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General Visual-Audio Learning

This is a C/C++ library for visual and audio feature extraction from video files. This library is implemented as a GStreamer plugin.

Note: This library is designed to be used in Linux environment. It might work in other platforms as gstreamer also support Windows and OSX. However, the library is solely tested and supported in Linux.

Implemented Functions

  • Audio Features
    • MFCC
  • Visual Features
    • SIFT
    • Bag-of-words model with SIFT

Installation Guide


Prior to the installation of this library, please make sure you have these dependent libraries installed and can be found by pkg-config.

  • GStreamer and its components:
    • gst-libav
    • gst-plugins-base
    • gst-plugins-good
    • gst-plugins-bad
    • gst-plugins-ugly
  • GLib and its component:
  • OpenCV
  • Boost and its components:
    • system
    • filesystem
  • fftw3

For building the library you also need:

Build and Install

The building and installation of the library is quite standard in the ``CMake way''.

To build:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To install:

make install

The default directory for installation is /usr/local. To change the installation directory

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/desired/directory ..

Plugin Overview

Check Plugin Information

Upon successful installation, you should be able to find GStreamer plugin named gval_plugin with gst-inspect-1.0. By doing

gst-inspect-1.0 gval_plugin

You can find the information about this plugin.

Note: If GStreamer can't find the plugin, please make sure the installed library, i.e. is in the GStreamer plugin path, which is normally /usr/local/lib/gstreamer-1.0 or environment variable GST_PLUGIN_PATH is set properly according to the actual path. For example, if is installed in ~/.local/lib/gstreamer-1.0, GST_PLUGIN_PATH should be set to $HOME/.local/lib.

Plugin Elements

This plugin contains five elements:

Element Full Name
bow Bag-of-words Model with SIFT descriptors
mfcc Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients
keypoints Key Points
sift Scale invariant feature transform
stft Short time Fourier transform

Tip: The information about the elements can always be checked with gst-inspect-1.0.

Audio Features

Short Time Fourier Transform

The stft element will take raw PCM audio data as input and compute the short time Fourier transform. The transform will be saved to an external file, the path of which is set by property location. The input data will be passed through to the output without any modification.

The properties of the element include:

Properties Description
silent Suppress verbose output
wsize Window size of the FFT
ssize Shift size of the window
location Path to the output file

For example, if you want to compute STFT of an audio file (file.ogg) with window size of 256 and shift size of 64 at sample rate 8000 Hz, you can do

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location='file.ogg' ! decodebin ! audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=8000 ! audioconvert ! stft wsize=256 ssize=64 location='result.fvec' ! fakesink

The result will be save to file result.fvec as a raw binary data file. More specifically, the result feature vectors will be stored frame by frame. Each frame consists of a vector of dimension same as the window size. The values are stored in double format, which is 8-byte (IEEE 754) and little endian on most systems.

Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients

The mfcc element will take raw PCM audio data as input and compute the mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients. The result will be saved to an external file, the path of which is set by property location. The input data will be passed through to the output without any modification.

The properties of the element include:

Properties Description
silent Suppress verbose output
wsize Window size of the FFT
ssize Shift size of the window
banks Number of filter banks
cbegin Begin index of coefficients
csize Number of coefficients
location Path to the output file

For example, if you want to compute MFCC of an audio file (file.ogg) with window size of 256, shift size of 64, 32 filter banks (taking the second to the seventeenth coefficients) at sample rate 8000 Hz, you can do

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location='file.ogg' ! decodebin ! audioresample ! audio/x-raw,rate=8000 ! audioconvert ! mfcc wsize=256 ssize=64 banks=32 cbegin=1 csize=16 location='result.fvec' ! fakesink

The result will be save to file result.fvec as a raw binary data file. More specifically, the result feature vectors will be stored frame by frame. Each frame consists of a vector of dimension same as the number of coefficients. The values are stored in double format, which is 8-byte (IEEE 754) and little endian on most systems.

Visual Features

Key Points

The keypoints element plots the difference of Gaussians (DoG) keypoints to a video stream.

For example, the following command will read a video file (file.avi) and show the DoG keypoints.

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location='file.avi' ! avidemux name='demux' demux.video_0 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! keypoints ! videoconvert ! autovideosink

Scale Invariant Feature Transform

The sift element computes the SIFT descriptors of all DoG keypoints from a video stream.

The properties of the element include:

Properties Description
silent Suppress verbose output
mscale Minimal scale of keypoint (pixel)
location Path to the output file

For example, the following command compute the SIFT descriptors in the video file (file.avi) and save the result to result.desc.

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location='file.avi' ! avidemux name='demux' demux.video_0 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! sift location='result.desc' ! fakesink

The result is saved frame by frame. Each frame is saved as a cvmat which should be read by gval_cvmat_read. The pointer read can be directly converted to the OpenCV object Mat.

Bag-of-words Model with SIFT descriptor

The bow element computes the Bag-of-words Model with SIFT descriptors from a video stream.

The properties of the element include:

Properties Description
silent Suppress verbose output
mscale Minimal scale of keypoint (pixel)
vocabulary BoW vocabulary file
nstop Number of words to be ignored
location Path to the output file

For example, the following command compute the BoW features in the video file (file.avi) with a vocabulary file (a.voc) and save the result to result.fvec.

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location='file.avi' ! avidemux name='demux' demux.video_0 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! bow vocabulary='a.voc' location='result.fvec' ! fakesink

The result is saved frame by frame. Each frame is saved as a double vector of dimensions same as the size of the vocabulary.

The vocabulary can be built by using program build_voc:

build_voc -k n_cluster input_dir output

The program read all files with .desc extension and save the result to output. The number of clusters is specified by the -k option.


General Visual-Audio Learning







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