Beispiel #1
Py::Object PythonSecurity::_getattr_(const Py::Tuple& args)
    for(uint i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
        Py::Object o = args[i];
        krossdebug( o.as_string().c_str() );
    return Py::None();
Beispiel #2
Element CyPy_Element::asElement(const Py::Object& o)
    if (o.isLong()) {
        return Py::Long(o).as_long();
    if (o.isFloat()) {
        return Py::Float(o).as_double();
    if (o.isString()) {
        return o.as_string();
    if (CyPy_ElementList::check(o)) {
        return CyPy_ElementList::value(o);
    if (CyPy_ElementMap::check(o)) {
        return CyPy_ElementMap::value(o);
    if (CyPy_Operation::check(o)) {
        return CyPy_Operation::value(o)->asMessage();
    if (CyPy_RootEntity::check(o)) {
        return CyPy_RootEntity::value(o)->asMessage();
    if (CyPy_Root::check(o)) {
        return CyPy_Root::value(o)->asMessage();
    if (CyPy_Oplist::check(o)) {
        auto& oplist = CyPy_Oplist::value(o);
        ListType list;
        for (auto& entry : oplist) {
        return list;
    if (CyPy_Location::check(o)) {
        MapType map;
        return map;
    if (o.isList()) {
        return listAsElement(Py::List(o));
    if (o.isDict()) {
        return dictAsElement(Py::Dict(o));
    if (o.isSequence()) {
        return sequenceAsElement(Py::Sequence(o));
    if (o.isNone()) {
        return Element();
    throw Py::TypeError(String::compose("Contained object (of type %1) could not be converted to an Element.", o.type().as_string()));
Beispiel #3
// Get the UUID
std::string Uuid::CreateUuid(void)
#ifdef FC_OS_WIN32
    RPC_STATUS rstat;
    UUID uuid;
    unsigned char *uuidStr;

    rstat = UuidCreate(&uuid);
    if (rstat != RPC_S_OK) throw Base::Exception("Cannot convert a unique Windows UUID to a string");

    rstat = UuidToString(&uuid, &uuidStr);
    if (rstat != RPC_S_OK) throw Base::Exception("Cannot convert a unique Windows UUID to a string");

    std::string Uuid((char *)uuidStr);

    /* convert it from rcp memory to our own */
    //container = nssUTF8_Duplicate(uuidStr, NULL);
#elif 1
    std::string Uuid;
    QString uuid = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
    uuid = uuid.mid(1);
    Uuid = (const char*)uuid.toAscii();
    // use Python's implemententation
    std::string Uuid;
    PyGILStateLocker lock;
    try {
        Py::Module module(PyImport_ImportModule("uuid"),true);
        Py::Callable method(module.getAttr("uuid4"));
        Py::Tuple arg;
        Py::Object guid = method.apply(arg);
        Uuid = guid.as_string();
    catch (Py::Exception& e) {
        throw Base::Exception("Creation of UUID failed");
    return Uuid;
Beispiel #4
QVariant PythonObject::callMethod(const QString& name, const QVariantList& args)
        qrossdebug( QString("PythonObject(%1)::call(%2) isInstance=%3").arg(d->m_pyobject.as_string().c_str()).arg(name).arg(d->m_pyobject.isInstance()) );

    //if(d->m_pyobject.isInstance()) { // if it inherits a PyQt4 QObject/QWidget then it's not counted as instance
        try {
            Py::Callable method = d->m_pyobject.getAttr(name.toLatin1().data());
            if (!method.isCallable()) {
                qrossdebug( QString("%1 is not callable (%2).").arg(name).arg(method.str().as_string().c_str()) );
                return QVariant();
            Py::Object pyresult = method.apply( PythonType<QVariantList,Py::Tuple>::toPyObject(args) );
            QVariant result = PythonType<QVariant>::toVariant(pyresult);
                qrossdebug( QString("PythonScript::callFunction() result=%1 variant.toString=%2 variant.typeName=%3").arg(pyresult.as_string().c_str()).arg(result.toString()).arg(result.typeName()) );
            return result;
        catch(Py::Exception& e) {
                qrosswarning( QString("PythonScript::callFunction() Exception: %1").arg(Py::value(e).as_string().c_str()) );
            Py::Object err = Py::value(e);
            if(err.ptr() == Py_None) err = Py::type(e); // e.g. string-exceptions have there errormessage in the type-object
            QStringList trace;
            int lineno;
            PythonInterpreter::extractException(trace, lineno);
            setError(err.as_string().c_str(), trace.join("\n"), lineno);

    return QVariant();
PythonInterpreter::PythonInterpreter(Kross::InterpreterInfo* info)
    : Kross::Interpreter(info)
    , d(new PythonInterpreterPrivate())
    // Initialize the python interpreter.

    // Set name of the program.

    // Set arguments.
    //char* comm[0];
    const char* comm = const_cast<char*>("kross"); // name.
    PySys_SetArgv(1, comm);

    // In the python sys.path are all module-directories are
    // listed in.
    QString path;

    // First import the sys-module to remember it's sys.path
    // list in our path QString.
    Py::Module sysmod( PyImport_ImportModule( (char*)"sys" ), true );
    Py::Dict sysmoddict = sysmod.getDict();
    Py::Object syspath = sysmoddict.getItem("path");
    if(syspath.isList()) {
        Py::List syspathlist = syspath;
        for(Py::List::iterator it = syspathlist.begin(); it != syspathlist.end(); ++it) {
            if( ! (*it).isString() ) continue;
            QString s = PythonType<QString>::toVariant(*it);
            path.append( s + PYPATHDELIMITER );
        path = Py_GetPath();

#if 0
    // Determinate additional module-paths we like to add.
    // First add the global Kross modules-path.
    QStringList krossdirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("data", "kross/python");
    for(QStringList::Iterator krossit = krossdirs.begin(); krossit != krossdirs.end(); ++krossit)
        path.append(*krossit + PYPATHDELIMITER);
    // Then add the application modules-path.
    QStringList appdirs = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("appdata", "kross/python");
    for(QStringList::Iterator appit = appdirs.begin(); appit != appdirs.end(); ++appit)
        path.append(*appit + PYPATHDELIMITER);

    // Set the extended sys.path.
    PySys_SetPath( (char*) path.toLatin1().data() );

        krossdebug(QString("Python ProgramName: %1").arg(Py_GetProgramName()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python ProgramFullPath: %1").arg(Py_GetProgramFullPath()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python Version: %1").arg(Py_GetVersion()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python Platform: %1").arg(Py_GetPlatform()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python Prefix: %1").arg(Py_GetPrefix()));
        krossdebug(QString("Python ExecPrefix: %1").arg(Py_GetExecPrefix()));
        //krossdebug(QString("Python Path: %1").arg(Py_GetPath()));
        //krossdebug(QString("Python System Path: %1").arg(path));

    // Initialize the main module.
    d->mainmodule = new PythonModule(this);

    // The main dictonary.
    Py::Dict moduledict = d->mainmodule->getDict();
    //TODO moduledict["KrossPythonVersion"] = Py::Int(KROSS_PYTHON_VERSION);

    // Prepare the interpreter.
    QString s =
        //"# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-\n"
        //"import locale\n"
        //"locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')\n"
        //"# -*- coding: latin-1 -*\n"
        //"# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
        //"import locale\n"
        //"locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')\n"
        //"from __future__ import absolute_import\n"
        "import sys\n"
        //"import os, os.path\n"

        // Dirty hack to get sys.argv defined. Needed for e.g. TKinter.
        "sys.argv = ['']\n"

        // On the try to read something from stdin always return an empty
        // string. That way such reads don't block our script.
        // Deactivated since sys.stdin has the encoding attribute needed
        // by e.g. LiquidWeather and those attr is missing in StringIO
        // and cause it's buildin we can't just add it but would need to
        // implement our own class. Grrrr, what a stupid design :-/
        //"    import cStringIO\n"
        //"    sys.stdin = cStringIO.StringIO()\n"
        //"    pass\n"

        // Class to redirect something. We use this class e.g. to redirect
        // <stdout> and <stderr> to a c++ event.
        //"class Redirect:\n"
        //"  def __init__(self, target):\n"
        //" = target\n"
        //"  def write(self, s):\n"

        // Wrap builtin __import__ method. All import requests are
        // first redirected to our PythonModule.import method and
        // if the call returns None, then we call the original
        // python import mechanism.
        "import __builtin__\n"
        "import __main__\n"
        "import traceback\n"
        "sys.modules['_oldmain'] = sys.modules['__main__']\n"
        "_main_builtin_import_ = __main__.__builtin__.__import__\n"
        "class _Importer:\n"
        "   def __init__(self, script):\n"
        "       self.script = script\n"
        "       self.realImporter = __main__.__builtin__.__import__\n"
        "       __main__.__builtin__.__import__ = self._import\n"
        "   def _import(self, name, globals=None, locals=None, fromlist=[], level = -1):\n"
        //"       try:\n"
        //"           print \"1===========> _Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        "           mod = __main__._import(self.script, name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)\n"
        "           mod = __main__._import(self.script, name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           if mod == None:\n"
        "               if name == 'qt':\n"
        "                   raise ImportError('Import of the PyQt3 module is not allowed. Please use PyQt4 instead.')\n"
        "               if name == 'dcop':\n"
        "                   raise ImportError('Import of the KDE3 DCOP module is not allowed. Please use PyQt4 DBUS instead.')\n"
        "               mod = self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level)\n"
        "               mod = self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           if mod != None:\n"
        //"               print \"3===========> _Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        "               if globals != None and (not fromlist or len(fromlist)==0 or '*' in fromlist):\n"
        "                   globals[name] = mod\n"
        "           return mod\n"
        //"       except ImportError:\n"
        //"       except:\n"
        //"           print \"9===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        //"           print \" \".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )\n"
        //"       return None\n"

        "       print \"_Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        "       if fromlist == None:\n"
        "           mod = __main__._import(self.script, name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           if mod != None:\n"
        "               print \"2===========> _Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        "               globals[name] = mod\n"
        "               return mod\n"
        //"           if name in sys.modules:\n" // hack to preserve module paths, needed e.g. for "import os.path"
        //"               print \"3===========> _Importer name=%s fromlist=%s\" % (name,fromlist)\n"
        //"               return sys.modules[name]\n"
        "       print \"3===========> _Importer Trying realImporter with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "       try:\n"
        "           mod = self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           print \"4===========> _Importer Trying realImporter with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s module=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules,mod)\n"
        //"           mod.__init__(name)\n"
        //"           globals[name] = mod\n"
        //"           sys.modules[name] = mod\n"
        "           print \"5===========> _Importer Trying realImporter with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s module=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules,mod)\n"
        "           return mod\n"
        "       except ImportError:\n"
        "           print \"6===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "           n = name.split('.')\n"
        "           if len(n) >= 2:\n"
        "               print \"7===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "               m = self._import(\".\".join(n[:-1]),globals,locals,[n[-1],])\n"
        "               print \"8===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "               return self.realImporter(name, globals, locals, fromlist)\n"
        "           print \"9===========> _Importer Trying ImportError with name=%s fromlist=%s insysmodules=%s\" % (name,fromlist,name in sys.modules)\n"
        "           raise\n"

    PyObject* pyrun = PyRun_String(s.toLatin1().data(), Py_file_input, moduledict.ptr(), moduledict.ptr());
    if(! pyrun) {
        Py::Object errobj = Py::value(Py::Exception()); // get last error
        setError( QString("Failed to prepare the __main__ module: %1").arg(errobj.as_string().c_str()) );
    Py_XDECREF(pyrun); // free the reference.