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Time Travel Shell

Project for CS 111 - Operating system, which aims to create a shell that is capable of running multiple non-dependent commands in parallel. We determine dependency based on the input files and output files to a command by comparing their file names. In addition, we consider all parameters to a command as input files even if they are not, so echo hello will consider this command as having "hello" as an input file name.

Ex: 1. sleep 2 && echo hello > a 2. cat < a

In this example we can see that the second command is dependent on the first
command because the second command takes as input a file that the first
command outputs and therefore cannot be run in parallel.

Ex: 1. sleep 2 && echo world 2. echo hello

In this example there are no dependencies between the two and therefore when
run in parallel these commands should output hello world

Commands: ./timetrash - will allow you to run shell commands normally ./timetrash [-p] - will allow you to print out a tree of the commands to be run ./timetrash [-t] - wil allow you to run shell comands in parallel


Time Travel Shell






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