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A compiler that can convert Pascal source code into x86 assembly.

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A compiler that converts Pascal source code into x86 assembly code.

NOTE: This compiler assumes the source code being compiled is syntactically correct, it will not give compile-time errors. Works on 64-bit Linux machines, Bash on Ubuntu on Windows will be required to run on Windows 10.


  • lexan.l - Source Code Used to create the Lexer. Reads through the user's source code while labeling all of the code's significant items as tokens while ignoring user comments.
  • parse.y - Source Code Used to create the Parser. Declares all legal patterns the tokens can be arranged. Then reads from the generated token list to see if they match a declared pattern while connecting the tokens together to form a binary tree that will organize how the program will run. Also creates and lists any user declared variables.
  • codegen.c - Source Code Writes the assembly code. Reads through the binary tree created by the parser and generates x86 assembly code while keeping track of the variables and registers.
  • compiler - Executable Fully compiled lexan.l + parser.y + codgen.c
  • - a compressed folder containing all files necessary to compile the compiler itself. GNU Make, Lex, Yacc, and CC are required to use the makefile.
  • - contains several Pascal files known to work on this compiler.

How to use

Download "compiler" from the repository, you will also need a pascal file ready to use. Remember that this compiler does not check for syntax errors, so I recommend taking a pascal file from "".

In the Unix shell, run the following command in the directory you are keeping the files:

compiler < [FILENAME].pas > code.s

To create the assembly file code.s.

How it works

There are 3 parts to the compiler: The Lexer, the Parser, and the Assembly Code Generator.


The Lexer works by reading in a pascal file byte-by-byte; looking out for and words, characters, symbols, numbers, or regular expressions declared in the "lexan.l" file while ignoring any user comments. It takes any significant expression and declares that item as a token, which is identified to be either an operator, delimiter, identifier, string, number, or reserved word. It may then assign the token a subtype if it is an operator/delimiter/reserved/number, just to be more specific about what type of token it is. The lexer will then write out the tokens for the parser to read.


The Parser reads through the tokens in chronological order to see if they form a legal syntax that was declared in "parser.y". As it reads through, it connects the instruction tokens together to create a binary tree that represents the order the code will be executed.

Assembly Generator

The Assembly Generator reads through the binary tree of instruction tokens starting from the root in a depth-first traversal and writes out the assembly code as it goes.


This compiler understands the following Pascal terms:

Reserved Words:

	program - Identifies the start of the program, must be followed with the program name, arguments, then the declarations.
	label   - Begins the block of declarations of labels that state where the program can jump to. Labels, if used, must be declared first.
	const   - Begins the block of declaration and initialization of constants.  Constants, if declared, must come after the label declarations.
	type    - Begins the block of declaration of datatypes.  These user named datatypes can hold information of what datatypes a record will store, what datatype a pointer will point to, what the type of a array is, enums, etc...  Must be declared after labels and constants.
	var     - Begins the block of declaration of variables. All variables must either be an integer, real number, or a previously declared *type*.  Must be declared last
	record  - A collection of variables, used in datatype and variable declarations.
	begin   - Begins a new block of statements to execute.
	end     - Closes the block of statements from the last begin statement.
	nil     - Zero
	repeat  - Begins what is essentially a Do-While loop.
	until   - Marks the end of a repeat statement when the following conditional is met.
	for     - Declares a for-loop
	to      - Used in a for-loop's conditional statement: the initialized value will be incremented to the following value
	downto  - Used in a for-loop's conditional statement: the initialized value will be decremented to the following value
	while   - Begins a while-loop.
	do      - Placed after a for/while loop's conditional statement: identifies the statement (or block of statements) the loop will execute.
	goto    - Jumps the program to a provided label number
	if      - Begins an if-statement.
	then    - Statement (or block of statements) to execute when the if-statement returns true.
	array   - Declares a new array in the variable declarations.  Array size must also be declared here; integers, subranges, and enums are accepted.  Multidimensional declarations are also allowed.
	of      - Declares the type of values an array will store.
Function Calls
	write()    - Prints an integer, real number, or a string
	writeln()  - Prints an integer, real number, or a string followed by a new line character

Recognized Operators:

	+    Addition
	-    Subtraction
	*    Multiplication
	/    Division
	<    Less than
	<=   Less than or equal
	=    Equal to
	<>   Not equal to
	>    Greater than
	>=   Greater than or equal to
	:=   Assign value
	^    Declare/dereference Pointer
	.    Get record field/declare the end of the program


	;    End statement
	,    Pass another value 
	:    Declare variable type or label number
	(    Pass function argument or prioritize operations
	)    Close left parenthesis
	[    For array indexes
	]    Close left bracket
	..   Initialize array subrange
	{ or (* Begin comments
	} or *) End comments

Building the Compiler

If you want to see each step of the compiler in action, grab some pascal code out of "", then download and unpack "".

NOTE: Make, Lex, Yacc, and CC are required for compiling Lexer, Parser, and Compiler. Each step of the compiler contains all the steps that came before it. Lexer is made from "lexan.l"; Parser is made from of "lexan.l", and "parse.y"; and Compiler is made up of "lexan.l", "parse.y", and "codegen.c". There is no need to compile each step one at a time or in order.


To view the token list, grab and unpack "" from this repository and run the commands:

make lexer
lexer < [FILENAME].pas

To see the variable types, identifiers, constants declared in the user's program along with the binary tree produced, grab and extract "". Restore the commented out lines in the main function of "parse.y". Then execute:

make parser
parser < [FILENAME].pas
Assembly Generator

To build the last stage of the compiler and see the assembly code produced by your pascal code, run:

make compiler
compiler < [FILENAME].pas
Creating an executable

This compiler will only go as far as to create the assembly code, but we can assemble the code produced into a machine language executable through the following commands:

compiler < [FILENAME].pas > code.s
cc driver.c code.s -lm

"driver.c", which is stored in "", is used to generate the write() function calls that may be needed by the user's program.


This example shows what happens to "graph1.pas" as it goes through each step of the compiler.

Pascal Code

{ program 4.9 from Jensen & Wirth       -- file pastst.pas }

program graph1(output);
const d = 0.0625; {1/16, 16 lines for interval [x,x+1]}
      s = 32; {32 character widths for interval [y,y+1]}
      h = 34; {character position of x-axis}
      c = 6.28318; {2*pi}  lim = 32;
var x,y : real;  i,n : integer;
   for i := 0 to lim do
      begin x := d*i; y := exp(-x)*sin(c*x);
      n := round(s*y) + h;
      repeat write(' ');  n := n-1
      until n=0;


yylex() =  306   tokentype:  2  which:   19      program
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:            graph1
yylex() =  283   tokentype:  1  which:    4            (
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:            output
yylex() =  284   tokentype:  1  which:    5            )
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  291   tokentype:  2  which:    4        const
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 d
yylex() =  266   tokentype:  0  which:    6            =
yylex() =  260   tokentype:  5  type:     1 6.250000e-02
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 s
yylex() =  266   tokentype:  0  which:    6            =
yylex() =  260   tokentype:  5  type:     0           32
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 h
yylex() =  266   tokentype:  0  which:    6            =
yylex() =  260   tokentype:  5  type:     0           34
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 c
yylex() =  266   tokentype:  0  which:    6            =
yylex() =  260   tokentype:  5  type:     1 6.283180e+00
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:               lim
yylex() =  266   tokentype:  0  which:    6            =
yylex() =  260   tokentype:  5  type:     0           32
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  314   tokentype:  2  which:   27          var
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 x
yylex() =  280   tokentype:  1  which:    1            ,
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 y
yylex() =  282   tokentype:  1  which:    3            :
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:              real
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 i
yylex() =  280   tokentype:  1  which:    1            ,
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 n
yylex() =  282   tokentype:  1  which:    3            :
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:           integer
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  289   tokentype:  2  which:    2        begin
yylex() =  297   tokentype:  2  which:   10          for
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 i
yylex() =  265   tokentype:  0  which:    5           :=
yylex() =  260   tokentype:  5  type:     0            0
yylex() =  311   tokentype:  2  which:   24           to
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:               lim
yylex() =  292   tokentype:  2  which:    5           do
yylex() =  289   tokentype:  2  which:    2        begin
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 x
yylex() =  265   tokentype:  0  which:    5           :=
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 d
yylex() =  263   tokentype:  0  which:    3            *
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 i
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 y
yylex() =  265   tokentype:  0  which:    5           :=
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:               exp
yylex() =  283   tokentype:  1  which:    4            (
yylex() =  262   tokentype:  0  which:    2            -
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 x
yylex() =  284   tokentype:  1  which:    5            )
yylex() =  263   tokentype:  0  which:    3            *
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:               sin
yylex() =  283   tokentype:  1  which:    4            (
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 c
yylex() =  263   tokentype:  0  which:    3            *
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 x
yylex() =  284   tokentype:  1  which:    5            )
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 n
yylex() =  265   tokentype:  0  which:    5           :=
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:             round
yylex() =  283   tokentype:  1  which:    4            (
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 s
yylex() =  263   tokentype:  0  which:    3            *
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 y
yylex() =  284   tokentype:  1  which:    5            )
yylex() =  261   tokentype:  0  which:    1            +
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 h
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  308   tokentype:  2  which:   21       repeat
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:             write
yylex() =  283   tokentype:  1  which:    4            (
yylex() =  259   tokentype:  4  value:                  
yylex() =  284   tokentype:  1  which:    5            )
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 n
yylex() =  265   tokentype:  0  which:    5           :=
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 n
yylex() =  262   tokentype:  0  which:    2            -
yylex() =  260   tokentype:  5  type:     0            1
yylex() =  313   tokentype:  2  which:   26        until
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:                 n
yylex() =  266   tokentype:  0  which:    6            =
yylex() =  260   tokentype:  5  type:     0            0
yylex() =  281   tokentype:  1  which:    2            ;
yylex() =  258   tokentype:  3  value:           writeln
yylex() =  283   tokentype:  1  which:    4            (
yylex() =  259   tokentype:  4  value:                 *
yylex() =  284   tokentype:  1  which:    5            )
yylex() =  295   tokentype:  2  which:    8          end
yylex() =  295   tokentype:  2  which:    8          end
yylex() =  273   tokentype:  0  which:   13            .


Symbol table level 0
 25665552        real  BASIC  basicdt   1          siz     8
 25665648     integer  BASIC  basicdt   0          siz     4
 25665744        char  BASIC  basicdt   2          siz     1
 25665840     boolean  BASIC  basicdt   3          siz     4
Symbol table level 1
 25690000         lim  CONST  typ INTEGER  val  32
 25690096           c  CONST  typ    REAL  val  6.283180e+00
 25690192           h  CONST  typ INTEGER  val  34
 25690288           s  CONST  typ INTEGER  val  32
 25690384           d  CONST  typ    REAL  val  6.250000e-02
 25691408           i  VAR    0 typ integer  lvl  1  siz     4  off     0
 25691504           n  VAR    0 typ integer  lvl  1  siz     4  off     4
 25691696           x  VAR    1 typ    real  lvl  1  siz     8  off    16
 25691792           y  VAR    1 typ    real  lvl  1  siz     8  off    32
yyparse result =        0
 token 25697648  OP       program  dtype  0  link 0  operands 25688272
(program graph1 (progn output)
                (progn (progn (:= i 0)
                              (label 1)
                              (if (<= i 32)
                                  (progn (progn (:= x (* 6.250000e-02
                                                         (float i)))
                                                (:= y (* (funcall exp
                                                                  (- x))
                                                         (funcall sin
                                                                  (* 6.283180e+00
                                                (:= n (fix (+ (funcall round
                                                                       (* 3.200000e+01
                                                (progn (label 0)
                                                       (funcall write
                                                                ' ')
                                                       (:= n (- n
                                                       (if (= n
                                                           (goto 0)))
                                                (funcall writeln '*'))
                                         (:= i (+ i 1))
                                         (goto 1))))))

Assembly Code

# ---------------- Beginning of Generated Code --------------------
        .file   "foo"
.globl graph1
        .type   graph1, @function
	pushq	%rbp              # save base pointer on stack
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	movq	%rsp, %rbp        # move stack pointer to base pointer
	.cfi_offset 6, -16
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
        subq	$48, %rsp 	  # make space for this stack frame
	movq	%rbx, %r9        # save %rbx (callee-saved) in %r9
# ------------------------- begin Your code -----------------------------
	movl	$0,%eax         	#  0 -> %eax
	movl	%eax,-32(%rbp)     	#  %eax -> i
	movl	-32(%rbp),%eax     	#  i -> %eax
	movl	$32,%ecx         	#  32 -> %ecx
	cmpl	%ecx,%eax           	#  compare %eax - %ecx
	jle	.L3 			#  jump if     <=
	jmp	.L4 			#  jump 
	movsd	.LC5(%rip),%xmm0   	#  0.062500 -> %xmm0
	movl	-32(%rbp),%eax     	#  i -> %eax
	cvtsi2sd	%eax,%xmm1    	#  float %eax -> %xmm1
	mulsd	%xmm1,%xmm0         	#  %xmm0 * %xmm1 -> %xmm0
	movsd	%xmm0,-48(%rbp)     	#  %xmm0 -> x
	movsd	-48(%rbp),%xmm0     	#  x -> %xmm0
	movsd	.LC666(%rip),%xmm1   	#  0.000000 -> %xmm1
	xorpd	%xmm1,%xmm0           	#  negate %xmm0
	call	exp              	#  exp()
	movsd	%xmm0,-8(%rbp)     	#  %xmm0 -> temp
	movsd	.LC6(%rip),%xmm0   	#  6.283180 -> %xmm0
	movsd	-48(%rbp),%xmm1     	#  x -> %xmm1
	mulsd	%xmm1,%xmm0         	#  %xmm0 * %xmm1 -> %xmm0
	call	sin              	#  sin()
	movsd	-8(%rbp),%xmm1     	#  temp -> %xmm1
	mulsd	%xmm0,%xmm1         	#  %xmm1 * %xmm0 -> %xmm1
	movsd	%xmm1,-40(%rbp)     	#  %xmm1 -> y
	movsd	.LC7(%rip),%xmm0   	#  32.000000 -> %xmm0
	movsd	-40(%rbp),%xmm1     	#  y -> %xmm1
	mulsd	%xmm1,%xmm0         	#  %xmm0 * %xmm1 -> %xmm0
	call	round              	#  round()
	movsd	.LC8(%rip),%xmm1   	#  34.000000 -> %xmm1
	addsd	%xmm1,%xmm0         	#  %xmm0 + %xmm1 -> %xmm0
	cvttsd2si	%xmm0,%eax    	#  fix %xmm0 -> %eax
	movl	%eax,-28(%rbp)     	#  %eax -> n
	movl	$.LC9,%edi       	#  addr of literal .LC9
	call	write              	#  write()
	movl	-28(%rbp),%eax     	#  n -> %eax
	movl	$1,%ecx         	#  1 -> %ecx
	subl	%ecx,%eax         	#  %eax - %ecx -> %eax
	movl	%eax,-28(%rbp)     	#  %eax -> n
	movl	-28(%rbp),%eax     	#  n -> %eax
	movl	$0,%ecx         	#  0 -> %ecx
	cmpl	%ecx,%eax           	#  compare %eax - %ecx
	je	.L10 			#  jump if     ==
	jmp	.L0 			#  jump 
	jmp	.L11 			#  jump 
	movl	$.LC12,%edi       	#  addr of literal .LC12
	call	writeln              	#  writeln()
	movl	-32(%rbp),%eax     	#  i -> %eax
	movl	$1,%ecx         	#  1 -> %ecx
	addl	%ecx,%eax         	#  %eax + %ecx -> %eax
	movl	%eax,-32(%rbp)     	#  %eax -> i
	jmp	.L1 			#  jump 
# ----------------------- begin Epilogue code ---------------------------
	movq	%r9, %rbx        # restore %rbx (callee-saved) from %r9
        .size   graph1, .-graph1
# ----------------- end Epilogue; Literal data follows ------------------
        .section        .rodata
	.align 16
.LC666:                    # constant for floating negation
	.long	0
	.long	-2147483648
	.long	0
	.long	0
	.align  4
	.string	" "
	.align  4
	.string	"*"
	.align  8
	.long	0   	#  0.062500
	.long	1068498944
	.align  8
	.long	0   	#  6.283180
	.long	1075388922
	.align  8
	.long	0   	#  32.000000
	.long	1077936128
	.align  8
	.long	0   	#  34.000000
	.long	1078001664

        .ident  "CS 375 Compiler - Summer 2013"


calling graph1
exit from graph1


A compiler that can convert Pascal source code into x86 assembly.






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