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Mickey Scheme is an interpreter for R7RS Scheme written in C++


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Mickey R7RS Scheme

Mickey Scheme is an incomplete, slow and buggy implementation of R7RS Scheme small.

The current project goals are to

  • Provide a correct and complete implementation of R7RS-small (WG1)
  • Emphasize clarity and simplicity in the implementation
  • Be a powerful platform for experimentation and creation of a more advanced scheme compiler.

Note that Mickey is just a codeword for the early stages of this project. The name will change as the project matures.

Current Features

  • Most core scheme functions
  • Supports 164 of 240 R7RS base library definitions
  • Quotation and quasiquotation
  • Most let-forms, including named let
  • Rest arguments, also known as variadic functions
  • A macro system via syntax-rules (though, it's incomplete)
  • Lazy evaluation with memoization
  • R7RS library system
  • Experimental LLVM JIT compilation (for one function only, currently)
  • Tail call eliminiation (yeah, neither the JVM nor Python has that, so that's at least something to be a little proud of!)

Some of these are demonstrated in the example code section.

Extensions to standard Scheme and libraries

It's extremely easy to hack on Mickey Scheme. Because of this it has some experimental extensions to normal R7RS scheme:

  • First class environments via the library (mickey environment) (see examples)

Other libraries include:

Current Shortcomings

  • It's slow: The code is completely interpreted, without any optimizations. I have plans to change this.

  • It's incomplete: Some key Scheme features are still missing, and quite some R7RS library functions (currently it supports 176 of 335 R7RS definitinos).

  • It's buggy: There are inherent bugs in the engine as well as erronous implementations of library functions.

  • It does not collect garbage: Currently, there is no garbage collector. Adding a simple mark-and-sweep GC is trivial, though, so I'll get to it once I think it's important enough.

  • It doesn't support continuations (yet): I think I'll have to convert to continuation passing style for a proper implementation of this.


Run make -j check to perform a simple check, then ./mickey to play with a REPL.

The project is not really release-ready, so there is no use of autotools. The Makefile assumes you have llvm-g++ installed. If you want to compile using gcc, do something like:

CXX=g++ make -ej

to compile using g++ and in parallel.

Feature flags

  • -DUSE_READLINE and -lreadline for readline support (including TAB completion)


Mickey R7RS Scheme Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Christian Stigen Larsen

Distributed under version 2.1 of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) while also allowing anyone to change the license on a particular copy of the code to the LGPL 3.0, the GPL 2.0 or the GPL 3.0.

See the file COPYING for the full text of the LGPL 2.1.


Christian Stigen Larsen


Here are a few example code snippets for Mickey Scheme.

Besides demonstrating the basic capabilities of Mickey, it also serves as a kind of soft introduction to Scheme.

First, let's start mickey.

$ ./mickey
Mickey Scheme (C) 2011-2012 Christian Stigen Larsen              \
4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.9.00)    /\
Readline 4.2                                                    /  \_

Loaded 150 definitions
Execute (exit [ code ]) to quit
You can also (:run-test) and (list-globals)


This is the REPL, or read-evaluate-print loop. Now, let's type some code.

mickey> (display "Hello, world!\n")
Hello, world!


Let's play with lambdas. First we'll create a lambda to square a number and execute it on the fly.

mickey> ((lambda (x) (* x x)) 12)

We can it to a variable as well. Let's bind it to the variable square.

mickey> (define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
mickey> (square 12)
mickey> (square 3.1415)

Let's have some fun with lambdas. Let's create a function that creates other functions.

We'll create a general function make-adder that creates a function that can add a static number to another number.

mickey> (define make-adder
          (lambda (frozen-number)
            (lambda (x)
              (+ x frozen-number))))

As you can see, we give it a frozen-number and it returns a lambda that takes a number x and adds the two together.

So to make a function that adds 5 to its argument, we simply do

mickey> (define add5 (make-adder 5))
mickey> (add5 10)


mickey> (define add17 (make-adder 17))
mickey> (add17 10)

Writing (define (lambda (x) ...)) is tedious, so a shorter variant is available:

mickey> (define (cube x) (* x x x))
mickey> (cube 101)

Mickey uses GNU readline, so it offers both tab completion and history. And it actually works, too. Here we write (ca and hit TAB two times to see available definitions.

mickey> (ca
caaar  caadr  caar   cadr   car  

Here are car and cdr. They extract the first and remaining items in a list.

mickey> (car '(1 2 3))
mickey> (cdr '(1 2 3)))
(2 3)

I like the old school "car" and "could-er" forms because you can compose them, so that you can extract the car of the cdr like so:

mickey> (cadr '(1 2 3))

They might not be very interesting for flat lists, but they shine for accessing trees.


Here is some simple arithmetic.

mickey> (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

Summation of sequences can be calculated more quickly with

mickey> (define (seq-sum n)
          (* n (/ (+ n 1) 2)))

which gives us

mickey> (seq-sum 10)
mickey> (seq-sum 100)
mickey> (seq-sum 127)


Here is an example of the "let star" form. It creates a local variable scope, and evaluates them in the given order.

mickey> (let* ((x 2)
               (y 3)
               (z (* x y)))
               (display z))

This, of course, prints 6.

There is also a letrec form that allows for mutually recursive definitions. Or in plain english, expressions that refer to each other.

The typical example of this is to implement even? and odd? in terms of each other:

  • A number is even if the preceding number is odd, and
  • A number is odd if the preceding number is even

Since our definition is going to be mutually recursive, we need to handle base cases of zero (negative values will make the code loop forever, though).

Let's write that out, along with a check-number function.

  ((even? (lambda (n)
            (if (zero? n) #t
                (odd? (- n 1)))))

   (odd? (lambda (n)
           (if (zero? n) #f
               (even? (- n 1)))))

     (lambda (n)
       (display `(The number ,n is ,(if (even? n) 'even 'odd)))

   (check-number 2)
   (check-number 3)
   (check-number 88)
   (check-number 99))

If you run the above code in mickey, you'll get this output:

(The number 2 is even)
(The number 3 is odd)
(The number 88 is even)
(The number 99 is odd)


Now, Scheme doesn't have a when function. The when function checks whether the first argument is true. If it is, then it will evaluate --- or execute --- the code given in the remaining arguments.

You can't do this with a simple function, because it would always evaluate the code body. As an example, let's say we have a boolean variable green-light. If it's true, we'll format the hard drive:

(when green-light (format-drive))

If when was implemented as a function, it would always format the hard drive, because function parameters must be evaluated before entering the function itself.

It is clear that we need a way to control evaluation. Scheme's macros will let ut do exactly that.

So let's implement when as a hygienic macro.

mickey> (define-syntax when
          (syntax-rules ()
            ((when test expr ...)
              (if test (begin expr ...)))))

That's it. To demonstrate that we control the evaluation, let's create a function with a side effect that prints to the console when it's evaluated.

mickey> (define (say-hello) (display "Hello\n"))
mickey> (say-hello)


mickey> (when #f (say-hello))

does not print anything, which is good. In contrast,

mickey> (when #t (say-hello))

does indeed print to the console.


Now let's try some examples with quasi-quotation. Since Scheme is a symbolic language, we can easily create syntax trees for languages like SQL by just using quotation. But sometimes we'll want to embed actual computations into them, so therefore we can use the specual unquote prefix with a comma.

Here is an example of just that.

mickey> (define (sql-get-user name)
          `(select * from user where name = ,name))

Note: There is currently a bug in the mickey REPL, so that quasiquotation requires an extra closing parenthesis to parse.
This bug is not present if you run this example from a file, though.

Running the function should be self-explanatory.

mickey> (sql-get-user "foo")
(select * from user where name = "foo")

Furthermore, sometimes we want to splice two lists together when we quote. We can do that by using unquote splice, or the ,@ prefix.

mickey> (define date '(2012 05 17))
mickey> date
(2012 5 17)
mickey> `(here is a date: ,@date)
(here is a date: 2012 5 17)

Lazy evaluation

Mickey Scheme also supports delayed -- or lazy -- evaluation. That is, computations that are not executed right away.

In fact, all languages that support evaluation control (for instance, via a macro facility) and first class closures should be able to implement lazy evaluation without any external library.

Let's create a list queue that contains some code we want to execute at a later time.

(define queue
  (list (delay (display "One! "))
        (delay (display "Three! "))
        (delay (display "Two! "))))

Now we want to execute the code in the list, but reordered so that it will print "One! Two! Three!":

(force (list-ref queue 0))
(force (list-ref queue 2))
(force (list-ref queue 1))

This outputs:

One! Two! Three!


For debugging purposes, I've added some extension functions only available to Mickey Scheme.

(:syntax-expand code)

If you want to see how a macro is expanded, you can use (:syntax-expand ...). Below is an example.

mickey> (define-syntax my-when
          (syntax-rules ()
              ((my-when test expr ...)
                    (if test (begin expr ...)))))
mickey> (:syntax-expand '(my-when #t 123))
(if #t (begin 123))
mickey> (:syntax-expand '(my-when #f 123))
(if #f (begin 123))

(:debug ...)

Returns string with printable debug information.

mickey> (display (:debug "foo"))
adr=0x7fe501536560 type=pair    car=0x7fe501536340 cdr=0x7fe501536540
adr=0x7fe501536340 type=string  value='foo'
adr=0x7fe501536540 type=nil   

(:type-of ...)

Prints what type Mickey determines the expression to be.

mickey> (:type-of 123)
mickey> (:type-of '())
mickey> (:type-of "hey")

(:list->dot ...)

Convert the given expressions to Graphviz dot(1) format, which will display a graph of the cons cells.

mickey> (display (:list->dot '(root (left-child (left-grandchild) (right-child)))))
digraph Scheme {
  "0x7fefeaceaca0":head -> "0x7fefeaceab40":head ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeaceab40":head -> "0x7fefeace9cf0" ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeace9cf0" [label="root", shape="none"];
  "0x7fefeaceab40":tail -> "0x7fefeaceab20":head ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeaceab20":head -> "0x7fefeaceab00":head ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeaceab00":head -> "0x7fefeace9d50" ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeace9d50" [label="left-child", shape="none"];
  "0x7fefeaceab00":tail -> "0x7fefeaceaae0":head ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeaceaae0":head -> "0x7fefeacea9c0":head ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeacea9c0":head -> "0x7fefeacea020" ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeacea020" [label="left-grandchild", shape="none"];
  "0x7fefeacea9c0" [label="<head>|<tail>", shape="record"];
  "0x7fefeaceaae0":tail -> "0x7fefeaceaac0":head ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeaceaac0":head -> "0x7fefeaceaaa0":head ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeaceaaa0":head -> "0x7fefeaceaa20" ["ol"="box"];
  "0x7fefeaceaa20" [label="right-child", shape="none"];
  "0x7fefeaceaaa0" [label="<head>|<tail>", shape="record"];
  "0x7fefeaceaac0" [label="<head>|<tail>", shape="record"];
  "0x7fefeaceaae0" [label="<head>|<tail>", shape="record"];
  "0x7fefeaceab00" [label="<head>|<tail>", shape="record"];
  "0x7fefeaceab20" [label="<head>|<tail>", shape="record"];
  "0x7fefeaceab40" [label="<head>|<tail>", shape="record"];
  "0x7fefeaceaca0" [label="<head>|<tail>", shape="record"];

If you write the output to a file, you can render it with dot(1):

$ dot -Tpng -ofoo.png

(:closure-source ...)

Returns the quoted source for a given closure. Example:

mickey> (define (sq x) (* x x))
mickey> (:closure-source sq)
(lambda (x) (begin (* x x)))
mickey> ((eval (:closure-source sq)) 12)


Displays version number for Mickey and libraries.

mickey> (display (:version)) (newline)
(Mickey Scheme (C) 2011 Christian Stigen Larsen
 Using Readline 4.2
  Compiler version: 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build

(:exit code)

Exit Mickey, returning given code to the parent process.


Mickey Scheme has an experimental library for first-class environments. It bascially implements the API from MIT Scheme, with a few missing features.

Here is an example on how to use it.

First, let's start up mickey with an empty environment (the -z argument). An empty environment means that the REPL only has one definition, that of import. We need import because to do anything, we need to be able to import libraries.

csl$ ./mickey -z
#|                                                                 _
   Mickey Scheme (C) 2011-2012 Christian Stigen Larsen              \
   4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.11.00)   /\
   Readline 4.2                                                    /  \_

   To quit, hit CTRL+D or type (exit).  Use (help) for an

Now, let's just make sure that we don't have any binding for foo.

#; mickey> foo
Unbound definition: foo

Let's import the (mickey environment) library and define foo in a new environment that is a child of the current one.

#; mickey> (import (mickey environment))
#; mickey> (define sub-environment
                       (define foo 123)))

We still should not see foo in the current environment:

#; mickey> foo
Unbound definition: foo

But it should be available in the environment we have stored in the variable sub-environment.

#; mickey> (environment-bindings sub-environment)
((foo 123))

Let's import the (scheme write) library so we can call display, and then only the newline function from (scheme base).

#; mickey> (import (scheme write))
#; mickey> (import (only (scheme base) newline))

Now, let's evaluate an expression in the child environment to print the value of foo:

#; mickey> (environment-eval 
               (display foo)
               (newline)) sub-environment)
#; mickey> ^D

So, what's the point with first class environments? You can use it do to stuff like implementing your own module system. The reason they are not part of standard Scheme is because they make it very difficult to reason about what a program does just by reading the code.

Therefore, implementations are allowed to implement them on their own.


It's possible to write libraries in C and call them from Mickey Scheme.

Since Mickey does not use a build system yet, the process is a little bit cumbersome.

First you write a small library in C. Let's say we want to be able to call the uname(3) function from Mickey. We'll just write some wrapper code in C:

#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include "mickey.h"

extern "C" cons_t* proc_uname(cons_t* args, environment_t* env)
  struct utsname p;

  if ( uname(&p) != 0 )
    return boolean(false);

  // Return utsname as an associative list
    cons(cons(symbol("sysname",  NULL), cons(string(p.sysname))),
    cons(cons(symbol("nodename", NULL), cons(string(p.nodename))),
    cons(cons(symbol("release",  NULL), cons(string(p.release))),
    cons(cons(symbol("version",  NULL), cons(string(p.version))),
    cons(cons(symbol("machine",  NULL), cons(string(p.machine))))))));

Note that if you use a C++ compiler with the above code, you must prefix the function with extern "C" to avoid the infamous C++ name-mangling.

To compile this, do something à la

gcc -shared -fPIC -I<mickey path> mickey-uname.c \
    -L<mickey path> -lmickey -o

This should give you a file. To load this file from Mickey, we have to start mickey and then import the (unix dlopen) library.

csl$ ./mickey
#|                                                                 _
   Mickey Scheme (C) 2011-2012 Christian Stigen Larsen              \
   4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2336.11.00)   /\
   Readline 4.2                                                    /  \_

   To quit, hit CTRL+D or type (exit).  Use (help) for an

#; mickey> (import (unix dlopen))

Let's load the library using the dlopen options RTLD_NOW and RTLD_LOCAL. You can omit the options to use default dlopen mode. I'm just showing you how to specify several options.

#; mickey> (define lib-uname (dlopen "" 'now 'local))

Now lib-uname contains a handle to the library.

#; mickey> lib-uname
#<pointer 'dynamic-shared-library-handle' 0x7ffb63436460>

Let's get a reference to the proc_uname function and bind that to the variable uname:

#; mickey> (define uname (dlsym lib-uname "proc_uname"))

If dlsym fails, it will return #f. Let's see if it worked:

#; mickey> uname
#<closure 0x7ffb6343b550>

It did! Let's try executing it.

#; mickey> (uname)
 ((sysname "Darwin") (nodename "Christians-mac-8.local") (release "12.0.0")
 (version "Darwin Kernel Version 12.0.0: Sun Jun 24 23:00:16 PDT 2012;
 root:xnu-2050.7.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64") (machine "x86_64"))

It returns the struct as an a-list, so we can do

#; mickey> (assv 'version (uname))
(version "Darwin Kernel Version 12.0.0: Sun Jun 24 23:00:16 PDT 2012;


#; mickey> (assv 'machine (uname))
(machine "x86_64")



Mickey Scheme is an interpreter for R7RS Scheme written in C++



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