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meego-ux-components Readme

You can install the meego-ux-components via zypper:
 sudo zypper install meego-ux-components
 sudo zypper install meego-ux-components-devel

or build them yourself:

// necessary additional libraries:
$ zypper in contextkit-devel
$ zypper in kcalcore-devel
$ zypper in libX11-devel
$ zypper in libXcomposite-devel
$ zypper in libXdamage-devel
$ zypper in libcontentaction-devel
$ zypper in libexif-devel
$ zypper in libqtopengl-devel
$ zypper in mlite-devel
$ zypper in pulseaudio-devel
$ zypper in qt-devel-tools
$ zypper in qt-mobility-devel

// then build the project:
$ qmake
$ make install

You can find detailed documentation in the qml-files themselves, create
documentation files via qdoc3 (see on bottom) or "make doc".

- Examples for meego-ux-components -
We provide two examples in which you can see and test the
meego-ux-components in use.  You can find these examples in the git
or if you installed them via zypper in:

You can start the examples with:
- on chroot in the folder of the example:
  qmlviewer -frameless main.qml
- on target hardware, in the terminal started from home desktop: 
  export DISPLAY=:0
  meego-qml-launcher --fullscreen --opengl \
                     --app meego-ux-components-widgetgallery
  meego-qml-launcher --fullscreen --opengl \
                     --app meego-ux-components-app-photos

- Widget gallery -
You can find a widget gallery under:
git repository:  meego-components/examples/meego-ux-components-widgetgallery/

All currently available meego-ux-components can be found
here. 'Widgets' shows basic interface items, 'Modal Dialogs' shows
high level widgets like the PhotoPicker.

- Photo App -
An actual example for an meego-ux-components based application is the
photos application found under:
git repository: meego-ux-components/examples/meego-ux-components-app-photos

- Tutorial -

An step by step description of the Window-Book-Page concept and the
usage of MeeGo-Components.  Please refer to the Documentation for
further information.  
git repository: meego-ux-components/examples/meego-ux-components-tutorial

- Getting started -
To use the meego-components import them via:
 import MeeGo.Components 0.1

Start by simply building a first main window like:

// import Qt 4.7
// import MeeGo.Components 0.1
// Window {
//     id: window
//     bookMenuModel: [ "My First Page" ]    // sets the book context menu
//     bookMenuPayload: [ myFirstPage ]
//     Component.onCompleted: switchBook( myFirstPage )
//     Component {
//         id: myFirstPage
//         AppPage {
//             Text { id: simpleText; anchors.centerIn: parent; 
//                    text: "Hello World!" }
//         }
//     }
// }

- Available components -
The available components are listed below. 
* Basic widgets provide basic UI-elements and structure.
* Modal dialogs are high level widgets that provide complex
  functionality inside an meego-ux-components Window/Page structure.
* Basic components are qml-files that provide basic functionality used
  by other components.

Basic widgets:
- Button
- ExpandingBox
- IconButton
- PopupList
- RadioButton
- RadioGroup
- Slider
- ProgressBar
- TextField
- ToggleButton
- Window-Page structure (Window, AppPage, PageStack)

Modal dialogs:
- DatePicker
- ContextMenu
- ModalMessageBox
- MusicPicker
- PhotoPicker
- TimePicker
- VideoPicker

Basic components:
- MucMediaGridView
- ScrollableMusicList
- ModalDialog
- ModalFog
- ScrollableMusicList
- Theme
- TopItem

- Documentation -

To update the documentation with qdoc3 please type in your bash:
$ cd doc
$ qdoc3 meego-ux-components.qdocconf
The documentation will be created in doc/html/meego-ux-components.html