void GetTwistHandler::handleSimulation(){
    // called when the main script calls: simHandleModule

    ros::Time now = ros::Time::now();

    const simFloat currentSimulationTime = simGetSimulationTime();

    if ((currentSimulationTime-_lastPublishedObjTwistTime) >= 1.0/_ObjTwistFrequency){

    	Eigen::Quaternion< simFloat > orientation; //(x,y,z,w)
    	Eigen::Matrix<simFloat, 3, 1> linVelocity;
    	Eigen::Matrix<simFloat, 3, 1> angVelocity;
    	bool error = false;

    	// Get object velocity. If the object is not static simGetVelocity is more accurate.
    	if (_isStatic){
    		error = error || simGetObjectVelocity(_associatedObjectID, linVelocity.data(), angVelocity.data()) == -1;
    	} else {
    		error = error || simGetVelocity(_associatedObjectID, linVelocity.data(), angVelocity.data()) == -1;

    	// Get object orientation
    	error = error || simGetObjectQuaternion(_associatedObjectID, -1, orientation.coeffs().data()) == -1;


    		linVelocity = orientation.conjugate()*linVelocity; // Express linear velocity in body frame
			angVelocity = orientation.conjugate()*angVelocity; // Express angular velocity in body frame

    		// Fill the status msg
			geometry_msgs::TwistStamped msg;

			msg.twist.linear.x = linVelocity[0];
			msg.twist.linear.y = linVelocity[1];
			msg.twist.linear.z = linVelocity[2];
			msg.twist.angular.x = angVelocity[0];
			msg.twist.angular.y = angVelocity[1];
			msg.twist.angular.z = angVelocity[2];

			msg.header.stamp = now;
			_lastPublishedObjTwistTime = currentSimulationTime;

    	} else {
    	    std::stringstream ss;
    	    ss << "- [" << _associatedObjectName << "] Error getting object velocity and/or orientation." << std::endl;;

