock[i] = x.getBlock(i);

    Vector<double> xx = x.copy();


    Out::os() << "------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
    Out::os() << "computing A*x..." << std::endl;
    Vector<double> y0 = A * x;
    for (int i=0; i<; i++)
      Out::os() << "y0[" << i << "] = " << std::endl << y0.getBlock(i) << std::endl;

    Vector<double> y1 = range.createMember();
    Out::os() << "------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
    Out::os() << "computing A*x block-by-block..." << std::endl;
    Array<Vector<double> > yBlock(range.numBlocks());
    for (int i=0; i<yBlock.size(); i++)
      yBlock[i] = range.getBlock(i).createMember();
      for (int j=0; j<xBlock.size(); j++)
        LinearOperator<double> Aij = A.getBlock(i,j);
        if (Aij.ptr().get() != 0)
          Out::os() << "A(" << i << ", " << j << ") = " << std::endl 
                    << Aij << std::endl;
          Out::os() << "A(" << i << ", " << j << ") = 0 " << std::endl;
        Out::os() << "x[" << j << "] = " << std::endl << xBlock[j] << std::endl;
        if (Aij.ptr().get()==0) continue;
        yBlock[i] = yBlock[i] + Aij * xBlock[j];
      y1.setBlock(i, yBlock[i]);

    for (int i=0; i<; i++)
      Out::os() << "y1[" << i << "] = " << std::endl << y1.getBlock(i) << std::endl;
    double err = (y1 - y0).norm2();
    Out::os() << "error = " << err << std::endl;

    double tol = 1.0e-13;
    if (err < tol)
      Out::os() << "block op test PASSED" << std::endl;
      stat = -1;
      Out::os() << "block op test FAILED" << std::endl;
  catch(std::exception& e)
    stat = -1;
    Out::os() << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
  return stat;
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  int stat = 0;
      GlobalMPISession session(&argc, &argv);

      VectorType<double> vecType = new SerialVectorType();

      VectorSpace<double> domain 
        = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), 3);
      VectorSpace<double> range
        = vecType.createEvenlyPartitionedSpace(MPIComm::world(), 5);

      RCP<MatrixFactory<double> > mf 
        = vecType.createMatrixFactory(domain, range);

      LinearOperator<double> A = mf->createMatrix();
      RCP<DenseSerialMatrix> APtr 
        = rcp_dynamic_cast<DenseSerialMatrix>(A.ptr());

      APtr->setRow(0, tuple(1.0,   2.0,  3.0));
      APtr->setRow(1, tuple(4.0,   5.0,  6.0));
      APtr->setRow(2, tuple(7.0,   8.0,  9.0));
      APtr->setRow(3, tuple(10.0, 11.0,  12.0));
      APtr->setRow(4, tuple(13.0, 14.0,  15.0));

      Out::os() << "A = " << std::endl;
      Out::os() << A << std::endl;

      LinearOperator<double> U;
      LinearOperator<double> Vt;
      Vector<double> sigma;

      denseSVD(A, U, sigma, Vt);

      Out::os() << "U = " << std::endl;
      Out::os() << U << std::endl;

      Out::os() << "sigma = " << std::endl;
      Out::os() << sigma << std::endl; 

      Out::os() << "Vt = " << std::endl;
      Out::os() << Vt << std::endl;

      int nSamples = 10;
      bool allOK = true;
      double tol = 1.0e-13;
      for (int i=0; i<nSamples; i++)
        Out::os() << "Sample #" << i << " of " << nSamples << std::endl;
        Vector<double> x = domain.createMember();
        LinearOperator<double> Sigma = diagonalOperator(sigma);
        Vector<double> z = (U * Sigma * Vt)*x - A*x;
        double ez = z.norm2();
        Out::os() << "|| (U Sigma Vt - A)*x || = " << ez << std::endl;
        Vector<double> y = (U.transpose() * U)*x - x;
        double ey = y.norm2();
        Out::os() << "|| (U^T U - I)*x || = " << ey << std::endl;
        Vector<double> w = (Vt * Vt.transpose())*x - x;
        double ew = w.norm2();
        Out::os() << "|| (V^T*V - I)*x || = " << ew << std::endl;
        if (ew > tol || ez > tol || ey > tol) allOK = false;

      if (allOK)
        Out::os() << "SVD test PASSED" << std::endl;
        Out::os() << "SVD test FAILED" << std::endl;
        stat = -1;

  catch(std::exception& e)
      stat = -1;
      Out::os() << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
  return stat;
Vector<double> Rosenbrock::getInit() const
  Vector<double> rtn = vs_.createMember();
  return rtn;
Vector<double> Ellipsoid::exactSoln() const
  Vector<double> rtn = vs_.createMember();
  return rtn;
Vector<double> Ellipsoid::getInit() const
  Vector<double> rtn = vs_.createMember();
  return rtn;
Vector<double> Rosenbrock::exactSoln() const
  Vector<double> rtn = vs_.createMember();
  return rtn;
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<double> ST;

      GlobalMPISession session(&argc, &argv);


      VectorType<double> type = new EpetraVectorType();

      /* create the range space  */
      int nLocalRows = 10;

      MatrixLaplacian1D builder(nLocalRows, type);

      LinearOperator<double> A = builder.getOp();

      int nBlocks = 3;
      Array<Vector<double> > x(nBlocks);
      Array<VectorSpace<double> > space(nBlocks);
      for (int i=0; i<nBlocks; i++)
          space[i] = A.domain();
          x[i] = A.domain().createMember();

      VectorSpace<double> blockSpace = productSpace(space);

      LinearOperator<double> bigA = makeBlockOperator(blockSpace, blockSpace);
      Vector<double> bigRHS = blockSpace.createMember();
      Vector<double> bigX = blockSpace.createMember();
      for (int i=0; i<nBlocks; i++)
          bigX.setBlock(i, x[i]);
          for (int j=i; j<nBlocks; j++)
              MatrixLaplacian1D builder(nLocalRows, type);
              LinearOperator<double> Aij = builder.getOp();
      bigRHS = bigA * bigX;
      Vector<double> bigSoln = blockSpace.createMember();

      ParameterXMLFileReader reader(Sundance::searchForFile("SolverParameters/poissonParams.xml"));
      ParameterXMLFileReader reader("poissonParams.xml");

      ParameterList solverParams = reader.getParameters();
      LinearSolver<double> solver 
        = LinearSolverBuilder::createSolver(solverParams);
      LinearSolver<double> blockSolver 
        = new BlockTriangularSolver<double>(solver);
      SolverState<double> state = blockSolver.solve(bigA, bigRHS, bigSoln);
      std::cerr << state << std::endl;

      double err = (bigSoln - bigX).norm2();
      std::cerr << "error norm = " << err << std::endl;

      double tol = 1.0e-8;
      if (err > tol)
          std::cerr << "Poisson solve test FAILED" << std::endl;
          return 1;
          std::cerr << "Poisson solve test PASSED" << std::endl;
          return 0;
  catch(std::exception& e)
      std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
      return -1;
  return 0;