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Coding Guidelines

* Indenting:
	Tabs should be used for indenting. It is recommended to configure your
	editor with a tab size of 8 spaces for a coherent layout with other
	developers of Multi2Sim.

* Line wrapping:
	Lines should have an approximate maximum length of 80 characters,
	including initial tabs (and assuming a tab counts as 8 characters).
	Code should continue on the next line with an additional tab
	otherwise. Example:

	int long_function_with_many_arguments(int argument_1, char *arg2,
		int arg3)
		/* Function body */

* Comments:

	Comments should not use the double slash '//' notation. They should
	use instead the '/* */' notation. Multiple-line comments should
	use a '*' character at the beginning of each new line, respecting
	the 80-character limit of the lines.

	/* This is an example of a comment that spans multiple lines. When the
	 * second line starts, an asterisk is used. */

* Code blocks:

	Brackets in code blocks should not share a line with other code, both
	for opening and closing brackets.
	The opening parenthesis should have no space on the left for a function
	declaration, but it should have it for 'if', 'while', and 'for' blocks.

	void function(int arg1, char *arg2)

	if (cond)
		/* Block 1 */
		/* Block 2 */

	while (1)

	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

* Enumerations:

	Enumeration types should be named 'enum <xxx>_t', without using
	'typedef' declarations. For example:

	enum my_enum_t
		err_list_ok = 0,

* Memory allocation:

	Dynamic memory allocation should be followed by a check that there was
	enough virtual memory available. This affects malloc, calloc, strdup,
	and strndup functions. Failing to allocate memory should cause a
	standard fatal error, as follows:

	void *buf;
	char *s;

	buf = malloc(100);
	if (!buf)
		fatal("%s: out of memory", __FUNCTION__);
	s = strdup("hello");
	if (!s)
		fatal("%s: out of memory", __FUNCTION__);

* Structure declaration:

	Structure types should be named 'struct <XXX>_t', without using
	'typedef' declarations. For example:

	struct my_struct_t
		int field1;
		char *field2;

	If a structure is used with dynamic allocation simulating a C++
	object, there should be two functions 'xxx_create' and 'xxx_free'
	with the following structure:

	struct my_struct_t *my_struct_create(void)
		struct my_struct_t *my_struct;

		/* Create object */
		my_struct = calloc(1, sizeof(struct my_struct_t));
		if (!my_struct)
			fatal("%s: out of memory", __FUNCTION__);

		/* Initialize */
		my_struct->field1 = ...
		my_struct->field2 = ...

		/* Return */
		return my_struct;

	void my_struct_free(struct my_struct_t *my_struct)
		[ ... free fields ... ]

* Forward declarations:

	Forward declarations should be avoided. A source file ".c" in a library
	should have two sections (if used) declaring private and public
	functions. Private functions should be declared in the order they are
	used to avoid forward declarations. Public functions should be included
	in the ".h" file associated with the ".c" source (or common for the
	entire library). For example:

	 * Private Functions
	static void func1()

	[ 2 line breaks ]

	static void func2()

	[ 4 line breaks ]

	 * Public Functions
	void public_func1()

* Variables declaration

	Variables should be declared only at the beginning of code blocks (can
	be primary or secondary code blocks). Variables declared for a code
	block should be classified in categories, such as type, or location of
	the code where they will be used. Several variables sharing the same
	type should be listed in different lines. For example:

	static void mem_config_read_networks(struct config_t *config)
		struct net_t *net;
		int i;
		char buf[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
		char *section;
		/* Create networks */
		for (section = config_section_first(config); section;
			section = config_section_next(config))
			char *net_name;
			/* Network section */
			if (strncasecmp(section, "Network ", 8))
			net_name = section + 8;
			/* Create network */
			net = net_create(net_name);
			mem_debug("\t%s\n", net_name);
			list_add(mem_system->net_list, net);

* Spaces:

	Conditions and expressions in parenthesis should be have a space on the
	left of the opening parenthesis. Arguments in a function and function
	calls should not have a space on the left of the opening parenthesis.
		if (condition)
		while (condition)
		for (...)
		void my_func_declaration(...);
	No spaces are used after an opening parenthesis or before a closing
	parenthesis. One space used after commas.

		if (a < b)
		void my_func_decl(int a, int b);
	Spaces should be used on both sides of operators, such as assignments or

		var1 = var2;
		for (x = 0; x < 10; x++)
		a += 2;
		var1 = a < 3 ? 10 : 20;
		result = (a + 3) / 5;
	Type casts should be followed by a space:

		printf("%lld\n", (long long) value);

Steps to Release a New Version Release (Administrator):

	* svn commit all previous changes

	* Run 'svn update' + ''

	* Update AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE in ''

	* Remake all to update 'Makefiles'
		~/multi2sim/trunk$ make clean
		~/multi2sim/trunk$ make

	* Add line in Changelog:
		"Version X.Y.Z released"

	* Copy 'trunk' directory into 'tags'. For example:
		~/multi2sim$ svn cp trunk tags/multi2sim-X.Y.Z

	* svn commit

	* In trunk directory, create tar ball.
		~/multi2sim/trunk$ make distcheck

	* Copy tar ball to Multi2Sim server:
		scp multi2sim-X.Y.Z.tar.gz $(M2S-SERVER):public_html/files/

	* Update Multi2Sim web site.
		* Log in.
		* Click toolbox -> Special Pages -> Uncategorized templates
		* Update 'Latest Version' and 'Latest Version Date'

	* Send email to

Command to update Copyright in all files:

sources=$(find | grep \\.c$)
sed -i "s,^ \*  Copyright.*$, *  Copyright (C) 2011  Rafael Ubal (," $sources

Notes about the memory system

When a memory address is accessed in an SRAM bank, the access time is calculated based on the following time components:

* T_precharge: time to store the contents of the row buffer into its corresponding memory location.
* T_row_buf_access: base access time to the row buffer.
* T_activate: time to load a memory location into the row buffer.

There are three possibilities to compute the access time T_access, one for each of the following scenarios:

1) Row-closed. The row buffer is empty, and the new row needs to be activated before being accessed. T_access = T_activate + T_row_buf_access.
2) Row-hit. The row buffer contains the requested address. T_access = T_row_buf_access.
3) Row-conflict. The row buffer contains a different address. T_access = T_precharge + T_activate + T_row_buf_access.

Help message for memory system configuration

Option '--mem-config <file>' is used to configure the memory system. The
configuration file is a plain-text file in the IniFile format. The memory system
is formed of a set of cache modules, main memory modules, and interconnects.

Interconnects can be defined in two different configuration files. The first way
is using option '--net-config <file>' (use option '--help-net-config' for more
information). Any network defined in the network configuration file can be
referenced from the memory configuration file. These networks will be referred
hereafter as external networks.

The second option to define a network straight in the memory system
configuration. This alternative is provided for convenience and brevity. By
using sections [Network <name>], networks with a default topology are created,
which include a single switch, and one bidirectional link from the switch to
every end node present in the network.

The following sections and variables can be used in the memory system
configuration file:

Section [General] defines global parameters affecting the entire memory system.

  PageSize = <size>  (Default = 4096)
      Memory page size. Virtual addresses are translated into new physical
      addresses in ascending order at the granularity of the page size.

Section [Module <name>] defines a generic memory module. This section is used to
declare both caches and main memory modules accessible from CPU cores or GPU
compute units.

  Type = {Cache|MainMemory}  (Required)
      Type of the memory module. From the simulation point of view, the
      difference between a cache and a main memory module is that the former
      contains only a subset of the data located at the memory locations it
  Geometry = <geo>
      Cache geometry, defined in a separate section of type [Geometry <geo>].
      This variable is required for cache modules.
  LowNetwork = <net>
      Network connecting the module with other lower-level modules, i.e.,
      modules closer to main memory. This variable is mandatory for caches, and
      should not appear for main memory modules. Value <net> can refer to an
      internal network defined in a [Network <net>] section, or to an external
      network defined in the network configuration file.
  LowNetworkNode = <node>
      If 'LowNetwork' points to an external network, node in the network that
      the module is mapped to. For internal networks, this variable should be
  HighNetwork = <net>
      Network connecting the module with other higher-level modules, i.e.,
      modules closer to CPU cores or GPU compute units. For highest level
      modules accessible by CPU/GPU, this variable should be omitted.
  HighNetworkNode = <node>
      If 'HighNetwork' points to an external network, node that the module is
      mapped to.
  LowModules = <mod1> [<mod2> ...]
      List of lower-level modules. For a cache module, this variable is rquired.
      If there is only one lower-level module, it serves the entire address
      space for the current module. If there are several lower-level modules,
      each served a disjoint subset of the address space. This variable should
      be omitted for main memory modules.
  BlockSize = <size>
      Block size in bytes. This variable is required for a main memory module.
      It should be omitted for a cache module (in this case, the block size is
      specified in the corresponding cache geometry section).
  Latency = <cycles>
      Memory access latency. This variable is required for a main memory module,
      and should be omitted for a cache module (the access latency is specified
      in the corresponding cache geometry section in this case).
  AddressRange = { BOUNDS <low> <high> | ADDR DIV <div> MOD <mod> EQ <eq> }
      Physical address range served by the module. If not specified, the entire
      address space is served by the module. There are two possible formats for
      the value of 'Range':
      With the first format, the user can specify the lowest and highest byte
      included in the address range. The value in <low> must be a multiple of
      the module block size, and the value in <high> must be a multiple of the
      block size minus 1.
      With the second format, the address space can be split between different
      modules in an interleaved manner. If dividing an address by <div> and
      modulo <mod> makes it equal to <eq>, it is served by this module. The
      value of <div> must be a multiple of the block size. When a module serves
      only a subset of the address space, the user must make sure that the rest
      of the modules at the same level serve the remaining address space.

Section [CacheGeometry <geo>] defines a geometry for a cache. Caches using this
geometry are instantiated [Module <name>] sections.

  Sets = <num_sets> (Required)
      Number of sets in the cache.
  Assoc = <num_ways> (Required)
      Cache associativity. The total number of blocks contained in the cache
      is given by the product Sets * Assoc.
  BlockSize = <size> (Required)
      Size of a cache block in bytes. The total size of the cache is given by
      the product Sets * Assoc * BlockSize.
  Latency = <cycles> (Required)
      Hit latency for a cache in number of cycles.
  Policy = {LRU|FIFO|Random} (Default = LRU)
      Block replacement policy.
  MSHR = <size> (Default = 16)
      Miss status holding register (MSHR) size in number of entries. This value
      determines the maximum number of accesses that can be in flight for the
      cache, including the time since the access request is received, until a
      potential miss is resolved.
  Ports = <num> (Default = 2)
      Number of ports. The number of ports in a cache limits the number of
      concurrent hits. If an access is a miss, it remains in the MSHR while it
      is resolved, but releases the cache port.

Section [Network <net>] defines an internal default interconnect, formed of a
single switch connecting all modules pointing to the network. For every module
in the network, a bidirectional link is created automatically between the module
and the switch, together with the suitable input/output buffers in the switch
and the module.

  DefaultInputBufferSize = <size>
      Size of input buffers for end nodes (memory modules) and switch.
  DefaultOutputBufferSize = <size>
      Size of output buffers for end nodes and switch. 
  DefaultBandwidth = <bandwidth>
      Bandwidth for links and switch crossbar in number of bytes per cycle.

Section [Entry <name>] creates an entry into the memory system. An entry is a
connection between a CPU core/thread or a GPU compute unit with a module in the
memory system.

  Type = {CPU | GPU}
      Type of processing node that this entry refers to.
  Core = <core>
      CPU core identifier. This is a value between 0 and the number of cores
      minus 1, as defined in the CPU configuration file. This variable should be
      omitted for GPU entries.
  Thread = <thread>
      CPU thread identifier. Value between 0 and the number of threads per core
      minus 1. Omitted for GPU entries.
  ComputeUnit = <id>
      GPU compute unit identifier. Value between 0 and the number of compute
      units minus 1, as defined in the GPU configuration file. This variable
      should be omitted for CPU entries.
  DataModule = <mod>
      Module in the memory system that will serve as an entry to a CPU
      core/thread when reading/writing program data. The value in <mod>
      corresponds to a module defined in a section [Module <mod>]. Omitted for
      GPU entries.
  InstModule = <mod>
      Module serving as an entry to a CPU core/thread when fetching program
      instructions. Omitted for GPU entries.
  Module = <mod>
      Module serving as an entry to a GPU compute unit when reading/writing
      program data in the global memory scope. Omitted for CPU entries.

Help message in IPC report file

The IPC (instructions-per-cycle) report file shows performance value for a
context at specific intervals. If a context spawns child contexts, only IPC
statistics for the parent context are shown. The following fields are shown in
each record:

      Current simulation cycle. The increment between this value and the value
      shown in the next record is the interval specified in the context
      configuration file.

      Number of non-speculative instructions executed in the current interval.

      Global IPC observed so far. This value is equal to the number of executed
      non-speculative instructions divided by the current cycle.

      IPC observed in the current interval. This value is equal to the number
      of instructions executed in the current interval divided by the number of
      cycles of the interval.


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