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A C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler


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Libsass - Emscripten Fork

This is a fork of the official libsass repository. Functionality of libsass has not been altered. This fork only contains modifications pertinent to compiling libsass.js using Emscripten.

A fair warning: minified it's 2MB, gzipped it's 550KB.

See the Sass.js live example. This repository only contains the emscripted libsass.js itself. It sports an API you probably don't want to use directly. For a more developer friendly API see Sass.js.

 * Compile SCSS to CSS
 * @param {String} text SCSS source to compile
 * @param {Integer} [style=0] output style (0: nested, 1: expanded, 2: compact, 3: compressed)
 * @param {Boolean} [comments=false] include line comments
 * @param {String} [include_path=""] paths to use for resolving SCSS @import
 * @return {String}|{Object} compiled CSS or error object {line: 123, message: "error description"}
function compileScss(text, style, comments, include_path) {
  // in C we would use char *ptr; foo(&ptr) - in EMScripten this is not possible,
  // so we allocate a pointer to a pointer on the stack by hand
  var ptr_to_ptr = Module.allocate([0], 'i8', ALLOC_STACK);
  var result = Module.ccall(
    // C/++ function to call
    // return type
    // parameter types
    ['string', 'number', 'number', 'string', 'i8'],
    // arguments for invocation
    [String(text), Number(style), Number(!!comments), String(include_path) || "", ptr_to_ptr]
  // this is equivalent to *ptr
  var err_str = Module.getValue(ptr_to_ptr, '*');
  // error string set? if not, it would be NULL and therefore 0
  if (err_str) {
    // pull string from pointer
    err_str = Module.Pointer_stringify(err_str);
    var error = err_str.match(/^source string:(\d+):/);
    var message = err_str.slice(error[0].length).replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, '');
    // throw new Error(message, 'string', error[1]);
    return {
      line: Number(error[1]),
      message: message
  return result;

Warning: Including the file js/libsass.js in your document floods the global scope with all of Emscripten's runtime.

Compiling libsass.js Yourself


  1. Make sure you've got python2! If which python2 says "python2 not found" run sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2 which will simply make the current python installation available under the name python2. Maybe check that it really is Python version 2 using python --version. If it's not, download and install Python 2.
  2. Download Emscripten Portable SDK.
  3. Install the Portable SDK and run source emsdk_add_path (or add that to your PATH if you plan on using emscripten beyond a test-run).

Compiling libsass

This repository contains a modified Makefile and adds emscripten_wrapper.cpp. Make sure they are present.

  1. run emmake make js - The file will be available at js/libsass.js.

You can separate building and compiling to JS:

  1. run emmake make to build / link / whatever.
  2. run emcc -O2 libsass.a -o js/libsass.js -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_sass_compile_emscripten']" -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 to compile the build to JavaScript. The file will be available at js/libsass.js.

EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS lists the names of the C++ functions we want to be accessible in JavaScript. The DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING is necessary because libsass uses exceptions internally. If you omit this you get a much smaller file (about 1.9MB instead of 2.4MB) - but you will not get any feedback on parser errors. Sass.compile() in JavaScript will simply return {line: null, message: "Unknown Error" }

Minifying libsass.js

  1. download Google Closure Compiler (
  2. run java -jar compiler-latest/compiler.jar --compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --language_in ECMASCRIPT5 --warning_level QUIET --js js/libsass.js --js_output_file js/libsass.min.js. Note that ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATION will break the JavaScript.

What You Didn't Want To Know

I have no idea what I'm doing. My C++ is as good as your Klingon. My understanding of Emscripten is on par with your understanding of rocket science. I still got it to work, though. Christian Kruse and Andres Freund will happily tell you all about how Tobias Tom annihilated tons of popcorn watching the three of us suffer because of my utter incompetence. I wouldn't have looked into this if it wasn't for Sebastian Golasch. And none of us would've gotten anywhere with Emscripten if it wasn't for Alon Zakai.


libsass.js is - as libsass and Emscripten are - published under the MIT License.


A C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler



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