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Flylab Software (formerly Flyatar2)

This software is (i.e. hopes to be) the foundation software platform of 
the Dickinson Lab.  

At the moment it provides a platform for virtual reality environments that 
may consist of some combination of robot-magnet actuators, laser-galvo steering, 
realtime multifly tracking & visual servoing, an experiment library & examples 
thereof, data-logging of fly & robot states, and other related pieces.

A focus has been to enable easy operation across multiple machines and multiple 
experimental hardware platforms, and as such each piece of experimental hardware 
has a directory in the "config" package.  There you will find all the relevant
parameters, etc, needed for the software to operate on a given piece of hardware.  
To have the software use a given piece of hardware, simply point 
config/config/launch/hardware.launch to the name of your hardware.  Calibration 
and setup instructions are in the file calibration.txt.

In the "experiments" package there is a set of experiments, and an experiment library.  
An experiment runs as a "state machine", and the specific parameters are 
specified by filling out a data structure in the appropriate <experimentname>.py 
file, and then roslaunch'ing the appropriate .launch file.  The experiments 
library has been written with the intention that a wide variety of experiments 
are possible via this data structure.  During operation, you may view the state
machine graph of the experiment with the following command:
rosrun smach_viewer

Some useful commands:
roslaunch experiments <experimentname>.launch					# Run an experiment.

roslaunch <your device name> camera.launch						# Run the camera; publish image_raw.
ROS_NAMESPACE=camera rosrun image_proc image_proc				# Run the image processor; publish image_rect.
roslaunch tracking tracking.launch								# Run the image tracking system; publish image_processed.

rosrun image_view image_view image:=camera/image_raw			# Open a window for image_raw.
rosrun image_view image_view image:=camera/image_rect			# Open a window for image_rect.
rosrun image_view image_view image:=camera/image_processed		# Open a window for image_processed.
rosrun dynamic_reconfigure reconfigure_gui camera				# Open a window to change camera settings.

roslaunch config hardware.launch								# Load the currently configured hardware.

roslaunch patterngen							# Run the 2D pattern generator.
rostopic pub -1 PatternGen patterngen/MsgPattern -- \           # Send a command to the pattern generator:
													   mode \      # <byshape | bypoints > 
													   shape \     # <constant | ramp | circle | square | flylogo | spiral> 
													   frame \     # the reference frame for the pattern. 
													   hzPattern \ # patterns per second.
													   hzPoint \   # points per second of the pattern.
													   count \     # total number of patterns to output, -1 means forever.
													   pointlist \ # [...] a list of points.
													   radius      # max distance from origin.
													   preempt     # whether or not to interrupt the current pattern, <True|False>
rostopic pub -1 PatternGen patterngen/MsgPattern "byshape" "circle" "Stage" 0.25 50 1 [] 40 True  # For example.

rxgraph															# Show the graph of ROS nodes.
rxconsole														# Show ROS messages, logs, etc.
rosrun smach_viewer								# Show the state machine graph.


Upgraded & improved Flyatar; Basis for future Flyranch software.






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