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My work at 42

RT : This is a big project of infography. We have to synthesize scenaries thanks to the Raytracing method. The scenaries are represented by simple geometrical object, entire or partial, and using a lighting system.

Corewar : This is a big project of Algorithm. We have to create an arena (the VM [Virtual Machine]) where several champions (programs compiled by the ASM [Assembly Machine] and using process) are about to fight themselves to survive. The last one who survived is the winner.

FdF : First program of Infography. We have to create graphically the schematic representation (in wireframe) of a relief ground by linking differents points (with coordinates in 3D [x, y, z]) by segments.

Filler : We develop a program able to battle with other players. The principe is simple : two players batlle on a plate and must place, turn bu turn, a piece given by the Game Master (here a virtual machine). The game ends when no more piece can be place on the plate.

Fractol : Here using a graphic library, we had to draw some of the most known fractals.

Ft_ls : We have to reimplement the behaviour of the command ls from the shell.

Ft_printf : We recreate here the function printf.

Get_Next_Line : This function allows us to read line by line on the standard entry, a file or even a network connection.

Lemin : This program makes us discover the algorithms of graph path : we have an ants settlement and we have to move the ants from a point to another.

Libft : The reimplementation of a certain number of the standard C Library and others usefull functions.

Pushswap : We have to sort datas on a pile with a limited set of instructions as little movement as possible (sorting algorithms)

Wolf3d : Using a graphic library, we must recreate a wolf3d-like (the first FPS [First Person Shooter] video game). This project allows us to manipulate the Raycasting while programing a dynamic view inside a labyrinth where we can move.