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An image converter for CPC using ImageMagick. /!\ THIS SOFTWARE IS UNDER DEVELOPEMENT Feel free to join the project @

  • What is Magick2CPC?
  • Current features, usage and status
  • Limitations and issues
  • Licensing
  • Installation of Magick2CPC
  • TODO

What is Magick2CPC?

A derivative of Flight of Spring by D.Revoy, CC-By - running on caprice32

Magick2CPC is an image converter that produce source code to CPC and other old target. It supports all ImageMagick image format but does not rezise image for you. You have to provide well sized image that fit with the feature you want to perform. Unlike graphic tools, it tend to be integrating as a part of a software toolchain like in Makefile.


Magick2CPC :

  • is scriptable
  • is easy hackable
  • is portable
  • is opensource and developer welcome ( git, wiki and bugtracker @ github )
  • uses the powerful MagickWand to have many image processing features

Current features and usage:

z88dk sprite

Magick2cpc can produce source code for putsprite(). if --boolean option is used, it add a visualisation of the image as a comment. STATUS : OK

From z88dk wiki :

The sprite functions are based on a special data structure permitting dynamic sprite sizes: the first two bytes define the sprite size, while the next ones describe the picture.

The bits are right-padded to fill the last byte in a row.

cpcrslib sprite if --boolean option is used, it produces non masked sprite. list some games with source using it.

STATUS : NEED SOME WORK : only mode 0 tested.

Limitations and issues:

This concerns current situation, therefore do not understand those as immutable issues!

  • tested only on Linux (other OS support is planned)
  • you should provide ready to transform image.
  • No CPC+ specific


Magick2CPC is licensed under the GPLv3. A copy of this license is provided with Magick2CPC archive.

Installation of Magick2CPC:

A configure script is provided. If you get some trouble with it you will be able to recreate it while running script.

Run: ./configure

Note that having libmagickwand-dev installed is MANDATORY.

Then run:

 make && make install

A more detailed documentation about installation is provided in Magick2CPC archive in INSTALL document. If you want to change de prefix for instance.



  • manage sprite name
  • write examples

[cpcrslib.c] :

  • manage if image is not multiple of ppb
  • better alpha layer management
  • palette management : in progress [cpcutils.c]
  • Use ImageMagick "Custom Image Coders" to provide ImageMagick plugins, see :
  • Work with multiple image wand, see :
  • MagickHasPreviousImage() returns MagickTrue if the wand has more images when traversing the list in the reverse direction
  • MagickDeconstructImages() compares each image with the next in a sequence and returns the maximum bounding region of any pixel differences it discovers.