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Generic 3D Engine


This is a demo 3D engine set to showcase my 3D graphics and system programming skills. The main aim is to implement several known techniques and produce a series of demos to showcase this.


Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

You need to install the following packages in order to compile the package:

sudo apt-get install g++ cmake libglew-dev libjpeg-dev xorg-dev libfreetype6-dev clang-format

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

You need to install the following packages in order to compile the package:

sudo apt-get install libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libjpeg-dev xorg-dev libfreetype6-dev clang-format

GLFW3 library (only for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)

libglfw3 package is also needed but it does not come with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. You can download GLFW 3.2 here.

Unzip the package, go into the library directory and perform the following commands:

cmake .
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Then you can compile the demos with:

make clean all

The binaries will be created in the demos directory. To run them just:


And so on. It is important that the running directory is the root of the git repo as the data assets are referenced from there.


You need Visual Studio Community Edition to compile the demos. Open the solution file 3Dengine.sln and build the whole solution. The demo executables are generated at the root of the repository. Then copy all the DLLs in 3rparty/windows/DLL/ tothe root of the repository and run any of the demos.


You will need to install 'brew' in order to install the engine dependencies. To install brew just run the next line in your terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Once installed you can install the required dependencies:

brew install glew glfw freetype libjpeg

Then you can just compile the demos with:

make clean all

Current set of features

  • Class hierarchy designed to support different rendering APIs (OpenGL, DirectX)
  • Cross-platform: Linux, Windows and OSX supported
  • OpenGL renderer (based on GLFW and GLEW)
  • Input manager (keyboard and mouse for now)
  • Window manager (based on GLFW)
  • Shader class to compile and apply shaders: vertex/geometry/fragment supported
  • Render targets support
  • Anti-aliasing render targets implemented with shaders: FXAA, FXAA2, SSAA and MSAA. FXAA2 is my own implementation of FXAA based on Timothy Lottes paper
  • HDR render target with Reinhard tone mapping
  • Bloom effect shader
  • Text rendering using TrueType fonts
  • Walk, Fly and FreeFly cameras implemented with quaternions
  • Goraud and flat illumination shaders (perhaps outdated, only goraud is used)
  • Phong and Blinn-Phong reflection model shaders
  • Dynamic lights support: point light, spot light and direct light
  • Shadow map support for all dynamic lights
  • Visual debug info: lights, normals, wireframe and bounding volumes
  • Basic geometry culling using bounding volumes
  • Basic light culling using bounding volumes (needs refinement)
  • Common game loop with input, time and screen management
  • OBJ format importer supporting geometry, textures and material specification
  • Facility to save in-memory models to disk and load them back. This includes compression of all the data written to disk
  • Scene management, now all elements are added to scene class and passed to renderer
  • Procedural generation: Plane, bent plane, cylinder, torus, sphere, triangle and terrain (using Perlin noise)

Known issues

  • SSAA antialiasing is not working after some refactoring
  • The shadows pop-in and out of the camera frustum due to the geometry culling algorithm only using the models bounding volume to exclude the model from the rendering, without taking into account the shadow
  • Shadows have peter-panning problems with some configurations
  • Terrain geometry seems to produce a strange pattern when lighting is calculated
  • Input manager does not support key repetition


Windows ready-to-run demos

You can get a ready-to-run demos bundle here: 3D Engine Demos.

The bundle has been only tested in Windows 10. You will also need to install the MS Visual Studio redistributable package that is inside the ZIP file. You can also download it here, but remember you need the X86 version, as the demos are compiled only for X86.

The engine also makes uses of GLSL 3.30, so a compatible card is needed.

List of demos

  • Anti-aliasing methods showcase demo (FXAA, FXAA2, MSAA and SSAA)
  • FXAA and FXAA2 side by side comparison
  • Point lights demo
  • Toon shader demo
  • Shadow maps demos with direct light, point light and spot light
  • Bounding box demo with OBB, AABB and Bounding Sphere
  • Debug info demo showing wireframe, normals, bounding volumes and lights billboards
  • Procedural generation demo using all supported models


You can see videos for all demos in the following playlist: 3D Engine Videos.



Antialiasing - MSAA Antialiasing - FXAA Antialiasing - FXAA2

Bounding volumes

Bounding Volumes

Debug information

Debug Information

Procedural geometry


Toon effect

Toon Effect

Lights and Shadows

Shadows - Point Light Shadows - Spot Light Shadows - Moon Shadows - Sun Shadows - Sunset

HDR and Bloom effect

HDR - Off HDR - On HDR - Bloom HDR - Bloom Low Exposure

In the pipeline

  • Support for vieports when rendering a scene
  • Automatic shadow map frustum calculation for shadow map rendering
  • Cascade shadow maps
  • Ambient occlusion
  • Mipmaps support
  • Bump-mapping
  • Portals implementation
  • Extra anti-aliasing filters: CMAA, TXAA, MLAA
  • Anisotropic filtering support and showcase
  • Deferred rendering pipeline
  • Implement a small game with the engine


OpenGL multiplatform 3D engine






No releases published


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