// Reconstruct 3D Points
void Scanner3D::Reconstruct()
	MatrixXd RC_H = cvmat2matrix(rotMatrixH);
	MatrixXd RC_V = cvmat2matrix(rotMatrixV);
	VectorXd TC_H = cvmat2vect(transVectorH);
	VectorXd TC_V = cvmat2vect(transVectorV);

    // Estimate parameters of reference planes (using least-squares)

	MatrixXd X(3,4);

	int colNum = X.cols();
	int rowNum = X.rows();

	X << 0, dX, dX, 0,
		 0 ,0, dY, dY,
		 0 ,0 ,0 ,0;

	Vector4d Xrow1 = X.row(0);
	Vector4d Xrow2 = X.row(1);
	Vector4d Xrow3 = X.row(2);
	Vector4d hPlane;

	hPlane = fitPlane(Xrow1,Xrow2,Xrow3);

	VectorXd diffT_vh;

	diffT_vh = TC_V - TC_H;

	MatrixXd TempX(rowNum,colNum);

	for(int i = 0; i<colNum; i++)
		TempX.col(i) = diffT_vh;

	X = RC_H.transpose()*((RC_V * X) + TempX );

	Xrow1 = X.row(0);
	Xrow2 = X.row(1);
	Xrow3 = X.row(2);
	Vector4d vPlane;

	vPlane = fitPlane(Xrow1,Xrow2,Xrow3);

	vPlane = (-1)*vPlane;

    // Calculate camera center (in "horizontal" reference coordinate system)
	Vector3d C = ((-1)*RC_H.transpose()) * TC_H;

    // Determine implicit representation for the shadow planes
	MatrixXd shadowPlaneEnter(recFrames.rows(),4); //"entering" shadow plane
	MatrixXd shadowPlaneLeave(recFrames.rows(),4); //"leaving" shadow plane

	for(int i = 0; i<recFrames.size(); i++)
		Vector3d n1_v,n2_v,p1_v,p2_v;

		VectorXd vLineEnterRow = vLineEnter.row(i);
		VectorXd hLineEnterRow = hLineEnter.row(i);

    //Determine true position of the "vertical" shadow boundary (entering)
		n1_v = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(intersectLines(vLineEnterRow,middleLine));
		n2_v = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(intersectLines(vLineEnterRow,upperLine));
        p1_v = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n1_v,vPlane);
        p2_v = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n2_v,vPlane);

		Vector3d n1_h,n2_h,p1_h,p2_h;
    //Determine true position of the "horizontal" shadow boundary (entering)
		n1_h = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(intersectLines(hLineEnterRow,middleLine));
		n2_h = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(intersectLines(hLineEnterRow,lowerLine));
		p1_h = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n1_h,hPlane);
	    p2_h = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n2_h,hPlane);

		Vector3d q_v,v_v,q_h,v_h;

    // Compute the "entering" shadow plane parameters
		q_v = p1_v;
		v_v = (p2_v-p1_v).normalized();
		q_h = p1_h;
		v_h = (p2_h-p1_h).normalized();

		shadowPlaneEnter.block(i,0,1,3) = v_v.cross(v_h).transpose();
		shadowPlaneEnter.block(i,0,1,3) = shadowPlaneEnter.block(i,0,1,3).normalized();
		VectorXd shadowEnterBlock = shadowPlaneEnter.block(i,0,1,3).transpose();

		double product = shadowEnterBlock.adjoint()*(q_v+q_h);

		shadowPlaneEnter(i,3) = 0.5 * product;

    // Determine true position of the "vertical" shadow boundary (leaving)
		n1_v = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(intersectLines(vLineEnterRow,middleLine));
        n2_v = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(intersectLines(vLineEnterRow,upperLine));
        p1_v = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n1_v,vPlane);
        p2_v = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n2_v,vPlane);

    // Determine true position of the "horizontal" shadow boundary (leaving)
		n1_h = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(intersectLines(hLineEnterRow,middleLine));
		n2_h = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(intersectLines(hLineEnterRow,lowerLine));
		p1_h = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n1_h,hPlane);
	    p2_h = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n2_h,hPlane);

		q_v = p1_v;
		v_v = (p2_v-p1_v).normalized();
		q_h = p1_h;
		v_h = (p2_h-p1_h).normalized();

    // Compute the "entering" shadow plane parameters
		shadowPlaneLeave.block(i,0,1,3) = v_v.cross(v_h).transpose();
		shadowPlaneLeave.block(i,0,1,3) = shadowPlaneLeave.block(i,0,1,3).normalized();
		VectorXd shadowLeaveBlock = shadowPlaneLeave.block(i,0,1,3).transpose();

		product = shadowLeaveBlock.adjoint()*(q_v+q_h);

		shadowPlaneLeave(i,3) = 0.5 * product;

    //Reconstruct 3D points using intersection with shadow plane(s)
	IplImage * frameImg = getImage(1);

	RgbImage frame(frameImg);

	vector<int> rowIdx;
	vector<int> colIdx;

	for(int i=0; i<shadowValues.cols(); i++)
		for(int j=0; j<shadowValues.rows(); j++)
			if( !isNan(shadowEnter(j,i)) && !isNan(shadowLeave(j,i)) )

	vector<int> rowIdxx;
	vector<int> colIdxx;

	for(int i=0; i<rowIdx.size(); i += dSample)

	int npts = rowIdxx.size();

	cout << "npts: "<< endl;
	cout << npts << endl << endl;

	MatrixXd verticesTemp(npts,3);

	MatrixXd colorsTemp = 0.65* MatrixXd::Ones(npts, 3);

	for(int i=0; i<npts; i++)
	    //Obtain the camera ray for this pixel
		Vector3d n = RC_H.transpose() * Pixel2Ray(Vector2d(colIdxx.at(i),rowIdxx.at(i)));

		Vector4d wEnter;
		Vector3d pEnter;
		Vector4d wLeave;
		Vector3d pLeave;

        //Interpolate "entering" shadow plane parameters (using shadow time)
		if( !isNan(shadowEnter(rowIdxx.at(i),colIdxx.at(i))) )
			double t = shadowEnter(rowIdxx.at(i),colIdxx.at(i));

			double t1 = floor(t);

			double t2 = t1 + 1;

			if(t2 <= recFrames.size())
				double alpha = (t-t1)/(t2-t1);

				wEnter = (1-alpha)*shadowPlaneEnter.row(t1).transpose() + alpha*shadowPlaneEnter.row(t2).transpose();
				pEnter = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n,wEnter);
				verticesTemp.row(i) = pEnter.transpose();

        //Interpolate "leaving" shadow plane parameters (using shadow time)
		if( !isNan(shadowLeave(rowIdxx.at(i),colIdxx.at(i))) )
			double t = shadowLeave(rowIdxx.at(i),colIdxx.at(i));

			double t1 = floor(t);

			double t2 = t1 + 1;

			if(t2 <= recFrames.size())
				double alpha = (t-t1)/(t2-t1);

				wLeave = (1-alpha)*shadowPlaneEnter.row(t1).transpose() + alpha*shadowPlaneEnter.row(t2).transpose();
				pLeave = intersectLineWithPlane(C,n,wLeave);
				verticesTemp.row(i) = pLeave.transpose();

        // Average "entering" and "leaving" estimates (if both are available)
		if( !isNan(shadowLeave(rowIdxx.at(i),colIdxx.at(i))) && !isNan(shadowEnter(rowIdxx.at(i),colIdxx.at(i))) )
			if( (pEnter-pLeave).norm() <= distReject )
				verticesTemp.row(i) = 0.5*(pEnter + pLeave).transpose();
			else  //If points do not agree, set coordinate to infinity. This will ensure that it is clipped by the bounding volume.
				VectorXd ones(3);
				ones << 1,1,1;
				verticesTemp.row(i) = INF*ones.transpose();

		Vector3d colorLine;

        // Assign color per vertex (using source image)
		colorLine << (double)frame[rowIdxx.at(i)][colIdxx.at(i)].r/255.0, (double)frame[rowIdxx.at(i)][colIdxx.at(i)].g/255.0, (double)frame[rowIdxx.at(i)][colIdxx.at(i)].b/255.0;

		if(verticesTemp.row(i)(0)<10000 && verticesTemp.row(i)(1)<10000 && verticesTemp.row(i)(2)<10000)
			Vector3d vertex = verticesTemp.row(i).transpose();
			Vector3d colorOfVertex = colorLine;



