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Implementation of the [Catalano-Fiore] CF13 scheme.



To use the protocol there is the executable src/cf. The following usages are available:

  • Keygen: ./src/cf keygen [-n N_BITS -o KEY_FILE]. This generates the key pair of N_BITS bits (defaults to 128). The evaluation key is stored in KEY_FILE.ek and the secret key in
  • Message Authentication: ./src/cf auth -s -e KEY_FILE.ek -m MESSAGE -l LABEL [-o OUTFILE]. Authenticates the message MESSAGE wrt label LABEL. It is possible to authenticate a single message, and in that case MESSAGE and LABEL must be hexadecimal strings. To authenticate multiple messages at once, MESSAGE and LABEL must be files, where each line represent a message/label. The line count of both files must be the same.
  • Homomorphic Evaluation: ./src/cf eval -e KEY_FILE.ek -a AC_FILE -t TAGS [-o OUTFILE]. Performs the homomorphic evaluation over the previously authenticated messages represented by the TAGS file. The line count of this file must be exactly the same as the number of inputs of the Arithmetic Circuit represented in AC_FILE. See the Arithmetic Circuits section for more information about them. The resulting tag should be written to OUTFILE.
  • Verification: ./src/cf vrfy -s -e KEY_FILE.ek -m MESSAGE -a AC_FILE -l LABELS -t EVAL_TAG. Verifies if the EVAL_TAG obtained by a previous homomorphic evaluation is valid. MESSAGE can either be the evaluated message (in hexadecimal format) or a file containg multiple messages (the number of messages in that file must be the same number of labels in the LABELS file and the same number of inputs of the Arithmetic Circuit AC_FILE) that are later evaluated by ./src/cf. In the end, TRUE or FALSE is printed on the screen.
  • Message Evaluation: ./src/cf msgeval [-e KEY_FILE.ek] -m MESSAGES -a AC_FILE [-o OUTFILE]. Evaluates the messages in MESSAGES file over the Arithmetic Circuit AC_FILE. If the evaluation key is supplied, then operations are done modulo p.

In the test/ there are some tests to the protocol. To see which ones are available run test/test --help.


  • Download the latest release from [codeplex] pinocchio
  • It relies on python2
  • python2 ccompiler/src/ AC_FILE INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE is the arithmetic circuit evaluator.

Helper scripts

There are some helper scripts to generate random messages and labels.

  • Generation of labels: src/ label N_LABELS N_BITS --out OUTFILE. Generates N_LABELS labels with exactly N_BITS each and stores them in OUTFILE.
  • Generation of messages: src/ message N_MSGS MODULO --out OUTFILE. Generates N_MSGS messages modulo MODULO and stores them in OUTFILE.

These generated labels and messages can then be used as inputs to the CF protocol.

LaTeX: Compilation instructions

  1. Install texlive2013 which includes xelatex and latexmk
  2. By default, xelatex (through latexmk) is the default compiler. To change to pdflatex, just edit the $pdflatex variable of tex/latexmkrc.
  3. To compile, make pdf.
  4. Walk through tex/Makefile and tex/latexmkrc if you wish to make further changes.


Implementation of the Catalano-Fiore HMAC scheme






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