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// ~ Overview ~ //

//This assignment will familiarize you with 2-dimensional arrays and
//some more file operations.

//The README should be read together with the figures in sample5.pdf.

// ~ Learning Goals ~ //

(1) To learn to perform file operations
(2) To learn to create and manipulate 2-dimensional arrays using 
malloc and free function.
(3) To learn to solve a maze traversal problem

// ~ Submitting Your Assignment ~ //

You must submit two files:

(1) answer03.c
(2) pa03.c

Use the following command to create a zip file and submit the
zip file through Blackboard.
> zip answer03.c pa03.c

// ~ Overview ~ //

//This exercise will give you more practice with file operations,
//memory allocation, and recursions (if you model your solution
//after the code provided by the instructor in answer03.c).

//You are in charge of a special mission.  In particular, your
//job is to guide a special agent through a maze, beginning at some
//source location and reaching some destination location, taking a
//shortest path.

//Based on a pre-processed satellite images of the maze, where the walls 
//of maze are stored as 'X' and the paths are stored as ' ', you want to 
//provide the directions that the special agent, who has been air-dropped
//to the source location within the maze, can take to reach the destination
//location with the shortest distance because time is critical.

In this exercise, you will write the following functions:

//(1) Given a file containing the satellite "image" of a rectangular
//maze, compute and store the directions to be taken by the agent
//to reach the destination location in the shortest distance, starting from a 
//source location.  The directions will be stored in a different file (12 points).
//(2) Given a file containing the satellite "image" of a rectangular
//maze, the directions to be taken by the special agent in another 
//file, simulate the moves of the agent, count the number of locations
//visited by the agent, and print an "image" representing the maze traversed
//by the agent (6 points).
//(3) The main function, which, depending on a user-given option, 
//calls the function in (1) or (2) accordingly. (2 points).

//Details of these functions are provided below.

// ~ Input file format ~ //

Just like in PE07 and PE08, we are concerned with only rectangular
mazes.  The mazes that we would consider are the mazes that are
produced by the program amaze.c or expanded by a program in PE08.

//You may assume that if a given file exists, it contains a valid maze.

// ~ Output file format ~ //

//There are two files that you will output:  a file containing the 
//directions for the first function, and a file containing the visited
//maze for the second function.

For the directions file, it contains a stream of characters
'N', 'S', 'E', 'W' (all upper case), which stand for the
north (up), south (down), east (right), west (left) directions, 
respectively.  A 'N' ('S') character, for example, means that the agent should 
move north (south) by 1 row.  A 'E' ('W') character means that the agent
should move east (west) by 1 column.  No other characters, including space
and newline characters, are allowed in the file.  In other words, if we use 
the vi editor to open a direction file, the editor should say that it is 
an incomplete file.  For the example sample5, a directions file for a 
shortest distance path from the source location (0,5) to the destination 
location (12,11) is in sample5.dir.  An alternative directions file is in 

//For the visited maze, the format is somewhat similar to an input file
//for a maze.  The difference is that that locations that have been visited
//along the path taken by the agent (in the simulation) should have the space 
//character ' ' (PATH) replaced by '.' (VISITED).  For the directions file 
//sample5.dir (or sample5.dir2), the path taken the agent is shown in 
//the file sample5.dir.visited (or sample5.dir2.visited).

// ~ Functions to be written ~ // 

//In answer03.h, two functions are declared:

//int DFS_shortest_path_directions(char *mazefile, char *directionfile,
                        Coord source, Coord destination);

//int Simulate_movement(char *mazefile, char *directionfile, char *visitedfile,
                      Coord source, Coord destination);

//You have to define these two functions in answer03.c.

//There are many other functions that would be useful to your program.
//For example, the Allocate_maze_space and Deallocate_maze_space functions
//in PE08 are probably needed in this assignment.  You should go through 
//PE07 and PE08 to select the important functions that you want to include in 
//this assignment.  Moreover, you will probably need other functions, but we will
//not specify them here.  All these functions should be declared and defined 
//in answer03.c.  (Note that you cannot declare these additional functions
//in answer03.h because you are not submitting answer03.h.)  Note that a 
//function must be declared (the declaration states the return type and the 
//input parameters) before it is called by another function.  

//pa03.c should contain only the main function and nothing else.  The only two 
//user-defined functions that pa03.c would call in the main function are 
//the two functions declared in answer03.h: DFS_shortest_path_directions and

// ~ DFS_shortest_path_directions function ~ //

//Two filenames are given to the function: the first one contains the given 
maze, and second one is to be written with the directions that guide an 
agent from a source location to a destination location using a shortest path.
Both the source and destination are given as the third and fourth parameters
of the function, respectively.

//If the maze file does not exist, you should immediately exit the function
//and return -1.

//If the maze file exists, you are to assume that the maze is either generated 
//from amaze.c, the program from Henry Kroll that is given to you in PE07 or 
//expanded from such a maze in PE08.  

//If you could not read and store a maze into a Maze structure, you should
//exit the function and return -1.

//If the source and destination locations are invalid (not in the
//range and not a PATH), you should exit the function and return -1. 

//When you return -1 from this function because of the 
//aforementioned reasons, the directions file should not be created. 

//If you cannot open the directions file for writing, you should also 
//return -1.  

//Beyond this stage, you should not return -1, and the directions file
//has been created.

//The function should determine the directions that would allow the agent
//to use only PATH locations to reach the destination location from
//the source location using a shortest path.  Recall that each step taken
//the agent takes the agent up/down the current row occupied by the agent
//or to the left/right of the current column occupied by the agent.  In other 
//words, this function should determine the fewest number of steps 
//for the agent to reach the destination location from the source location.  
//As each step is represented by a character, the steps
//taken by the agent should be output to the directions file.  

//The agent should not take a step that would let him/her collide with a 
//WALL or go out of bound.  Moreover, for the path taken to be the shortest, the 
//agent should never re-visit a location.

The function should return the number of steps taken by the agent.  
(Note that the number of steps taken by the agent should be the same as
the size of the directions file.  If for some reason, you cannot write
a direction character into the directions file, you should still, at this
stage, return the number of steps taken by the agent.)

//Before you exit the function, you should always close all files you 
//have opened and free all memory you have allocated.

For sample5, integer 22 is returned by the DFS_shortest_path_directions 
function for source location (0,5) and destination location (12,11).  
The output directions file is sample5.dir or sample5.dir2. 

// ~ Hint on the implementation of DFS_shortest_path_directions ~ //

//The "DFS" in the name is the acronym for Depth First Search, which
//is typically used to describe a method based on recursion, because 
//a recursive function always seeks to call itself until it reaches a
//terminating condition, when we have the largest depth of the recursion.

//In answer03.c, we provide the code for finding a path from the top left-most
//entrance to a maze to the bottom right-most exit of the said maze.
//This function takes in three parameters: the maze file, the directions file,
//and also a visited maze file that records which locations in the maze have
//been visited to find the directions.  The 
//Find_path_from_top_entrance_to_bottom_exit function uses a recursive helper
//function called Pathfinder_helper to find a path.  

//In this helper function, we mark the current location VISITED.  If the current 
//location is the bottom exit, we found a path (this is the terminating
//condition).  We will explain how we output the path later.

//If we have not reached the destination location, we explore the 'N', 
//'S', 'E', and 'W' of a current location using recursions.  
//If the location to the 'N' is within bound and it is a PATH, we visit all 
//locations reachable from there by recursively calling the helper function.   
//This is achieved by providing the updated current location (with the curr
//decremented because we are going 1 row up) and also that the distance
//from the top entrance is incremented by 1.  If the destination location can be 
//reached by going north, we print the step taken to be 'N'.  Otherwise, we 
//proceed to try 'S', 'E', and 'W'.  If none of these give us a path to the 
//destination location, we return -1.

//How is the path from the top entrance to the bottom exit printed?  When we 
//reach the bottom exit (the terminating condition), we know how many steps it 
//takes to reach there from the top entrance.  Let count be the number of 
//steps, we first output count number of '.' characters to the directions file.  
//These '.' characters will be replaced by the actual directions later on.
//Now, the position index is 1 character after the last invalid direction
//character '.' in the directions file.  

//Therefore, when after a recursive call of the Pathfinder_helper, we know that 
//the bottom exit has been found, we have to move the position index 1 position 
//backward, write the actual direction taken to reach the bottom exit.  After 
//the actual direction taken is output to the directions file, the position 
//index is again 1 position after the most recent step. We therefore have to 
//move the position index 1 position backward again.  Now the the position index 
//of the directions file is again 1 position after the last invalid direction 
//character '.' in the directions file.

//(Note that there are other ways to change how the directons are determined and
//written to the directions file such that we do not have to perform so many
//fseek operations.)

//For the maze in sample5, the top left-most entrance is at (0,5) and the
//bottom right-most exit is at (12,11).  Using the 
//Find_path_from_top_entrance_to_bottom_exit function, we found the
//directions and stored the directions in sample5.tdir.  The locations in
//the maze that have been explored in order to find this path are stored in
//sample5.tdir.explored.  To demonstrate how the recursion works, the 
//computation tree (incomplete) to find the path is shown in sample5.pdf.
//We start from location (0,5) and a distance from the top entrance of 0.
//(You may uncomment the first statement of the Pathfinder_helper and use
//the screen output to help you with tracing through the explored maze.)

//Part (1) of the figure shows the path from (0,5) to (7,7) after 17 steps.  
//We continue from (7,7) and reach location (9,7).  Since we explore
//in the order of 'N', 'S', 'E', and 'W' directions, we call Pathfinder_helper 
//with the 'S' direction because an invalid location is in the 'N' direction
//(that location has been visited).  We would reach (11,5), which would allow 
//us to explore in the 'N', 'S', and 'W', directions (see part (3)), but none 
//of them would allow us to reach the bottom exit.  

//The recursion will now find its way back to location (9,7), and we would 
//now explore in the 'E' direction.  When we reach (7,11) (see part (4)) in 
//a distance of 25 steps from the source, we would explore the 'N' direction
//first, which would not lead us to the bottom exit.  We would then explore the
//'E' direction, which allow us to reach the bottom exit.  We return the value 
//38, the number of steps it takes to reach the bottom exit, and along the way 
//of "backtracking" to the caller functions, print the directions to the 
//directions file.

//Note that the Find_path_from_top_entrance_to_bottom_exit function relies
//on many functions that you have written for PE08.  You have to 
//copy those functions over into answer03.c before you can compile the
//given pa03.c and answer03.c.  Please note that these functions you are
//copying over should be declared and defined in answer03.c.  Do not attempt
//to declare these functions in answer03.h, because you are not submitting

//Let pa03 be the executable (see later for how the program should be compiled), 
//the command

> ./pa03 -t sample5 sample5.tdir sample5.tdir.explored

//should print 38 on the screen and output the directions to sample5.tdir,
//and the explored maze to sample5.tdir.explored.  If you have written
//the simulation function and the main function correctly, the command

//> ./pa03 -s sample5 sample5.tdir sample5.tdir.visited 0 5 12 11

//should print 39 on the screen and output the visited maze to 

//Note also that Pathfinder_helper is also declared as a static function.
//This means that this function can be used by functions in answer03.c.
//It cannot be used by functions in other files.  The advantage of declaring
//a function to be static is that you do not have to worry that the function
//has a name that would clash with functions declared and defined in other

//You can try to change the order in which the neighboring locations of the
//current location are explored.  You may get different directions, different
//length of the path, and also different explored maze.

How can you modify the Find_path_from_top_entrance_to_bottom_exit function 
for the implementation of your DFS_shortest_path_directions?  First, you
have to recognize that you have to write a different helper function.  
In Pathfinder_helper, you do not explore a location after
it has been visited.  However, that is not true when you are looking for
the shortest path.  Let's take the maze in sample5 as an example.
In sample5.pdf part (1), let's examine the directions explored at location
(1,5).  At (1,5), we have to explore 'N', 'S', 'E', and 'W'.  However, we
just came from (0,5), so, the recursive call in the 'N' direction is not
attempted.  What we have is the recursive call in the 'S' direction.  Upon
the completion of that recursive call, we have 38 being returned.  Therefore,
we skipped over the exploration in the 'E' and 'W' directions.  

Now, imagine if the returned value is -1. In that case, Pathfinder_helper 
would still skip over the exploration in the 'E' direction, because (1,6) has 
been visited.  We would explore only in the 'W' direction.  In fact, 
(1,6) has a distance of 48 from (0,5) (see part (5) in sample.pdf).  However, 
(1,6) has a shortest distance of 1 from (1,5) (and
a shortest distance of 2 from (0,5)).  In other words, in the determination 
of a shortest path, having visited a location earlier should not prevent the 
location from being explored again.  As long as we can reach the location with 
a shorter distance, we should always explore in that direction to see whether
we can find an alternative path to the destination location with a shorter
distance.  (Do you see a new terminating condition for your new recursive 

Similarly, in Pathfinder_helper, we reach (5,6) with a distance of 48.  
However, (5,5) has a distance of 13 from the top-entrance.  Therefore, we can 
reach (5,6) with a shorter distance of 14.

In other words, we cannot stop exploring a visited location in the
new helper function.  We will explore a visited location as long as we
can reach a visited location with a shorter distance.  You would therefore
have to store the current best distance of every location from the source
location.  We suggest that you use a two-dimensional array of int's to store
those current best distances.  You would also have to initialize these
distances properly so that you do not miss out a shortest path.  You may 
assume that the product of the dimensions of a maze is no larger than INT_MAX.
Upon the complete execution of the recursive helper function, this array
of int's should contain the shortest distances from the source locations
to all other locations in the maze. 

Another challenge is for you to print the directions of the shortest
path from the source to the destination.  You probably have to write
another recursive helper function to trace a path from the destination
to the source.  You should use the same two-dimensional array of int's 
(storing the shortest distances to all locations in the maze from the
source location) to help you in tracing a path from the destination to 
the source.  When you reach the source, you will start returning from all 
the recursive calls of this helper function.  Now is the time to output the 
directions to the directions file.

// ~ Simulate_movement function ~ //

//Three filenames are given to the function:  The first one is the given maze,
//the second one is a directions file.  The third one should be used to print
//the visited maze (visitedfile).  Two locations (as Coord's) are also given 
//to the function.  They are the source location and the destination location.

//If the maze file does not exist, you should exit the function
//and return -1.

//If the maze file exists, you are to assume that the maze is either generated 
//from amaze.c, the program from Henry Kroll that is given to you in PE07 or 
//expanded from such a maze in PE08.  

//If you can't allocate memory to store the maze, you should exit the 
//function and return -1.  

//If the direction file does not exist, you should exit the
//the function and return -1.

//If the source and destination locations are invalid (not in the
//range and not a PATH), you should exit the function and return -1. 

//When you return -1 from the function because of the aforemented reason,
//the output file for the visited maze (i.e., visitedfile) should not be created.

//The following applies when the maze file, directions file exist,
//and the source and destination locations are valid.  

//At the beginning, the agent is positioned at the source location.
//That location will always be visited regardless of the contents of the 
//directions file.

//Depending on the direction character read from the directions file, the 
//agent moves North or South by a row, or East or West by a column.   The 
//simulation terminates when

//(i) you reach the end of the directions file:  If the agent is at the 
//destination location, you output the visited maze into the third file, with 
//each location visited by the agent now represented by '.'.  You return 
//the number of locations that have been visited.

//(ii) you reach the end of the direction file:  If the agent is not at
//the destination location, you still output the visited maze into the third 
//file, with each location visited by the agent now represented by '.'.  
//However, you return -1.

//(iii) you encounter an illegal direction: (a) the character is not one of the
//'N', 'S', 'E', 'W';  (b) the direction will take the agent out of bound; or
//(c) the direction will take the agent to a location with WALL.  You output the 
//maze that was visited by all legal directions so far, and return -1.  

//If for whatever reason, you cannot print the visited maze to the
//visitedfile, you should return -1.

//The only time you return a number other than -1 is when the directions
//file allows the agent to move the source to destination, and the visited maze
//could be printed to the visitedfile.

//Before you exit the function, you should always close all files you 
//have opened and free all memory you have allocated.

//For sample5 and directions file sample5.dir (sample5.dir2), integer 23 
//is returned by the Simulate_movement  function.  The file storing the
//visited maze is sample5.dir.visited (sample5.dir2.visited).

// ~ main function ~//

The main function expects "-s" or "-m" to supplied as argv[1].
If not, the executable should exit with EXIT_FAILURE.

//If the "-s" is the first argument to the executable, it means that
//you should perform simulation to verify that the agent can reach the
//destination using the directions provided.  We expect 7 arguments to follow 
//the "-s" option.  The arguments, in order, should be the maze file, the 
//directions file, and the output file for the visited maze, the row and 
//column coordinates of the source location and the row and column coordinates 
//of the destination location.  You call the simulation function
//only if you have sufficient arguments.  Also, you have to perform
//string-to-integer conversions of the last 4 arguments into
//source and destination coordinates.  We suggest that you use 
//strtol to perform the conversion and use the second parameter
//of strtol to check whether the string being converted contains
//only valid symbols for an integer (base 10).  You call
//the simulation function only if the source and destination coordinates
//are integers converted from strings that contain only valid symbols.
//Otherwise, you should exit with EXIT_FAILURE.

//For example, when the following command is issued

> ./pa03 -s mazefile directionsfile visitedfile 5 0 10 101

//where 5 and 0 are the row and column coordinates
//of the source location, respectively, and 10 and 101 are the
//row and column coordinates of the destination location,   
//the simulation function should be called.  

//Note that it is the role of the simulation function to check whether the 
//coordinates are valid for the input mazefile.  

//The following commands are used to produced sample5.dir.visited, 
//sample5.dir2.visited, sample5.tdir.visited, respectively:

> ./pa03 -s sample5 sample5.tdir sample5.tdir.visited 0 5 12 11
> ./pa03 -s sample5 sample5.dir sample5.dir.visited 0 5 12 11
> ./pa03 -s sample5 sample5.dir2 sample5.dir2.visited 0 5 12 11

//The screen output are 39, 23, and 23, respectively.

//The following command

//> ./pa03 -s mazefile directionsfile visitedfile 5 0abc 10 101

//will not result in the calling of the simulation function because
//one of last four arguments is a string with invalid symbols.

//(We have covered the function strtol in stdlib.h in lectures and they
//have appeared in the sample programs provided by the instructors and also 
//in PE04.  If you cannot recall the details, please google "man strtol" or 
//use the command "man strtol".  There are examples toward the end of the 
//manual page to show you how to use strtol.)

//Immediately after the simulation, you should print to stdout
//the returned value of the simulation function with the following
//printf format: "%d\n".

//If the "-m" is the first argument to the executable, it means that 
//you should determine the directions for the agent.  The following arguments,
//in order, should be the maze file, the directions file for storing the
//directions computed by your function, and the row-column coordinates
//of the source and destination locations (see the description in
//the "-s" option).  You call the shortest-path function to determine the 
//directions only if you have sufficient arguments and that the coordinates
//are integers converted from strings with only valid symbols.  Otherwise, 
//you should exit with EXIT_FAILURE.

//Immediately after the shortest-path function, you should print to stdout
//the returned value of the shortest-path function with the following
//printf format: "%d\n".

The following command has been used to generate sample5.dir:

> ./pa03 -m sample5 sample5.dir 0 5 12 11

The program should print 22 to the screen.

//Note that you should write the simulation function before the
//shortest-path function.  In a sense, the simulation function helps to
//test whether your shortest-pathh function is partially correct.  The main 
//function is designed to help you to write a useful function (like the 
//shortest-path function) and a testing function (like the simulation function).

//Note that the only two functions defined in answer03.c 
//that would be called by the main functions are the two functions
//declared in answer03.h.  

//In the pa03.c provided to you, we use option "-t" to call the function
//Find_path_from_top_entrance_to_bottom_exit.  You may remove this part
//of the program in your final submission, or you may keep it.  We will not
//evaluate your program with the "-t" option.

// ~ WARNINGS ~ //

The following gcc command will be used for

> gcc -Wall -Werror -Wshadow -g pa03.c answer03.c -o pa03

Note that we have provided in a skeleton pa03.c file that contains a 
function call to compute a path from the top left-most entrance to the
bottom right-most exit of a maze.  The path finder function (see
the description given above) is in the skeleton answer03.c file.
The path finder function also assumes certain functions written in
pe08.c.  You should be able to compile the program if you copy
these functions from your pe08.c to answer03.c.
(You should write a Makefile to help you with compilation and
testing of the program.)

If your submitted code does not compile, you will get zero for this exercise.

We will check for memory leakage.  Memory leakage will result in 
50% penalty.


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