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OpenKODE Framework

This framework based on OpenKODE focuses on easy development of games, location based application, iteractive books, and graphical applications. The framework contains useful open source libraries, tutorials, and sample applications.

OpenKODE® is a royalty-free, open standard that combines a set of native APIs to increase source portability for rich media and graphics applications. OpenKODE reduces mobile platform fragmentation by providing a cross-platform API for accessing operating system resources, and a media architecture for portable access to advanced mixed graphics acceleration.

Support platforms

Type IDE Environment Status Description
Windows Visual Studio 2015 upload completed Two build config options for OpenGL and OpenGL-ES
WinCE Visual Studio 2008 no more manged WinCE 5.0, 6.0 tested
iOS Xcode not uploaded yet Need to upgrade Xcode version
Android Android Studio not uploaded yet Need to replace eclipse to Android studio
Linux Make files no more manged Ubuntu 8 tested and no more managed
Tizen Tizen Studio no more manged Only emulator tested
Bada Bada Studio no more manged Bada platform has replaced to Tizen
Black Berry Black Berry Studio no more manged Only emulator tested
QNX ? managed by other Co-operated company built

Clone the repo

  $ git clone 


  • For Windows (Visual Studio)
  $ cd (03_Tutorial|04_Sample|07_Project)/<Project_Name>/Build/Win32-vc2015
  $ <Project_Name>.sln

Directory Structure

+ 01_Develop
  + lib<Name>: Library souces 
    + Build
      - Win32-vc2015: Visual Studio 2015 Project 
    - Source
+ 02_Library
  + Include: Library header files
    - XM<Libray_Name>
  - Licence: Library licence files
  + Platform: Compiled libaries after build
    - Win32
    - iOS
    - Android
    - Linux
    - Tizen
    - Bada
+ 03_Tutorial
  + <Project_Name>
    + Binary: Excuted files after build
      - Win32
    + Build
      - Win32-vc2015: Visual Studio 2015 Project
    - Data: User saved files
    - Resource: Application resource files
    - Source: Application source files
+ 04_Sample
+ 05_Conformance
+ 06_Document
+ 07_Project


Type Name Description
Core OpenKODE Cross-platform middle layer
Rendering Cocos2D v2, v3 2D Game engine
Ogre3D 3D Rendering engine
Irrilicht3D 3D Rendering engine
M3G 3D Rendering library
XMGraphics 3D Rendering library
Glues OpenGL Utility library
Computer Vision OpenCV Imaging computer vision framework
Video Processing FFmpeg Video processing library
Physics Box2D C++ Style 2D Physics
Chipmunk C Style 2D Physics
Bullets 3D Physics
Network Curl URL communication
Enet UDP communication
Websockets Socket communication
Parser XML2 XML parser
TinyXML v1, v2 Simple XML parser
Lua Lua parser
JSonCpp Json parser
Compression Zlib Commpression library
ZZip Zip library
Font FreeType True Type font library
Math Kazmath Vector, Matrix math library
DB Sqlite Sql client library


Content Description
OpenKODE Core layer tutorials
Cocos2D v2 2D game engine tutorials
Cocos2D v3 2D game engine tutorials
Cocos2D Javascript 2D game engine tutorials
Cocos2D Lua 2D game engine tutorials
Cocos2D Cook Book Advanced tutorials
Irrlicht3D 3D rendering engine tutorials
XMGraphics 3D rendering library tutorials
M3G 3D rendering library tutorials
OpenCV Computer vision framework tutorials
Ogre3D 3D rendering engine tutorials


Content Description
Angry Bird Like
Angry Ninjas Starter Kit, Angry Bird Like
Battle City Game Center's old tank
Beat Bean
Blue Defence
Bomber Man
Box2D Running Man Cookie Run Like
Brick Ex
Simple Game
Cocos Studio Example
Cut Cut Cut Fruit Ninja Like
Cut The Rope
Fishing Joy Like
Flying Plane
Kawaz Buster Pretty Game
Knight Fighter Isometic style
Cocos2D & Irricht3D Engine Integration Demo
Cocos2D & Ogre3D Engine Integration Demo
Moon Warrior Ported From Html5
Panorama Street view demo
Ripple Effect Ripple Effect demo
SBox Man
Specal Task Old Popular Action Game
Super Fashion Puzzle
Super Mario Click Simple Physics Example
The Adventure of Mira Prety Game
Tower Defence Waypoint sample
Zombie Engine Integration Demo


Type Name Status
Cut Firewood Casual Game published
Gostop Korean Card Game published
Knight Fighter Action Shooting Game imcomplete
Monster Battle Casino Betting Game published
Uptris Fliped Tetris published
Vocano Simple Game complete



Cocos2d-x is licensed under the MIT License.


OpenKODE Framework, Tutorials, and Contents







No releases published


No packages published