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Jucebouncer is a simple web service that provides fast offline (non-realtime) bouncing/rendering of simple musical content through a specified VST or other plugin. Parameter settings can be specified through JSON post data. Audio plugin interfacing is provided by JUCE.


GET /index.html or GET / for an interactive demo using Javascript.

GET /list.json to list the names and current values of all plugin parameters that can be modified. Each value is normalized to a floating-point value between 0 and 1.

GET /render.wav to render and download a WAV sound file corresponding to the entire query string decoded and parsed as JSON. For instance, GET /render.wav?{%22foo%22:%22bar%22} will be parsed as {"foo": "bar"}. See AudioRequestParameters in main.cpp for more details about what parameters are accepted. Note that you can force this endpoint to emit JSON as above by setting {'listParameters':true}. Additionally, note that this endpoint is useful when using SoundManager2 because you can simply load sounds with soundManager.createSound({..., url: "/render.wav?" + JSON.stringify(data)}).

POST /render.wav to render and download a WAV sound file corresponding to JSON content provided in the POST data, with the same semantics as the GET method.

The following CURL commands demonstrate the functionality, assuming the service is running on port 8080:

  • If the audio player SoX is installed and in your PATH, run curl localhost:8080/render.wav -s -d '{"midiPitch":80}' | play - to hear the sound.

  • Otherwise, if on OS X, run: curl localhost:8080/render.wav -d '{"midiPitch":80}' > tmp/render2.wav && echo "Playing" && afplay tmp/render2.wav

  • curl localhost:8080/list.json should emit a list of parameter names that can be manipulated.

Compiling and running

Clone this repository and run git submodule init and git submodule update to fetch the correct version of JUCE.

Before compiling, you must also make an account and download the VST 2.3 & 2.4 development kit here, since licensees are not allowed to distribute copies. Place the vstsdk2.4 directory in the lib directory such that you have files like lib/vstsdk2.4/pluginterfaces/vst2.x/aeffect.h.

At the moment, Mac OS X is the only supported platform. Installation requires CMake.

You can compile and start the server with cmake . && make && bin/jucebouncer.

Implementation Details

We use Mongoose as a multi-threaded web server. However, we must ensure that each plugin instance is only used from one thread at a time. Therefore, for each plugin of interest (currently just LinPlug's FreeAlpha synthesizer VST), we preload a pool of plugin instances. Each time a server thread wishes to perform an action, it tries (until timeout) to acquire a re-entrant mutex on one of the pool instances, then releases it once rendering completes.


Feel free to send a pull request for any reason. See the Issues page for known outstanding problems.


This software is released under the GNU General Public License and is (c) Brenton Partridge 2013.


A simple headless web service that renders audio using the JUCE framework.






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