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Node Box Editor

Use this editor to make nodeboxes for nodes in Minetest.

Version: 0.6.4

To do list and bug tracker is here:


Created by rubenwardy.

GPL 3.0 or later.


  • Kaeza: small linux based fixes, and the start of the CMAKELISTS.txt (now modified)
  • Traxie21: small changed textures for node.
  • jmf: Fixed small compile bug fixes.
  • ShadowNinja: Unlimited node boxes, code style, refactoring and small fixes.


# download source and go to the root folder
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libirrlicht-dev cmake libpng12-dev libbz2-dev libjpeg8-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
$ cmake .
# replace 2 with the number of cores you have + 1
$ make -j2

# to run
# or double click the file

Using the editor

What actions you can take are limited by which mode / tool you are in.


  • Use WASD to move the perspective view.
  • Use the options under view to pick which viewport to show.
  • Use the mode icon on the top left of the screen to change modes / tools.
    • Click the icon to pop out a list of modes / tools.
    • Click an icon to select the corresponding mode.
  • Press N to enter the node tool.
  • Press B to enter the node box tool.


  • File
    • Open Project - discard the current project and open a new one.
    • Save Project - save the current project.
    • Export - export the project to Lua, or other formats supported.
    • Exit - exit the editor.
  • Editor
    • Limiting - toggle whether node boxes can go outside of node boundaries.
    • Snapping - toggle whether node boxes will snap to a 16 pixel grid.
  • View - use these options to change the viewport (tiled, or make a viewport fullscreen).
  • Project - options unique to an tool.
  • Help
    • About - see program's version, and credits.

Node Box Tool

In this mode / tool, you can edit the contents of a node. Icon: A blue cube with a chunk taken out of it.

  • Click + on the sidebar to add a node box. (or press insert)
  • Click an item in the listbox to select a node box. (or press up/down)
  • Click - on the sidebar to remove the selected node box. (or press delete)
  • Size the node box using the handles in the orthographic viewports.
  • Scale the node box by pressing control, and using the handles in the orthographic viewports.
  • Position the node box by pressing shift, and using the handles in the orthographic viewports.
  • Enter properties for a node box in the text boxes on the side bar.
    • Click update to apply your changes.
    • Click revert to discard your changes, and get the current properties.

Node Tool

In this mode / tool, you can create multiple nodes and manage them. Icon: A yellow cube.

  • Click + on the sidebar to add a node. (or press insert)
  • Click an item in the listbox to select a node. (or press up/down)
  • Click - on the sidebar to remove the selected node. (or press delete)

Saving and Exporting

The editor can currently save and export to several formats.

  • Node Box Editor file (nbe) - The file unique to this editor. General save / open format.
  • Lua file (lua) - Exports code which could be installed as a mod. Use when you want to run in Minetest.
  • Minetest Classic (cpp) - Exports code to be used in Minetest Classic. Use when you want to run in Minetest Classic.


An editor for the Minetest Lua Api






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