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1 Compiling an at91bootstrap project

1.1 GNU ARM Toolchain
1.1.1 Linux

AT91Bootstrap has been compiled and tested under Linux using the following GNU ARM
binary distribution which can be downloaded from the following URL:
GCC-3.4 toolchain: binutils-2.15, gcc-3.4.3-c-c++-java, newlib-1.12.0, insight-6.1, tar.bz2
(or newer)
Once your toolchain is installed, install at91bootstrap in a directory and cd into it.

1.1.2 Windows

AT91Bootstrap has been compiled and tested under Cygwin using the following GNU ARM
binary distribution which can be downloaded from the following URL:
GCC-4.1 toolchain: binutils-2.16.1, gcc-4.1.0-c-c++, newlib-1.14.0, insight-6.4, setup.exe
(or newer)
Note: Cygwin can be downloaded from the following URL:

1.2 Compiling DataFlashBoot

1.2.1 AT91SAM9261-EK
Go into the project directory
>  cd board/at91sam9261ek/dataflash
>  make

Configurations are in Makefile and at91sam9261ek.h files and can be modified according your needs.

1.2.2 AT91SAM9260-EK
Go into the project directory
>  cd board/at91sam9260ek/dataflash
>  make

Configurations are in Makefile and at91sam9260ek.h files and can be modified according your needs.

===  WARNING for AT91SAM9260 DataFlashBoot							===
DataFlashBoot binary image size must be less than 4kBytes as it is the AT91SAM9260 internal available SRAM size.

According the GCC toolchain which is used (GCC-3.4 Toolchain or less), resulting code size
may be higher than the allowed 4kBytes. In such a case, either update your GCC toolchain to
a more recent one (GCC-4.0 Toolchain or higher) or do not use the provided gpio driver to
configure SDRAM PIOs for example. Indeed, replace sdramc_hw_init() function in
board/at91sam9260ek.c source file by:

#ifdef CFG_SDRAM
void sdramc_hw_init(void)
/* Configure the PIO controller to enable 32-bits SDRAM */
writel(0xFFFF0000, AT91C_BASE_PIOC + PIO_ASR(0));
writel(0xFFFF0000, AT91C_BASE_PIOC + PIO_PDR(0));

Note: Code is less readable but it should be sufficient enough to have less than 4kBytes code size
without having to re-compile a complete GCC toolchain.


First level bootstrap loader for at91 chips







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