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============================================ #Introduction

This is Cubica++, a toolkit for efficient finite element simulations of articulated deformable bodies containing both geometric and material non-linearities. In addition to providing the core features of Cubica (, it implements the methods described in the papers

Simulating articulated subspace self-contact.

Yun Teng, Miguel A. Otaduy, and Theodore Kim. SIGGRAPH 2014

Subspace Condensation: Full Space Adaptivity for Subspace Deformations

Yun Teng, Mark Meyer, Tony DeRose, and Theodore Kim. SIGGRAPH 2015

Various versions of this code were used to generate the examples in those papers.

============================================ #Third-party libraries

To minimize the effort to compile the code, aLl necessary third-party libraries are included in this release.

Cubica++ uses Eigen ( for the linear algebra routines. I did a slight in Eigen/src/SparseCore/SparseUtil.h: the following three lines were added in the Triplet class:

Index& row() { return m_row; } Index& col() { return m_col; } Scalar& value() { return m_value; }

Other third party libraries include: dtgrid(, for generating as well as looking up narrow-banded signed distance field (SDF). deformCD(, for BVH triangle-triangle collision. glvu(, for OpenGL navigation, etc. All calls to GLVU are restricted to include/util/VIEWER.h and include/util/VIEWER.inl so you can easily swap to your own favoriate OpenGL navigator.

============================================ #Compiling the code

We've successfully built this code on Mac OSX 10.9 and 10.10 as well as Ubuntu 12.04. Different compiler flags are provided under the projects directory. Replace with one of the following:,, The osx.openmp one uses OpenMP/Clang ( which I recall took some effort to install. If you don't want to bother with getting OpenMP to work, simply set USING_OPENMP and USING_SUBSPACE_OPENMP to 0 in include/SETTINGS.h.

Once all the necessary changes are made in, call make from the cubica++ directory. It will recurse down into the projects directories and build all the necessary binaries. The binaries will be deposited in the bin directory.

The script executes the entire workflow on the hand example, including full space simulation training, basis generation, cubature training and subspace condensation simulation.

============================================ #Usage:

All binaries uses our customized config file. Please see the config direcotry for a few examples. Specifically, chand.fullsim.%d.cfg are for full space simulation, trains the subspace and is for simulation with subspace condensation.

From cubica++ directory, execute the following commands:

./bin/ConvertTetGen ./cfg/chand.fullsim.0.cfg This call converts TetGen mesh to cubica++ format. You need to have an [tet mesh name].ele and [tet mesh name].node file in the "output" directory.

./bin/RigMesh ./cfg/chand.fullsim.0.cfg This call first constrains the tets that are penetrated by the skeleton and writes out a new constrained mesh. Then it reloads the contrained mesh and computes the volume diffusion skinning weights.

./ This calls ./bin/FullSim on 8 chand.fullsim config files. Each config file points to an individual joint exerciese sequence, thumb, index, etc.. Self-collision detection are enabled. The mesh deformation and self-collision vertices as well as collision responses are saved to data path. This stage takes about 1 hour to finish. You can run config file 0-6 in parallel to accelerate the process. chand.fullsim.7.config requires starting from frame 148 which is computed in chand.fullsim.6.config.

./bin/TransformDisplacements ./cfg/ This transforms the world-space displacement vectors to before-skinning displacements. They are used to compute the skinning-correction basis. You can skip this step if you want to use a single-domain, direct PCA basis. Currently we only support the skinning-correction basis for multi-domain subspace simulation and subspace condensation simualtion. The results are saved in the data path.

./bin/ComputeBasis ./cfg/ This call compute the subspace basis from the full space training data. There are 3 parameters for computing the basis in the config file:

"partitioned basis": If 0, compute one basis for the entire mesh; If 1, compute a basis for each skeletal domain. The partitioning is done by assigning each vertex to the bone with maximum skinning weight.

"transformed basis": If 0, use the originals displacements for computing the basis; If 1, use the before-skinning displacement. As mentioned above, if you turn on "partitioned basis", "transformed basis" will be automatically set to 1 and an error message is emitted if TransformDisplacements hasn't been called yet.

"pca variance": The amount of variance you want to perserve when truncating the basis.

./bin/PartitionedInternalForceCubature ./cfg/ This trains the material force cubatures for each skeletal domain. The single-domain version is InternalForceCubature.

./bin/SCFCubature ./cfg/ This call trains the self-collision cubatures so that collisions already seen during the training can be quickly detected and resolved in subspace simulation.

./bin/PartitionedHybridSim ./cfg/ This conducts subspace-condensation simulation on the hand calisthenic sequence, as in the SIGGRAPH 2015 video.

============================================ #Documentation

The purpose of the current code release is to provide a working implementation of the techniques from the above papers. While every effort has been made to make the code readable, it is still primarily a research prototype, and time constraints preclude its full documentation. Cubica++ follows the same coding standard as Cubica ( and the code are well-organized into subdirectories based on their functionalities. Any of the main functions in the projects serves as a good entrance point to understand the code. Timers (include/util/TIMING_BREAKDOWN.h) are inserted throughout the code for profiling and most of the time the string inside TIMING_BREAKDOWN::toc("...") explains what the chunk between tic() and toc() is doing.


Source code for subspace deformable body simulation






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