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This code was developped by Aurelien Lucchi during his doctoral studies in the computer vision laboratory run by Prof. Pascal Fua at EPFL.


How to compile the code

This tutorial will help you compile the code and run it on your own system. It is intended for people with a Linux system but windows or mac users should also be able to compile the code.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Copy the source code from the web.

  2. Make sure you have cmake installed on your system (cmake is a tool to create makefiles).

  3. Compile third-party libraries :


    • OpenCv (Install package opencv-dev in Ubuntu or download from Versions 3 and 2.4 work.
    • zlib. If you have problems with zlib, we recommend using the one shipped as a 3rdparty within opencv. Set ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR to 3rdparty/zlib and ZLIB_LIBRARY to build/3rdpartz/lib/zlib.lib
    • ITK : Download from the ITK web site and set review flag to ON (this can be done by using advanced mode with ccmake and settting variable Module_ITKReview to ON). Tested version 4.7.
    • SLIC: Go to lib/slic. Type ccmake .., change the OpenCV_DIR and then type make to build the slic library.
    • Go to lib/libDAI-0.2.4 and type make. Note that libDAI requires the following dependencies for Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install g++ make doxygen graphviz libboost-dev libboost-graph-dev libboost-program-options-dev


    We recommend using MSBuild to build. For example "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" opencv.sln /p:Configuration=Release /m

    • OpenCV: download archive from web site. Then create a Visual Studio solution with cmake (or cmake-gui). You might have to change the options to vuils a static library. Then compile with MSBuild.exe opencv.sln. Versions 3 and 2.4 work.
    • zlib

    If you have problems with zlib, we recommend using the one shipped as a 3rdparty within opencv. Set ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR to 3rdparty/zlib and ZLIB_LIBRARY to build/3rdparty/lib/Release/zlib.lib. In OpenCV 2.4 you may have to copy the generated zconf.h from build/3rdparty/include or sources/build/3rdparty/zlib to 3rdparty/zlib, or include both paths.

    • SLIC: Go to lib/slic and type cmake .; make
    • ITK: Download from the ITK web site and set review flag to ON (can be done by using advanced mode with ccmake and settting variable Module_ITKReview to ON). Tested version 4.7.
    • Go to lib/libDAI-0.2.4 and type cmake and MSBuild.exe dai.sln. Note that libDAI requires boost.
    • Add dirent.h to core/
    • [OPTIONAL] Install 7-zip to compress intermediary results.
  4. Main code

    Edit the variables in the "THIRD-PARTY LIBRARIES" section in CMakeLists_common.txt (you can also use the ccmake (UNIX) or cmake-gui (WINDOWS) interface). You might want to turn off some of the dependencies. Look at the USE_??? flags.

    Go to the superpixels_public directory and compile with


    mkdir build ccmake ..

    Once configured and generated run make


    mkdir build cmake-gui ..

    Once configured and generated run MSBuild.exe sliceMe.sln or open the sliceMe.sln with Visual Studio.

  5. Edit the config file

    This program relies on a configuration file that contains all the parameters needed for training or applying the algorithm to a new dataset. Below is a description of each parameter.

    • trainingDir: Input volume (TIF cube).
    • maskTrainingDir: Mask volume (TIF cube or series of png images containing black and white voxels only)
    • outputModel: Output model file (default=model.txt)
    • testDir: Test input volume (TIF cube).
    • maskTestDir: Test mask volume (TIF cube containing black and white voxels only).
    • stepForOutputFiles: output files and corresponding scores are computed every stepForOutputFiles iterations. Reasonable values are 10 for default training algorithm and 100 for stochastic optimization (-w 9 option described below).
    • featureTypes: Type of features extracted from the image/cube and used to train a model. The default value is featureTypes=33.
    • nMaxIterations: Maximum number of iterations. This number should be around 500-1000 iterations depending on how much training data is provided to the algorithm.

    An example configuration file named config.txt with a set of default parameters is provided in the root directory or on the biomed web.

  6. Running the code

    Look at howto.pdf

Additional information for developers

  • Multithreading

For ssvm, edit svm_struct_globals.h and change NTHREADS


Image Segmentation using Structured Prediction






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