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A simple library for parsing and packing fundamental types for building network protocols. Licensed under the permissive ISC license. See the LICENSE file for details. Comments and improvements are welcome.

NOTE: The tests supplied in tests do not exhaustively test the contracts of all of the functions, but they do check for many different errors.

System Requirements

  • C99 compiler
  • stdlib: malloc, realloc, free, memmove, memcpy, strlen
  • 8-bit char type
  • Signed integers are represented using two's complement
  • Floats are IEEE 754 32 bit floats in host endian
  • Doubles are IEEE 754 64 bit floats in host endian

Example Usage

Parsing a structure containing a varint and a short:

struct mcp_parse buf = MCP_START_INITIALIZER(base, size);
mcp_varint_t a = mcp_varint(&buf);
uint16_t b = mcp_ushort(&buf);
if (!mcp_ok(&buf))
	/* There was an error! */
/* Otherwise, everything is fine. */

Packing the same struct back into a fbuf:

struct fbuf buf = FBUF_INITIALIZER;
int ret = 0;
ret |= mcg_varint(buf, a);
ret |= mcg_ushort(buf, b);
if (ret)
    /* There was an error! */
/* Otherwise, everything is fine. */

Reading from a unix socket into a fbuf:

void *ptr = fbuf_wptr(&buf, BLOCK_SIZE);
if (ptr == NULL)
    /* Error: Buffer full. */
ssize_t ret = read(fd, ptr, fbuf_wavail(&buf));
if (ret <= 0)
    /* Error: see man read (2) */
fbuf_produce(&buf, ret);
/* report that we have read ret bytes from fd */

Writing to a unix socket from a fbuf:

if (fbuf_avail(&buf) == 0)
    /* Error: No data in buffer to write. */
ssize_t ret = write(fd, fbuf_ptr(&buf), fbuf_avail(&buf));
if (ret < 0)
    /* Error: see man write (2) */
fbuf_consume(&buf, ret);
/* report that we have written ret bytes to fd */

API Documentation



The default and maximum value of max_size; the absolute maximum size of a fbuf.


Equivalent to calling fbuf_init with FBUF_MAX.

void fbuf_init(struct fbuf *buf, size_t max)

Sets up an buf for first use. Limiting the maximum size of the buffer to max bytes. Only call this function once per fbuf object.

void fbuf_clear(struct fbuf *buf);

Clears any data waiting in the buf, but keeps the memory block.

void fbuf_free(struct fbuf *buf);

Resets buf as if it were just initialized with fbuf_init. Frees any block of memory owned by fbuf. Does not free buf, i.e. does not call free(buf).

const unsigned char *fbuf_ptr(struct fbuf *buf);

Returns a pointer to the beginning of the data waiting in the buffer. Use fbuf_avail to get the size of the block of data returned.

The pointers returned by fbuf_wptr and fbuf_ptr are invalidated by all fbuf_ calls to the same fbuf object except fbuf_wptr with a require argument of zero, fbuf_wavail, fbuf_ptr, and fbuf_avail.

size_t fbuf_avail(struct fbuf *buf);

Returns the size of data waiting in the fbuf.

unsigned char *fbuf_wptr(struct fbuf *buf, size_t require);

Returns a pointer to use when writing data into buf. Expands the buffer to guarantee that the pointer returned will be at least require bytes long. If the memory allocation failed, fbuf_wptr will return NULL.

The pointers returned by fbuf_wptr and fbuf_ptr are invalidated by all fbuf_ calls to the same fbuf object except fbuf_wptr with a require argument of zero, fbuf_wavail, fbuf_ptr, and fbuf_avail.

size_t fbuf_wavail(struct fbuf *buf);

Returns the maximum size that wptr can satisfy without expanding the buf.

void fbuf_unproduce(struct fbuf *buf, size_t sz);

Deletes sz bytes from the end of the buffer.

void fbuf_produce(struct fbuf *buf, size_t sz);

Commits sz bytes to the buffer that have been written to the pointer returned by the most recent call to fbuf_wptr.

void fbuf_consume(struct fbuf *buf, size_t sz);

Removed sz bytes from buf starting from the pointer returned by the most recent call to fbuf_ptr.

size_t fbuf_expand(struct fbuf *buf, size_t requested_size);

Resizes buf so it can hold at least requested_size more bytes in addition to the data waiting in the buffer. fbuf_expand returns the the same value as fbuf_wavail

void fbuf_compact(struct fbuf *buf);

Rotates the buffer data so that the buffer starts at the data waiting in the buffer, making future writes are more efficient. If you are doing many repeated reads and writes, you should call this function to prevent the buffer from much larger than the size of the data waiting in the buffer.

int fbuf_shrink(struct fbuf *buf, size_t new_max);

Changes the max size of the buf to new_max. Returns 0 if fbuf_shrink succeeds without error, or 1 if new_max is too low and would truncate data waiting in buf.

int fbuf_copy(struct fbuf *dest, const void *src, size_t size);

Copies size bytes from src into dest, expanding the buffer if necessary. If the copy succeeds without error, fbuf_copy returns 0. Otherwise, it returns 1 on error.


Fundamental Types
mcp type c type mcp type ctype
raw void * ubyte uint8_t
bytes void * with size_t short uint16_t
string utf-8 char * NUL-terminated uint uint32_t
bool int as 1 or 0 ulong uint64_t
varint uint32_t byte int8_t
varlong uint64_t short int16_t
svarint int32_t int int32_t
svarlong int64_t long int16_t
float float double double

The maximum accepted size of a bytes object. Useful for compatibility with implementations that use varint28 as a length prefix.


No error, the parser will continue to parse data from the buffer.


An overrun occurred, there was not enough data in the buffer to completely read the type requested. Retry again later with more data.


There was not enough memory to complete the operation.


An overflow was encountered when trying to parse the data in the buffer.


An invalid value was encountered when trying to parse the data in the buffer.

NOTE: on error, the parser is left in an undefined state. You can copy the parser to save it's state if you need to.

int mcp_ok(struct mcp_parse *buf);

Returns 1 if there are no errors asserted on buf. 0 otherwise.

enum mcp_error_t mcp_error(struct mcp_parse *buf);

Returns the error code asserted on buf.

void mcp_start(struct mcp_parse *buf. const void *base, size_t size);

Initializes the parser, buf, for use with size bytes starting at base.

int mcp_eof(struct mcp_parse *buf);

Returns 1 if the parser has reached the end of the buffer. 0 otherwise.

size_t mcp_avail(struct mcp_parse *buf);

Returns the number of bytes waiting to be processed in buf.

size_t mcp_copy_*type*(type *dest, struct mcp_parse *buf, size_t max_size);

If dest, which is max_size bytes long, is large enough to hold the object in buf, then mcp_copy_*type* copies the object into dest and consumes it from buf and returns the size in bytes of the resultant object in dest, if applicable, including the NUL-terminator. If dest is too small to hold the object MCP_EOVERFLOW is not asserted, and is not copied to dest and the object is not consumed from buf. If there was an error decoding the object from buf the error is asserted on buf and zero is returned and the parser is left in an undefined state.

NOTE: For an object to be consumed, the parser simply advances the pointer past the object.

*type* mcp_*type*(struct mcp_parse *buf);

Decodes and and consumes returns the decoded object from buf. If there was an error in decoding the object, an error is asserted on buf and a place-holder value is returned (typically zero) and the parser is left an an undefined state.

WARNING: Pointers returned by this function with the types raw and bytes are only valid as long as base is valid. mcp_copy_type does not have this restriction, but is slightly less efficient due to a copy.

NOTE: For an object to be consumed, the parser simply advances the pointer past the object.

int mcg_*type*(struct fbuf *buf, *type* value);

Packs an value into buf, expanding buf if necessary. Returns 0 if successful and 1 if there was an error. On error, partial values may be written. If you need an all-or-nothing call, store the old buffer size and uncommit any partial writes.

An example implementation of this is:

size_t old_avail = fbuf_avail(buf);
int ret = 0;
/* call generators */
ret |= mcg_varint_(buf, a);
ret |= mcg_ushort(buf, b);
/* ... */
if (ret) {
	/* rollback writes */
	fbuf_unproduce(old_avail - fbuf_avail(buf));
	/* handle error */
/* generator succeeded */


MCP base types library







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