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    C99 compiler and Xlib header files.

    Edit the Makefile, mantisrc and config.h if you want and then use the
    following commands (as root, if necessary):
        $ mkdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mantis-wm
        $ cp mantisrc $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mantis-wm
        # make clean install
    This will create the default directory, and then copy the default rcfile to
    it, and then build and install the mantis-wm.

    Append "exec mantis" to ~/.xinitrc.
    Notice that you will not have any cursor, panel, wallpaper, nothing.
    If one wants a left cursor pointer, one just need to use the xsetroot(1)
    tool, prepending "xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr &" into the ~/.xinitrc.

    As mantis-wm is a window manager, it does not provide a panel, and tags
    work a bit different than desktops, so the EWMH does not fit in this case.
    To provide useful information, i create and keep up-to-date two properties
    named "_MANTIS_TAG" and "_MANTIS_VIEW" on the root window.
    The _MANTIS_TAG property displays information about each single tag, and
    _MANTIS_VIEW displays the same information, but about the current
    selected tag(s).
    The first part is the only that change between both properties, which is
    1 or 0 (True or False) on _MANTIS_TAG and a serie of 1s or 0s on
    _MANTIS_VIEW. it tells whenever the tag is selected or not.
    Note: the first part of _MANTIS_VIEW is not the bitwise representation, but
    rather the linear way, from left to right, as i thought would be way more
    intuitive, i.e. 0100 for the second selected, instead of 0010.
    It is separated by spaces, and contain:
        the first is explained above
        current window number
        total window number
        total normal window number
        total floating window number
        total urgent window number
    There are a few ways to retrieve these properties, one way is using the
    xprop(1) tool, using the command "xprop -root _MANTIS_{TAG,VIEW}".


X11 Window Manager







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