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FFI module spec

This is not even remotely alpha software so don't use!


usage:  ffi_call [-v] <id> <funcname> <objspec>
        ffi_read <id> <locspec>
        ffi_write <id> <changespec>
        ffi_mkstruct <id> <objspec>
        ffi_show <store_var>

Grammar of funciton specifiers

<funcname> ::= <path>/<some_lib>.so/<functionname>

Grammar of location specifiers

<locspec> ::= @ <descent_list>
<descent_list> ::= <descent> |
                   <descent_list> <descent>
<descent> ::= -> [ <number> ]
<number> ::= <digit> |
             <number> <digit>
<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | ... | 9

Grammar of change specifiers

<changespec> ::= <locspec> = [ <number> ]

Grammar of struktur specifiers

<objspec> ::= <type_and_val>

<tval_list> ::= <type_and_val> |
                <tval_list> , <type_and_val>

<type_and_val> ::= <scalar> | <compound>

<scalar> ::= <s_type> = <value> |
             <s_type> * = <value>

<compound> ::= <c_type> = { <tval_list> }
               <c_type> * = { <tval_list> }

<value> ::= [ <string> ]
<c_type> ::= struct
<s_type> ::= cchar       cuchar      cshort      cushort     cint        
             cuint       clong       culong      clonglong   culonglong  
             cfloat      cdouble     voidp

Semantic of location specifiers

An location specifier can either be used to read or to set values inside of an storage object. First lets look at how values are interpreted if they're beeing read.

The expression "@" for example, would instruct ffi_read to interpret a scalar. The fact that "@" can't express whether the object was instanciated by

cchar = [2]


cdouble * = [332.32]

doesn't matter, because the command can infer the conversin from the way the storage object was created internally. The concrete types you specifiy through an <objspec> will be preserved.

The semantics of the conversion concrete c type to string is the exact opposit of the conversion semantics of string to concrete c type.

Conversoin semantics

Lets consider the following sample code:

1    cchar = [ ], 
2    cuchar = [255],
3    cuchar = [256],
5    cshort = [-3421], 
6    cushort = [32443], 
7    cushort = [1232443], 

-- 8
9 cint = [-1232323], 10 cuint = [1232123], 11
12 clong = [-123], 13 culong = [23], 14
15 clonglong = [123123], 16 culonglong = [1123123], 17 culonglong = [1123123], 18
19 cfloat = [0.23], 20 cdouble = [0.000001] 21 voidp = [0x00123012300] -> cchar = [?]

The semantics of "from-string" conversion are as follows: (1) First character in string gets used as number. (2,3) String gets converted to unsigned long. Then to unsigned char.

(5) String gets converted to signed integer using atoi, then to signed short using a explicit type cast. (6,7) String get converted to unsigned long, then to unsigned short.

(9) String gets converted to signed integer. (10) String gets converted to unsigned long, then to unsigned int.

(12) String gets converted to signed long. (13) String gets converted to unsinged long.

(15) String gets converted to signed long long (16) String gets converted to unsigned long long (17) String gets converted to unsigned long long

(19) String gets converted to float (20) String gets converted to double

(21) String gets converted to voidpointer. Has to be in hex.

Conversion functions used: String -> double: atod String -> float: atof String -> signed long: strtol String -> unsigned long: strtoul String -> signed char: none String -> signed int: atoi String -> signed long long: strtoll String -> unsigned long long: strtoull

Example Code

Structure specifier

  • Example 1

    struct * = { cchar = [5], cdouble = [255.255], struct * = { struct * = { cdouble = [7431.123], cchar = [?], cint = [-123] }, struct * = { cdouble = [431.123], cchar = [/], cint = [-999] } } }

  • Example 2

    struct = { cchar = [3], cdouble = [43.43] }

  • Example 3

    clong = [123456789100]

Structure accessor (read)

  • (Compare example 1)

    @->[2]->[0]->[1] would access the string "?"

    @->[1] would access the string "255.255"

    @->[2]->[1]->[2] would access the string "-999"

  • (Compare example 2)

    @->[1] would access the string "43.43"

  • (Compare example 3) @ would access the string "123456789100"

Structure accessor (write)

  • (Compare example 1)

    @->[2]->[0]->[1]=[!] would change the string "?" to "!"

    @->[2]->[1]->[2]=[-1001] would change the string "-999" to "-1001"

Specification of the type names

  • Cchar: Equivalent to the native char c-type

  • Cuchar: Equivalent to the native unsigned char c-type (UInt8)

  • Cshort: Equivalent to the native signed short c-type (Int16)

  • Cushort: Equivalent to the native unsigned short c-type (UInt16)

  • Cint: Equivalent to the native signed int c-type (Int32)

  • Cuint: Equivalent to the native unsigned int c-type (UInt32)

  • Clong: Equivalent to the native signed long c-type

  • Culong: Equivalent to the native unsigned long c-type

  • Clonglong: Equivalent to the native signed long long c-type (Int64)

  • Culonglong: Equivalent to the native unsigned long long c-type (UInt64)

  • Cfloat: Equivalent to the native float c-type (Float32)

  • Cdouble: Equivalent to the native double c-type (Float64)


A simple ffi for bash







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