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Copyright (C) 2015 Łukasz Czerwiński


Implementation of some programmic puzzles



C++11 boost xml2 openssl lua gsl

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List of puzzles

1. echo.server/echo.client
Implement simple echo server and text line based client to work with server.

[console 1] $ ./echo.server

[console 2] $ ./echo.client test
[console 2] $ server echo: test

2. xml/xpath.cpp
Implement a program to print nodes from xml matching a given XPath.

$ ./xpath xpath.xml "/doc/name/@first"

3. get.request.cpp
Implement a program to download a website content. Use get request to perform it. Take care about at least a simple authorization on a proxy server.

$ ./get.request LICENSE_1_0.txt proxy_server proxy_port \
  $(echo -n "my_login:my_password" | base64)

4. base64.encode.cpp
Implement a program to do base64 encoding.

$ ./base64.encode "Hello World"

5. base64.decode.cpp
Implement a program to do base64 decoding.

$ ./base64.decode SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ
Hello World

6. bind.cpp
What is boost::apply? What is boost::protect? Write a short program to demonstrate usage of each of them.

7. ssl/sign.verify.cpp
Write a program to sign/verify a message with a RSA key.

$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.key 1024

$ openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout >

$ echo "C++" | openssl dgst -sha1 -sign private.key -out signature

$ echo "C++" | openssl dgst -sha1 -verify -signature signature
Verified OK

$ echo "C--" | openssl dgst -sha1 -verify -signature signature
Verification Failure

8. barrier.cpp
Implement a barrier synchronization method.

From Wikipedia, a barrier for a group of threads or processes in the source code is a point where any thread/process must stop and cannot proceed until all other threads/processes reach this point.

9. scope_exit.cpp
Implement a scope quard class.

From open-std, a scope_exit is a generic RAII wrapper class which ties zero or one resource to a clean-up/completion routine which is bound by scope, ensuring execution at scope exit.

  FILE * file = open( "filename.txt", "r" );
  auto fileGuard = make_scope_exit(
    [ & file ](){ close( file ); }

10. buffer.cpp
Implement a thread safe queue with a limited capacity. A thread trying to put an item to the full queue should be blocked and as well as a thread trying to get an item from the empty queue.

11. exec.cpp
Implement a function to execute a shell command and capture its output. Consider a case of long running process.

12. bloom.cpp
Implement a Bloom filter.

From Wikipedia, a Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure with false positive matches possible but false negatives not.

13. bond.cpp
Implement a function to calculate a price for a bond.

$ ./bond 2015/12/31 100 0.08 0.08 2014/12/31
  PV( F ): 92.5926
  PV( Coupon ): 7.40741
P: 100

14. par.cpp
Implement a function to execute shell commands in parallel. As an example follow GNU parallel.

$ echo {1..10} > 1-10-file
$ sed -i 's/ /\n/g' 1-10-file
$ cat 1-10-file | ./par echo
140556950165248: 1
140556941772544: 2
140556950165248: 3
140556941772544: 4
140556950165248: 5
140556941772544: 6
140556950165248: 7
140556941772544: 8
140556941772544: 10
140556950165248: 9

15. ls.cpp
Implement a program to print a content of a given directory.

$ ./ls .
F "./get.request.cpp"
F "./par.cpp"
F "./barrier.cpp"
F "./ls.cpp"
F "./scope_exit.cpp"

16. grep.cpp
Implement a program to find a text matching a regular expression in a standard input.

$ cat grep.cpp | ./grep ".*line.*"
    std::string line;
        while( std::getline( std::cin, line ) )
            if( std::regex_match( line, std::regex( argv[1] ) ) )
                std::cout << line << std::endl;

17. timer.cpp
Implement a function to measure an execution time of a some piece of code.

$ ./timer

18. output.cpp
Implement an output operator (operator<<) for basic containers like std::array, std::vector, std::list...

19. union_cast.cpp
Implement union_cast.

20. literal.cpp
Implement used defined literal bin to convert a string of zeros and ones "1010101" into a decimal integer value.

assert( 561 == "1000110001"_bin );
assert( 561 == 1000110001_bin );

21. matrix.mul.perf.cpp
Implement a performance test for matrix multiplication. Consider all possibilities with loop nesting.

$ ./matrix.mul.perf
nmp: 743355µs
npm: 1925037µs
mnp: 721955µs
mpn: 793389µs
pnm: 1738803µs
pmn: 962802µs

22. visitor.cpp
Implement an example of the visitor design pattern.

From Wikipedia the visitor design pattern is a way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates.

23. ahoCorasick.cpp
Implement the Aho-Corasick algorithm.

From Wikipedia, the Aho-Corasick algorithm can be used to locate elements of a finite set of strings (the "dictionary") within an input text.

$ ./ahoCorasick ahoCorasick.dct ahoCorasick.cpp
>     auto const print = []( size_t const pos, std::string const & word ){
>     auto
>          const
>                  int
>                                   const
>                                                          const
>                                                                   or

24. gzip.cpp
Implement a function to pack/unpack text using compression algorithm.

25. levenstein.cpp
Implement a Levenstein distance function.

From Wikipedia, the Levenstein distance is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits (i.e. insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other.

26. shared
Implement a shared (.so) library.

27. convertBase.cpp
Implement a function to convert number between different numeric bases.

assert( convertBase( "101010", 2, 8 ) == "52" );
assert( convertBase( "52", 8, 10 ) == "42" );
assert( convertBase( "42", 10, 16 ) == "2A" );
assert( convertBase( "2A", 16, 2 ) == "101010" );

28. kmp.cpp
Implement a Knuth-Morris-Pratt text searching algorithm.

From Wikipedia, the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm searches ofr occurences od a "word" W within a main "text string" S by employing the observation that when a mismatch occurs, the word itself embodies sufficient information to determine where the next match could begin, thus bypassing re-examination of previously matched characters.

$ ./kmp 5 3.14159265359
5 9 11

29. jni
Implement a simple Java class and then call its code from C++ application. Use JNI for it.

From Wikipedia Java Native Interface (JNI) is a programming framework that enables Java code running in a Java Virtual Machine to call and be called by native applications and libraries written in other languages such as C, C++ and assembly.

30. xml/xml.cpp
Implement a program to parse an xml document. Can you use only boost for it?

31. json.cpp
Implement a program to parse a json document. Can you use only boost for it?

32. rotate.cpp
Implement 'rotate' function.

From cppreference std::rotate performs a left rotation on a range of elements.

33. allocator.cpp
Implement a simple allocator. Follow std::allocator as an example.

34. const_expr.cpp
Can you calculate trigonometric functions like 'sin', 'cos'... during a compilation time?

35. void_t.cpp
What is a void_t and how it can be useful?

36. pi.cpp
Estimate PI number using Monte-Carlo method.

From Wikipedia Monte-Carlo method is a computational algorithm that relies on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results.

37. lua
Implement a simple Lua function and then call it from C++ code.

38. linear.regression.cpp
Implement a function to calcuate linear regression using least squares approach.

From Wikipedia linear regression is an approach for modelling the relationship between a scalar dependent variable Y and one or more explanatory variables (or independent variables) denoted X.

39. getContainerType.cpp
Can you get a container type from its iterator?

    std::vector< int >::iterator vectorIterator;

            decltype( getContainerType( vectorIterator ) ) ),
            std::vector< int >

40. getCounters.cpp
Implement a function to count a distrubution of data.

41. bayes.cpp
Implement a simple program for ham/spam messages classification. Use naive Bayes approach.

From Wikipedia, naive Bayes classifiers are a family of simple probabilistic classifiers based on applying Bayes theorem with strong (naive) independence assumptions between the features.

42. mandelbrot.cpp
Implement a program to print ASCII art of Mandelbrot set fractal.

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43. quickSort.cpp
Implement the quick sort algorithm. Can you use any standard library function to do it?

44. in.cpp
Implement in operator in C++. Follow the idea of named-operators.

assert(    1 <in> std::vector< int >{ 1 } );
assert( !( 2 <in> std::vector< int >{ 1 } ) );

45. hanoi.cpp
Implement a program to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem.

$ ./hanoi 3
Move from 1 to 2
Move from 1 to 3
Move from 2 to 3
Move from 1 to 2
Move from 3 to 1
Move from 3 to 2
Move from 1 to 2

46. gsl/interpolation.cpp
Implement a program to interpolate a set of points with a polynomial function. Can you use boost::ublas for it? Can you use GNU Scientific Library for it?

47. gsl/mean.cpp
Implement a function to calculate a mean value from a collection.

48. gsl/variance.cpp
Implement a function to calculate a variance. From Wikipedia variance is a measure how far a values are spread out.

49. standardDeviation.cpp
Implement a function to calculate a standard deviation. From Wikipedia, standard deviation indicates how the data values tend to be close to the mean.

50. gsl/correlation.cpp
Implement a function to calculate a correlation between two collections.

51. exponentialSmoothing.cpp
Implement a function to do exponential smoothing. Use Brown's simple exponential smoothing.

52. integration.cpp
Implement a set of functions to calculate numerical integration for a function f(x) in range (a,b).

53. lu.cpp
Implement a function to make a LU decomposition of a matrix. From Wikipedia LU decomposition factors a matrix A into a product A=LU of a lower triangular matrix L and an upper trianguar matrix U.

54. ode.cpp
Implement a function to solve a first order ordinary differential equation numerically with Euler's and Runge-Kutta methods.

55. gsl/covariance.cpp
Implement a function to calculate a covariance between two collections.

56. matrix.cpp
Implement a simple matrix class. Provide a basic functionality for it.

57. blackScholes.cpp
Calculate an option price for a given time and underlying stock price. Use Black-Scholes method for it.

58. boxMuller.cpp
Implement the Box-Muller algorithm.

From Wikipedia, the Box-Muller algorithm can transform uniformly distributed random numbers into standard, normally distributed N(0, 1) (expected value 0, standard deviation 1) random numbers.

58. logNormal.cpp
Implement a program to demonstrate a log normal distribution.

59. floatFormatter.cpp
Implement a function to display a float number in a fixed number of characters.

assert(FloatFormatter(0.0000001234, 6).toString() == " 1e-07");
assert(FloatFormatter(0.0000001234, 7).toString() == "1.2e-07");
assert(FloatFormatter(0.0000001234, 8).toString() == "1.23e-07");
assert(FloatFormatter(0.0000001234, 9).toString() == "0.0000001");

60. brownianMotion.cpp
Implement a program to calculate simple Brownian motion, Brownian motion with drift, and geometric Brownian motion.

61. ssl/https.cpp
Implement a function to make secure connection with https server. Use can use Bing Web Search API as a use case.

62. countBits.cpp
Implement a program to count 1 bits in a number. Can you use constexpr to do it?

63. reverseWords.cpp
Implement a program to reverse words in a given sentence.

64. rotateMatrix.cpp
Implement a program to rotate inplace matrix to right by 90 degrees

1 2 3    7 4 1
4 5 6 -> 8 5 2
7 8 9    9 6 3

65. generateAllSubsets.cpp
For a given set of numbers generate all possible subsets.

66. parenthesis.cpp
Implement a program to generate all strings correctly matched n pairs of parenthesis, eg.:

3: , , (), ()(), ()()(), ()(()), (()), (())(), (()()), ((()))

67. longestIncreasingSubsequence.cpp
Implement a program to find a longest increasing subsequence in a given sequence, eg.:

lis( {1, 9, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4} ) == { 1, 2, 3, 4 } )

68. typeErasure.cpp
Implement a program representing the type erasure idiom.

From Wikibooks type erasure is a mechanism to provide a type-neutral container that interfaces a variety of concrete types. An example can be an implementation of boost::any and also a way how does arbitrary deleter type can be used in std::shared_ptr.

69. dijkstra.cpp
Implement Dijkstra algorithm.

70. bellmanFord.cpp
Implement Bellman-Ford algorithm.

71. floydWarshall.cpp
Implement Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

72. treeClassification.cpp
Check if a tree is a full tree or a complete tree. A full tree is a tree in which every node other than the leaves has two children. A complete tree is a tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible.

73. matrixChainMultiplication.cpp
From Wikipedia matrix chain multiplication is an optimization problem that for given sequence of matrices, the goal is to find the most efficient way to multiply these matrices.

74. circular_buffer.cpp
Implement a circular buffer.

75. print_tuple.cpp
Implement a function to print a tuple content.

76. layout.cpp
Find struct/class layout for the most common cases.

77. member_offset.cpp
Implement a function to calculate struct/class member offert.

78. tuple.cpp
Implement a simple tuple class. Provide get operator.

79. crtp.cpp
Implement a CRTP pattern example. From Wikipedia the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern is a C++ idiom to express static polymorphism. More formally is it known as F-bound polymorphism.

80. apply.cpp
Implement a utility funtion to call another function with a tuple exploded to it as parameters.

void f(int, float, char){ /* ... */ }
apply(f, std::make_tuple(1, 2.2, '3'));

81. insmod.cpp
Implement a Linux kernel module.

82. asm/functionCall.cpp
Implement a program calling jast a simple function. Generate an assembly code to see how does it work on low level.

83. asm/plt.cpp
Implement a simple program to demonstrate usage of plt table (procedural linkage table).

84. asm/atomic.cpp
Implement a simple program using std::atomic. Generate an assembly code to how does std::atomic differ from int.

85. heap
Implement a heap data structure.

86. gcd.cpp
Implement a function to calculate the greatest common divisor.

87. modexp.cpp
Implement a function to calculate quickly exponential function with modulo operation.

88. isPrime.cpp
Implement a function to verify using Fermat theorem if a given number is a prime number.

89. ackermann.cpp
Implement the Ackermann function.

90. rhoPollard.cpp
Implement the Pollard's rho algorithm. From Wikipedia Pollard's rho algorithm is a integer factorization algorithm.

91. laplaceSmoothing.cpp
Implement a function to perform Laplace smoothing. From Wikipedia Laplace smoothing, also known as additive smothing (not to be confused with Laplacian smoothing) is a technique used to smooth categorical data.

92. rSquared.cpp
Implement a function to calculate r squared score. From Wikipedia R squared, also known as coefficient of determination is the proportion of the varince in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable(s).

93. jaccardIndex.cpp
From Wikipedia Jaccard index is used for comparing the similarity and diversity of sample sets.

94. scaling.cpp
Implement functions for mean scaling and standard scaling. From Wikipedia scaling is a method used to standardize the range of independent variables of features of data.

95. find.root.cpp
Implement a program to find the root of a function. Use bisection and Netwon's methods.

96. gsl/pca.cpp
Implement Principal Component Analysis using gsl library. From Wikipedia principal component analysis is a procedure to transform a given data set X of dimension p to an alternative data set Y of smaller dimension p'.

97. entropy.cpp
Implement a program to calculate a sequence's entropy.

98. fold.cpp
Implement the fold function using variadic templates.

99. gsl/page_rank.cpp
Implement the Page Rank algorithm using eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

100. differentiation.cpp
Implement functions to calcutate a differentiate of a function.

101. fdm.cpp
Implement a program demonstrating a Finite Difference Method to calculate differential equation.

102. cholesky.cpp
Implement Cholesky matrix decomposition. From Wikipedia Cholesky decomposition of positive-definte matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix L and its conjugate transpose L' A=LL'.

103. gramSchmidt.cpp
Implement a function to orthonormalise a set of vectors. Use Gram-Schmidt algorithm to do it.

104. qr.cpp
Implement a function to do a QR decomposition of a matrix. From Wikipedia QR decomposition is a decomposition of a matrix A into a product A=QR of an orthogonal matrix Q and an upper triangular matrix R.

105. interpolation.cpp
Implement a function to interpolate a given set of points with a polynomial. Use Newton's divided difference method.

106. find_union.cpp
Implement a find-union algorithm.

107. functional.cpp
Implement higher-order functions like fold, map, reduce, filter...

108. copy_move.cpp
Compare calling function with by value, by ref, by ref ref argument passing and returning.

109. async.cpp
Implement a min max function using std:async.

110. mapUtils.cpp
Implement a collection of function to work with std::map like: groupBy, keys, values...

111. trie.cpp
Implement TRIE data structure.

112. isDuplicate.cpp
Implement a function to check if there is a duplicate in a container of strings.

$ ./isDuplicate 

113. co_await.cpp, co_iter.cpp, co_transform.cpp, co_yield.cpp
Implement short examples presenting coroutine usages.

114. partition.cpp
Implement partition and stable_partition algorithms.


Implementation of some programmic puzzles







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