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SECD machine

This is a loose implementation of SECD machine and a simple self-hosted Scheme-to-SECD compiler/interpreter.

Quick run:

$ ./secdscheme
;>> (+ 2 2)

;>> (define n 10)

;>> (define (sqr x) (* x x))

;>> (define apply-to-42 (lambda (g) (g 42)))

;>> (apply-to-42 sqr)

;>> (define (fact n) (if (eq? n 0) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))

;>> (fact 10)

;>> (load "tests/lists.scm")

;>> (filter odd (range 12))
   (1 3 5 7 9 11)

;>> (begin (display 'bye) (quit))

The design is mostly inspired by detailed description in Functional programming: Application and Implementation by Peter Henderson and his LispKit, but is not limited by the specific details of traditional SECD implementations (like 64 Kb size of heap, etc) and R7RS.

Here is a series of my blog posts about SECD machine

Opcodes and operational semantics

The machine's state is represented as tuple of 4 lists:

  • S for (computational) stack
  • E for environment: Environment is a list of frames. Each frame is a pair (cons) of two lists: the first for symbol names, the second for bound values. The first frame represents the global environment and built-in routines.
  • C for control path (list of opcodes to execute)
  • D for dump (stack): it's for storing S/E/C that must be restored later

This state is written as (s, e, c, d).

Notation: (x.s) means cons of value x and list s. Recursively, (x.y.s) means (x.(y.s)). An empty list may be written as nil, so (v.nil) is equal to (v), (x.y.nil) to (x y), etc.

The current opcode set and the operational semantics:

        :  (x.y.s, e, OP.c, d)     -> ((x OP y).s, e, c, d)
LEQ     :  (x.y.s, e, LEQ.c, d)    -> ((x < y? #t : nil).s, e, c, d)

CAR     :  ((x._).s, e, CAR.c, d)  -> (x.s, e, c, d)
CDR     :  ((_.x).s, e, CDR.c, d)  -> (x.s, e, c, d)
CONS    :  (x.y.s, e, CONS.c, d)   -> ((x.y).s, e, c, d)

LDC v   :  (s, e, LDC.v.c, d)      -> (v.s, e, c, d)
LD sym  :  (s, e, LD.sym.c, d)     -> ((lookup e sym).s, e, c, d)

TYPE    :  (v.s, e, TYPE.c, d)     -> ((typeof v).s, e, c, d)
            where typeof returns a symbol describing variable type
EQ      :  (v1.v2.s, e, EQ.c, d)   -> ((eq? v1 v2).s, e, c, d)

SEL     :  (v.s, e, SEL.thenb.elseb.c, d)
                     -> (s, e, (if v then thenb else elseb), c.d)
JOIN    :  (s, e, JOIN.nil, c.d) -> (s, e, c, d)

LDF     :  (s, e, LDF.(args body).c, d) -> (clos.s, e, c, d)
                where closure `clos` is ((args body).e);
                      `args` is a list of argument name symbols;
                      `body` is control path of the function.

AP      :  (((args c') . e').argv.s, e, AP.c, d)
           -> (nil, (frame args argv).e', c', s.e.c.d)
                -- a closure ((args c1) . e') must be on the stack, 
                -- followed by list of argument values `argv`.

RTN     :   (v.nil, e', RTN.nil, s.e.c.d) -> (v.s, e, c, d)

DUM     :   (s, e, DUM.c, d)            -> (s, Ω.e, c, d)
RAP     :   (clos.argv.s, Ω.e, RAP.c, d)
            -> (nil, set-car!(frame(args, argv), Ω.e'), c', s.e.c.d)
                where `clos` is ((args c').(Ω.e'))

PRINT   :  side-effect of printing the head of S:
            (v.s, e, PRINT.c, d) -> (v.s, e, c, d) -- printing v

READ    :  puts the input s-expression on top of S:
            (s, e, READ.c, d) -> ((read).s, e, c, d)

There are some functions implemented in C for efficiency (native.c):

  • append, list, null?, copy: are heavily used by the compiler, native for efficiency;
  • number?, symbol?, eof-object?: may be implemented in native code only;
  • secd: takes a symbol as the first arguments, outputs the following: current tick number with (secd 'tick), prints current environment for (secd 'env), shows how many cells are available with (secd 'free);
  • interaction-environment - this native form gets the current environment (there's no distinction between lexical and dynamical environment as in other Scheme implementations).

About types: Supported types are CONSes, INTs and SYMs (and native functions, FUNCs, under the hood). Boolean values are symbols #t and nil for now. Any values except '() and nil are evaluated to #t. Only C int types are supported as integers

Values are persistent, immutable and shared.

Memory management: Memory is managed using reference counting at the moment, a simple optional garbage collection is on my TODO-list. This means no contiguous memory allocation, thus no Scheme's strings, bytevectors, vectors, etc, only values composed from CONS'es, INTs, SYMs.

Input/output: READ/PRINT are implemented as built-in commands in C code.

Tail-recursion: added tail-recursive calls optimization. The criterion for tail-recursion optimization: given a function A which calls a function B, which calles a function C, if B does not mess the stack after C call (that is, returns the value produced by C to A), we can drop saving B state (its S,E,C) on the dump when calling C. "Not messing the stack" means that there are no commands other than JOIN, RTN and combo CONS CAR (used by the Scheme compiler to implement (begin) forms) between AP in B and B's RTN. Also all SEL return points saved on the dump must be dropped. The check for validity of TR optimization is done by function new_dump_if_tailrec() in secd.c for every AP.

Tail-recursion modifies AP operation to not save S,E,C of the current function on the dump, also dropping all conditional branches return points saved on the dump:

AP (with TR)  :  ( ((args c').e').argv.s, e, AP.c, j1.j2...jN.d) 
                 -> (nil, frame(args, argv).e', c', d)
                    where j1, j2, ..., jN are jump return points saved by SELs in the current function.

RTN           :  not changed, it just loads A's state from the dump in C's `RTN`.

How to run

First of all, compile the machine:

$ make

Examples of running the SECD codes (lines starting with > are user input):

$ echo "(LDC 2  LDC 2  ADD PRINT)" | ./secd

$ ./secd < tests/test_fact.secd

# read from file first, then from the stdin
$ cat tests/test_io.secd - | ./secd
# or
$ ./secd tests/test_io.secd
> 1
(Looks like an atom)
> ^D

secd binary may be also used for interactive evaluation of control paths:

# without STOP, the control path is considered to be incomplete.
$ ./secd
> (LDC 2  LDC 2  ADD STOP)

See tests/ directory for more examples of closures/recursion/IO in SECD codes.

Scheme compiler: scm2secd.scm

This file a simplest compiler from Scheme to SECD code. It is written in a quite limited subset of Scheme (using let/letrec instead of define, though now it supports define definitions). It supports very limited set of types (symbols, numbers and lists: no vectors, bytestrings, chars, strings, etc). There is a define macro (no function definitions yet). It is implemented as a macro that falls back to a native function (secd-bind! 'symbol value). A macro can be defined with macro define-macro which works just like in Guile.

The compiler is self-hosted and can be bootstrapped using its pre-compiled SECD code in scm2secd.secd:

# self-bootstrapping:
$ ./secd scm2secd.secd <scm2secd.scm >scm2secd.1.secd
$ mv scm2secd.1.secd scm2secd.secd

# or, using a bootstrapping interpreter (tested with guile and mzscheme):
$ guile -s scm2secd.scm <scm2secd.scm >scm2secd.secd
$ mzscheme -f scm2secd.scm <scm2secd.scm >scm2secd.secd

Scheme expression and files may be evaluated this way:

$ cat tests/append.scm | ./secd scm2secd.secd | ./secd

Bootstrapping REPL:

$ ./secd scm2secd.secd <repl.scm >repl.secd
$ ./secd repl.secd
> (append '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
> (begin (display 'bye) (quit))

Use secd-compile function to examine results of Scheme-to-SECD conversion in the REPL:

> (secd-compile '(+ 2 2))
> (eval '(+ 2 2) (interaction-environment))


Scheme on SECD






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