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  • 2016.Feb.16-2016.Mar.11

                        ----- bubblesort template metaprogramming version             - Other
                        ----- LL basic ops revisit                                    - LL   
                        ----- code chef - online shopping                             - DP
                        ----- m-th to last element in a LL                            - LL
                        ----- acyclic or cyclic LL                                    - LL
                        ----- BST basic ops revisit                                   - Tree
                        ----- First non-repeating character                           - String
                        ----- Removing specific charater from a string                - String
                        ----- Reversing a string                                      - String
                        ----- string to int                                           - String
                        ----- int to string                                           - String
                        ----- Longest Increasing Subsequence                          - DP
                        ----- Longest Common Subsequence                              - DP
                        ----- Edit distance                                           - DP
                        ----- Minimum difference partition                            - DP
                        ----- Minimum way to cover distance                           - DP
                        ----- Subset sum                                              - DP
                        ----- Optimal game strategy                                   - DP
                        ----- Knapscak problem                                        - DP
                        ----- ACM 2013 SFU problem A                                  - String
                        ----- ACM 2013 SFU problem B                                  - Other
                        ----- ACM 2013 SFU problem C                                  - DP

  • 2016.Mar.12

            ----- Binary Search                                                       - SS

  • 2016.Mar.13

            ----- Search in a sorted and rotated array                                - SS

  • 2016.Mar.14

            ----- Bubble Sort                                                         - SS
            ----- Insertion Sort                                                      - SS
            ----- Selection Sort                                                      - SS

  • 2016.Mar.15

            ----- Merge Sort                                                          - SS
            ----- Heap Sort                                                           - SS
            ----- Quick Sort                                                          - SS

  • 2016.Mar.16

            ----- Find Kth largest/smallest element in a sorted list                  - SS

  • 2016.Mar.17

            ----- Find the pair in a sorted array whose sum is closest to x           - SS
            ----- Sorted insert in a singly linked list                               - LL

  • 2016.Mar.18

            ----- Deleting a node in LL with certain constraints                      - LL

  • 2016.Mar.20

            ----- Comparing two strings represented as LL                             - LL

  • 2016.Mar.27

            ----- Add two numbers represented as LL                                   - LL

  • 2016.Mar.28

            ----- Merging two LLs alternatively                                       - LL

  • 2016.Mar.29

            ----- Reversing linked list in group of given size                        - LL
            ----- Union and intersection linked list of two LLs                       - LL

  • 2016.Mar.30

            ----- Detect and remove loop in a linked list                             - LL

  • 2016.Mar.31

            ----- Merge Sort on a linked list                                         - LL & SS

  • 2016.Aprl.02

            ----- Randomly select a node from a singly linked list                    - LL & SS

  • 2016.Aprl.03

            ----- Reservoir Sampling                                                  - Random

  • 2016.Aprl.04

            ----- BFT of a graph                                                      - GT
            ----- DFT of a graph                                                      - GT

  • 2016.Aprl.05

            ----- Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm                                  - GT

  • 2016.Aprl.06

            ----- Floyd Warshall's Shortest Paths for every pair of vertices          - GT

  • 2016.Aprl.07

            ----- Union-Find Algorithm - Cycle detection in an undirected graph       - GT

  • 2016.Aprl.08

            ----- Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)                                  - GT

  • 2016.Aprl.10

            ----- Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)                               - GT

  • 2016.Aprl.12

            ----- Topological Sort                                                    - GT

  • 2016.Aprl.14

            ----- The minimum depth of a binary tree                                  - T

  • 2016.Aprl.17

            ----- The maximum sum path of a binary tree                               - T

  • 2016.Aprl.18

            ----- Check whether a given array is a Pre-Order traveral of a BST        - T

  • 2016.Aprl.19

            ----- Check whether a binary tree is a full binary Tree                   - T

  • 2016.Aprl.20

            ----- Bottom View of a binary tree                                        - T

  • 2016.Aprl.24

            ----- Top View of a binary tree                                           - T

  • 2016.Aprl.25

            ----- Remove nodes on root to leaf paths of length < K                    - T

  • 2016.Aprl.26

            ----- Finding Lowest Common Anscestor two ways (recursive and iterative)  - T

  • 2016.Aprl.27

            ----- Check if a binary tree is subtree of another binary tree            - T

  • 2016.Aprl.30

            ----- Reverse alternate levels of a perfect binary tree                   - T

  • 2016.May.02

            ----- Reversing an array without affecting special characters             - Str

  • 2016.May.05

            ----- Find all possible parlindromic partitions of a string               - Str

  • 2016.May.08

            ----- Count triplets with sum smaller than a given value                  - Str

  • 2016.May.09

            ----- Convert array into Zig-Zag fashion in O(n)                          - Str

  • 2016.May.10

            ----- Generate all possible sorted arrays from two given sorted arrays    - Str

  • 2016.May.15

            ----- Binary Heap Revisit                                                 - T

  • 2016.May.16

            ----- Hashing Revisit                                                     - T

  • 2016.May.17

            ----- Huffman's Data Compression Revisit                                  - DC


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