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Interpolated distance transform for grids, based on Fast Marching. An offshoot from the E* project.


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dtrans Distance Transform utility

Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Roland Philippsen <roland dot philippsen at gmx dot net. All rights reserved.

Released under new BSD license. See LICENSE.BSD for details.

Building the Library and Examples

You need git, GNU Make, and PNG development files. If you have FLTK, you can enable the graphical example by editing the Makefile before building. Maybe there will at some point be downloadable tarballs, so you won't need git, and a configure script, so you won't need to edit a Makefile.

$ git clone git://
$ cd dtrans
$ make

Building and Testing the Python Extension Module

You need Python development files and distutils. This has been tested with Python-2.5 on OS X, so your mileage may vary:

$ python build
$ PYTHONPATH=build/lib.macosx-10.6-i386-2.5 python
Python 2.5.5 (r255:77872, Jul 29 2010, 20:37:57)
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5659)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> import dtrans
>>> dt=dtrans.DistanceTransform(400, 400, 0.1)
>>> dt.setDist(0, 0, 0)
>>> dt.compute()
>>> dt.getDist(10, 20)

Building the Documentation

You need Doxygen for this.

$ doxygen Doxyfile

And then open the html/index.html file in a web browser.

Running the Examples

The test program is just a very bare-bones sanity check. It is more intended as a source example to get you started than an actual (unit) test:

$ ./test

The pngdtrans application on the other hand is supposed to be useful right away. It allows you to use 8-bit grayscale PNG files as input and output to the distance transform, and it comes with some built-in help:

$ ./pngdtrans -h

For example, if you want to plan a path through a maze, you need a speed map file (in this case maze.png adapted from this one) and a file which specifies your goal location (in this case goal.png):

$ ./pngdtrans -s maze.png -i goal.png -o path.png

Now open the path.png file. It is a grayscale image which encodes the distance to the goal, taking into account the obstacles, of each point in the environment. This allows you to find the path from any non-obstacle point to the goal, by following the negative gradient of this distance map. In other words, if you start at some pixel location, always go in the direction of its darkest neighbor, and you will eventually end up at the lower-right exit of the maze.

This grayscale image of the distance transform is not necessarily the easiest output format for controlling e.g. a robot's motion. It is better to use the library version of dtrans and rely on the dtrans::DistanceTransform::computeGradient() method.

There also is a stub of a graphical example, which gets built if you have FLTK and edit the Makefile accordingly. Right now it does not do much, just compute the distance transform in an empty square environment and display the gradient directions:

$ ./gdtrans

Maybe by the time you read this it'll be possible to read PNG input files into gdtrans, and to trace robot paths from any point in the environment. Or maybe you feel like implementing that and sending me a patch?


Interpolated distance transform for grids, based on Fast Marching. An offshoot from the E* project.







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