Beispiel #1
VisiblePosition Frame::visiblePositionForPoint(const IntPoint& framePoint)
    HitTestResult result = eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(framePoint, true);
    Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode();
    if (!node)
        return VisiblePosition();
    RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
    if (!renderer)
        return VisiblePosition();
    VisiblePosition visiblePos = renderer->positionForPoint(result.localPoint());
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
        visiblePos = firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node);
    return visiblePos;
VisiblePosition AccessibilityObject::previousSentenceStartPosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePos) const
    // FIXME: FO 2 IMPLEMENT (currently returns incorrect answer)
    // Related? <rdar://problem/3927736> Text selection broken in 8A336
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
        return VisiblePosition();

    // make sure we move off of a sentence start
    VisiblePosition previousVisiblePos = visiblePos.previous();
    if (previousVisiblePos.isNull())
        return VisiblePosition();

    // treat empty line as a separate sentence.
    VisiblePosition startPosition;
    String lineString = plainText(makeRange(startOfLine(previousVisiblePos), endOfLine(previousVisiblePos)).get());
    if (lineString.isEmpty())
        startPosition = previousVisiblePos;
        startPosition = startOfSentence(previousVisiblePos);

    return startPosition;
RenderedPosition::RenderedPosition(const VisiblePosition& position)
    : m_layoutObject(nullptr)
    , m_inlineBox(nullptr)
    , m_offset(0)
    , m_prevLeafChild(uncachedInlineBox())
    , m_nextLeafChild(uncachedInlineBox())
    if (position.isNull())
    position.getInlineBoxAndOffset(m_inlineBox, m_offset);
    if (m_inlineBox)
        m_layoutObject = &m_inlineBox->layoutObject();
        m_layoutObject = layoutObjectFromPosition(position.deepEquivalent());
VisiblePosition AccessibilityObject::previousLineStartPosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePos) const
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
        return VisiblePosition();

    // make sure we move off of a line start
    VisiblePosition prevVisiblePos = visiblePos.previous();
    if (prevVisiblePos.isNull())
        return VisiblePosition();

    VisiblePosition startPosition = startOfLine(prevVisiblePos);

    // as long as the position hasn't reached the beginning of the doc,  keep searching for a valid line start position
    // There are cases like when the position is next to a floating object that'll return null for start of line. This code will avoid returning null.
    if (startPosition.isNull()) {
        while (startPosition.isNull() && prevVisiblePos.isNotNull()) {
            prevVisiblePos = prevVisiblePos.previous();
            startPosition = startOfLine(prevVisiblePos);
    } else
        startPosition = updateAXLineStartForVisiblePosition(startPosition);

    return startPosition;
VisiblePosition endOfWord(const VisiblePosition &c, EWordSide side)
    VisiblePosition p = c;
    if (side == LeftWordIfOnBoundary) {
        if (isStartOfParagraph(c))
            return c;
        p = c.previous();
        if (p.isNull())
            return c;
    } else if (isEndOfParagraph(c))
        return c;
    return nextBoundary(p, endWordBoundary);
RenderedPosition::RenderedPosition(const VisiblePosition& position)
    : m_renderer(0)
    , m_inlineBox(0)
    , m_offset(0)
    , m_prevLeafChild(uncachedInlineBox())
    , m_nextLeafChild(uncachedInlineBox())
    if (position.isNull())
    position.getInlineBoxAndOffset(m_inlineBox, m_offset);
    if (m_inlineBox)
        m_renderer = m_inlineBox->renderer();
        m_renderer = rendererFromPosition(position.deepEquivalent());
static VisiblePosition visiblePositionForPoint(Frame* frame, IntPoint outerPoint)
    HitTestResult result = frame->eventHandler()->hitTestResultAtPoint(outerPoint, true);
    Node* node = result.innerNode();
    if (!node)
        return VisiblePosition();
    RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
    if (!renderer)
        return VisiblePosition();
    VisiblePosition visiblePos = renderer->positionForCoordinates(result.localPoint().x(), result.localPoint().y());
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
        visiblePos = VisiblePosition(Position(node, 0));
    return visiblePos;
VisiblePosition AccessibilityObject::nextSentenceEndPosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePos) const
    // FIXME: FO 2 IMPLEMENT (currently returns incorrect answer)
    // Related? <rdar://problem/3927736> Text selection broken in 8A336
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
        return VisiblePosition();

    // make sure we move off of a sentence end
    VisiblePosition nextVisiblePos =;
    if (nextVisiblePos.isNull())
        return VisiblePosition();

    // an empty line is considered a sentence. If it's skipped, then the sentence parser will not
    // see this empty line.  Instead, return the end position of the empty line.
    VisiblePosition endPosition;
    String lineString = plainText(makeRange(startOfLine(nextVisiblePos), endOfLine(nextVisiblePos)).get());
    if (lineString.isEmpty())
        endPosition = nextVisiblePos;
        endPosition = endOfSentence(nextVisiblePos);

    return endPosition;
VisiblePosition startOfWord(const VisiblePosition &c, EWordSide side)
    // FIXME: This returns a null VP for c at the start of the document
    // and side == LeftWordIfOnBoundary
    VisiblePosition p = c;
    if (side == RightWordIfOnBoundary) {
        // at paragraph end, the startofWord is the current position
        if (isEndOfParagraph(c))
            return c;
        p =;
        if (p.isNull())
            return c;
    return previousBoundary(p, startWordBoundary);
static VisiblePosition endPositionForLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
    if (c.isNull())
        return VisiblePosition();

    RootInlineBox *rootBox = rootBoxForLine(c);
    if (!rootBox) {
        // There are VisiblePositions at offset 0 in blocks without
        // RootInlineBoxes, like empty editable blocks and bordered blocks.
        Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
        if (p.node()->renderer() && p.node()->renderer()->isRenderBlock() && p.deprecatedEditingOffset() == 0)
            return c;
        return VisiblePosition();
    // Generated content (e.g. list markers and CSS :before and :after
    // pseudoelements) have no corresponding DOM element, and so cannot be
    // represented by a VisiblePosition.  Use whatever precedes instead.
    Node *endNode;
    InlineBox *endBox = rootBox->lastLeafChild();
    while (1) {
        if (!endBox)
            return VisiblePosition();

        RenderObject *endRenderer = endBox->renderer();
        if (!endRenderer)
            return VisiblePosition();

        endNode = endRenderer->node();
        if (endNode)
        endBox = endBox->prevLeafChild();
    int endOffset = 1;
    if (endNode->hasTagName(brTag)) {
        endOffset = 0;
    } else if (endBox->isInlineTextBox()) {
        InlineTextBox *endTextBox = static_cast<InlineTextBox *>(endBox);
        endOffset = endTextBox->start();
        if (!endTextBox->isLineBreak())
            endOffset += endTextBox->len();
    return VisiblePosition(endNode, endOffset, VP_UPSTREAM_IF_POSSIBLE);
RenderedPosition::RenderedPosition(const VisiblePosition& position)
    : m_layoutObject(nullptr)
    , m_inlineBox(nullptr)
    , m_offset(0)
    , m_prevLeafChild(uncachedInlineBox())
    , m_nextLeafChild(uncachedInlineBox())
    if (position.isNull())
    InlineBoxPosition boxPosition = computeInlineBoxPosition(position);
    m_inlineBox = boxPosition.inlineBox;
    m_offset = boxPosition.offsetInBox;
    if (m_inlineBox)
        m_layoutObject = &m_inlineBox->layoutObject();
        m_layoutObject = layoutObjectFromPosition(position.deepEquivalent());
static VisiblePosition startPositionForLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
    if (c.isNull())
        return VisiblePosition();

    RootInlineBox *rootBox = rootBoxForLine(c);
    if (!rootBox) {
        // There are VisiblePositions at offset 0 in blocks without
        // RootInlineBoxes, like empty editable blocks and bordered blocks.
        Position p = c.deepEquivalent();
        if (p.node()->renderer() && p.node()->renderer()->isRenderBlock() && p.deprecatedEditingOffset() == 0)
            return positionAvoidingFirstPositionInTable(c);
        return VisiblePosition();
    // Generated content (e.g. list markers and CSS :before and :after
    // pseudoelements) have no corresponding DOM element, and so cannot be
    // represented by a VisiblePosition.  Use whatever follows instead.
    InlineBox *startBox = rootBox->firstLeafChild();
    Node *startNode;
    while (1) {
        if (!startBox)
            return VisiblePosition();

        RenderObject *startRenderer = startBox->renderer();
        if (!startRenderer)
            return VisiblePosition();

        startNode = startRenderer->node();
        if (startNode)
        startBox = startBox->nextLeafChild();
    int startOffset = 0;
    if (startBox->isInlineTextBox()) {
        InlineTextBox *startTextBox = static_cast<InlineTextBox *>(startBox);
        startOffset = startTextBox->start();
    VisiblePosition visPos = VisiblePosition(startNode, startOffset, DOWNSTREAM);
    return positionAvoidingFirstPositionInTable(visPos);
Beispiel #13
// FIXME: indexForVisiblePosition and visiblePositionForIndex use TextIterators to convert between 
// VisiblePositions and indices. But TextIterator iteration using TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions 
// does not exactly match VisiblePosition iteration, so using them to preserve a selection during an editing 
// opertion is unreliable. TextIterator's TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions mode needs to be fixed, 
// or these functions need to be changed to iterate using actual VisiblePositions.
// FIXME: Deploy these functions everywhere that TextIterators are used to convert between VisiblePositions and indices.
int indexForVisiblePosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition, RefPtr<ContainerNode>& scope)
    if (visiblePosition.isNull())
        return 0;

    Position p(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent());
    Document* document = p.anchorNode()->document();
    ShadowRoot* shadowRoot = p.anchorNode()->containingShadowRoot();

    if (shadowRoot)
        scope = shadowRoot;
        scope = document->documentElement();

    RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(document, firstPositionInNode(scope.get()), p.parentAnchoredEquivalent());

    return TextIterator::rangeLength(range.get(), true);
VisiblePosition endOfLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
    VisiblePosition visPos = endPositionForLine(c);
    // Make sure the end of line is at the same line as the given input position.  Else use the previous position to 
    // obtain end of line.  This condition happens when the input position is before the space character at the end 
    // of a soft-wrapped non-editable line. In this scenario, endPositionForLine would incorrectly hand back a position
    // in the next line instead. This fix is to account for the discrepancy between lines with webkit-line-break:after-white-space style
    // versus lines without that style, which would break before a space by default. 
    if (!inSameLine(c, visPos)) {
        visPos = c.previous();
        if (visPos.isNull())
            return VisiblePosition();
        visPos = endPositionForLine(visPos);
    return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrBefore(visPos);
Beispiel #15
bool Editor::canDeleteRange(Range* range) const
    Node* startContainer = range->startContainer();
    Node* endContainer = range->endContainer();
    if (!startContainer || !endContainer)
        return false;

    if (!startContainer->hasEditableStyle() || !endContainer->hasEditableStyle())
        return false;

    if (range->collapsed()) {
        VisiblePosition start(range->startPosition(), DOWNSTREAM);
        VisiblePosition previous = start.previous();
        // FIXME: We sometimes allow deletions at the start of editable roots, like when the caret is in an empty list item.
        if (previous.isNull() || previous.deepEquivalent().deprecatedNode()->rootEditableElement() != startContainer->rootEditableElement())
            return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #16
// Abs x/y position of the caret ignoring transforms.
// TODO(yosin) navigation with transforms should be smarter.
static int lineDirectionPointForBlockDirectionNavigationOf(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition)
    if (visiblePosition.isNull())
        return 0;

    LayoutObject* layoutObject;
    LayoutRect localRect = localCaretRectOfPosition(visiblePosition.toPositionWithAffinity(), layoutObject);
    if (localRect.isEmpty() || !layoutObject)
        return 0;

    // This ignores transforms on purpose, for now. Vertical navigation is done
    // without consulting transforms, so that 'up' in transformed text is 'up'
    // relative to the text, not absolute 'up'.
    FloatPoint caretPoint = layoutObject->localToAbsolute(FloatPoint(localRect.location()));
    LayoutObject* containingBlock = layoutObject->containingBlock();
    if (!containingBlock)
        containingBlock = layoutObject; // Just use ourselves to determine the writing mode if we have no containing block.
    return containingBlock->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? caretPoint.x() : caretPoint.y();
VisiblePosition VisiblePosition::skipToStartOfEditingBoundary(const VisiblePosition &pos) const
    if (pos.isNull())
        return pos;

    ContainerNode* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(deepEquivalent());
    ContainerNode* highestRootOfPos = highestEditableRoot(pos.deepEquivalent());

    // Return pos itself if the two are from the very same editable region, or both are non-editable.
    if (highestRootOfPos == highestRoot)
        return pos;

    // If this is not editable but |pos| has an editable root, skip to the start
    if (!highestRoot && highestRootOfPos)
        return VisiblePosition(previousVisuallyDistinctCandidate(Position(highestRootOfPos, PositionAnchorType::BeforeAnchor).parentAnchoredEquivalent()));

    // That must mean that |pos| is not editable. Return the last position before pos that is in the same editable region as this position
    return lastEditableVisiblePositionBeforePositionInRoot(pos.deepEquivalent(), highestRoot);
VisiblePosition VisiblePosition::skipToEndOfEditingBoundary(const VisiblePosition &pos) const
    if (pos.isNull())
        return pos;

    ContainerNode* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(deepEquivalent());
    ContainerNode* highestRootOfPos = highestEditableRoot(pos.deepEquivalent());

    // Return pos itself if the two are from the very same editable region, or both are non-editable.
    if (highestRootOfPos == highestRoot)
        return pos;

    // If this is not editable but |pos| has an editable root, skip to the end
    if (!highestRoot && highestRootOfPos)
        return VisiblePosition(Position(highestRootOfPos, PositionAnchorType::AfterAnchor).parentAnchoredEquivalent());

    // That must mean that |pos| is not editable. Return the next position after pos that is in the same editable region as this position
    return firstEditableVisiblePositionAfterPositionInRoot(pos.deepEquivalent(), highestRoot);
Beispiel #19
bool SelectionController::modify(EAlter alter, EDirection dir, TextGranularity granularity)
    if (frame())
    setModifyBias(alter, dir);

    VisiblePosition pos;
    switch (dir) {
        // EDIT FIXME: These need to handle bidi
        case RIGHT:
        case FORWARD:
            if (alter == EXTEND)
                pos = modifyExtendingRightForward(granularity);
                pos = modifyMovingRightForward(granularity);
        case LEFT:
        case BACKWARD:
            if (alter == EXTEND)
                pos = modifyExtendingLeftBackward(granularity);
                pos = modifyMovingLeftBackward(granularity);

    if (pos.isNull())
        return false;

    switch (alter) {
        case MOVE:
        case EXTEND:


    return true;
Beispiel #20
// FIXME: indexForVisiblePosition and visiblePositionForIndex use TextIterators to convert between 
// VisiblePositions and indices. But TextIterator iteration using TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions 
// does not exactly match VisiblePosition iteration, so using them to preserve a selection during an editing 
// opertion is unreliable. TextIterator's TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions mode needs to be fixed, 
// or these functions need to be changed to iterate using actual VisiblePositions.
// FIXME: Deploy these functions everywhere that TextIterators are used to convert between VisiblePositions and indices.
int indexForVisiblePosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition, RefPtr<Element>& scope)
    if (visiblePosition.isNull())
        return 0;

    Position p(visiblePosition.deepEquivalent());
    Document* document = p.anchorNode()->document();
    Node* shadowRoot = p.anchorNode()->shadowTreeRootNode();

    if (shadowRoot) {
        // Use the shadow root for form elements, since TextIterators will not enter shadow content.
        scope = static_cast<Element*>(shadowRoot);
    } else
        scope = document->documentElement();

    RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(document, firstPositionInNode(scope.get()), p.parentAnchoredEquivalent());

    return TextIterator::rangeLength(range.get(), true);
Beispiel #21
VisiblePosition LocalFrame::visiblePositionForPoint(const IntPoint& framePoint)
    if (!contentRenderer() || !view() || !view()->didFirstLayout())
      return VisiblePosition();

    LayoutSize padding = LayoutSize();
    HitTestResult result(framePoint, padding.height(), padding.width(), padding.height(), padding.width());
    HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active);
    contentRenderer()->hitTest(request, result);

    Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode();
    if (!node)
        return VisiblePosition();
    RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
    if (!renderer)
        return VisiblePosition();
    VisiblePosition visiblePos = VisiblePosition(renderer->positionForPoint(result.localPoint()));
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
        visiblePos = VisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node));
    return visiblePos;
unsigned AccessibilityObject::lineForPosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePos) const
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
        return 0;

    unsigned lineCount = 0;
    VisiblePosition currentVisiblePos = visiblePos;
    VisiblePosition savedVisiblePos;

    // move up until we get to the top
    // FIXME: This only takes us to the top of the rootEditableElement, not the top of the
    // top document.
    while (currentVisiblePos.isNotNull() && !(inSameLine(currentVisiblePos, savedVisiblePos))) {
        lineCount += 1;
        savedVisiblePos = currentVisiblePos;
        VisiblePosition prevVisiblePos = previousLinePosition(visiblePos, 0);
        currentVisiblePos = prevVisiblePos;

    return lineCount - 1;
static VisiblePosition updateAXLineStartForVisiblePosition(const VisiblePosition& visiblePosition)
    // A line in the accessibility sense should include floating objects, such as aligned image, as part of a line.
    // So let's update the position to include that.
    VisiblePosition tempPosition;
    VisiblePosition startPosition = visiblePosition;
    while (true) {
        tempPosition = startPosition.previous();
        if (tempPosition.isNull())
        Position p = tempPosition.deepEquivalent();
        RenderObject* renderer = p.deprecatedNode()->renderer();
        if (!renderer || (renderer->isRenderBlock() && !p.deprecatedEditingOffset()))
        if (!RenderedPosition(tempPosition).isNull())
        startPosition = tempPosition;

    return startPosition;
VisiblePosition startOfLine(const VisiblePosition& c)
    VisiblePosition visPos = startPositionForLine(c);
    if (visPos.isNotNull()) {
        // Make sure the start of line is not greater than the given input position.  Else use the previous position to 
        // obtain start of line.  This condition happens when the input position is before the space character at the end 
        // of a soft-wrapped non-editable line. In this scenario, startPositionForLine would incorrectly hand back a position
        // greater than the input position.  This fix is to account for the discrepancy between lines with webkit-line-break:after-white-space 
        // style versus lines without that style, which would break before a space by default. 
        Position p = visPos.deepEquivalent();
        if (p.deprecatedEditingOffset() > c.deepEquivalent().deprecatedEditingOffset() && p.node()->isSameNode(c.deepEquivalent().node())) {
            visPos = c.previous();
            if (visPos.isNull())
                return VisiblePosition();
            visPos = startPositionForLine(visPos);

    return c.honorEditableBoundaryAtOrAfter(visPos);
// Returns true if at least one text node was split.
bool IndentOutdentCommand::splitTextNodes(const VisiblePosition& start, int numParagraphs)
    VisiblePosition currentParagraphStart = start;
    bool hasSplit = false;
    int paragraphCount;
    for (paragraphCount = 0; paragraphCount < numParagraphs; ++paragraphCount) {
        // If there are multiple paragraphs in a single text node, we split the text node into a separate node for each paragraph.
        if (currentParagraphStart.deepEquivalent().node()->isTextNode() && currentParagraphStart.deepEquivalent().node() == startOfParagraph(currentParagraphStart.previous()).deepEquivalent().node()) {
            Text* textNode = static_cast<Text *>(currentParagraphStart.deepEquivalent().node());
            int offset = currentParagraphStart.deepEquivalent().offsetInContainerNode();
            splitTextNode(textNode, offset);
            currentParagraphStart = VisiblePosition(textNode, 0, VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
            hasSplit = true;
        VisiblePosition nextParagraph = startOfParagraph(endOfParagraph(currentParagraphStart).next());
        if (nextParagraph.isNull())
        currentParagraphStart = nextParagraph;
    return hasSplit;
String DeleteSelectionCommand::originalStringForAutocorrectionAtBeginningOfSelection()
    if (!m_selectionToDelete.isRange())
        return String();

    VisiblePosition startOfSelection = m_selectionToDelete.start();
    if (!isStartOfWord(startOfSelection))
        return String();

    VisiblePosition nextPosition =;
    if (nextPosition.isNull())
        return String();

    RefPtr<Range> rangeOfFirstCharacter = Range::create(document(), startOfSelection.deepEquivalent(), nextPosition.deepEquivalent());
    Vector<DocumentMarker*> markers = document()->markers()->markersInRange(rangeOfFirstCharacter.get(), DocumentMarker::Autocorrected);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < markers.size(); ++i) {
        const DocumentMarker* marker = markers[i];
        int startOffset = marker->startOffset();
        if (startOffset == startOfSelection.deepEquivalent().offsetInContainerNode())
            return marker->description();
    return String();
Beispiel #27
PassRefPtr<Range> Frame::rangeForPoint(const LayoutPoint& framePoint)
    VisiblePosition position = visiblePositionForPoint(framePoint);
    if (position.isNull())
        return 0;

    VisiblePosition previous = position.previous();
    if (previous.isNotNull()) {
        RefPtr<Range> previousCharacterRange = makeRange(previous, position);
        LayoutRect rect = editor()->firstRectForRange(previousCharacterRange.get());
        if (rect.contains(framePoint))
            return previousCharacterRange.release();

    VisiblePosition next =;
    if (RefPtr<Range> nextCharacterRange = makeRange(position, next)) {
        LayoutRect rect = editor()->firstRectForRange(nextCharacterRange.get());
        if (rect.contains(framePoint))
            return nextCharacterRange.release();

    return 0;
Beispiel #28
void AXObjectCache::textMarkerDataForVisiblePosition(TextMarkerData& textMarkerData, const VisiblePosition& visiblePos)
    // This memory must be bzero'd so instances of TextMarkerData can be tested for byte-equivalence.
    // This also allows callers to check for failure by looking at textMarkerData upon return.
    memset(&textMarkerData, 0, sizeof(TextMarkerData));
    if (visiblePos.isNull())
    Position deepPos = visiblePos.deepEquivalent();
    Node* domNode = deepPos.deprecatedNode();
    if (!domNode)
    if (domNode->isHTMLElement()) {
        HTMLInputElement* inputElement = domNode->toInputElement();
        if (inputElement && inputElement->isPasswordField())
    // locate the renderer, which must exist for a visible dom node
    RenderObject* renderer = domNode->renderer();
    // find or create an accessibility object for this renderer
    AXObjectCache* cache = renderer->document()->axObjectCache();
    RefPtr<AccessibilityObject> obj = cache->getOrCreate(renderer);
    textMarkerData.axID = obj.get()->axObjectID();
    textMarkerData.node = domNode;
    textMarkerData.offset = deepPos.deprecatedEditingOffset();
    textMarkerData.affinity = visiblePos.affinity();   
Beispiel #29
Position adjustedSelectionStartForStyleComputation(const VisibleSelection& selection)
    // This function is used by range style computations to avoid bugs like:
    // <rdar://problem/4017641> REGRESSION (Mail): you can only bold/unbold a selection starting from end of line once
    // It is important to skip certain irrelevant content at the start of the selection, so we do not wind up 
    // with a spurious "mixed" style.

    VisiblePosition visiblePosition = selection.start();
    if (visiblePosition.isNull())
        return Position();

    // if the selection is a caret, just return the position, since the style
    // behind us is relevant
    if (selection.isCaret())
        return visiblePosition.deepEquivalent();

    // if the selection starts just before a paragraph break, skip over it
    if (isEndOfParagraph(visiblePosition))

    // otherwise, make sure to be at the start of the first selected node,
    // instead of possibly at the end of the last node before the selection
    return visiblePosition.deepEquivalent().downstream();
VisiblePosition VisiblePosition::honorEditingBoundaryAtOrAfter(const VisiblePosition &pos, bool* reachedBoundary) const
    if (reachedBoundary)
        *reachedBoundary = false;
    if (pos.isNull())
        return pos;
    auto* highestRoot = highestEditableRoot(deepEquivalent());
    // Return empty position if pos is not somewhere inside the editable region containing this position
    if (highestRoot && !pos.deepEquivalent().deprecatedNode()->isDescendantOf(highestRoot)) {
        if (reachedBoundary)
            *reachedBoundary = true;
        return VisiblePosition();
    // Return pos itself if the two are from the very same editable region, or both are non-editable
    // FIXME: In the non-editable case, just because the new position is non-editable doesn't mean movement
    // to it is allowed.  VisibleSelection::adjustForEditableContent has this problem too.
    if (highestEditableRoot(pos.deepEquivalent()) == highestRoot) {
        if (reachedBoundary)
            *reachedBoundary = *this == pos;
        return pos;

    // Return empty position if this position is non-editable, but pos is editable
    // FIXME: Move to the next non-editable region.
    if (!highestRoot) {
        if (reachedBoundary)
            *reachedBoundary = true;
        return VisiblePosition();

    // Return the next position after pos that is in the same editable region as this position
    return firstEditablePositionAfterPositionInRoot(pos.deepEquivalent(), highestRoot);